I want to generate a json row using a Class, I overwrite the gist method, so that it will print what I want:
my $ak = '7111ac873c9dcd5fc335ded47630d050';
my $st = '1523451601875';
my $ifo = 'true';
my $uu = "15778787898988090";
class Stay {
has $.ak is rw = '7111ac873c9dcd5fc335ded47630d050';
has $.uu is rw;
has $.ifo is rw;
has $.st is rw;
method gist() {
#return qqww/{"ev":"app","ak":"$!ak","uu":"$!uu","ifo":"$!ifo","st":"$!st"}/;
return qqww:to「EOF」;
say Stay.new(uu => $uu, ifo => $ifo, st => $st);
but fails with:
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /Users/ohmycloud/Desktop/stay.pl6
at /Users/ohmycloud/Desktop/stay.pl6:18
------> {"ev":⏏"app","ak":"$!ak","uu":"$!uu","ifo":"$!i
expecting any of:
colon pair
What I want is:
Why I can't use colon pair in qqww or qq:to struct?
{} have special meaning in double quote. They must be escaped
you need qq, not qqww which make list.
You can use fmt
(:ev<app>, :$!ak, :$!uu, :$!ifo, :$!st).fmt('"%s":"%s"', ',').fmt('{%s}')
or JSON::Fast
require JSON::Fast <&to-json>;
{:ev<app>, :$!ak, :$!uu, :$!ifo, :$!st}.&to-json
or even
require JSON::Fast <&to-json>;
self.^attributes.map( {.name => .get_value(self)} ).Hash.&to-json
You can use unquoting:
method gist() {
return '{"ev":"app","ak":"\qq[$!ak]","uu":"\qq[$!uu]","ifo":"\qq[$!ifo]","st":"\qq[$!st]"}':
which will return
Colons are going to get in the way if you use qqww or similar.
How to print an object in NQP ? (For debugging purposes)
It is easy in Raku:
say that is calling gist in its short loop code
dd The tiny Data Dumper as shown in this post
class Toto { has $.member = 42; }
class Titi { has $.member = 41; has $.toto = Toto.new }
my $ti = Titi.new;
say $ti;
# Titi.new(member => 41, toto => Toto.new(member => 42))
dd $ti;
# Titi $ti = Titi.new(member => 41, toto => Toto.new(member => 42))
It seems more complicated in NQP
class Toto { has $!member; sub create() {$!member := 42}};
class Titi { has $!member; has $!toto; sub create() {$!member := 41; $!toto := Toto.new; $!toto.create; }}
my $ti := Titi.new;
Cannot stringify this object of type P6opaque (Titi)
Of course, no .gist method, the code calls nqp::encode which finally expects a string.
Reducing the problem to an MRE:
class foo {}
say(foo.new); # Cannot stringify ...
Simplifying the solution:
class foo { method Str () { 'foo' } }
say(foo.new); # foo
In summary, add a Str method.
This sounds simple but there's a whole lot of behind-the-scenes stuff to consider/explain.
nqp vs raku
The above solution is the same technique raku uses; when a value is expected by a routine/operation to be a string, but isn't, the language behavior is to attempt to coerce to a string. Specifically, see if there's a Str method that can be called on the value, and if so, call it.
In this case NQP's NQPMu, which is way more barebones than raku's Mu, doesn't provide any default Str method. So a solution is to manually add one.
More generally, NQP is a pretty hostile language unless you know raku fairly well and have gone thru A course on Rakudo and NQP internals.
And once you're up to speed on the material in that course, I recommend you consider the IRC channels #raku-dev and/or #moarvm as your first port of call rather than SO (unless your goal is specifically to increase SO coverage of nqp/moarvm).
Debugging the compiler code
As you will have seen, the NQP code you linked calls .say on a filehandle.
That then calls this method.
That method's body is $str ~ "\n". That code will attempt to coerce $str to a string (just as it would in raku). That's what'll be generating the "Cannot stringify" error.
