Is there any tool available in SQL Server (or any free third party tool) which will create ER diagram of the database?
I have 50 over tables and it's painful to create ER diagram one by one adding tables.
I am using SQL Server 2012.
I don't want to offend you but have you ever tried a Google search with 'ER-Diagram for SQL Server' (lmgtfydotcom-Links are forbidden)?
Or take a look at these links:
I am working on migrating an application from one server to the other. According to the connection string of this application, it is touching different databases. Meaning a view query in DB1 will touch a table in DB2. So while migrating this application, I constant get to see chain of 'Database unavailable' errors and every time I see such error, I have to migrate that specific database.
I am wondering, since we have ER diagrams to know about relationships between tables in a database, is there any way in SQL server to know the relationships/linkages between different DATABASES in a server? Are there any tool that does this?
Depending on number of databases you have, here would be a somehow quick way you can find that out (number of required search = number of available databases in the server):
Use 'SQL Search' application of Red-get
and search for the other database names one after another by selecting
your database of interest. Select all objects.
If you have metadata oriented design (a Stored Procedure looping through the names of different other Stored Procedures / Functions from different databases which are stored in a table as metadata and executing them with a wrapper Stored Procesure), then you will have make use of SQL Locator software ( to search for database names in SQL Table values.
Both of the above software are free.
You need to have SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) installed to be able to use this application. After installation, ‘SQL Search’ will be directly available in your SSMS as an add-on.
SQL Locator can be directly used by providing the SQL Server name and your SQL Server credential.
Note:- The above steps will help you find out the referenced databases from a certain database within the same SQL Server. If you need to find out databases from Linked Server (I do not believe your question is asking that anyways), then you will have to smartly utilize the same above tools to find the external server reference by searching the external server name.
Is it possible to join two tables from different database systems such as SQL and Netezza using any query language.
Specifically is it possible to achieve a join in AQT.
Is it possible for a tool like AQT ( Advanced Querying Tool) to provide a platform which allows us to connect the tables from these different database systems
You can try creating linked server in SQL. But doing so have an overhead on the SQL server from DBA point of view. You need extra privileges to create a linked server.
I've been tasked to create an internal site for my company to document the replication of tables in our databases. I'd like to make the site dynamic, but to do this I'd need to query sql server to figure out how each table replicates. I know you can query sql server to figure out things like column names and many other features, can you query sql server to determine how a table replicates, and if so is there a good document to show me how or get me started? We're running sql server 2005 and c# or tsql are the preferred languages for me to use for this.
Try taking a look at the documentation for the syspublications and syssubscriptions system views in the Distribution database. Does that provide you with the information you need to build your site? If not, what else are you looking for? I've included links to the documentation for those views below.
I need to migrate data (including tables, procedures, schema) from Sql Server 2005 to Oracle 10g. Can anyone suggest me a way to do it? Thanks.
Take a look at the Oracle Migration Workbench
SwisSQL have a commercial tool that will do that. It can go from and to several different database vendors. I've used it before to go from SQL Server to Oracle and it works well.
The best way to work around is by using ORACLE GATEWAY First create tables, views, stored procedures and triggers in ORACLE and then using ORACLE GATEWAY you can directly insert the data from SQLSERVER to ORACLE.
But you need to be cautious about data types. For migrating data from Image, TEXT you need to use *DBMS_Sql*
One of the possible options is to use SQL Developer. It is an Oracle free tool, which migrates both database objects and data. However, you need to have high level of knowledge in database migration, in particular experience of working with Oracle and SQL Server. Sometimes the results of automatic migration with SQL Developer require significant manual adjustments.
I have a SQL server database (Tables, Views, SP...). I need to convert this database to Oracle 10g. How can I do it?
Transferring the data will be easy; SQL Server integration services can do that, or Oracle's SQL Developer.
However, views and stored procedures are different between Oracle and SQL Server. SQL Server uses T-SQL, Oracle uses PL/SQL. These are not very compatible and I don't know a tool can automatically convert between the two. If your database relies on specific T-SQL features, you will need a developer to do the conversion.
Get the jTDS jdbc driver from sourceforge.
Add it to Oracle SQL Developer.
Tools > Migration > Migrate
Create a migration repository in your new Oracle database.
Create a new migration project.
Point it to your SQL Server database.
Convert it - mind the data types.
Migrate the data:
online row-by-row inserts over JDBC. Fine for SMALL/test boxes.
offline - use micrsosoft's unload utility to pull the sql server down to flat files. SQL Developer will create SQL*Loader scripts to put them over into Oracle.
If you have GoldenGate licensed, use that to move the data over and to synch changes from one system to the other in case you need to keep both up and going.
Start looking at the migrated T-SQL procs and functions. SQL Developer will leave comments for code blocks it wasn't able to translate...but you will need to TEST and VERIFY every single translation. Customers can see upwards to 80-90% translation rates for their T-SQL, but it could be as low as just depends on the nature of your code.
The entire process is described here.
I wrote a white paper, with Sybase ASE as the example source platform, here. The process is identical for SQL Server. It has step-by-step guidance with screenshots.
If you have an Oracle account manager, reach out for help. We have specialists that deal exclusively with migrations such as yours. They have lots of practical advice and can recommend 3rd party partners if you lack the expertise.
sql developer can help. You can download it here , it is free.
There is step by step documentation including videos on how to migrate SQL Server to Oracle DB. You find it here:
Migrating from Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle
Or you can use a tool to do the job for you like Ispirer - Migrate Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle
You basicaly setup an Oracle Server, once its ready you migrate your tables using a software made for that. I guess this script can do the job: