Pass by value. Array - kotlin

I have two arrays. But when I change second - first change too.
I tried
but it didn't work for me.
object MatrixObject {
var table: Array<Array<Int>>? = null
fun randOf(n: Int) {
table= Array(n, { Array(n, { Random().nextInt(100 - 0) + 0 }) })
var tableF: Array<Array<Int>>? = null
get() {
if (field==null)
return field
fun factorization() {
tableF = table!!
... //here I change elements of tableF
I tried
for(row in 0 until table!!.size)
tableF!![row] = Arrays.copyOf(table!![row], table!![row].size)
for(row in 0 until table!!.size)
tableF!![row] = table!![row].clone() // and copyOf()
but it still doesn't work.

I found the solution.I initialized the array.
tableF= Array(table!!.size, { Array(table!!.size, {0}) })
for(row in 0 until table!!.size)
tableF!![row] = table!![row].clone()


Kotlin, memory saving

I'm working on Splay Tree. I have a lot of command input (add, delete and etc), Hence the output is also huge (32MB of text in a txt file)
I have a memory problem, I am currently using two MultitableList and I have 200 MB of virtual memory (128 MB is needed for the project)
I run on Linux with the command:
$ kotlinc Kotlin.kt -include-runtime -d outPutFile.jar
$ /usr/bin/time -v java -jar outPutFile.jar
result: Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 249732 (With each launch different sizes but about 200)
how can i reduce the size? I need to change the size after each cycle
class SplayTree {
var ROOT: Node? = null
class Node(val key: Long, var value: String?) {
var _parent: SplayTree.Node? = null
var _RightChild: SplayTree.Node? = null
var _LeftChild: SplayTree.Node? = null
... there is a code here ...
// for output
override fun toString(): String {
if (_parent == null) {
return "[${key} ${value}]"
} else {
return "[${key} ${value} ${_parent!!.key}]"
... there is a code here ...
override fun toString(): String {
if (ROOT == null) {
return "_"
var NOWqueueList: List<Node?> = listOf(ROOT)
var BABYqueue: MutableList<Node?> = MutableList(0) { null }
//var NOWqueueList = Array<Node?>(1, {ROOT}) // Array
//var BABYqueue = Array<Node?>(1, {null}) // Array
//var n = 1 // Array
for (h in 1 until height(ROOT)) {
// for Array
//var pos = -1
//n *= 2
//BABYqueue = Array<Node?>(n, {null}) //for future line
for (ROOTList in NOWqueueList) {
//pos++ // Array
if ( ROOTList != null){
if (ROOTList.haveLeftBaby()) {
//BABYqueue[pos] = ROOTList._LeftChild // Array
print(" ")
} else {
//BABYqueue[pos] = null // Array
print("_ ")
//pos++ // Array
if (ROOTList.haveRightBaby()) {
//BABYqueue[pos] = ROOTList._RightChild // Array
print(" ")
} else {
//BABYqueue[pos] = null
print("_ ")
} else{ //если пустой то + 2 "_"
//BABYqueue[pos] = null // Array
//pos++ // Array
//BABYqueue[pos] = null // Array
print("_ _ ")
//NOWqueueList.clear() //worked when was MultitableList
NOWqueueList = BABYqueue.toList() // equate
//NOWqueueList = BABYqueue.clone() // Array
//println(NOWqueueList.joinToString(" ")) // вывожу готовый
return " end="
fun main() {
... there is a code here ...
I tried using Array, it still came out as with MultitableList

How to get object of Maximum value from LiveData?

I have liveData of market data. I want one market data object which have highest 'volume'. Here, volume is string value("277927.5793846733451135"), it could be null also.
I am using below code to achieve this. but, its not working.
viewModel.marketlist.observe(this as LifecycleOwner, { marketdata ->
val marketData = marketdata.getOrNull()
if(marketData !=null) {
val mData: MarketData? = marketData.marketData?.maxByOrNull { checkNotNull(it.volume) }
if (mData != null) {
binding.textViewPrice.text = mData.price
else {
Any help would be appreciated!
You should be able to do something like this:
viewModel.marketList.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { marketData ->
val maxData = marketData.getOrNull()?.marketData?.let { dataValues ->
dataValues.maxByOrNull { it.volume?.toDoubleOrNull() ?: -1.0 }
if (maxData != null) {
binding.textViewPrice.text = maxData.price
I cleaned up the observe call a bit, then I'm checking if marketData.getOrNull().marketData is null right away with my let { ... } block.
If you do have marketData (the inner one), it'll then safely call maxByOrNull { it.volume }.

