How to embed font into pdf/a using iText7 - pdf

I'm trying to see how to embed fonts into my pdf/a.
I found a lot of answer but using iTextSharp.
In my cas I use iText7 and all I tried gave me the error:
"All the fonts must be embedded..."
I have a ttf file for my font but I didn't find a way to embed it into my pdf to use it...
Could someone help me?
Thanks in advance

As documented in the tutorial and as indicated by the error you mention ("All the fonts must be embedded"), you need to embed the fonts.
You are probably not defining a font, in which case the standard Type 1 font Helvetica will be used. These standard Type 1 fonts are never embedded, hence you need to pick another font.
The example from the tutorial uses the free font FreeSans:
public const String FONT = "resources/font/FreeSans.ttf";
The font object is defined like this:
PdfFont font = PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(FONT, PdfEncodings.WINANSI, true);
This font is used in a Paragraph like this:
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
p.Add(new Text("Font is embedded"));
This is the C# version. If you need the Java version, take a look at the Java version of the tutorial:
public static final String FONT = "src/main/resources/font/FreeSans.ttf";
PdfFont font = PdfFontFactory.createFont(FONT, PdfEncodings.WINANSI, true);
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
p.add(new Text("Font is embedded"));
If you already use this approach, and you still get the error, you probably have some content somewhere for which you didn't define a font that is embedded.


How to adjust font size in syncfusion html to pdf

I am able to convert HTML to PDF using syncfusion.
The issue I have is it doesn't obey the font sizes
var htmlText = "<html><head><style>body{font-size:50px;}</style></head><body>Hello</body></html>";
var convertedHtmlDocument = ConvertFromHtml(htmlText);
var ms = new MemoryStream();
var fpath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "myfile.pdf";
SaveToFile(convertedHtmlDocument, fpath);
It doesn't matter if I make the font size in the CSS 50 or 5, the font comes out the same size.
I also tried (same issue):
var htmlText = "<html><head><style>.myclass {font-size:50px;}</style></head><body><div class="myapp">Hello</div></body></html>";
Exporting the above 2 to an .html document behaves as the syntax suggests.
If I change my CSS to use table then it works, but I want to have a single font size for the document, not just the table
var htmlText = "<html><head><style>table{font-size:50px;}</style></head><body>Hello</body></html>"; //this works
What am I doing wrong?
We have checked the reported issue with different font size but it is working properly on our end. We have attached the sample and output for your reference.
If still you have facing the issue, we request you share the modified code sample, input html text and product version ,screenshot of the issue to check this on our end. It will be helpful for us to analyse and assist you further on this.

Matplotlib Tex Set Font

I would like to have a matplotlib plot in my Latex document that uses the same font as the rest of the document. I read in the matplotlib documentation that if you set the rc parameter 'usetex' to true it will use the 'Computer Modern' font, which is also the standard for Latex.
Trying this gave me the following result.
The title of the plot is generated by matplotlib, the caption by the Latex document. As you can see, the font doesn't match. I think both use 'Computer Modern', but not the same font family. The title (by matplotlib) might be something like 'Sans Serif Roman', while the caption (by the Latex document) is something like 'Serif Roman'. I tried to change the font family with the following:
plt.title("Lorem Ipsum", family='serif', fontsize=20)
But it has no effect as long usetex is activated. I also tried it with fontdict, but it also did not change the font in any way. Also writing the name of a font directly to family does not work.
Is there any way to get the same font as in the Latex document?
Ok, after speding yesterday half a day with searching a solution, I now stumbled over it 5 minutes after asking the question.
plt.rcParams[''] = 'serif'
For some reason when usetex=True, setting the fontfamily works only globally.

Add text to existing PDF using Python and PDFTron

I’m trying to add text dynamically to an existing PDF with a font available in the system using pdfnetpython3 9.1.0 from the PDFTron SDK. I’m using the following Python code:
texts = ["test1", "test2"]
ewriter = ElementWriter()
ebuilder = ElementBuilder()
# not shown here: create PDFDoc object from PDF in disk
page = pdf_doc.GetPage(3)
element = ebuilder.CreateTextBegin(Font.Create(pdf_doc.GetSDFDoc(), "Inter", ""), 11)
for i, text in enumerate(texts):
element = ebuilder.CreateTextRun(text)
element.SetTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 20*i)
i += 1
element = ebuilder.CreateTextEnd()
ewriter.End() # save changes to the current page
However, the text shows up in Japanese characters in the saved PDF. Am I loading the font incorrectly by passing its name and an empty string as char_set ? I’ve followed the sample that loads the Helvetica font in .
I have tried to call PDFNet.AddFontSubst() with the Inter font file path as parameter before rendering the strings, but I got the same result.
I’m only able to load the font correctly if I provide a Font.StandardType1Font (e.g. Font.e_times_roman) instead of a font name to Font.Create() (this links to the .NET sdk, but .NET and Python SDK uses the same classes and methods names).

How does one enter a 'checkbox' character on a pdf generated by report4pdf?

