How to handle resource limits for apache in kubernetes - apache

I'm trying to deploy a scalable web application on google cloud.
I have kubernetes deployment which creates multiple replicas of apache+php pods. These have cpu/memory resources/limits set.
Lets say that memory limit per replica is 2GB. How do I properly configure apache to respect this limit?
I can modify maximum process count and/or maximum memory per process to prevent memory overflow (thus the replicas will not be killed because of OOM). But this does create new problem, this settings will also limit maximum number of requests that my replica could handle. In case of DDOS attack (or just more traffic) the bottleneck could be the maximum process limit, not memory/cpu limit. I think that this could happen pretty often, as these limits are set to worst case scenario, not based on average traffic.
I want to configure autoscaler so that it will create multiple replicas in case of such event, not only when the cpu/memory usage is near limit.
How do I properly solve this problem? Thanks for help!

I would recommend doing the following instead of trying to configuring apache to limit itself internally:
Enforce resource limits on pods. i.e let them OOM. (but see NOTE*)
Define an autoscaling metric for your deployment based on your load.
Setup a namespace wide resource-quota. This enforeces a clusterwide limit on the resources pods in that namespace can use.
This way you can let your Apache+PHP pods handle as many requests as possible until they OOM, at which point they respawn and join the pool again, which is fine* (because hopefully they're stateless) and at no point does your over all resource utilization exceed the resource limits (quotas) enforced on the namespace.
* NOTE: This is only true if you're not doing fancy stuff like websockets or stream based HTTP, in which case an OOMing Apache instance takes down other clients that are holding an open socket to the instance. If you want, you should always be able to enforce limits on apache in terms of the number of threads/processes it runs anyway, but it's best not to unless you have solid need for it. With this kind of setup, no matter what you do, you'll not be able to evade DDoS attacks of large magnitudes. You're either doing to have broken sockets (in the case of OOM) or request timeouts (not enough threads to handle requests). You'd need far more sophisticated networking/filtering gear to prevent "good" traffic from taking a hit.


server-to-server multicast messaging with Google Cloud PubSub?

I have a cluster of backend servers on GCP, and they need to send messages to each other. All the servers need to receive every message, but I can tolerate a low error rate. I can deal with receiving the message more than once on a given server. Packet ordering doesn't matter.
I don't need much of a persistence layer. A message becomes stale within a couple of seconds after sending it.
I wired up Google Cloud PubSub and pretty quickly realized that for a given subscription, you can have any number of subscribers but only one of them is guaranteed to get the message. I considered making the subscribers all fail to ack it, but that seems like a gross hack that probably won't work well.
My server cluster is sized dynamically by an autoscaler. It spins up VM instances as needed, with dynamic hostnames and IP addresses. There is no convenient way to map the dynamic hosts to static subscriptions, but it feels like that's my only real option: Create more subscriptions than my max server pool size, and then use some sort of paxos system (runtime config, zookeeper, whatever) to allocate servers to subscriptions.
I'm starting to feel that even though my use case feels really simple ("Every server can multicast a message to every other server in my group"), it may not be a good fit for Cloud PubSub.
Should I be using GCM/FCM? Or some other technology?
Cloud Pub/Sub may or may not be a fit for you, depending on the size of your server cluster. Failing to ack the messages certainly won't work because you can't be sure each instance will get the message; it could just be redelivered to the same instance over and over again.
You could use multiple subscriptions and have each instance create a new subscription when it starts up. This only works if you don't plan to scale beyond 10,000 instances in your cluster, as that is the maximum number of subscriptions per topic allowed. The difficulty here is in cleaning up subscriptions for instances that go down. Ones that cleanly shut down could probably delete their own subscriptions, but there will always be some that don't get cleaned up. You'd need some kind of external process that can determine if the instance for each subscription is still up and running and if not, delete the subscription. You could use GCE shutdown scripts to catch this most of the time, though there will still be edge cases where deletes would have to be done manually.

