I am using ngx bootstrap 2.0.3 datepicker and i see a warning message in console - ngx-bootstrap

BsDatepickerModule is under development, BREAKING CHANGES are possible,PLEASE, read changelog.
Is the datepicker module really expecting any breaking changes or is it stable to be used.


Nativescript Vue DevTools - vue-devtools stuck "Waiting for connection..."

I cannot manage to get the Vue DevTools running with my iOS Nativescript Project. I followed exactly the instruction on https://nativescript-vue.org/en/docs/getting-started/vue-devtools/ but the Nativescript App does not connect to vue-devtools.
I'm working on a Mac having latest Nativescript 8.1.3 installed, nativescript-vue-devtools is version 1.5.1.
One thing I notice is the error message ReferenceError: SocketManager is not defined as soon as I put Vue.use(VueDevtools) into the code. This error message always appears, I tried several Simulators with different iOS version, I also tried a physical device. I also tried with a "fresh" blank Vue project, leaving completely unchanged but just adding the Vue Devtools, same error.
Anyone out there who managed to get this working?
Thank you for your help.

Running Spartacus Storefront in IE11 returning classList error even though we have required polyfills

We are evaluating Spartacus for our B2B eCommerce site re-platform. One of the main requirement is to support IE11 (MUST). As per Spartacus documentation, Angular itself supports IE11 with polyfills and so Spartacus should work in IE11 without Spartacus styles (variable css).
We have tried to pollyfill OOTB Spartacus (3.1 & 3.2 in SSR mode & non SSR) and it is loading the pages & functionality but we are getting classList error in web console. Even though we have required polyfills. Below are the polyfills that we have installed & configured :
and also target compilation is es5.
IE11 -Spartacus 3.1 & 3.2 classList error
Any help to resolve this classLIST error would be helpful.
So, does anyone made Spartacus work in IE11 with your own stylesheets ?
It looks like the root problem is that some DOM element reference is undefined while expected to be defined. Therefore its property classList cannot be accessed.
How to debug
Most optimal way for debugging will be using Spartacus repo: please clone the spartacus repo, install deps (yarn), and run yarn start. Then open it in IE11 and please debug.
The class that looks like a candidate for causing the error might be PageTemplateDirective.
I've searched the Spartacus codebase, where classList property is accessed. In most cases the DOM element is body - which should be always defined. It's not the case only for PageTemplateDirective and ProductIntroComponent (but the latter one is not displayed on home page, so I think it's not relevant).
Please set the debugger in the methods of PageTemplateDirective, to check when the DOM element reference is undefined and please investigate further.
Ongoing deprecation of ie11 by Angular
Please note that Angular is planning to deprecate the support of IE11 in ng12 (coming soon) and drop it in ng13 (late 2021). See: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/41840

Expo: Invariant Violation: ListView has been removed - but I don't use ListView

I inherited a React Native / Expo app. I upgraded the expo version. Now I get the message that ListView has been removed. I have searched
grep -Ri listview * the entire codebase and ListView is not used anywhere in our codes - why am I getting this messages? If a dependency uses it somehow, how do I find out which one?
The emulator stack trace seems to not contain any of our modules, just a bunch of and loadModuleImplementation
It seems that ListView was used by some of our dependencies. There were a few mentions of it in node_modules. I think I got them all by updating every single dependency we had to the latest version.
You could update one dependency at a time, one version at a time for a minimal fix, but that would probably take very, very long as constantly running npm install / expo install is very slow.

Missing things after uppgrade to RN57

I have a project made in react-native version 0.55.4. I'm in proccess of migrating this project to react-native 0.57.1. This is going well, but I'm having a little problem with some things that are missing, but only in release version.
In my settings window, I have some fields with their values. Most of field's labels and texts are from i18n RN library. The values are retrieved/stored using redux-persist. This was working fine before migrating. Also, everything works fine in debug version....the problem only occours in release version, but I got no errors in console during release build.
I'm compiling using SDK version 27 (the same I was using before).
Build platform is windows.
Solved. Problem was native-base version 2.8.0. Dowgraded to 2.7.2 and worked again.

PhpStorm Vuetify autocomplete

I'm having trouble trying to get the autocomplete of vuetify components. v-card for example.
I'm running PhpStorm 2018.2.4 on Windows 10. I have the Vue.js plugin installed.
It can be related to Vuetify version being used; the way components are defined has been changed in 1.1+, and this new format is not yet supported (WEB-32886). Please follow this ticket for updates.
See https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/4590#issuecomment-414300395 for possible workaround