Code upgrade in Vuejs - vuejs2

I have below code in vue.js method.
if(element == 'name'){
var address_data = {
name :
I would like to replace name using element like below
if(element == 'name'){
var address_data = {
element : this.element
How can I do it ?

EZ PZ like this:
if (element == 'name') {
var address_data = { element }
If element is a variable holding the name of the property in address_data which you want to set, and also the name of the property on this, go like this:
if (element == 'name') {
var address_data = {}
address_data[element] = this[element]


How to extend this function. The task is getLinkedPages must be created and return content depending on the parameter

How to extend this function. The task is getLinkedPages must be created and return content depending on the parameter.
* Get the contents as a sorted collection tree.
public function getTree(bool $showDrafts = false, bool $renderPages = false, bool $renderLinkedPages = false): Collection
$pages = $this->getPages($showDrafts, $renderPages);
$chapters = Chapter::visible()->where('book_id', '=', $this->book->id)->get();
$all = collect()->concat($pages)->concat($chapters);
$chapterMap = $chapters->keyBy('id');
$lonePages = collect();
$pages->groupBy('chapter_id')->each(function ($pages, $chapter_id) use ($chapterMap, &$lonePages) {
$chapter = $chapterMap->get($chapter_id);
if ($chapter) {
$chapter->setAttribute('visible_pages', collect($pages)->sortBy($this->bookChildSortFunc()));[enter image description here][1]
} else {
$lonePages = $lonePages->concat($pages);
$chapters->whereNull('visible_pages')->each(function (Chapter $chapter) {
$chapter->setAttribute('visible_pages', collect([]));
$all->each(function (Entity $entity) use ($renderPages) {
$entity->setRelation('book', $this->book);
if ($renderPages && $entity instanceof Page) {
$entity->html = (new PageContent($entity))->render();
return collect($chapters)->concat($lonePages)->sortBy($this->bookChildSortFunc());

Swashbuckle Swagger - Pulling information from Attributes and putting it into the Schema definition