A search for "Cannot stringify" in the NQP repo only matched some Java code. And I bet you're not running Rakudo on the JVM. That means the error message must be coming from MoarVM.
The same search in the MoarVM repo yields this line in coerce.c in MoarVM.
Looking backwards in the routine containing that line we see this bit:
/* Check if there is a Str method. */
MVMROOT(tc, obj, {
strmeth = MVM_6model_find_method_cache_only(tc, obj,
This shows the backend, written in C, looking for and invoking a "method" called Str. (It's relying on an internal API (6model) that all three layers of the compiler (raku, nqp, and backends) adhere to.)
Customizing the Str method
You'll need to customize the Str method as appropriate. For example, to print the class's name if it's a type object, and the value of its $!bar attribute otherwise:
class foo {
has $!bar;
method Str () { self ?? nqp::coerce_is($!bar) !! self.HOW.name(self) }
say(foo.new(bar=>42)); # 42
Despite the method name, the nqp say routine is not expecting a raku Str but rather an nqp native string (which ends up being a MoarVM native string on the MoarVM backend). Hence the need for nqp::coerce_is (which I found by browsing the nqp ops doc).
self.HOW.name(self) is another example of the way nqp just doesn't have the niceties that raku has. You could write the same code in raku but the idiomatic way to write it in raku is self.^name.
Currently, what I have is a list and hash discriminator. It does not work on object.
sub print_something ($value, :$indent = 0, :$no-indent=0) {
if nqp::ishash($value) {
print_hash($value, :$indent);
} elsif nqp::islist($value) {
print_array($value, :$indent);
} else {
if $no-indent {
} else {
say_indent($indent, $value);
sub print_indent ($int, $string) {
my $res := '';
my $i := 0;
while $i < $int {
$res := $res ~ ' ';
$i := $i + 1;
$res := $res ~ $string;
sub print_array (#array, :$indent = 0) {
my $iter := nqp::iterator(#array);
say_indent($indent, '[');
while $iter {
print_value(nqp::shift($iter), :indent($indent+1));
say_indent($indent, ']');
sub print_hash (%hash, :$indent = 0) {
my $iter := nqp::iterator(%hash);
say_indent($indent, '{');
while $iter {
my $pair := nqp::shift($iter);
my $key := nqp::iterkey_s($pair);
my $value := nqp::iterval($pair);
print_indent($indent + 1, $key ~ ' => ');
print_value($value, :indent($indent+1), :no-indent(1));
say_indent($indent, '}');
When a BUILD phaser is called, it overrides default attribute assignment in Perl6. Suppose we have to use that BUILD phaser, like we do in this module (that's where I met this problem). What's the way of assigning values to attributes in that phase?
I have used this
class my-class {
has $.dash-attribute;
submethod BUILD(*%args) {
for %args.kv -> $k, $value {
self."$k"( $value );
my $my-instance = my-class.new( dash-attribute => 'This is the attribute' );
And I get this error
Too many positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 2
Other combinations of $!or $., direct assignment, declaring the attribute as rw (same error) yield different kind of errors. This is probably just a syntax issue, but I couldn't find the solution. Any help will be appreciated.
There are two things wrong in your example, the way I see it. First of all, if you want an attribute to be writeable, you will need to mark it is rw. Secondly, changing the value of an attribute is done by assignment, rather than by giving the new value as an argument.
So I think the code should be:
class my-class {
has $.dash-attribute is rw;
submethod BUILD(*%args) {
for %args.kv -> $k, $value {
self."$k"() = $value;
my $my-instance = my-class.new( dash-attribute => 'attribute value' );
dd $my-instance;
# my-class $my-instance = my-class.new(dash-attribute => "attribute value")
You could do it the same way the object system normally does it under the hood for you.
(not recommended)
class C {
has $.d;
submethod BUILD ( *%args ){
for self.^attributes {
my $short-name = .name.substr(2); # remove leading 「$!」
next unless %args{$short-name}:exists;
.set_value( self, %args{$short-name} )
say C.new(d => 42)
C.new(d => 42)
I'm playing around with a positional interface for strings. I'm aware of How can I slice a string like Python does in Perl 6?, but I was curious if I could make this thing work just for giggles.
