ASP.Net Core Authentication Providers - authentication

I created an ASP.Net Core 2.0 MVC using authentication providers as described here:
On localhost (i.e. when run via Visual Studio 2017) all works well. However, after deploying to Azure I found that the login providers stopped working (despite my setting up appropriate callback URIs; e.g. for Google I have https://localhost:44357/signin-google but also,, and (as well as having setup the domain and its www subdomain in Azure and configured SSL covering these domains). For Twitter I've changed the setup to the www subdomain only (as only 1 callback URL's allowed), and for LinkedIn I only have the domain and subdomain (i.e. I had to remove localhost; as LinkedIn only allows callback URI's under a single domain). I've also configured those keys/values which had been in my secrets.json under the Azure App Service's Application Settings.
On first login (aka registration), the user clicks the relevant provider's button after which new user entry appears in the AspNetUsers and AspNetUserLogins tables, and the user is directed to the page where they can associate their email. However, they're not logged in at that point; just registered. Subsequent attempts take them back to the email registration form; only clicking the Register button then returns an error message stating that the email's already registered (which is correct); but the user's still not signed in to the site.
I have the same issue with all providers; though after proving this focussed most of my ongoing on Google, just to limit the number of changing variables.
The only significant change I've made from the example was to refactor code in Startup.cs so that each provider's encapsulated in it's own method; so ConfigureServices contains:
... and those methods look like this:
#region Authentication Providers
public void ConfigureServicesAuthFacebook(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthentication().AddFacebook(x =>
x.AppId = Configuration["Authentication:Facebook:Id"];
x.AppSecret = Configuration["Authentication:Facebook:Secret"];
public void ConfigureServicesAuthGoogle(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthentication().AddGoogle(x =>
x.ClientId = Configuration["Authentication:Google:Id"];
x.ClientSecret = Configuration["Authentication:Google:Secret"];
public void ConfigureServicesAuthTwitter(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthentication().AddTwitter(x =>
x.ConsumerKey = Configuration["Authentication:Twitter:Id"];
x.ConsumerSecret = Configuration["Authentication:Twitter:Secret"];
public void ConfigureServicesAuthMicrosoft(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthentication().AddMicrosoftAccount(x =>
x.ClientId = Configuration["Authentication:Microsoft:Id"];
x.ClientSecret = Configuration["Authentication:Microsoft:Secret"];
public void ConfigureServicesAuthLinkedIn(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthentication().AddOAuth("LinkedIn", x =>
x.ClientId = Configuration["Authentication:LinkedIn:Id"];
x.ClientSecret = Configuration["Authentication:LinkedIn:Secret"];
x.CallbackPath = new PathString("/signin-linkedin");
x.AuthorizationEndpoint = "";
x.TokenEndpoint = "";
x.UserInformationEndpoint = ",formatted-name,email-address,picture-url)";
//x.Scope = { "r_basicprofile", "r_emailaddress" };
#endregion Authentication Providers
How can I debug this issue given I cannot recreate the problem on localhost. Any hints on what the issue may be?

The way it works is your user first must assoicate their Google account with the user on your system. It sounds like this is working for you.
After that is done your code should preform some kind of ExternalLoginSignInAsync however this kind of depends on how you have your system set up.
Out of the box, where IsNotAllowed is true this means the email or phone number associated with the account which needs to be confirmed has not yet been confirmed. See ASN.NET Core 2.0 Facebook authentication ExternalLoginSignInAsync Fails (IsNotAllowed)
Take a look at the AccountController method ExternalLoginConfirmation and you'll see:
var user = new ApplicationUser(model.Email) { Email = model.Email };
Assuming you're happy for those signing up with existing logon providers, amend this to:
var user = new ApplicationUser(model.Email) { Email = model.Email, EmailConfirmed = true };


Windows authentication fail with "401 Unauthorized"