I am trying to have pull the DisplayAttribute and the DescriptionAttribute from parts of the Swagger Model. For example I may have a Body Parameter which has properties with attributes, which I would also want to be generated in the swagger.json and visible in SwaggerUI.
So far I think the approach that should work would be using a custom filter with swashbuckle. I got a proof of concept using the IParameterFilter which displays the description attribute, not sure if another filter would be better.
Finding the key for the schemaRegistry fails for some types, like list.
Need to get the key for the parameter to be generated the same as swagger.
Might need recursion to loop through child properties that contain complex objects.
public class SwaggerParameterFilter : IParameterFilter
private SchemaRegistrySettings _settings;
private SchemaIdManager _schemaIdManager;
public SwaggerParameterFilter(SchemaRegistrySettings settings = null)
this._settings = settings ?? new SchemaRegistrySettings();
this._schemaIdManager = new SchemaIdManager(this._settings.SchemaIdSelector);
public void Apply(IParameter parameter, ParameterFilterContext context)
if (context.ApiParameterDescription?.ModelMetadata?.Properties == null) return;
if (parameter is BodyParameter bodyParameter)
string idFor = _schemaIdManager.IdFor(context.ApiParameterDescription.Type);
var schemaRegistry = (SchemaRegistry)context.SchemaRegistry;
//not perfect, crashes with some cases
var schema = schemaRegistry.Definitions[idFor];
//bodyParameter.Schema, this doesn't seem right, no properties
foreach (var modelMetadata in context.ApiParameterDescription.ModelMetadata.Properties)
if (modelMetadata is DefaultModelMetadata defaultModelMetadata)
//not sure right now how to get the right key for the schema.Properties...
var name = defaultModelMetadata.Name;
name = Char.ToLowerInvariant(name[0]) + name.Substring(1);
if (schema.Properties.ContainsKey(name))
var subSchema = schema.Properties[name];
var attributes = defaultModelMetadata.Attributes.Attributes.Select(x => (Attribute)x);
var descriptionAttribute = (DescriptionAttribute)attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x is DescriptionAttribute);
if (descriptionAttribute != null)
subSchema.Description = descriptionAttribute.Description;
catch (Exception e)
//eat because above is broken
Edit add looping.
public class SwaggerParameterFilter : IParameterFilter
private SchemaRegistrySettings _settings;
private SchemaIdManager _schemaIdManager;
public SwaggerParameterFilter(SchemaRegistrySettings settings = null)
this._settings = settings ?? new SchemaRegistrySettings();
this._schemaIdManager = new SchemaIdManager(this._settings.SchemaIdSelector);
public void Apply(IParameter parameter, ParameterFilterContext context)
if (context.ApiParameterDescription?.ModelMetadata?.Properties == null) return;
//Only BodyParameters are complex and stored in the schema
if (parameter is BodyParameter bodyParameter)
var idFor = _schemaIdManager.IdFor(context.ApiParameterDescription.Type);
//not perfect, crashes with some cases
var schema = context.SchemaRegistry.Definitions[idFor];
UpdateSchema(schema, (SchemaRegistry) context.SchemaRegistry, context.ApiParameterDescription.ModelMetadata);
catch (Exception e)
//eat because above is broken
private void UpdateSchema(Schema schema, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, ModelMetadata modelMetadata)
if (schema.Ref != null)
var schemaReference = schema.Ref.Replace("#/definitions/", "");
UpdateSchema(schemaRegistry.Definitions[schemaReference], schemaRegistry, modelMetadata);
if (schema.Properties == null) return;
foreach (var properties in modelMetadata.Properties)
if (properties is DefaultModelMetadata defaultModelMetadata)
//not sure right now how to get the right key for the schema.Properties...
var name = defaultModelMetadata.Name;
name = Char.ToLowerInvariant(name[0]) + name.Substring(1);
if (schema.Properties.ContainsKey(name) == false) return;
var subSchema = schema.Properties[name];
var attributes = defaultModelMetadata.Attributes.Attributes.Select(x => (Attribute) x).ToList();
var descriptionAttribute =
(DescriptionAttribute) attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x is DescriptionAttribute);
if (descriptionAttribute != null)
subSchema.Description = descriptionAttribute.Description;
var displayAttribute = (DisplayAttribute) attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x is DisplayAttribute);
if (displayAttribute != null)
subSchema.Title = displayAttribute.Name;
if (modelMetadata.ModelType.IsPrimitive) return;
UpdateSchema(subSchema, schemaRegistry, defaultModelMetadata);
Operation Filter
public class SwaggerOperationFilter : IOperationFilter
private SchemaRegistrySettings _settings;
private SchemaIdManager _schemaIdManager;
private IModelMetadataProvider _metadataProvider;
public SwaggerOperationFilter(IModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider, SchemaRegistrySettings settings = null)
this._metadataProvider = metadataProvider;
this._settings = settings ?? new SchemaRegistrySettings();
this._schemaIdManager = new SchemaIdManager(this._settings.SchemaIdSelector);
public void Apply(Operation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
foreach (var paramDescription in context.ApiDescription.ParameterDescriptions)
if (paramDescription?.ModelMetadata?.Properties == null)
if (paramDescription.ModelMetadata.ModelType.IsPrimitive)
if (paramDescription.ModelMetadata.ModelType == typeof(string))
var idFor = _schemaIdManager.IdFor(paramDescription.Type);
var schema = context.SchemaRegistry.Definitions[idFor];
UpdateSchema(schema, (SchemaRegistry)context.SchemaRegistry, paramDescription.ModelMetadata);
catch (Exception e)
//eat because above is broken
private void UpdateSchema(Schema schema, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, ModelMetadata modelMetadata)
if (schema.Ref != null)
var schemaReference = schema.Ref.Replace("#/definitions/", "");