State flow Android Kotlin

I have a god view model for every thing I know this is wrong
but I am just experimenting with Flow
I have these two State flow variables in view model
private val _currentRestroMenu = MutableStateFlow<State<Menu>>(State.loading())
private val _userCart = MutableStateFlow(CustomerCart())
val currentRestroMenu: StateFlow<State<Menu>> = _currentRestroMenu
val userCart: StateFlow<CustomerCart> = _userCart
Below functions get data from server and update above state flow
private fun getRestroMenuFromCloudAndUpdateData(restroId: String) = viewModelScope.launch {
fireStoreRepository.getRestroMenu(restroId).collect { state ->
when (state) {
is State.Success -> {
_currentRestroMenu.value = State.success(
dataHolderMenuOnSearch =
if (!viewedRestroMenu.contains( {
is State.Failed -> {
_currentRestroMenu.value = State.failed(state.message)
is State.Loading -> {
_currentRestroMenu.value = State.loading()
private fun getCart() = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
if (currentCart.cartEmpty) {
.collect { cartState ->
when (cartState) {
is State.Success -> {
_userCart.update {
cartId =,
cartEmpty =,
cartItem =,
restroId =,
cartTotalAmount =,
cartAddressId =,
cartDeliveryTime =,
cartCookingInstructions =,
cartAppliedOfferId =,
deliveryPartnerTipAmount =,
cartDeliveryCharge =,
cartTax =,
deliveryInstructionId =,
foodHandlingCharge =,
cartNumberOfItems =,
cartRestroName =
currentCart =
is State.Failed -> {
if (cartState.message == "Result null") {
"getCartFromCloud: No cart details found in cloud creating new cart"
_userCart.update {
cartId = dataStoreRepository.readFileDataStoreValue.first().savedUserId,
cartEmpty = true
currentCart = CustomerCart(
cartId = dataStoreRepository.readFileDataStoreValue.first().savedUserId,
cartEmpty = true
is State.Loading -> {
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "getCartFromCloud: Loading")
} else {
_userCart.value = currentCart
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "getCart: $currentCart ")
I am collecting these state flow from different fragments
every thing works fine except one fragment
here is the code
in on create method
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
godCustomerViewModel.currentRestroMenu.collectLatest { menuState ->
Log.d(TAG, "currentRestroMenu ::: mENUSELECT FIRED: ")
when (menuState) {
is State.Success -> {
restroMenu =
is State.Failed -> {
Log.d(TAG, "currentRestroMenu: ")
is State.Loading -> {
private fun getCartDetails(restroMenu: Menu) = viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
godCustomerViewModel.userCart.collectLatest {
if (it.restroId == restroMenu.restroId) {
} else {
I am passing the two collected values to adapter (retro menu and item in cart )
when the fragment is loaded for the first time everything works fine
I have add dish to cart function which updates the value of user cart
fun addDishToCart(dish: Dish) = viewModelScope.launch {
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "addDishToCart: view model invoked")
if (currentCart.checkIfCartBelongsToThisRestro(dish.dishRestroId)) {
currentCart.addDishToCart(dish).collect {
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "addDishToCartcollect: $currentCart")
_userCart.update {
cartEmpty = currentCart.cartEmpty,
cartItem = currentCart.getCartItem(),
restroId = currentCart.restroId,
cartTotalAmount = currentCart.cartTotalAmount,
cartNumberOfItems = currentCart.cartNumberOfItems,
} else {
// restro Conflict
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "addDishToCart: $currentCart")
_restroConflict.value = CartConflict(true, currentCart.cartRestroName, dish)
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "addDishToCart current cart: ${currentCart.getCartItem()}")
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "addDishToCart: user Cart : ${_userCart.value.getCartItem()} ")
Which also work fine initially
I also have a button to filter menu to veg non veg
fun filterMenuForVeg(value: Boolean, showAll: Boolean) = viewModelScope.launch {
if (!showAll) {
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "filterMenuForVeg: Entered veg :$value")
var filteredMenu = Menu()
filteredMenu.restroId = dataHolderMenuOnSearch.restroId
for (menuCategory in dataHolderMenuOnSearch.menuCategories) {
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "filterMenuForVeg: $dataHolderMenuOnSearch ")
for (dish in menuCategory.dishes) {
if (dish.dishVeg == value) {
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "found dish with veg $value: ")
var categoryAlreadySaved = false
filteredMenu.menuCategories.filter {
categoryAlreadySaved = it.categoryId == menuCategory.categoryId
if (!categoryAlreadySaved) {
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "menu category not found in filtered list ")
val menuCategoryToAdd = MenuCategories()
menuCategoryToAdd.menuCategoryName = menuCategory.menuCategoryName
menuCategoryToAdd.categoryId = menuCategory.categoryId
menuCategoryToAdd.restroId = menuCategory.restroId
} else {
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "menu category found in filtered list ")
filteredMenu.menuCategories.find {
if (it.categoryId == menuCategory.categoryId) {
it.restroId = menuCategory.restroId
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "filterMenuForVeg : $filteredMenu ")
_currentRestroMenu.value = State.success(filteredMenu)
} else {
// set to all data
_currentRestroMenu.value = State.success(dataHolderMenuOnSearch)
When I filter dish for veg or non veg then add dish to cart (Which only changes userCart State flow) the place where I am collecting these state flow
get fired twice
so set data to adapter is getting called twice
What Iam doing wrong
Could you collect the items with onEach instead of collectLatest? It would solve your problem probably.

