Vue.js: Passing environment variables to a vue.js application - vue.js

I'm running a vue.js application in a Docker container. I have some configuration set via environment variables (e.g. API base url). I want to be able to use these variables in my application in browser. How can I pass them?
I tried to add these variables to one of the config/*.env.js files like that (config/dev.env.js):
module.exports = merge(prodEnv, {
NODE_ENV: '"development"',
backendBase: process.env.BACKEND_BASE
Then I run application using npm run dev but process.env object is always empty (NODE_ENV is also not available)

I came across the exact same problem recently. If you are running the dev server using a watcher I think it doesn't pick the config change up correctly. I stopped my dev server, rebuilt production as well (no idea if that helps but just in case) and then started the dev server up again and all was ok.
To access the above settings you should be able to use process.env in your code

I think only variables prefixed with VUE_APP get packaged up by Vue.
Note that only variables that start with VUE_APP_ will be statically
embedded into the client bundle with webpack.DefinePlugin.
I tested locally.
.env in root:
In main.js:
// imports and other stuff
new Vue({
render: h => h(App),
console.log(process.env.APP_TEST, 'APP_TEST');
console.log(process.env.VUE_APP_TEST, 'VUE_APP_TEST');
undefined APP_TEST
You'll need to run another build if you make changes to your envvars.


Liberary dotenv-webpack doesn't work with vue 3 and webpack-cli

I'm using Vue 3 and Webpack 5 and wanted to install dotenv-webpack, but I can't get it to work.
Here's full code:
package.json script I'm using to launch the app
webpack-cli serve
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack')
module.exports = (env) => {
return {
plugins: [
new Dotenv()
.env (added in the root folder of my app)
and output in console is: "MISSING_ENV_VAR"
I tried removing new webpack.DefinePlugin({...}) from plugins in webpack config, but it didn't help.
In fact you successfully loaded the .env file with dotenv-webpack and the VUE_APP_VAR is accessible. It is just you cannot use the entire process.env object as dotenv-webpack does not allow it showing you MISSING_ENV_VAR instead.
If you chnange line 12 in your src\Layout.vue as follows:
- return process.env
+ return process.env.VUE_APP_VAR
you get your 123 value of the variable in your Vue app.
The reason is at the time of building your application with webpack dotenv-webpack replaces the explicit string process.env.SOME_EXPLICIT_VARIABLE_NAME_HERE existing in your code with the actual value of SOME_EXPLICIT_VARIABLE_NAME_HERE if that exist in the Webpack JS environment's actual process.env object.
This means you never get the entire process.env object accessible in your webpack bundle, and the bundle does not comprise the variable names like VUE_APP_VAR=123. This is the goal of dotenv-webpack.
You can get some more details in my answer here.
PS: DefinePlugin, being returned in the build config, could override process.env. It does so in Vue CLI (which is hardly justifiable). So its effect there sould be neutralized manually for dotenv-webpack to work within Vue CLI (v4 and v5) applications as expected.

Why is runtimeConfig doesn't see environment variables in Nuxt 3?

I do yarn build without the .env file
Add the .env file to the project
I do yarn start.
Print the useRuntimeConfig().public.baseURL to the console and get undefined.
Why is runtime not tracking my environment variables?
export default defineNuxtConfig({
runtimeConfig: {
public: {
baseUrl: ''
export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
console.log('baseURL', useRuntimeConfig().public.baseURL
From the documentation page:
However, after your server is built, you are responsible for setting environment variables when you run the server. Your .env file will not be read at this point. How you do this is different for every environment. On a Linux server, you could pass the environment variables as arguments using the terminal DATABASE_HOST=mydatabaseconnectionstring node .output/server/index.mjs. Or you could source your env file using source .env && node .output/server/index.mjs.
Note that for a purely static site, it is not possible to set runtime configuration config after your project is prerendered.
So, source .env && yarn start should do it.
You might check the version of nuxt.
If it's the bridge version, runtimeConfig cannot work.
Cause I use #nuxt/bridge, not work.
and then it worked on the 3.0.0-rc.3 version. I've tried.
baseUrl: process.env.NUXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL
try it that way. what you do is setting it explicitly to a empty string.

vue as nx plugin and using environment variables (nx-plus/vue)

I've migrated vue app to nx, all is fine now except of one thing - previously, .env file was used in both dev and production environments, during development as well as build, vue-cli-service took care of that. Now I struggle with app build - it doesn't seem to read .env file, or I just do it wrong.
I've tried to add dotenv-webpack and add it in the configure-webpack.js but during build none of the variables was accessible. Here is the file example:
// config.ts
export const CONFIG = {
api_url = process.env.SOME_API_URL
// during build process.env is undefined
build command looks like this:
export API_URL=''; nx build frontend --skip-nx-cache
You would need to switch to Vite but we’ve had good success using this plugin for our applications:

Expo application doesn't get changes in .env file

I have an Expo managed react native application. I created my .env file in the root of my project, installed react-native-dotenv and set up babel to use it. After a while I managed to get it to work.
I have my environment variable
and i use it with
After a while I decided to test the android version of the app, so i changed the endpoint url to my LAN ip and restarted the server. The problem is that even after restarting the server, the cache and the computer, when I call process.env.ENDPOINT it keeps the first url I set.
Here's a list of the things i tried:
restarting the server
restarting the server and the cache
restarting the whole computer
change the variable name to REACT_APP_ENDPOINT as many suggested (I get undefined, it's still stuck to ENDPOINT)
empty expo cache
The strange thing is that I already changed that same variable twice (from to and back for a problem with backend) and had the same problem, but it went away by itself after a couple of minutes (and server restarts).
This time I've been trying to get it to work for 7 hours and nothing has changed.
Any idea?
I had the same issue and managed to run the app with .env changes after using the following command.
expo r -c
After a couple hundred more tests I gave up and implemented a "custom" solution, without any external library:
Switched .env files to TypeScript files (E.g. .env.development -> env.development.ts)
Set up an object named env that has all environmental variables as properties
export const env = {
VAR1: 'foo',
Imported this constant inside the application entry point (in my case App.tsx)
Inside the main constructor assign env to global.env
Use global.env instead of process.env
Not sure if this is the best practice, but solved my problem for now, works like a charm and doesn't require me to reload my application at every change. I'm a bit concerned by the security aspect of having the environment in a global variable inside a js project, so any suggestion is still welcome

Can I access local system env. variables when using vue-cli?

I'm using Vue-cli V3, In my UI I need to pass an environment variable that states if I'm in test mode or not.
I know I can use .env files to define variables, but I have a problem (that is related to our Jenkins build process) that prevents me from using it.
Is there a way to access system env variables?
Yes, you access them the same way that you would inside any normal JS file.
// server.js
const port = process.env.PORT;
console.log(`Your port is ${port}`);
vue-cli only processes environment variables with VUE_APP prefix, with NODE_ENV being an exception. Use environment variables with VUE_APP_ prefix, only then it will work. If you have variable TEST make it VUE_APP_TEST.
const test = process.env.VUE_APP_TEST
I was also struggling with the same problem it almost took an hour to solve this, finally found this document.
reference -