I have a MVC client accessing a Web API protected by IDS4. They all run on my local machine and hosted by IIS. The app works fine when using local identity for authentication. But when I try to use Windows authentication, I keep getting "401 Unauthorized" error from the dev tool and the login box keeps coming back to the browser.
Here is the Windows Authentication IIS setting
and enabled providers
It's almost like that the user ID or password was wrong, but that's nearly impossible because that's the domain user ID and password I use for logging into the system all the time. Besides, according to my reading, Windows Authentication is supposed to be "automatic", which means I will be authenticated silently without a login box in the first place.
I enabled the IIS request tracing and here is the result from the log:
As you can see from the trace log item #29, the authentication (with the user ID I typed in, "DOM\Jack.Backer") was successful. However, some authorization item (#48) failed after that. And here is the detail of the failed item:
What's interesting is that the ErrorCode says that the operation (whatever it is) completed successfully, but still I received a warning with a HttpStatus=401 and a HttpReason=Unauthorized. Apparently, this is what failed my Windows Authentication. But what is this authorization about and how do I fix it?
In case anyone interested - I finally figured this one out. It is because the code that I downloaded from IndentityServer4's quickstart site in late 2020 doesn't have some of the important pieces needed for Windows authentication. Here is what I had to add to the Challenge function of the ExternalController class
and here is the ProcessWindowsLoginAsync function
private async Task<IActionResult> ProcessWindowsLoginAsync(string returnUrl)
var result = await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync(AccountOptions.WindowsAuthenticationSchemeName);
if (result?.Principal is WindowsPrincipal wp)
var props = new AuthenticationProperties()
RedirectUri = Url.Action(nameof(Callback)),
Items =
{ "returnUrl", returnUrl },
{ "scheme", AccountOptions.WindowsAuthenticationSchemeName },
var id = new ClaimsIdentity(AccountOptions.WindowsAuthenticationSchemeName);
id.AddClaim(new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Subject, wp.Identity.Name));
id.AddClaim(new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, wp.Identity.Name));
if (AccountOptions.IncludeWindowsGroups)
var wi = wp.Identity as WindowsIdentity;
var groups = wi.Groups.Translate(typeof(NTAccount));
var roles = groups.Select(x => new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, x.Value));
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(IdentityConstants.ExternalScheme, new ClaimsPrincipal(id), props);
return Redirect(props.RedirectUri);
return Challenge(AccountOptions.WindowsAuthenticationSchemeName);
Now my windows authentication works with no issues.

Restrict account registration to only Admin users with identity authentication

I am creating a Blazor server app that requires authenticated users in order to prevent external access, and I would like to limit the ability to register new accounts to be only available to Administrator users to prevent unwanted accounts from being created.
I'm using Identity user accounts, scaffolded out for Blazor. Solutions like this at least disable the registration, but from there I need to be able to enable it again for administrative users. I attempted to recreate the register page as a Blazor component, however, using the generated RegisterModel did not seem to work for me.
Upon a large amount of searching - the answer ended up being relatively simple. Muhammad Hammad Maroof's solution although technically correct, confused me and was mostly unhelpful for working with the register page specifically.
As I am using Role-Based Authentication scaffolded out from Blazor - in a seperate razor page I use this code to set up roles:
#code {
protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
await SetUpAuth();
private async Task SetUpAuth()
const string Manager = "Manager";
string[] roles = { Manager };
foreach (var role in roles)
var roleExist = await roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(role);
if (!roleExist)
await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role));
var user = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(config.GetValue<string>("AdminUser"));
if (user != null)
await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, Manager);
Allowing the appropriate user to be marked as an administrator. This page has the [AllowAnonymous] tag on it in order to allow the administrative user as dictated by "AdminUser": "", in the appsettings.json page to be able to access the site on initial setup.
Preventing access to the Blazor site itself from anonymous users was as simple as adding this line to ConfigureServices in the startup class (Code taken from Microsoft Docs)
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.FallbackPolicy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
From this, allowing access to the register page was significantly easier than I had initially thought (likely due to my lack of .net experience). To do so, all you have to do is locate the Register.cshtml.cs page (I couldn't initially find the controller method Muhammad had mentioned) which I did by using visual studio to right click on the Register Model and then go to definition. This should take you to the Register.cshtml.cs page with the RegisterModel class. In order to restrict access to this page for only a specific role of users, all you have to do is change the [AllowAnonymous] tag above the class to look similar to this:
[Authorize(Roles ="Manager")]
public class RegisterModel : PageModel
It's important to note that the same technique used to secure the register page could be used to secure any of the of the other scaffolded Identity pages. For applications where you may have more than a few roles, the method provided by Muhammad of using policy based authorization may be the way to go, and this link he provided is a great tutorial for setting up and using that form of authentication.
//FORCE autentication for all RAZOR PAGES except [AllowAnonymous]
services.AddControllers(config => {
var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
config.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));
Only adding this code to my startup.cs solved my problem.
Here's how I am doing it in core mvc app
C# Startup class:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy(ADMIN_ACCESS, policy => policy.RequireRole($"{UserType.Admin}"));
public class AdminController : Controller
//Some action methods here

