yadcf range_number in single input field - yadcf

I am using yadcf 0.9.2 version for my datatable. For range_number columns, i'm trying to achieve filtering rows in one input field for mainly two features(multi_Select,range_number).
The multi_select will work but range_number has two fields which I would like to limit to one input field.
enter image description here
Is it possible to specify the range format in one input field as shown in image?
This way i can use single input for multi-values selection and also range can be achievable.

You can hide the 'from' range input using css and that way you will have to 'to' filter only.
#id-of-from-range-input {
display: none;
.yadcf-filter-wrapper-inner {
border: none;


How to put YADCF filters in first row in the table

I want to put YADCF filters as the first row in the table. Is there a config option for that? Currently, I have it as a part of header row.
I am able to put the filter in footer and use display:table-header-group to put it in the first row. However, this feature stops working when I use "scrollX": true to allow horizontal scrolling.
You can try the filters_tr_index
As to integration with vertical scrolling, I'm not sure if it works properly (in the past there was no option to integrate with that feature)
filters_tr_index -
Required: false
Type: integer
Default value: undefined
Description: Allow to control the index of the inside the thead of the table, e.g when one is used for headers/sort and
another is used for filters

LINQPad4 dump without showing number of results

How do I get .Dump() to work without showing the number of results as the first row?
I've switched a manual report to run via lprun and email to a client. However, I was removing that row manually when I saved the excel file before.
I need to keep the html formatting, so I don't want to do csv. I also use .Dump() in the report (one call at the end), I'm not writing with the html, csv, or xml writers manually.
Looking at the source of the html generated, the header that contains the number of items is located in td.typeheader. I guess you can inject a simple css style into the html generated to hide it :
td.typeheader { display: none; }
The injection can be a simple replace :
File.WriteAllText(pathToReport, File.ReadAllText(pathToReport)
.Replace("</head>", "<style type=\"text/css\">td.typeheader { display: none; }</script></head>"));

dataTables search bar returns incorrect results

When using the searchbar to search for a product, I also get results that do not contain the string I input.
For example, inputting "70" shows the following results : HeatMaster 120, HeatMaster 70, HeatMaster 85.
This is because the rows containing this data have another column, numerical, which also contains "70" (e.g: 170); is there a way I can force this plugin to consider only one specified column when searching ? Or a plugin for this ?
Doing a little test-driven research, I found out that the default behavior of the search box is to search all the fields and return all the rows that contain the input string; to search on only a specific column, I used the columnFilter add-on for jQuery dataTables.

Setting flex/width of columns in rallygrid with columncfgs

If you specify the columnCfgs for a rallygrid using the string representation, you get some nice built in functionality for different columns - e.g. the FormattedID column has a link to the item when it is rendered. However, some of the fields have a default flex that makes them way longer than necessary (mostly the name) which makes the grid look a lot different than I want it to.
You can specify the name column as
{text: 'Name', dataIndex:'Name', flex: 1},
but is there a way to specify flex for columns that you declare using the format:
This is a weirdness with the grid that we'd like to fix before the GA of SDK 2. In the meantime you can simply do the same thing the grid is doing to build those preconfigured columns:
var nameColumnConfig = Rally.ui.grid.FieldColumnFactory.getColumnConfigFromField(
model.getField('Name'), model);
nameColumnConfig.flex = 1;
Then simply pass that into the grid the same as you would the object literal above.

Change number of rows to show

In Allan Jardine's DataTables plugin, what's the option by which no. of rows to display in table can be altered?
I know about iDisplayLength for server-side function. I am using it successfully.
When the database has sufficient rows, it shows those many rows.
But when, for example, if I set it to 10 (rows), it should display those many rows (even if there are only 3 rows in the database & the rest 7 blank rows should be displayed).
Basically I want to control the height of table, irrespective of how many records are there in the database.
I found out.
Just set this property in table initialisation
"sScrollY": "100px",
In place of 100px, put the size as required.
Wel one thing you could consider doing is controlling the minHeight of the class dataTables_wrapper wich is set at 302 px by default
.dataTables_wrapper {
clear: both;
min-height: 302px;
position: relative;
This usually is enough for everyone, but if you override the settings you could set it higher.