I came up with this example. Reading positions is fine, but I don't know how to set up the multi to handle an assignment:
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s, Int:D $n --> Str ) {
$s.substr: $n, 1
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s, Range:D $r --> Str ) {
$s.substr: $r.min, $r.max - $r.min + 1
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s, List:D $i --> List ) {
map( { $s.substr: $_, 1 }, #$i ).list
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s, Int:D $n, *#a --> Str ) is rw {
put "Calling rw version";
my $string = 'The quick, purple butterfly';
{ # Works
my $single = $string[0];
say $single;
{ # Works
my $substring = $string[5..9];
say $substring;
{ # Works
my $substring = $string[1,3,5,7];
say $substring;
{ # NOPE!
$string[2] = 'Perl';
say $string;
The last one doesn't work:
(h u c)
Index out of range. Is: 2, should be in 0..0
in block <unit> at substring.p6 line 36
Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at substring.p6 line 36
I didn't think it would work, though. I don't know what signature or traits it should have to do what I want to do.
Why does the [] operator work on a Str?
$ perl6
> "some string"[0]
some string
The docs mostly imply that the [] works on things that do the Positional roles and that those things are in list like things. From the [] docs in operators:
Universal interface for positional access to zero or more elements of a #container, a.k.a. "array indexing operator".
But a Str surprisingly does the necessary role even though it's not an #container (as far as I know):
> "some string".does( 'Positional' )
Is there a way to test that something is an #container?
Is there a way to get something to list all of its roles?
Now, knowing that a string can respond to the [], how can I figure out what signature will match that? I want to know the right signature to use to define my own version to write to this string through [].
One way to achieve this, is by augmenting the Str class, since you really only need to override the AT-POS method (which Str normally inherits from Any):
augment class Str {
method AT-POS($a) {
say "abcde"[3]; # d
say "abcde"[^3]; # (a b c)
More information can be found here: https://docs.raku.org/language/subscripts#Methods_to_implement_for_positional_subscripting
To make your rw version work correctly, you first need to make the Str which might get mutated also rw, and it needs to return something which in turn is also rw. For the specific case of strings, you could simply do:
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s is rw, Int:D $i --> Str ) is rw {
return $s.substr-rw: $i, 1;
Quite often, you'll want an rw subroutine to return an instance of Proxy:
multi postcircumfix:<[ ]> ( Str:D $s is rw, Int:D $i --> Str ) is rw {
Proxy.new: FETCH => sub { $s.substr: $i },
STORE => sub -> $newval { $s.substr-rw( $i, 1 ) = $newval }
Although I haven't yet seen production code which uses it, there is also a return-rw operator, which you'll occasionally need instead of return.
sub identity( $x is rw ) is rw { return-rw $x }
identity( my $y ) = 42; # Works, $y is 42.
sub identity-fail( $x is rw ) is rw { return $x }
identity-fail( my $z ) = 42; # Fails: "Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value"
If a function reaches the end without executing a return, return-rw or throwing an exception, the value of the last statement is returned, and (at present), this behaves as if it were preceded return-rw.
sub identity2( $x is rw ) is rw { $x }
identity2( my $w ) = 42; # Works, $w is 42.
There's a module that aims to let you do this:
This module does not provide Str.AT-POS or make Str type do Positional or Iterable roles. The latter causes all sorts of fallout with core and non-core code due to inherent assumptions that Str type does not do those roles. What this means in plain English is you can only index your strings with [...] postcircumfix operator and can't willy-nilly treat them as lists of characters—simply call .comb if you need that.`
The Perl 6 docs list a bunch of types. Some of them, such as Str, have more complicated box/unbox behaviors.
Is it possible to define my own type, specifying my own routines for the box/unboxing? For a particular project, I have a bunch of types I'm reusing, and basically cut/pasting my accessor functions over and over.