.NET CORE API Making Facebook Login Work With Openiddict/Identity

I have one project (Project A) which is a .NET CORE API project using Openiddict with an endpoint of /connect/token to issue JWT tokens using Identity to handle the security etc. This project works great as is.
I have another project (Project B), which is just a very simple project with some HTML that makes requests to the API to get an access token, and get data from the API. This project also works great.
Now the part I cannot wrap my brain around, how do I use Facebook login between these two totally separate projects? I know how to use it if everything is under one roof, and it's really easy, but this scenario has me totally confused since everything is separated. So for starters, who handles the 'ExternalLogin', 'ExternalLoginCallBack' logic (from .NET web template using individual accounts), the API? The HTML project? When connecting with Facebook, what redirect uri should I use (API/HTML project)? Then who should have the below code in their 'Startup.cs' file?
app.UseFacebookAuthentication(new FacebookOptions
AppId = "xxxxxxx",
AppSecret = "xxxxxxxxx",
Scope = { "email", "user_friends" },
Fields = { "name", "email" },
SaveTokens = true,
And finally if this helps here is how I have Project A currently setup:
public void ConfigureServices function: (API)
// add entity framework using the config connection string
.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
// add identity
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole>()
// add OpenIddict
services.AddOpenIddict<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole, ApplicationDbContext>()
public void Configure function: (API)
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerOptions
AutomaticAuthenticate = true,
AutomaticChallenge = true,
RequireHttpsMetadata = false,
Audience = "http://localhost:54418/",
Authority = "http://localhost:54418/"
Authorization Controller (API)
public class AuthorizationController : Controller
private OpenIddictUserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
public AuthorizationController(OpenIddictUserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
_userManager = userManager;
public async Task<IActionResult> Exchange()
var request = HttpContext.GetOpenIdConnectRequest();
if (request.IsPasswordGrantType())
var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(request.Username);
if (user == null)
return BadRequest(new OpenIdConnectResponse
ErrorDescription = "The username or password provided is incorrect"
var identity = await _userManager.CreateIdentityAsync(user, request.GetScopes());
// Add a custom claim that will be persisted
// in both the access and the identity tokens.
if (user.Avatar != null)
identity.AddClaim("user_avatar", user.Avatar,
if (user.InSiteUserName != null)
identity.AddClaim("insite_username", user.InSiteUserName,
identity.AddClaim("hasLoggedIn", user.HasLoggedIn.ToString(),
// Create a new authentication ticket holding the user identity.
var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(
new ClaimsPrincipal(identity),
new AuthenticationProperties(),
return SignIn(ticket.Principal, ticket.Properties, ticket.AuthenticationScheme);
return BadRequest(new OpenIdConnectResponse
Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.UnsupportedGrantType,
ErrorDescription = "The specified grant type is not supported."
I don't know if it's including anything from Project B since it's pretty basic/bare and relies on the API for everything.
I know this is a loaded and complicated question, and I'm sure I'm not presenting it as fluidly as possible so I apologize in advance for that, like I said before, I'm confused. Thank you!
Now the part I cannot wrap my brain around, how do I use Facebook login between these two totally separate projects? I know how to use it if everything is under one roof, and it's really easy, but this scenario has me totally confused since everything is separated. So for starters, who handles the 'ExternalLogin', 'ExternalLoginCallBack' logic (from .NET web template using individual accounts), the API? The HTML project?
In the recommended case (i.e when using an interactive flow like the authorization code flow or the implicit flow), the authorization server project itself is responsible of handling the external authentication dance, using the social providers you've configured in your ASP.NET Core pipeline.
In theory, the final client application (i.e the JS app) doesn't even know that you've decided to use external authentication at the authorization server level, since it's not directly linked to Facebook or Google.
In this case, the redirect_uri configured in the Facebook options must correspond to an endpoint owned by the authorization server application (in your case, it's provided by the Facebook authentication middleware).
If you don't like this approach, there's also a different flow named "assertion grant", that basically reverses how things are handled: the final client app (the JS app in your case) is directly linked to Facebook - so the redirect_uri must correspond to the JS app - and uses OpenIddict's token endpoint to "exchange" Facebook tokens with tokens issued by your own server, that can be used with your own APIs.
For more information about this flow, please read Exchanging a google idToken for local openId token c#.