How to get columns of two dimesional array using functional style in kotlin

For example I have such a simple task: count all raws and columns which have all zeros in 2D array.
So for
0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 1
answer is 2 raws and 1 column.
I can make it just like that for raws: var cntRaws = a.count { it.all { el -> el == 0 } }, but how to solve it for columns in same way?
val x = Array<IntArray>(3) { IntArray(3) { 0 } }
x[2][0] = 1
x[2][2] = 1
val raws = x.count { it.sum() == 0 }
val columns = (x.indices)
.map { columnIndex -> { it[columnIndex] } }
.count { it.sum() == 0 }
println("total raws:$raws")
println("total col:$columns")
I couldn't think of any idomatic / functional style to do this, but I came up with an idea just create a lazily evaluated swapping function that swaps the columns with rows when it wants to pull without creating a new list.
fun <T> List<List<T>>.swapped() = sequence {
var index = 0
while (index < size) {
yield(map { it[index] })
fun main() {
val list = listOf(
listOf(0, 0, 0),
listOf(0, 0, 0),
listOf(1, 0, 1)
val cntRows = list.count { it.all { el -> el == 0 } }
val cntCols = list.swapped().count { it.all { el -> el == 0 } }
println("cntRows: $cntRows")
println("cntCols: $cntCols")
I tried my best to optimize it and do it in same O(n*m) steps as done with the regular row counting, since Sequences are lazily evaluated.
This is a functional way of doing it that works if all rows are the same size:
fun <T>List<List<T>>.rowToColumn() = (0 until first().size).map{row -> (0 until size).map {col-> this[col][row] }}

OQL syntax to refer to an object?

I find required objects in visualvm v1.3.8:
filter(heap.objects("java.lang.String"), "/hibernate\\.ejb\\.naming/(it.toString())")
they shown as:
java.lang.String#32669 - hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy_delegator
java.lang.String#34021 - hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy
java.lang.String#39522 - hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy_delegator
How can I refer to individual object from result set in OQL syntax? My attempts fail:
select heap.findObject("java.lang.String#34021")
select heap.findObject("#34021")
select heap.findObject("34021")
I may use trick with objectid(...):
"{id: objectid(it), ref: it}")
and then reuse id with heap.findObject(4077522088) like syntax.
UPDATE 2022 Seems VisualVM enumerates each type separately and consistently so iteration of heap.objects("...", false) should lead to the right object:
function objectnum(clazz, num) {
if (typeof clazz !== 'string') { return undefined; }
if (Math.floor(num) !== num) {
var split = clazz.split("#");
if (split.length != 2) { return undefined; }
clazz = split[0];
num = parseInt(split[1]);
if (num < 1) { return undefined; }
var iter = heap.objects(clazz, false);
var i = 0;
while (iter.hasMoreElements()) {
i += 1;
var next = iter.nextElement();
if (num === i) { return next; }
return null;
// Usage:
objectnum("char[]", 456);