trac require field to be set on resolution of a ticket - trac

Is it possible to require a field to be set on resolution of a ticket? I ran into TracTicketValidatorPlugin, but that's not exactly what I'm looking for b.c. it validates a field for all states. I just want to validate a field for a single state -- closed.

... it validates a field for all states.
TicketValidatorPlugin validates for the specified states. The following works to require milestone to be nonempty when moving a ticket to closed:
closed.required = milestone


Shall I record the user name who modify a certain field by Odoo?

.py file:
moifier=fields.Many2one(‘res.users’, string=”Modifier”)
When some user modify “namex”, his/her name should be recorded on field “modifier” automatically; what code should I make? I try “onchange/depends”, but failed; maybe modifier could be a “text field/ char field”?
in addition, shall I set "access_rule" to set users just see the records created by the members in his/her own group?
Odoo already has that for you. Every model has those fields, which are automatically created and updated each time you create, or write:
create_date (datetime): when record is created
create_uid (many2one): user who created this record
write_date (datetime): last time record is updated
write_uid (many2one): last user updated this record
Go to Settings > Technical > Database Structure > Models for more details.
While Odoo will keep for you a track of the last user which has modified a record, a modifier per field is not kept. I can see the interest of such a functionality in many cases.
To do that for a particular model one possibility is to redefine the write method of this model. In your .py file you may want to add something like this:
def write(self):
if self.namex in values:
values.update({'modifier': uid})
super().write(cr, uid, ids, values, context)
Another way to do that in a more flexible way is to use the #onchange decorator:
def set_modifier(self):
self.modifer = self.env.user
You may also want to take a look at the #depends decorator.

Unexpected behavior with ActiveRecord includes

I'm using the AR includes method to execute a LEFT OUTER JOIN between objects User and Building, where a User may or may not have a Building association:
users = User.includes(:building).references(:buildings)
Since I'm using references, any associated Building objects will be eager loaded.
My expectation was that I would then be able to iterate through the list of users, and check whether a user had a building associated with them without triggering additional queries, but I see that in fact whenever I try to access the building property of a user that doesn't have one, AR makes another SQL call to try and retrieve that building (though on subsequent tries it will just return nil).
These queries are obviously redundant as the association would have been loaded during the initial join, and seems to defeat the whole purpose of eager loading with includes/references, as now I'm looking at N times the number of queries equal to the number of empty associations.
users.each do | user |
# This will trigger a new query when building is not present:
# SELECT "buildings".* FROM "buildings" WHERE "buildings"."address" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["address", "123 my street"]]
if user.building
puts 'User has building'
puts 'User has no building'
User class:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :building, foreign_key: 'residence_id'
Is there a way to check the presence of the users' building association without triggering extra queries?
Thank you #BoraMa for putting together this test. Looks like we're getting different behavior across recent Rails versions:
User 1 has building
User 2 has building
User 3 has no building
D, [2016-05-26T11:48:38.147316 #11910] DEBUG -- : Building Load (0.2ms) SELECT "buildings".* FROM "buildings" WHERE "buildings"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 123]]
User 4 has no building
User 1 has building
User 2 has building
User 3 has no building
User 4 has no building
User 1 has building
User 2 has building
User 3 has no building
User 4 has no building
Take aways:
This issue was limited to "dangling foreign keys (ie the residence_id
column is not nil but there is no corresponding building object)"
(THANKS #FrederickCheung)
The issue has been resolved as of Rails 4.2.6
Sounds like you got bit by a bug in Active Record, that was fixed in rails 4.2.3.
In the case where the column was nil Active Record already knows that it doesn't even need to try loading the associated object. The remaining cases were the ones impacted by this bug
Seems like a typo, please notice building instead of buildings: User.includes(:building).references(:buildings)
That should trigger the big query that uses the format of AS tX_rY for each association and table.
It seems that since rails 4.1 there are potential clashes with how just how implicit #includes should be, see the following open issue.
This code is all untested for syntax, but there would be two approaches I would try:
1/ Make the eager loading implicit
users = User.eager_load(:building).preload(:buildings)
2/ Separate out the two types of users, ones where the building is attached, meaning you don't even try and preload the building, removing the innefficiency.
users = User.includes(:building).where.not(residence_id: nil).references(:buildings)
users.each do | user|
puts "User has building: #{user} #{user.building}"
# No additional references needed to be eager-loaded.
users = User.where(residence_id: nil)
users.each do | user |
puts "#{User} has no building."

Can we add custom scope in UAAC

I am working on CF-UAA. I want to define my application specific custom scope e.g. user.reports. I want this scope to be included in the token.
The token then validated by a report microservice and it will serve only if the token contains the scope.
My questions are:
Can we define custom scope and add users to it?
If yes how? and if not what is the best way to achieve this kind of requirement
With some trial and errors, I found following
The scope for the user is nothing but his group association
When one wants to add the scope, first create a group
uaac group add
Add member to this group
uaac member add
But if you are trying to get the token for the user with this value in the scope using Token Issuer,
ti ="http://localhost:8080/uaa", "reportclient")
token = ti.owner_password_credentials_grant({ :username => request[:username],
:password => request[:password]})
Then you must have the 'reportclient' with authorities - ''.
You can add the authority to reportclient with following command
uaac client update reportclient --authorities "<existing authorities list separated by space>"
Only then the token received will have scope.
Hope this helps someone.
And a better way if someone knows, is welcome.

Finding Records using Rails without a Match (Fault without Fault Cleared)

I'm attempting to write a site in Rails where a user in a manufacturing plant can see what devices are failing. The program storing the alarm data stores one entry when a device faults, and then stores another entry when the device gets fixed. The entries are linked only by having the same value in the EventAssociationID column. How might I write a named scope in Rails to check which faults have been fixed and which ones haven't?
I wasn't able to do it in a named scope, however, I was able to define a method for the model that solved the problem:
def inAlarm
return ConditionEvent.count(:all, :conditions => ['EventAssociationID = ?', self.EventAssociationID]) == 1

In Rails 3, is there a difference between = and assign_attributes?

Let's say you're in your user controller and you want to change the name a #user based on some params you have available to you.
I want to know if there is any difference between the following: = params[:user][:name]
#user.assign_attributes({:name=> params[:user][:name]})
Thanks in advance!
A great way to figure out questions like this is to dive into the source. I found the method in activerecord/lib/active_record/attribute_assignment.rbCheck it out here.
The assign_attributes method will actually just loop through the parameters given and sends the :name= message to your model. However, because you are possibly assigning many attributes, it takes into account mass-assignment precautions. (ie. make sure that the attribute is listed as attr_accessible).
The = (e.g. = params[:user][:name]) directly calls the attribute setter with no security check. The assign_attributes checks security for the values passed in.
From the Rails API for assign_attributes:
Allows you to set all the attributes for a particular mass-assignment
security role by passing in a hash of attributes with keys matching
the attribute names (which again matches the column names) and the
role name using the :as option.
Source for assign_attributes