Binding a separate model to the main layout -

I am developing a web application on Asp.Net Core 2.0 MVC, there is a sign-up modal form that will be used across all pages and not being able to understand how should I do the user model binding since every page will have it's own model.
For example, there is a news page that will use the News model and while on that page, a user will want to either sign-up or sign-in (2 modal forms that are integrated in the main layout).
Below is the form section of the sign-up modal:
<form action="/Account/RegisterAccount" method="post">
<div class="cfield">
<input name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username" />
<div class="cfield">
<input name="email" type="text" placeholder="E-mail address" />
<div class="cfield">
<input name="password" type="password" placeholder="Password" />
<div class="cfield">
<input type="password" placeholder="Confirm Password" />
<button type="submit">Register</button>
What I did so far is simply submitted the form data without a model, but I was thinking maybe it would be better to find a way to bind the model so I can also do the model validation.
Also, if someone could give me an advice on what is the best practice to manage the logged in user, would be a very good help.
This is my very first post here, and I am totally new at Core and MVC.

Never, never, never attach a model to a layout. Just don't. The correct approach here is a view component. Create a ViewComponents directory and add a class file like SignUpViewComponent.cs to that. In that file, you'll need something like:
public class SignUpViewComponent : ViewComponent
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
// set up your model
return View(model);
View components support injection, so you can follow the tradition DI pattern of adding a constructor with the params you want to inject and setting private fields on your class with those values. This allows you to easily bring in things like your context, if you need to utilize it to build your model.
Then, create the view Views\Shared\Components\SignUp\Default.cshtml. In that file you can set the model to the your sign up form model as you want, and then just add your signup form HTML, utilizing that model.
Finally, in your layout, add the following line where you want the signup form to appear:
#await Component.InvokeAsync("SignUp")
For more information on view components, refer to the documentation.


Vuejs text fields sometimes not editable, after refresh it working normally

hello my project is laravel project, that use ineritaljs as frontend middleware. and text fields binded to to data() functions variables.
<div class="form--group">
<label for="order_details_fname">Recipient’s FirstName *</label>
<div class="form--group">
<label for=""
>Recipient’s Last Name *</label>
data function
data() {
return {
/** */
/** */
sometimes fields not editable, (just like read-only fileds) is anyone know solutions for this?
Hi all i just found issue for this. its not vuejs issue, but in a npm package (vue-range-slider) . it register global events to capture input. i'm still wandering why package owner not trying to fix it.
anyway if anyone had this kind of issue please check
thank you all. peace

How To Customize AspNetCore 3.x Identity Views?

I am working on an AspNetCore 3.1 app using a scaffolded Identity. I managed to use External Identity Providers successfully, I could customize Login.cshtml and Register.cshtml using my own styling, what I want to do now is changing the pictured page below to fit my styling but I couldn't find where the view is, I am aware that aspnet core 3.x identity is not an mvc patterned anymore and that the code is inside all razor pages but I couldn't find any view or action that produce the shown elements. Please help and execuse my ignorance about razor pages if it is the reason :) . Thanks!
View I want to Customize:
My Identity Files:
I am aware that aspnet core 3.x identity is not an mvc patterned anymore and that the code is inside all razor pages but I couldn't find any view or action that produce the shown elements.
ASP.NET Core Identity is provided as a Razor Class Library in ASP.NET Core. And applications that include Identity can apply the scaffolder to selectively add the source code contained in the Identity Razor Class Library (RCL).
what I want to do now is changing the pictured page below to fit my styling but I couldn't find where the view is.
To achieve your requirement, you can add and override Account\ExternalLogin, like below.
And the content of ExternalLogin.cshtml would be same as below, you can customize it with your expected style based on your actual requirement.
#model ExternalLoginModel
ViewData["Title"] = "Register";
<h4>Associate your #Model.LoginProvider account.</h4>
<hr />
<p class="text-info">
You've successfully authenticated with <strong>#Model.LoginProvider</strong>.
Please enter an email address for this site below and click the Register button to finish
logging in.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<form asp-page-handler="Confirmation" asp-route-returnUrl="#Model.ReturnUrl" method="post">
<div asp-validation-summary="All" class="text-danger"></div>
<div class="form-group">
<label asp-for="Input.Email"></label>
<input asp-for="Input.Email" class="form-control" />
<span asp-validation-for="Input.Email" class="text-danger"></span>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Register</button>
#section Scripts {
<partial name="_ValidationScriptsPartial" />