Scalability issues with server based authentication

I was reading up on problems with server based authentication. I need help with elaboration on the following point.
Scalability: Since sessions are stored in memory, this provides problems with scalability. As our cloud providers start replicating servers to handle application load, having vital information in session memory will limit our ability to scale.
I don't seem to understand why "... having vital information in session memory will limit our ability to scale", will limit the ability to scale. Is it just because the information is being replicated.. so it's to do with redundancy? I don't think so. Anyway, would anyone be kind enough to explain this further? Much appreciated.
What's being referred to is the difference between stateless and stateful server-side ops. Stateful servers keep part of their resources (main memory, mostly) occupied for retaining state pertaining to some client, even when the server is actually doing nothing at all for the client and just waiting for the client to come back. Such systems' performance profile is "linear" only up to the point where all available memory has been filled with state, and beyond that point the server seems to essentially stall. Stateless servers only keep resources occupied when they're actually doing something, and once finished doing stuff, those resources are immediately freed and available for other clients. Such servers are essentially not capped by memory limits and therefore "scale easier".
Also, the explanation given seems to refer to scenario's where a set of distinct machines present themselves to the outside world as being one, when actually they are not (this is often called a "cluster" of machines/servers). In such scenario's, if a client has connected to the "big single virtual machine", then actually he is connected to just one of the "actual machines" in the cluster. If state is kept there, subsequent visits by that same client must then be routed to the same physical machine, or that piece of state must be trafficked around to whatever machine the next visit happens to be to. The former implies the implementation of management functions that take their own set of resources, plus limitations on the freedom the cluster has to distribute the load (the opposite of why you want to do clustering), the latter implies additional network traffic that will cap scalability in essentially the same way as available memory does.
Server-based authentication makes use of sessions, which in turn make use of a local session id. In the cloud, when the servers are replicated to handle application load, it becomes difficult for one server to know which sessions are active on other servers. Now to overcome this problem, extra steps must be performed... for instance to persist the session id on to the database. However, as the servers are increasingly replicated, it becomes more and more difficult to handle all this. Therefore, server-based or session-based authentication can be problematic for scalability.

Google Compute Engine Load Balancer limits

I'm thinking of using Google Compute Engine to run a LOT of instances in a target pool behind a network load balancer. Each of those instances will end up real-time processing many large data streams, so at full scale and peak times there might be multiple Terabytes per second go through.
Is there a quota or limit to the data you can push through those load balancers? Is there a limit of instances you can have in a target pool? (the documentation does not seem to specify this)
It seems like load balancers have a dedicated IP (means it's a single machine?)
There's no limit on the amount of data that you can push through a LB. As for instances, there are default limits on CPUs, persistent or SSD disks, and you can see those quotas in the Developers Console at 'Compute' > 'Compute Engine'> 'Quotas', however you can always request increase quota at this link. You can have as many instances that you need in a target pool. Take a look to the Compute Engine Autoscaler that will help you to spin up machines as your service needs. The single IP provided for your LB is in charge of distributing incoming traffic across your multiple instances.

BIND9.7. When several named processes are running, how to judge which process is providing the service?

For example, I execute "sudo named" several times, so there are several named processes running. When I use "pidof named", I get several pids.
I want to calculate the CPU usage rate of the BIND process,so I need to get some parameters from "/proc/pid/stat", so I need the pid of the named process which is really providing the domain resolution service.
What's the difference between the named process which is providing the service and the others? Could you give me a detailed explanation?
thanks very much~
(It's my first time to use stackoverflow , to use English to ask quetions , please ignore those syntax errors.)
There should be just one named running, the scripts that manage the service ensure that. You shouldn't start it like that, you should use what your distribution uses to start it, probably something along the lines of service bind start (that is probably a RedHat-ism), or /etc/rc.d/bind start (for bog-standard SysVinit).
I was responsible for DNS for quite some time here. Some tips:
DNS is a very critical service, configure and monitor with extreme care. Do read up on setting up and managing this, don't go ahead until you are absolutely clear.
Get somebody as a backup for the case that you aren't available, and make sure they understand the previous point.
DNS isn't CPU intensive (OK, with signed domains and that newfangled stuff that might have changed), it is memory intensive (and network intensive, or at least sensitive to delays). Our main DNS server was running for months at a time, and clocked up some half hour of CPU time during that kind of period IIRC.
Separate your master server (responsible for the domain(s) from the servers queried by clients (caching servers). There have been vulnerabilities where malformed questions or "answers" to questions that hadn't been asked soiled the database
The master server will have all the domain information in RAM, make sure you have got enough of it
Make sure all machines under your jurisdiction use the same caching server. It makes no sense for more than one, that destroys the idea of cache.
The caching servers collect immense amounts of data over time. This data rarely is performance critical, so configure them with plenty of swap space to accommodate overflows.
Bind issues as many named processes as many CPUs you have:
man named:
-n #cpus
Create #cpus worker threads to take advantage of multiple CPUs. If not specified, named will try to determine the number of CPUs present and create one thread per CPU. If it is unable to determine the number of CPUs, a single worker thread will be created.
External source:

How to control number of running worker processes for MongoDB?

Well, as the question simply explains itself, let me clear it up little more.
I am running MongoDB primarily for read-only purposes at back-end. My crons do the writes and they don't really push it hard when they are triggered. Some updates, some new documents etc.
The thing is requests usually do not even hit the application level because of entire page caching handled within MemCached by Nginx. So the application doesn't query database for another hour per page.
But so far as I can see in my process list, there are 21 MongoDB worker processes that are using none of the CPU but reasonably large amount of memory because of the previous queries.
I checked the configuration settings and googled around but couldn't find any answer.. So, is there any way to limit those processes or at least to tell MongoDB reduce/empty its memory usage after a while?
Workers are using for talking to config server and other replica as well apart from just serving user request. This is documented in here.
we can limit net.maxIncomingConnections as par recommendation on this page to limit the number of workers processing user request. But this should be used with precaution as setting this number too low and then sending more concurrent calls will result in some calls being queued.