What does the trim function mean in this context? - sql

Database I'm using: https://uploadfiles.io/72wph
select acnum, field.fieldnum, title, descrip
from field, interest
where field.fieldnum=interest.fieldnum and trim(ID) like 'B.1._';
What will the output be from the above query?
Does trim(ID) like 'B.1._' mean that it will only select items from B.1._ column?

trim removes spaces at the beginning and end.
"_" would allow representing any character. Hence query select any row that starts with "B.1."
For eg.
Optional Wildcard characters allowed in like are % (percent) and _ (underscore).
A % matches any string with zero or more characters.
An _ matches any single character.

I don't know about the DB you are using but trim usually remove spaces around the argument you give to it.
The ID is trimmed to be sure to compare the ID without any white-space around it.
About your second question, Only the ROWS with an ID like 'B.1.' will be selected.
SQL like


How to search by SQL while doing "a cut of trailing zeros" on a number field?

I have a db table in oracle where I have a column defined as a number.
The columns contains numbers like:
I want to find the records by searching MyColumn=12540000000 as well as MyColumn=1254 (without trailing zeros).
What could I try? TO_CHAR and a cutting logic or is there something more simple?
rtrim(MyColumn, '0') = '1254'
Note that on the right I enclosed the string within quotes (so it is really seen as a string, not a number). Apparently you are treating these as strings, right? Even if MyColumn is a number, it will be implicitly converted to a string before applying rtrim.

Underscore and LEFT function

I have a column that has values that look like the following:
The data isn't the cleanest in this columns, so I am trying to use a LEFT function to identify the rows that have the 2017 year followed by an underscore LEFT(column, 3) = '17[_]' This doesn't return a single column. So to troubleshoot, I added this WHERE clause to the SELECT statement to see what was getting returned, and I got the value 175 where the actual first three characters are "17_".
Why is this, and how can I structure my WHERE clause to pick up those rows?
When you tried adding 'where' with a rule of LEFT(column, 3) = '17[_]', it was doomed to fail. Operator '=' performs exact comparison: both sides must be equal. That is, it would look for rows whose first 3 characters (left,3) are equal to 17[_], that is, 5 characters, one, seven, bracket, underscore, bracket. Text of 3 characters will not exactly-match 5 characters, ever.
You should have written simply:
WHERE LEFT(column, 3) = '17_'
I guess that you've got the idea for adding a bracket from reading about LIKE patterns. LIKE operator allows you to look for strings contained at start/end/middle of the data.
WHERE column LIKE 'mom%' - starts with mom
WHERE column LIKE '%dad' - ends with dad
and so on. LIKE supports '%' meaning "and then text of any length", and also "_" meaning "and then just one character". This forms a problem: when you want to say "starts with _mom", you cannot write
WHERE column LIKE '_mom%'
because it would also match 9mom, Bmom, and so on, due to _ meaning 'any single character'. That's why in such cases, only in LIKE, you have to write the underscore in brackets:
WHERE column LIKE '[_]mom%' - starts with _mom
Knowing that, it's obvious that you could construct your 'starts with 17_' with LIKE as well:
SELECT column1, column2, ..., columnN
FROM sometable
WHERE column LIKE '17[_]%'

Comma inside like query fails to return any result

Using Oracle db,
Select name from name_table where name like 'abc%';
returns one row with value "abc, cd" but when I do a select query with a comma before % in my like query, it fails to return any value.
Select name from name_table where name like 'abc,%';
returns no row. How can I handle a comma before % in the like query?
Database has "Sam, Smith" in the name column when the like has "Sam%" it returns one row, when i do "Sam,%" it doesn't return any row
NOT AN ANSWER but posting it as one since I can't format in a comment.
Look at this and use DUMP() on your own machine... see if this helps.
SQL> select dump('Smith, Stan') from dual;
Typ=96 Len=11: 83,109,105,116,104,44,32,83,116,97,110
If you count, the string is 11 characters (including the comma and the space). The comma is character 44, and the space is character 32. If you look at YOUR string and you don't see 44 where the comma should be, you will know that's the problem. You could then let us know what you see there (just for that character, I understand posting "Leno, Jay" would be a violation of privacy).
Also, make sure you don't have any extra characters (perhaps non-printable ones!) right before the comma. Just compare the two strings you are using as inputs and see where the differences may be.

split string with character

using SQL 2008; I have the following string:
EMCo: 1 WorkOrder: 12770 WOItem: 10
I am trying to get the WorkOrder #.
When the string did not have the WOItem on end of it, I was able to use the following statement to get WorkOrder #.
[WorkOrder] = LTRIM(RTRIM(RIGHT(HQMA.KeyString,CHARINDEX(':',REVERSE(HQMA.KeyString))-1)))
This statement moves and may have double digits for the Co#, and it does not always have WOItem #. Was hoping to find something that would split after the ":" and just take 2nd group.
Any suggestions?
The patindex suggestion above will work beautifully, now if you still want to use your current statement, substring will pull the same values, and replace will take out WOItem. Not very elegant, it works whether you have WOItem or not:
select substring(LTRIM(RTRIM(RIGHT(REPLACE(HQMA.KeyString,'WOItem:',''),
select substring(LTRIM(RTRIM(RIGHT(REPLACE(HQMA.KeyString,'WOItem:',''),
How about using patindex()? Assuming the work order always has five characters:
select substring(HQMA.KeyString,
patindex('%WorkOrder: %', HQMA.KeyString) + 11,
5) as WorkOrder

copy part of one column to another column in the same table

I need to copy part of one column into another column. The delimiter is "-". I don't want to remove that part from the first column.
ItemDesc Part#
So it needs to look like this:
ItemDesc Part#
Glowear_black-1234 1234
The only SQL query I can find cuts the information from the ItemDesc column and pastes it into Part#. I still need the "1234" in the first column. Also not all of the ItemDesc have a "-" (which is fine).
In Access SQL, you can use InStr() to find the position of "-" within your field. Then you can use Mid() to return the substring which starts one character after that position.
Note you must bracket Part# in your SQL statement because of the # character in its name.
SET [Part#] =
Mid(ItemDesc, InStr(1, ItemDesc, "-") + 1)
If ItemDesc could be Null or contain a string without a "-", add a WHERE clause to ignore those rows in the UPDATE.
WHERE ItemDesc ALike '%-%'
It is not explicitly clear what to do for the case where ItemDesc lacks the hyphen symbol as a delimiter, but here is my suggestion. Use the substring function to grab everything to the right of the hyphen, where everything to the right is bound by the index of the hyphen character plus one, and the length of the string:
update user.table
set Part# = substring(ItemDesc, (CHARINDEX('-', ItemDesc)+1), LEN(ItemDesc) )
Taking your statement from the comments:
SET Part#= Trim(Mid(ItemDesc, InStr(ItemDesc, '-') +1))
where ItemDesc like "*-*"
Note that I am using the star character and the other respondent uses the percent character, either appear to be valid to MS Access as specified here