Spock and internal kotlin function - kotlin

I am having trouble with using internal kotlin functions in my Spock tests. Here's short snippet of my spock test:
private def preconditions = new MonetaryPreconditions()
private def usdMonetary = new Monetary(BigDecimal.ZERO, Currency.USD)
def "should throw nothing because Monetaries currencies are same"(){
preconditions.checkMonetariesCurrencies(usdMonetary , usdMonetary )
and my MonetaryPreconditions class:
internal object MonetaryPreconditions {
internal fun checkMonetariesCurrencies(monetary1: Monetary, monetary2: Monetary) {
if (monetary1.currency != monetary2.currency) {
throw CurrencyMismatchException(arrayOf(monetary1.currency, monetary2.currency), "Compared currencies does not match: " + monetary1.currency
+ " , " + monetary2.currency)
My test fails with a stacktrace:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: touk.recruitment.parkandrest.parkingmanagement.core.monetary.MonetaryPreconditions.checkMonetariesCurrencies() is applicable for argument types: (touk.recruitment.parkandrest.parkingmanagement.core.monetary.Monetary, touk.recruitment.parkandrest.parkingmanagement.core.monetary.Monetary) values: [touk.recruitment.parkandrest.parkingmanagement.core.monetary.Monetary#7c417213, ...]
The problem lies in internal visibility of my checkMonetariesCurrencies function. If I change it to public it works just fine, however I do want this to be module private. How can I achieve that with Spock?
Other information about my project:
Test class and MonetaryPreconditions have same package.
I am using Maven.
Test class and MonetaryPreconditions are of course in the same module.

I just ran into the same issue, and the workaround I used (suggested by an experienced coworker of mine) was to write a wrapper class in Kotlin (in the same package as the class under test (CUT); I placed the source code file in the test/kotlin folder) and just forward function calls to the CUT. I then used the wrapper class in my groovy unit test code.
Further, calling functions defined within an object in Kotlin from another programming language requires you to access the object's INSTANCE variable, e.g.
In your case, the wrapper may look as follows:
package com.yourpackage
object MonetaryPreconditionsWrapper{
fun checkMonetariesCurrencies(monetary1: Monetary, monetary2: Monetary){
MonetaryPreconditions.checkMonetariesCurrencies(monetary1, monetary2)
Now you can test the MonetaryPreconditions.checkMonetariesCurrencies function by simply calling the wrapper function from the groovy code as follows:
MonetaryPreconditionsWrapper.INSTANCE.checkMonetariesCurrencies(monetary1, monetary2)

Thanks you Giuseppe for your answer. However for me, Spock didn't see the wrapper as it thought it was a property of the test class and threw a groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException. I had add this to build.gradle:
compileTestGroovy.classpath += files(compileTestKotlin.destinationDir)
Taken from here: https://localcoder.org/test-classes-in-groovy-dont-see-test-classes-in-kotlin


How do you set up a property in a custom gradle task?

I want to write a task that takes a directory from , does something with the files in it and writes the result into some other directory to.
I've been led to believe this was the way to define such a task (kotlin dsl):
package my.app
abstract class FooBarTask : DefaultTask() {
abstract val from: Property<Directory>
abstract val to: Property<Directory>
fun doSomething() {
println("Hakuna Matata")
now how do I set the from and to value in a groovy-based build.gradle?
def myTask = tasks.register('myTask', FooBarTask) {
from = layout.projectDirectory.dir("foo")
to = layout.buildDirectory.dir("bar")
this results in
Could not create task ':my-subproject:myTask'.
> Please use the ObjectFactory.directoryProperty() method to create a property of type Directory.
and it shouldn't.
How do you correctly define a directory property in a custom task?
Gradle has the specialized DirectoryProperty, that offers some additional functionality, compared to the plain Property<Directory> which is one of the implemented interfaces. So this specialized type should be used when declaring directory inputs/outputs.
I'm actually not a 100% sure what caused the error you saw.

Kotlin - How to be able to run and test function?

I am creating demo code in Kotlin. I am trying so students should be able:
run function itself
run test
For example:
If function is created in .kt file, outside of class:
fun main(){
print("Hello world!")
it can be run
but I could not find the way to call it from the test
If the function is inside the class:
class Hello {
fun main(){
print("Hello world!")
the function can be called from the test
but can not be run - the green "Run" button is not visible.
Question: How to make such a function can be run manually and by test at the same time?
I'll assume you are writing your tests in Java, because if it's in Kotlin, calling main is trivial: main(), provided that you have imported the package/in the same package.
Kotlin global functions are compiled into static methods of a class with a name similar to the Kotlin file in which the function is declared, suffixed with Kt For example, if the file is called "app.kt", the class name would be AppKt. So if you declared main in app.kt, you would call:
in Java
You can change this name by annotating the Kotlin file with #JvmName:
Then you can call:
in Java.
See more documentation here