So I am working on generating PDFs using the report4PDF package(bob nemec) from the VisualWorks 8.1 software from Cincom. I am doing everything in 'smalltalk'.
However right now, the issue I am facing is that I can't get a checkbox
character to show up on the PDF.
So my code would go along like this:
pdfDocument := Report4PDF.R4PReport new.
exporter := SAGETEAPDFDataExporter onDocument: pdfDocument.
exporter currentText text string:' Available'.
"Followed by relevant code to save PDF"
But what shows up on my PDF is basically ' Available'. A space appears instead of the checkbox symbol. I even tried using dingbats codes(e.g: #9744 ). Works with the copyright, alpha, gamma symbols. Not with the checkbox symbol.
I tried updating my VisualWorks image from the public repository using the report4pdf, pdf development and fonts development packages. Ran into some
issues which I wont mention since it will derail us from the topic.
Thanks in Advance!
Okay... So I ended up finding a solution to this question. I will just
post the answer here just in case anyone else gets in a similar situation.
pdfDocument := Report4PDF.R4PReport new.
exporter := SAGETEAPDFDataExporter onDocument: pdfDocument.
exporter currentText text:[:text|
text string zapfDingbats ;string:'q'.
text string helvetica; string:'Available' ].
So you can use dingbats font to get a similar character for checkbox. You use
mixed fonts to get something like this:' (Checkbox) Available'.
So that's like the string is: 'q Available'. But 'q' is of the dingbats font while the 'Available' substring is of Helvetica.
Hope that helped. And thank you again #Leandro for trying to help me :)

Adding Arial Unicode MS to CKEditor

My web application allows user to write rich text inside CKEditor, then export the result as PDF with the Flying Saucer library.
As they need to write Greek characters, I chose to add Arial Unicode MS to the available fonts, by doing the following :
config.font_names = "*several fonts...*; Arial Unicode MS/Arial Unicode MS, serif";
This font is now displayed correctly in the CKEditor menu, but when I apply this font to any element, I get the following result :
<span style="font-family:arial unicode ms,serif;"> some text </span>
As you can notice, I lost the UpperCase characters. This has pretty bad effect during PDF export, as then Flying Saucer doesn't recognise the font and so uses Helvetica which does not support Unicode characters, so the greek characters are not displayed in the PDF.
If I change manually from code source
<span style="font-family:arial unicode ms,serif;"> some text </span>
<span style="font-family:Arial Unicode MS,serif;"> some text </span>
then it is working as expected, greek characters are displayed.
Has anyone met this problem before? Is there a way to avoid UpperCase characters to be changed to LowerCase?
I really want to avoid doing any kind of post-processing like :
htmlString = htmlString.replace("arial unicode ms", "Arial Unicode MS");
I agree with you regarding resolving this issue aside from Flying Saucer R8.
Although depending upon your workflow, would it be more efficient to allow CKEditor to preprocess and validate a completed HTML encoded file (render the entire document to HTML first)?
None of the CKEditor support tickets specify the true source of the issue, so I recommend confirming for yourself whether it is (A) a styling issue, or (B) a CSS processing issue, or (C) a peculiar CKEditor parsing issue.
A possible workaround:
Make a copy of the desired unicode font and import it into Type 3.2 (works on both Mac and Windows).
rename the duplicate font set into something all lowercase.
Limit your font selection
config.font_names = "customfontnamehere";
Apply the style separately (unicode typeface greatvibes below) and see if that gives you the desired result:
var s = CKEDITOR.document.$.createElement( 'style' );
s.type = 'text/css';
cardElement.$.appendChild( s );
s.styleSheet.cssText =
'#font-face {' +
'font-family: \'GreatVibes\';' +
'src: url(\'' + path +'fonts/GreatVibes-Regular.eot\');' +
'}' +
If the above does not work, you can try to modify the xmas plugin.js (also uses the unicode typeface greatvibes and does all sorts of cool manipulations before output), so it might be worth trying to modify it rather than start from scratch:
'<style type="text/css">' +
'#font-face {' +
'font-family: "GreatVibes";' +
'src: url("' + path +'fonts/GreatVibes-Regular.ttf");' +
'}' +
style +
'</style>' )
Whichever approach you try, the goal is to test various styling and see if CKEditor defaults back to Helvetica again.
Lastly, the CKEditor SDK has excellent support, so if you have the time and energy, you could write a plugin. Sounds daunting, I know, but notice how the plugin.js within the /plugins/font directory has priority for size attributes.
If you are not interested in producing your own plugin, I recommend contacting the prolific ckeditor plugin writer
(listed both on their website and on his own website) and ask for a demo of his commercial plugin "CKEditor Special Symbols" which has broad unicode capability.
Hope that helps,
I didn't find any way to do it with Flying Saucer R8, but you can make it work using Flying Saucer R9.
The method
ITextResolver.addFont(String path, String fontFamilyNameOverride, String encoding, boolean embedded, String pathToPFB) allow you to add the fond with a specific name.
Code sample:
ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
// Adding fonts
renderer.getFontResolver().addFont("fonts/ARIALUNI.TTF", "arial unicode ms", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, null);
renderer.getFontResolver().addFont("fonts/ARIALUNI.TTF", "Arial Unicode MS", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, null);
String inputFile = "test.html";
renderer.setDocument(new File(inputFile));
String outputFile = "test.pdf";
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
You can find Flying Saucer R9 on Maven.
The simplest solution (until CKEditor fixes that bug) is to do that post-processing.
You can do it on the server (really simple, you already have the code) or with a little CKEditor plugin, but that will give you the solution that you want and unless you need to add more fonts it will work without any further changes.