AspNet Core External Authentication with Both Google and Facebook

I am trying to implement the Form-Authentication in ASP.Net Core with Both Google and Facebook Authentications. I followed some tutorials and after some struggles, I managed to make it work both.
However, the problem is that I cannot use both authentications for the same email.
For example, my email is ''.
I used Facebook authentication to log in first... Registered my email and it worked successfully and put my record into 'dbo.ASPNetUsers' table.
Then I logged out, clicked on Google Authentication to log in. It authenticated successfully, but when I tried to register it keeps saying that my email is already taken.
I tried to do the same thing for other online websites (Eg, Stackoverflow). I used the same email for both Google and Facebook and the website knows, I am the same person and both my login / claims are linked even though they come from different places (Google & Facebook).
I would like to have that feature in my website and could you please let me know how could I achieve that.
In theory, it should put another line in 'dbo.AspNetUserLogins' and should link the same UserId with multiple logins.
Do I need to implement my own SignInManager.SignInAsync method to achieve that feature? Or am I missing any configuration?
You need to link your Facebook external login to your Google external login with your email by using UserManager.AddLoginAsync, you cannot register twice using the same adresse if you use the adresse as login.
Check out the Identity sample on Identity github repo.
To link external login to a user, the Manae controller expose methods LinkLogin and LinkLoginCallback
LinkLogin requests a redirect to the external login provider to link a login for the current user
LinkLoginCallback processes the provider response
// POST: /Manage/LinkLogin
public IActionResult LinkLogin(string provider)
// Request a redirect to the external login provider to link a login for the current user
var redirectUrl = Url.Action("LinkLoginCallback", "Manage");
var properties = _signInManager.ConfigureExternalAuthenticationProperties(provider, redirectUrl, _userManager.GetUserId(User));
return Challenge(properties, provider);
// GET: /Manage/LinkLoginCallback
public async Task<ActionResult> LinkLoginCallback()
var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
if (user == null)
return View("Error");
var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync(await _userManager.GetUserIdAsync(user));
if (info == null)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ManageLogins), new { Message = ManageMessageId.Error });
var result = await _userManager.AddLoginAsync(user, info);
var message = result.Succeeded ? ManageMessageId.AddLoginSuccess : ManageMessageId.Error;
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ManageLogins), new { Message = message });

Forms Authentication with NancyFx

I am using NancyFx to make a simple website were users can login and out using an ajax control.
I have read the documentation on Forms Authentication with Nancy and I think I have completed all the required steps.
Install the Nancy.Authentication.Forms package
Implement an IUserMapper
Implement routes to handle login and logout
Configure and enable Forms Authentication
I am having an issue where after calling login, requests do not have a current user set.
I can see a cookie set after the login is executed. However the user mapper is not getting called. I have tried requesting routes with and with out the this.RequiresAuthentication(); and still no user.
Here is my Bootstrapper Implementation for step 4
public class Bootstrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
protected override void ConfigureApplicationContainer(TinyIoCContainer container)
container.Register<ISessionFactory>((c, p) => SessionFactory.Factory);
protected override void ConfigureConventions(NancyConventions conventions)
conventions.StaticContentsConventions.Add(StaticContentConventionBuilder.AddDirectory("assets", #"content/assets"));
conventions.StaticContentsConventions.Add(StaticContentConventionBuilder.AddDirectory("application", #"content/application"));
protected override void ConfigureRequestContainer(TinyIoCContainer container, NancyContext context)
base.ConfigureRequestContainer(container, context);
container.Register<IUserMapper, UserMapper>();
protected override void RequestStartup(TinyIoCContainer container, IPipelines pipelines, NancyContext context)
base.RequestStartup(container, pipelines, context);
var formsAuthConfiguration =
new FormsAuthenticationConfiguration()
RedirectUrl = "~/",
UserMapper = container.Resolve<IUserMapper>()
FormsAuthentication.Enable(pipelines, formsAuthConfiguration);
Here is my login & logout logic for step 3.
Post["/login"] = x =>
//Verify here, hardcode for testing
string email = "";
User user = ExecuteCommand(new FetchUser(email));
return new { email = user.Email, authorized = true, status = "okay" };
Post["/logout"] = x =>
return this.Logout("~/");
My IUsermapper simply looks up a user from a database with the given id.
I can see it gets constructed when the RequestStartup resolves the IUserMapper but then there are never any calls to the get GetUserFromIdentifier function.
Any help would be great.
The GetUserFromIdentifier method is not being called because you are using the LoginWithoutRedirect extension. It is not the login that calls GetUserFromIdentifier but rather any subsequent redirect.
A more usual way of doing things would be:
string email = "";
User user = ExecuteCommand(new FetchUser(email));
It is not expected that the login route would be accessed directly. Instead the user would normally request a protected resource, be authenticated and then redirected to the requested resource.
A couple of other points:
When I tried your code I got an error returning an anonymous type. Instead I needed to return the type as json, like this:
return Response.AsJson(new
email = user.Email,
authorized = true,
status = "okay"
This works fine, it logs in and returns your anonymous type as a json object and since there is no redirect then, as expected, it does not call GetUserFromIdentifier.
Finally, your /logout route should be protected using this.RequiresAuthentication(). It makes sense because only authenticated users need to logout. It will also protect you when GetUserFromIdentifier returns null - perhaps because a cached user has been timed out. RequiresAuthentication detects this null user and redirects back to Get["/login"].