Remove validation in angular 4 when it's not render in NgIf

I want to remove validation for which control is not rendered by using NgIf. I was try to use directive to remove with hidden control but cannot do the same because it not render in template. So I can not check formControlName with ElementRef in directive. Here is ts file
this.form ={
text1: ['', Validators.required],
text2: ['', Validators.required]
and template
<input type="text" formControlName="text1">
<div *ngIf="false">
<input type="text" formControlName="text2">
I want to remove Validation of text2 dynamically and globally. Not remove validator in ts file.
This Angular source GitHub Issue comment by Kara seems extremely relevant, and illustrates how you might solve the problem by treating the reactive model as "source of truth" and create your ngIf expression off of that source of truth, instead of the reverse. This shows it's by design and you have to make some effort not to mix up template-driven and reactive form ideas.
Thanks for taking the time to describe the problem. I took a look at
your example code, and it seems that you are using the reactive form
directives (a.k.a "model-driven" directives: ngFormModel, etc), but a
template-driven strategy. The fact that the ngIf does not remove the
control from the form's serialization and validation is actually by
design, and here's why.
In each form paradigm - template-driven and reactive - there can only
be one source of truth for the list of active controls. In the
template-driven paradigm, the source of truth is the template. In the
reactive equivalent, the source of truth is the form model created in
the parent component. The DOM does not dictate the state of your form.
For this reason, if you remove form control elements from the DOM
while using a reactive approach, the form controls are not necessarily
changed in the source of truth unless you want them to be. You can
choose to update the controls imperatively by calling
this.form.removeControl('controlName'), or you can choose to keep the
controls in your form. This flexibility allows you to add or remove
inputs from the DOM temporarily while keeping their form values
serialized (e.g. if you have a number of collapsible sections to your
form, you can remove sections on collapse without impacting the value
of your form). We don't want to restrict this flexibility and
complicate ownership by forcing the model to always match the DOM.
So in your case, if you choose a reactive strategy, you'll want to
invert your logic to rely on the source of truth - the model.
Specifically, this means removing the control imperatively in the
model by calling this.form.removeControl('name') when the button is
clicked. Then, the ngIf should depend on the control's presence in the
model with *ngIf="form.contains('name')", rather than the other way
around. See example plunker here:
It's worth noting that if you're still using beta.14 (as in your
plunker), you'll need to call this.form.updateValueAndValidity()
manually. This requirement was removed in #9097, so versions after
RC.2 don't require the call.
Another option is to convert to a template-driven strategy (no
ngFormModel), which will remove the control from the form when it's
destroyed from the template. Example:
I'm going to close this issue as it works as intended, but I think we
could make the experience a lot friendlier. A good start would be some
more cookbooks and guides in the documentation.
When the condition property is changed then call the method dynamically to set and remove the validation. for example,
} else {
Since, your formcontrol text2 is dependent on some condition. it should not be as required control. So you reactive form control should be
this.form ={
text1: ['', Validators.required],
text2: ['',]
If there is scenario, where you want to ensure that text should be required whenever it's present in dom then use custom validators in angular. Refer documentation of the same for your implementation.
Here the Example: on runtime you can update validators based on checkbox can set field as required and remove also.
What i did (and work for me), create an alternative formgroupcontrol with another button [disabled], manage the *ngIf for the button and for the form.
<mat-step [stepControl]="listBrandFormGroup">
<form [formGroup]="listBrandFormGroup">
<ng-template matStepLabel>Define tu marca</ng-template>
<div class="heading">¡ Haber ! Definamos tu marca</div>
<div class="subheading">Estamos a punto de hacer magia, solo necesitamos lo siguiente:</div>
<div class="content" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="8px" *ngIf="listBrand.length > 0">
<mat-form-field fxFlex="auto">
<mat-select name="brand_id" formControlName="brand_id" placeholder="Selecciona una marca existente" (selectionChange)="setBrand($event.value);">
<mat-option [value]="0">Crear una nueva marca</mat-option>
<mat-option *ngFor="let marca of listBrand" [value]="">{{marca.display_name}}</mat-option>
<form [formGroup]="brandFormGroup">
<div class="content" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutGap="8px" *ngIf="idBrand === 0">
<input matInput formControlName="display_name" required>
<mat-hint>Ese increíble y único nombre, ¡ tú sabes !</mat-hint>
<mat-form-field fxFlex="grow">
<textarea matInput formControlName="descrip" required></textarea>
<mat-hint>¿ Cuéntanos de que se trata ?</mat-hint>
<input type="file" name="photo" ng2FileSelect required formControlName="display_logo" />
<div class="actions" fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="end center" fxLayoutGap="8px">
<button mat-button type="button" (click)="stepper.reset()" [disabled]="brandFormGroup.pristine"
<button mat-raised-button matStepperNext color="primary" [disabled]="brandFormGroup.invalid" *ngIf="idBrand === 0">SIGUIENTE</button>
<button mat-raised-button matStepperNext color="primary" [disabled]="listBrandFormGroup.invalid" *ngIf="idBrand > 0">SIGUIENTE</button>
<button mat-raised-button matStepperNext color="primary" [disabled]="listBrandFormGroup.invalid" *ngIf="idBrand > 0" (click)="launch();"><i class="material-icons">launch</i>LANCÉMONOS</button>

