Memory and speed performance of gather in TensorFlow - tensorflow

I am trying to implement a hierarchical softmax while I have some performance issues with gather in tensorflow, both from meomory and speed. Here is an example:
# weights_word: [nClusters, hiddenSize, max_cluster_size]
weights_word = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([self.textData.nClusters, self.args.hiddenSize, self.textData.max_cluster_size], stddev=0.5, dtype=self.dtype), name='weights_word', dtype=self.dtype)
# target_cluster: [batchSize, maxSteps]
# weights_gathered: [batchSize, maxSteps, hiddenSize, max_cluster_size]
weights_gathered = tf.gather(weights_word, self.target_cluster, name='weights_gathered')
where I need to gather weights for different class words in the second level of my hierarchical softmax. But the gather operation seems to be a very expensive one. It creates a temporary variable weights_gathered, which even consumes more memory than original weights_word. Besides, when using timeline to profile my program, I find gather is very time consuming. I am wondering if there are any way that I can optimize this both in speed and memory.


Is there an optimal number of elements for a tfrecords file?

This is follow up to these SO questions
What is the need to do sharding of TFRecords files?
optimal size of a tfrecord file
and this passage from this tutorial
For this small dataset we will just create one TFRecords file for the
training-set and another for the test-set. But if your dataset is very
large then you can split it into several TFRecords files called
shards. This will also improve the random shuffling, because the
Dataset API only shuffles from a smaller buffer of e.g. 1024 elements
loaded into RAM. So if you have e.g. 100 TFRecords files, then the
randomization will be much better than for a single TFRecords file.
So there is an optimal file size, but I am wondering, if there's an optimal number of elements? Since it's the elements itself that's being distributed to the GPUs cores?
Are you trying to optimize:
1 initial data randomization?
2 data randomization across training batches and/or epochs?
3 training/validation throughput (ie, gpu utilization)?
Initial data randomization should be handled when data are initially saved into sharded files. This can be challenging, assuming you can't read the data into memory. One approach is to read all the unique data ids into memory, shuffle those, do your train/validate/test split, and then write your actual data to file shards in that randomized order. Now your data are initially shuffled/split/sharded.
Initial data randomization will make it easier to maintain randomization during training. However, I'd still say it is 'best practice' to re-shuffle file names and re-shuffle a data memory buffer as part of the train/validate data streams. Typically, you'll set up an input stream using multiple threads/processes. The first step is to randomize the file input streams by re-shuffling the filenames. This can be done like:
train_files ='{}/d*.tfr'.format(train_dir),
Now, if your initial data write was already randomized, you 'could' read the entire data from one file, before going to the next, but that would still impact re-randomization throughout the training process, so typically you interleave file reads, reading a certain number of records from each file. This also improves throughput, assuming you are using multiple file read processes (which you should do, to maximize gpu throughput).
blocksize = 1000 # samples read from one file before switching files
train_data = train_files.interleave(interleaveFiles,
Here, we're reading 1000 samples from each file, before going on to the next. Again, to re-shuffle the training data each epoch (which may or may not be critical), we re-shuffle the data in memory, setting a memory buffer based on what's available on the machine and how large our data items are (note - before formatting the data for gpu).
buffersize = 1000000 # samples read before shuffling in memory
train_data = train_data.shuffle(buffersize,
train_data = train_data.repeat()
The repeat() call is just to allow the data set to 'wrap around' during training. This may or may not be important, depending on how you set up your training process.
To optimize throughput, you can do 2 things:
1 alter the order of operations in the data input stream. Typically, if you put your randomization operations early, they can operate on 'low weight' entities, like file names, rather than on tensors.
2 use pre-fetching to let your cpu processes stream data during gpu calculations
train_data =,
train_data = train_data.padded_batch(batchsize)
train_data = train_data.prefetch(10)
So, mapping and batching happens last (this is usually preferred for maximizing gpu throughput, but it can depend on other factors, like data size (pre and post-tensorizing), and how computationally expensive your map function is).
Finally, you can tune the prefetch size to maximize gpu throughput, constrained by system memory and memory speed.
So, how does this all impact the 'optimal' number of data items in each sharded file?
Obviously, if your data/file size is > your blocksize, blocksize becomes irrelevant, and you might as well read each file completely. Typically, if you are going to use this paradigm, you wand blocksize << data/file. I use 10x; so if my blocksize is 1000, I have ~10,000 data items in the file. This may not be optimal, but so far I can maintain >90% gpu usage using this approach on my specific hardware. If you want to tune for your hardware, you could start somewhere at ~10x and adjust, based on whatever you are specifically trying to optimize.
If you have very large numbers of files, you may run into problems maintaining good file read streams, but on a modern system you should be able to get to 100,000 files or more and still be fine. Moving large numbers of files around can be difficult, but usually easier than having very small numbers of very big files, so there are some (broad) constraints on file sizes that can impact how many data items/file you end up with. Generally speaking, I'd say having on the order of 100s of files would be ideal for a large dataset. That way you can easily stream files across a network efficiently (again, that will depend on your network). If the data set is small, you'll have 10s to 50s of files, which is fine for streaming, depending on file size (I typically try to hit 100-300MB/file, which works well for moving things around a LAN or WAN).
So, I think file-size and number-of-files places much stronger constraints on your process than number of data items/file, so long as you have an appropriate number of data items/file, given your file read blocksize. Again, you could hyper-shard your files (1 data item/file?), and read entire files into memory, without using file blocking. That might work, and it would certainly be lightweight to shuffle file names, rather than data items. But you might also end up with millions of files!
To really optimize, you'll need to set up an end-to-end training system on a particular machine, and then tweak it to see what works best for your particular data, network, and hardware. So long as your data are effectively randomized and your data files are easy to store/use/share, you just want to optimize gpu throughput. I would be surprised if reordering the data input stream and pre-fetching doesn't get you there.