Create a Gradle function for dependencies block in Kotlin

Currently, I'm creating a function, which is available for the dependencies block in Groovy with:
project.dependencies.ext.foo = { String value ->
Thanks to that, I'm able to do:
afterEvaluate {
dependencies {
compileOnly foo('junit')
I'm converting the Groovy code to Kotlin, and I'm wondering how to rewrite this foo extension.
I've ended up with:
project.dependencies.extensions.extraProperties.set("foo", Action { value: String ->
After calling foo('junit'), I get the following exception:
> Could not find method foo() for arguments [junit] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler.
I do not think that would work the same way in Kotlin DSL. Instead, you may declare a Kotlin extension function somewhere in the project. Then calling it would include all necessary receivers to you.
For multiple projects, I would recommend using a buildSrc project. Declarations there are visible to all project files below.
Speaking about Groovy and Kotlin support, I would do something like that:
private fun getFooImpl(scope: getFooImpl, name: String) { /*here is the implementation */ }
fun DependencyHandlerScope.getFoo(name:String) = getFooImpl(this, name)
//in Groovy
project.dependencies.extensions.extraProperties.set("foo", {getFooImpl(..)})
The same code could fit into a plugin as well. A more generic way could be to register a custom DLS extension, so to allow a custom block-like thisIsMyPlugin { .. } in the Gradle DSL and define all necessary helper functions in the extension class. Here the downside is in forcing users to wrap their code into the thisIsMyPlugin block.

Kotlin: How to verify an extension function is called on a mock

Say I have a Java class Metrics. I defined some extension functions on Metrics in Kotlin
fun Merics.expose(name: String, value: Number) {
// do something
Note that the Java class Metrics also has a method called expose but with different signature.
I created a test where I mocked a metrics objects and call a code path where the extension function expose should be called. But how can I verify that those extension functions are invoked?
I tried to use mockk and mockito-kotlin, none of them seem to know that metrics object has a new function called expose with different signatures.
You can not verify that the extension function is called on your mock, as it is not part of that class. The extension function is just a top-level function with a receiver (in your case an instance of Metrics).
But you can still verify that the extension function was called in your code
You can do this using mockkStatic.
You are passing the the path of the (generated) extension function. Let's assume you created your Metrics extension function in package org.com. The extension class should get generated in: com.org.MericsExtensionKt.
A test that wants to verify the call to your extension function could look like:
fun check_metrics_expose_extension_was_called() {
// call your function that is calling Metrics.expose()
// classUnderTest.someFunction()
// this verifies a call to the extension function and their parameters
verify { any<Metrics>().expose(name = any(), value = any()) }

Create Method via GDSL script that has a delegating closure parameter

Using the (scarcely documented) gdsl scripts of Intellij, one can add dynamic methods to a class:
contributor(context(ctype: "my.Type")) {
method name: "doIt", params: [body: {}], type: void
One can also configure the delegation of a closure:
contributor(context(scope: closureScope())) {
def call = enclosingCall("doIt")
if (call) {
def method = call.bind()
def clazz = method?.containingClass
if (clazz?.qualName == 'my.Type') {
Which, when doIt is a method that is defined in the code (not dynamically added), also works as designed.
However, when using the closureScope with the previously created method, the containing class method is always null, meaning that I can not safely delegate inside the closure to the addressed my.Inner class.
What I want is adding a dynamic method equivalent to:
void doIt(#DelegatesTo(my.Inner) Closure)...
I.e. I want the method to be available in code completion (this works), and inside the so created closure, I want correct code completion when addressing methods of my.Inner.
So far, I tried various approaches:
include the #DelegatesTo annotation in the param definition
try more esoteric approaches in finding the owner of the closure, which fails because the GrMethodCall simply has no parent
unconditionally delegating all closures named doIt to my.Inner which works, but is no viable solution since I do have multiple doIt methods (on different classes) delegating to different targets.
So, how can I make IDEA behave as expected and delegate to the correct target?
Edit to make it clearer:
Given the following classes:
package my
class Type {
void doIt(Closure) {}
class Inner {
void inInner() {}
and the following gdsl:
contributor(context(scope: closureScope())) {
def call = enclosingCall("doIt")
if (call) {
def method = call.bind()
def clazz = method?.containingClass
println clazz?.qualName
if (clazz?.qualName == 'my.Type') {
when I start typing in a new script:
new Type().doIt {
When inside the closure, I get the following:
code completion for inInner
inInner is shown as valid
The console output when started with idea.bat from commandline shows the line my.Type (from the println)
Ctrl-B on inInner correctly links to source code.
(The same behaviour can be reached without the gdsl when annotation the Closure Parameter in the doIt method with #DelegatesTo(Inner))
However, I do not want to manually include the doIt method in the source of Type, it is generated by an AST Transformation, so my source file now looks like this:
package my
class Type {
class Inner {
void inInner() {}
I can tell IntelliJ about the new method using the following gdsl snippet
contributor(context(ctype: "my.Type")) {
method name: "doIt", params: [body: {}], type: void
Now the IDE correctly recognizes the doIt method with a closure parameter. However, inside the Closure, the following happens:
sometimes code completion shows inInner, sometimes after changing something, it does not (when using the original code to fix a type, it was shown, but later declared "unresolved", after going through the code changes of this edited example, it is not shown anymore...)
Even when shown, inInner is shown with "cannot resolve symbol" decoration
the console shows null as clazz, i.e. the method is found, but not linked to an owner ASTNode
Ctrl-B does not link to the corresponding method in Inner
So what I want is the same behaviour for an injected doIt method (via Gdsl) as with a method included in the source, i.e. I want the gdsl to inject a doIt method with a delegating closure (to Inner) into the type class.
This worked for me adding the ctype to scope insted of finding the class type from the method
contributor(context(scope: closureScope(), ctype: 'my.Type')) {
def call = enclosingCall("doIt")
if (call) {