For example, the C Struct uses a time_t, and I plug in accessor methods to go to/from a DateTime. Another example is a comma-separated list, I'd like to go to/from an Array and take care of the split/join automagically.
Is there a better way to do this?
Edit: Add Example:
constant time_t = uint64;
constant FooType_t = uint16;
enum FooType <A B C>;
class Foo is repr('CStruct') is rw
has uint32 $.id;
has Str $.name;
has FooType_t $.type;
has time_t $.time;
method name(Str $n?) {
$!name := $n with $n;
method type(FooType $t?) {
$!type = $t with $t;
method time(DateTime $d?) {
$!time = .Instant.to-posix[0].Int with $d;
my $f = Foo.new;
$f.id = 12;
say "$f.id() $f.name() $f.type() $f.time()";
# 12 myname B 2000-01-01T12:34:56Z
This works, I can set the various fields of the CStruct in Perl-ish ways (no lvalue, but I can pass them in as parameters).
Now I want to use time_t, FooType_t, etc. for many fields in a lot of structs and have them act the same way. Is there a better way other than to just copy those methods over and over?
Maybe macros could help here? I haven't mastered them yet.
You could write a trait that handles automatic attribute conversion on fetching or storing the attribute. The following should get you started:
multi sub trait_mod:<is>(Attribute:D $attr, :$autoconv!) {
use nqp;
my $name := $attr.name;
$attr.package.^add_method: $name.substr(2), do given $attr.type {
when .REPR eq 'P6int' {
method () is rw {
my $self := self;
FETCH => method () {
$autoconv.out(nqp::getattr_i($self, $self.WHAT, $name));
STORE => method ($_) {
nqp::bindattr_i($self, $self.WHAT, $name,
default {
die "FIXME: no idea how to handle {.^name}";
For example, take your use case of time_t:
constant time_t = uint64;
class CTimeConversion {
multi method in(Int $_ --> time_t) { $_ }
multi method in(DateTime $_ --> time_t) { .posix }
method out(time_t $_ --> DateTime) { DateTime.new($_) }
class CTimeSpan is repr<CStruct> {
has time_t $.start is autoconv(CTimeConversion);
has time_t $.end is autoconv(CTimeConversion);
Finally, some example code to show it works:
my $span = CTimeSpan.new;
say $span;
say $span.end;
$span.end = DateTime.now;
say $span;
say $span.end;
I have a string which looks like that:
I want to turn it into hash (using Perl 6). Now I do it like that:
my $text = "width=13\nheight=15\nname=Mirek";
my #lines = split("\n", $text);
my %params;
for #lines {
(my $k, my $v) = split('=', $_);
%params{$k} = $v;
say %params.perl;
But I feel there should exist more concise, more idiomatic way to do that. Is there any?
In Perl, there's generally more than one way to do it, and as your problem involves parsing, one solution is, of course, regexes:
my $text = "width=13\nheight=15\nname=Mirek";
$text ~~ / [(\w+) \= (\N+)]+ %% \n+ /;
my %params = $0>>.Str Z=> $1>>.Str;
Another useful tool for data extraction is comb(), which yields the following one-liner:
my %params = $text.comb(/\w+\=\N+/)>>.split("=").flat;
You can also write your original approach that way:
my %params = $text.split("\n")>>.split("=").flat;
or even simpler:
my %params = $text.lines>>.split("=").flat;
In fact, I'd probably go with that one as long as your data format does not become any more complex.
If you have more complex data format, you can use grammar.
grammar Conf {
rule TOP { ^ <pair> + $ }
rule pair {<key> '=' <value>}
token key { \w+ }
token value { \N+ }
token ws { \s* }
class ConfAct {
method TOP ($/) { make (%).push: $/.<pair>».made}
method pair ($/) { make $/.<key>.made => $/.<value>.made }
method key ($/) { make $/.lc }
method value ($/) { make $/.trim }
my $text = " width=13\n\theight = 15 \n\n nAme=Mirek";
dd Conf.parse($text, actions => ConfAct.new).made;