Explanation of parallel arguments of tf.while_loop in TensorFlow

I want to implement an algorithm which allows a parallel implementation in TensorFlow. My question is what the arguments parallel_iterations, swap_memory and maximum_iterations actually do and which are their appropriate values according the situation. Specifically, in the documentation on TensorFlow's site says that parallel_iterations are the number of iterations allowed to run in parallel. Is this number the number of threads? When someone should allow CPU-GPU swap memory and for what reason? What are the advantages and disadvantages from this choice? What is the purpose of maximum_iterations? Can it be combined with parallel_iterations?
swap_memory is used when you want to have extra memory on the GPU device. Usually when you are training a model some activations are saved in the GPU mem. for later use. With swap_memory, you can store those activations in the CPU memory and use the GPU mem. to fit e.g. larger batch sizes. And this is an advantage. You would choose this if you need big batch_sizes or have long sequences and want to avoid OOM exceptions. Disadvantage is computation time since you need to transfer the data from CPU mem. to GPU mem.
The maximum iterations is smth. like this:
while num_iter < 100 and <some condition>:
do something
num_iter += 1
So it is useful when you check a condition, but also want to have an upper bound (one example is to check if your model converges. If it doesn't you still want to end after k iterations.)
As for parallel_iterations I am not sure, but it sounds like multiple threads, yes. You can try and see the effect in a sample script.

Tensorflow aggregation_method for optimizers

I could not find documentation regarding the aggregation method in tensorflow optimizer
I have the following line of code
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=batch, aggregation_method = tf.AggregationMethod.EXPERIMENTAL_TREE)
However, this property can be changed to be
Does anyone know what does it do? (I just know that when I used the default with an LSTM it did not have enough memory to run)
For AggregationMethod, EXPERIMENTAL_ACCUMULATE_N is to ADD_N (DEFAULT) as accumulate_n is to add_n. add_n waits for all of its arguments to be available before doing any summation, while accumulate_n sums as soon as its inputs are available. This may save memory, but has some picky shape information limitations because its current implementation requires creating a temporary variable.
There is a bit of documentation in the comments:
# The benefit of using AccumulateN is that its inputs can be combined
# in any order and this can allow the expression to be evaluated with
# a smaller memory footprint. When used with gpu_allocator_retry,
# it is possible to compute a sum of terms which are much larger than
# total GPU memory.
# AccumulateN can currently only be used if we know the shape for
# an accumulator variable. If this is not known, or if we only have
# 2 grads then we fall through to the "tree" case below.

In distributed tensorflow, how to write to summary from workers as well

I am using google cloud ml distributed sample for training a model on a cluster of computers. Input and output (ie rfrecords, checkpoints, tfevents) are all on gs:// (google storage)
Similarly to the distributed sample, I use an evaluation step that is called at the end, and the result is written as a summary, in order to use parameter hypertuning / either within Cloud ML, or using my own stack of tools.
But rather than performing a single evaluation on a large batch of data, I am running several evaluation steps, in order to retrieve statistics on the performance criteria, because I don't want to limited to a single value. I want to get information regarding the performance interval. In particular, the variance of performance is important to me. I'd rather select a model with lower average performance but with better worst cases.
I therefore run several evaluation steps. What I would like to do is to parallelize these evaluation steps because right now, only the master is evaluating. When using large clusters, it is a source of inefficiency, and task workers to evaluate as well.
Basically, the supervisor is created as : = tf.train.Supervisor(
# Write summary_ops by hand.
# No saving; we do it manually in order to easily evaluate immediately
# afterwards.
At the end of training I call the summary writer. :
# only on master, this is what I want to remove
if self.is_master and not self.should_stop:
# I want to have an idea of statistics of accuracy
# not just the mean, hence I run on 10 batches
for i in range(10):
self.global_step += 1
# I call an evaluator, and extract the accuracy
evaluation_values = self.evaluator.evaluate()
accuracy_value = self.model.accuracy_value(evaluation_values)
# now I dump the accuracy, ready to use within hptune
eval_summary = tf.Summary(value=[
tag='training/hptuning/metric', simple_value=accuracy_value)
]), eval_summary, self.global_step)
I tried to write summaries from workers as well , but I got an error : basically summary can be written from masters only. Is there any easy way to workaround ? The error is : "Writing a summary requires a summary writer."
My guess is you'd create a separate summary writer on each worker yourself, and write out summaries directly rather.
I suspect you wouldn't use a supervisor for the eval processing either. Just load a session on each worker for doing eval with the latest checkpoint, and writing out independent summaries.

Caching a dataset with examples of varied length

My dataset is comprised of audio segments of between 5-180 seconds. The number of examples is small enough to allow caching it in memory, instead of reading from the disk over and over. Storing the data in a constant tensor / variable and using tf.train.slice_input_producer will allow me to cache the dataset in memory, but it requires storing all the data in one matrix. Since some examples are much longer than others, this matrix might be unnecessarily large and perhaps too large for the RAM.
I can simply have a list of numpy arrays for my data, and do the whole input reading-randomizing-preprocessing in a non-tensforflow way with a feed_dict, but I wonder if there is a way to do it without completely giving up on tensorflow for the input reading-randomizing-preprocessing part.
The more recent library provides a method to cache an entire dataset into memory or into a file.
For instance:
dataset = ...
dataset = # apply preprocessing
dataset = dataset.cache() # cache entire dataset in memory after preprocessing
I've provided more details on how to use cache() in this answer.