UpdateSchema(schemaRegistry.Definitions[schemaReference], schemaRegistry, modelMetadata);
if (schema.Type == "array")
if (schema.Items.Ref != null)
var schemaReference = schema.Items.Ref.Replace("#/definitions/", "");
var modelTypeGenericTypeArgument = modelMetadata.ModelType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
modelMetadata = _metadataProvider.GetMetadataForType(modelTypeGenericTypeArgument);
UpdateSchema(schemaRegistry.Definitions[schemaReference], schemaRegistry, modelMetadata);
if (schema.Properties == null) return;
foreach (var properties in modelMetadata.Properties)
if (properties is DefaultModelMetadata defaultModelMetadata)
//not sure right now how to get the right key for the schema.Properties...
var name = defaultModelMetadata.Name;
name = Char.ToLowerInvariant(name[0]) + name.Substring(1);
if (schema.Properties.ContainsKey(name) == false) return;
var subSchema = schema.Properties[name];
var attributes = defaultModelMetadata.Attributes.Attributes.Select(x => (Attribute)x).ToList();
var descriptionAttribute =
(DescriptionAttribute)attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x is DescriptionAttribute);
if (descriptionAttribute != null)
subSchema.Description = descriptionAttribute.Description;
var displayAttribute = (DisplayAttribute)attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x is DisplayAttribute);
if (displayAttribute != null)
subSchema.Title = displayAttribute.Name;
if (defaultModelMetadata.ModelType.IsPrimitive) return;
UpdateSchema(subSchema, schemaRegistry, defaultModelMetadata);
So after some troubleshooting this seems to work for me but may need modification for other cases.
public class SwashbuckleAttributeReaderDocumentFilter : IDocumentFilter
private readonly SchemaIdManager _schemaIdManager;
private readonly IModelMetadataProvider _metadataProvider;
private List<string> _updatedSchemeList;
public SwashbuckleAttributeReaderDocumentFilter(IModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider, SchemaRegistrySettings settings = null)
_metadataProvider = metadataProvider;
var registrySettings = settings ?? new SchemaRegistrySettings();
_schemaIdManager = new SchemaIdManager(registrySettings.SchemaIdSelector);
public void Apply(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
_updatedSchemeList = new List<string>();
foreach (var apiDescription in context.ApiDescriptions)
foreach (var responseTypes in apiDescription.SupportedResponseTypes)
ProcessModelMetadata(context, responseTypes.ModelMetadata);
foreach (var paramDescription in apiDescription.ParameterDescriptions)
ProcessModelMetadata(context, paramDescription.ModelMetadata);
private void ProcessModelMetadata(DocumentFilterContext context, ModelMetadata currentModelMetadata)
if (currentModelMetadata?.Properties == null)
if (currentModelMetadata.ModelType.IsValueType)
if (currentModelMetadata.ModelType == typeof(string))
if (currentModelMetadata.ModelType.IsGenericType)
foreach (var modelType in currentModelMetadata.ModelType.GenericTypeArguments)
var modelMetadata = _metadataProvider.GetMetadataForType(modelType);
UpdateSchema(context.SchemaRegistry, modelMetadata);
else if (currentModelMetadata.IsCollectionType)
var modelType = currentModelMetadata.ModelType.GetElementType();
var modelMetadata = _metadataProvider.GetMetadataForType(modelType);
UpdateSchema(context.SchemaRegistry, modelMetadata);
UpdateSchema(context.SchemaRegistry, currentModelMetadata);
public static void SetSchema(Schema schema, ModelMetadata modelMetadata)
if (!(modelMetadata is DefaultModelMetadata metadata)) return;
var attributes = GetAtributes(metadata);
SetDescription(attributes, schema);
SetTitle(attributes, schema);
private static List<Attribute> GetAtributes(DefaultModelMetadata modelMetadata)
return modelMetadata.Attributes.Attributes.Select(x => (Attribute)x).ToList();
private static void SetTitle(List<Attribute> attributes, Schema schema)
//LastOrDefault because we want the attribute from the dervived class.
var displayAttribute = (DisplayNameAttribute)attributes.LastOrDefault(x => x is DisplayNameAttribute);
if (displayAttribute != null)
schema.Title = displayAttribute.DisplayName;
private static void SetDescription(List<Attribute> attributes, Schema schema)
//LastOrDefault because we want the attribute from the dervived class. not sure if this works.
var descriptionAttribute = (DescriptionAttribute)attributes.LastOrDefault(x => x is DescriptionAttribute);
if (descriptionAttribute != null)
schema.Description = descriptionAttribute.Description;
private void UpdateSchema(ISchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, ModelMetadata modelMetadata, Schema schema = null)
if (modelMetadata.ModelType.IsValueType) return;
if (modelMetadata.ModelType == typeof(string)) return;
var idFor = _schemaIdManager.IdFor(modelMetadata.ModelType);
if (_updatedSchemeList.Contains(idFor))
if (schema == null || schema.Ref != null)
if (schemaRegistry.Definitions.ContainsKey(idFor) == false) return;
schema = schemaRegistry.Definitions[idFor];
SetSchema(schema, modelMetadata);
if (schema.Type == "array")//Array Schema
var metaData = _metadataProvider.GetMetadataForType(modelMetadata.ModelType.GenericTypeArguments[0]);
UpdateSchema(schemaRegistry, metaData);
else//object schema
if (schema.Properties == null)
foreach (var properties in modelMetadata.Properties)
if (!(properties is DefaultModelMetadata defaultModelMetadata))
var name = ToLowerCamelCase(defaultModelMetadata.Name);
if (schema.Properties.ContainsKey(name) == false)
//when this doesn't match the json object naming.
var subSchema = schema.Properties[name];
SetSchema(subSchema, defaultModelMetadata);
UpdateSchema(schemaRegistry, defaultModelMetadata, subSchema);
private static string ToLowerCamelCase(string inputString)
if (inputString == null) return null;
if (inputString == string.Empty) return string.Empty;
if (char.IsLower(inputString[0])) return inputString;
return inputString.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + inputString.Substring(1);

