I am creating a tennis game on iPhone using react native. First part of motion is about moving the ball to the users. I did this by using animated class. But second part is about change the direction of ball in the direction of a swipe. Is there a way I could change the direction of an object in the middle of animation using panhandler?
Is there a equivalent event in react native for 'onmouseenter'.
I have already tried pan responder and swipe-able
I want to detect if the user while swiping around a screen enters a component and leaves it.
I implemented the behavior of onMouseEnter with many code, in short, implemented a circle View as an indicator of the position where your finger touch the screen, and implemented the collision detection between the indicator circle and the component which you want onMouseEnter.
To compute pickerX and pickerY of the indicator circle, you can ref to what PanResponder did in https://github.com/flyskywhy/react-native-bitmap-color-picker/blob/master/index.js
To compute collision detection, you can ref to areOverlapping = distanceBetweenCenters < circleDiameter in https://dev.to/hrastnik/implementing-gravity-and-collision-detection-in-react-native-2hk5
I've been looking for references for some time on how to draw rectangles in an image using react native, but I can not find anything.
What I try to do is something like the user touch on the screen to mark the start position, and move, and release on the end position. We have to keep displaying the updated square.
Example video
Code is available for native development using java. But I need it on react native.
Video description of the idea
I wanna make swipe animation as shown in the above video. BUT I don't know how to make a side of the view to be curved and animate it. So far I have achieved curve from where it can be draggable but don't know how to proceed further from it.
I have used d3-shape but don't think it's gonna work.
I know I can make it draggable using pan responder but what about animation effects around the circle which is being swiped?
Any idea of how should I implement it?
Hi I am trying to do the opposite of this tutorial, https://codedaily.io/tutorials/9/Build-a-Map-with-Custom-Animated-Markers-and-Region-Focus-when-Content-is-Scrolled-in-React-Native
Where by clicking on the marker it will recenter to the specified image
However i am clueless on what parameters i should be looking out for, and where i can start.
Your opinion and advice would be greatly appreaciated.
Hi I have managed to work this out, just by calling the markers value through the native events to set the point, along with standardizing the card size to the screens width and using scrollTo with animated true.
I'm looking for a method in React Native in which I can move an object by simply listening to the events KEY_DOWN, KEY_UP and KEY_MOVE. And as I move my finger on the component (KEY_MOVE), the position of the component moves along the X axis as per the new X axis I have. In Android (Java), I just did that part by doing this.setX(motionEvent.getX())
Since I'm migrating from Native Android to React Native, I'm having a little trouble making this work. Any help is appreciated.
You can use the PanResponder to get the touch events and then you can use the Animated API to get do the animations to move the view.
See https://moduscreate.com/animated_drag_and_drop_with_react_native/ for a full example.