Handling form submission without replacing template in VueJS

First of all, please be kind. I'm new to VueJS coming from the Angular world where things are different ;-)
I am creating a multi-page website using VueJS for simple things like a floaty header and submission of forms etc. I'd like the markup for my contact form to be in my HTML (rendered by the CMS) and I'd like to have VueJS handle the form submission and replacing the form with a thank-you message. So, a simplified version of the form would look like this.
<form class="contact-form_form">
<input name="emailaddress" type="text" />
<div class="contact-form_thanks">
Thanks for filling in this lovely form
So, the obvious thing to do is to create a VueJS component, but I don't want it to introduce a new template, I just want it to submit the form when the button is pressed (using Axios) and hide the form and show the thank you message.
I know how to do all of this in angular using attribute directives and ng-show/hide etc. but can't really see how to do this in VueJS because all the tutorials are geared to wards SPAs and Single file components with templates.
Any kick in the right direction would be appreciated.
Seems like you just want a data item indicating whether the form has been submitted, and v-if and v-else to control what displays in either case.
new Vue({
el: 'contact-form',
components: {
contactForm: {
data() {
return { hasBeenSubmitted: false };
methods: {
doSubmit() {
console.log("Some behind-the-scenes submission action...");
this.hasBeenSubmitted = true;
<script src="//"></script>
<contact-form inline-template>
<div v-if="hasBeenSubmitted" class="contact-form_thanks">
Thanks for filling in this lovely form
<form v-else class="contact-form_form">
<input name="emailaddress" type="text" /> ...
<button #click.prevent="doSubmit">Submit</button>

Passing Form Data Between Components & Vue Routing

I am trying to create a step-by-step form using Components & Routing. If there is a better or easier approach to do this, please feel free to suggest, since I am new to Vue.js.
I have a and 3 templates.
<template id="step-1">
<h1>Welcome to Form</h1>
<template id="step-2">
<input type="text" name="name" v-model="name" />
<br />
<input type="email" name="email" v-model="email" />
<template id="step-3">
<!-- Display Step 2 Form Values -->
{{ name }}
{{ email }}
What I want to do is, display the input values on #step-3, and on a button click, submit the form via an ajax call.
You can view the Fiddle from here:
One way to do this is for all three components use the same data object. For the purposes of this bit of code it can be a simple javascript object. A bit more sophisticated approach is to use Vuex an official Vue data store.
You could also have these three components have the same parent in which case name and email would be properties of parent data method and therefore accessible to all children. I don't know how this would work with Vue router but it should be fine.