XPages goto nextEntry in While loop

I get documents from view. I would like to goto directly to a line just like "GOTO" command in Lotusscript;
is it possible with JavaScript?
var vec:NotesViewEntryCollection = database.getView("viewName").getAllEntries();
var entry:NotesViewEntry = vec.getLastEntry();
while (entry != null)
var subject:string = entry.getDocument().getItemValueString("subject");
if (subject=="Title1")
goto prevEntry;
if (subject=="Title2")
goto prevEntry;
if (subject=="Title3")
//do something here...;
var tmpentry:NotesViewEntry = vec.getPrevEntry(entry);
entry = tmpentry;
It is good for your code that JavaScript has no goto.
Use continue instead to leave current iteration in a loop and to continue with the next iteration.
var vec:NotesViewEntryCollection = database.getView("viewName").getAllEntries();
var entry:NotesViewEntry = vec.getLastEntry();
var nextEntry = function() {
var tmpentry:NotesViewEntry = vec.getPrevEntry(entry);
entry = tmpentry;
return entry != null;
if (entry != null) {
do {
var subject:string = entry.getDocument().getItemValueString("subject");
if (subject=="Title1") {
//do 1...;
if (subject=="Title2") {
//do 2...;
//do 3...;
} while (nextEntry())
If subject is "Title1" then it will //do 1....
If subject is "Title2" then it will //do 2... and //do 3....
That code can be reduced to:
var vec:NotesViewEntryCollection = database.getView("viewName").getAllEntries();
var entry:NotesViewEntry = vec.getLastEntry();
while (entry != null)
var subject:string = entry.getDocument().getItemValueString("subject");
if (subject=="Title3") {
//do something here...;
var tmpentry:NotesViewEntry = vec.getPrevEntry(entry);
entry = tmpentry;
I think you should change your if statement.
//do Something
go on withe code and to the next entry

createUrl doesn't work correctly within extended CBaseUrlRule class

I made my own class that extends CBaseUrlRule to manage some sort of pages on site. Result class code is
class HotelUrlRule extends CBaseUrlRule {
public function parseUrl($manager,$request,$pathInfo,$rawPathInfo) {
if(isset($_GET['id'])) {
if (($_GET['id'] != 0) && ($pathInfo == 'hotel')) {
return 'hotel/index';
return false;
public function createUrl($manager,$route,$params,$ampersand) {
if ($route == 'hotel/index') {
$searcher = new SearchController($this, NULL);
$hotelRaw = $searcher->actionGetHotelInformation($_GET['id']);
$hotelRaw = $hotelRaw['GetHotelInformationResult'];
$hotelName = $hotelRaw['Name'];
$hotelName = preg_replace('%(\s)%', '-', $hotelName);
return 'hotel/' . $hotelName;
return false;
The condition in parseUrl ($_GET['id'] != 0) && ($pathInfo == 'hotel') returns 'true' and the condition in createUrl ($route == 'hotel/index') returns 'false'. Var_dump of $route is 'admin/auth'.
Why is it so? Any guesses?

SWFAddress 2.2 isn't responding to specific URLs

I am implementing SWFAddress into a Flash movie, and while my navigation is setting the links correctly, when I type in a specific URL, it doesn't seem to communicate with the browser at all. Am I missing a listener or something?
This class talks to my navigation class:
class code.RunSWFAddress {
public function RunSWFAddress(){
private function init() {
var scope = this;
SWFAddress.onChange = function() {
var value = SWFAddress.getValue();
var path = SWFAddress.getPath();
var id = SWFAddress.getParameter('id');
if (code.PageContent.getInstance().xmlVar1.getBytesLoaded() == code.PageContent.getInstance().xmlVar1.getBytesTotal()){
if(SWFAddress.getValue() == '/' || SWFAddress.getValue() == '') {
} else {
for(var i:Number = 0; i<code.Startup.getInstance().numPages; i++){
if(SWFAddress.getValue() == code.Startup.getInstance().page_arr[i][0]){
var title = 'The Broadway Building';
var names = SWFAddress.getPathNames();
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
title += ' | ' + names[i].substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + names[i].substr(1);
var id = SWFAddress.getParameter('id');
if (id != '') {
title += ' | ' + id;
I was missing the id attribute in my swfobject embed. Works now! :)