Equivalent of having 2 projects open in my WebStorm workspace? - intellij-idea

I open a project, but want to create a module to reference in WebStorm, (mostly so I can do work in 2 projects instead of having 2+ instance of WebStorm open).
In IntelliJ Ultimate or whatnot, it has a modules button. It Kinda looks like modules does not exist for me, or at least I have not see anything.
I have 2 folders which are siblings to each other representing the 2 separate projects I wanted to open in 1 instance of WebStorm.
Where can I find this information for WebStorm?
A lot of the googling was talking about modules but I didn't see that option, and I believe I noticed some posts mentioning this is not a thing in WebStorm.
Thoughts? Guidance?

WebStorm/PhpStorm project consists of a single module only (WEB_MODULE type).
WebStorm cannot open more than one project in single frame. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-7968 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
At the same time it's possible in PhpStorm: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/opening-multiple-projects.html#d197136e31
But it's still will not be full "two separate projects with separate settings" AFAIK. It's more of a "attaching 2nd project so you can see and edit those files in the same frame".
Question is: why exactly you need this? To access files of a second project? If so -- just add such folder(s) as Additional Content Root -- it will be listed as another node in the Project View panel and files will be treated as part of the project itself.

in Webstrom 2019.2 is it now avilable to open attached project to the current project.
Open multiple projects in one window
When you have a project opened in WebStorm and want to open another one, you can now attach this second project to the opened one, so that you can see both of them in the same IDE window. If you want to close the attached project, right-click its root in the Project view and select Remove from Project View.


Old project don't show current windows in Intellij IDEA

When i open "test" project then "Loop" project gone from window. But I want see my all project in one windows.
From the docs:
The first thing you'll notice when launching IntelliJ IDEA is that it has no workspace concept. This means that you can work with only one project at a time.
It may well be the case that you don't need to switch projects in IntelliJ, since you could create an IntelliJ project which contains multiple modules. However, if you are dealing with distinct projects here then it is possible to switch between currently open projects in IntelliJ using keystrokes or a menu. From the docs:
To switch between the currently opened projects, do one of the following
On the main menu, choose Window | Next Project Window/Previous Project Window.
Press โŒ˜ or โ‡งโŒ˜.
On the main menu, point to Window, and then select the name of the desired project.
For what I know, you can't get multiple projects into one window with JetStorm IDEs.
You can make them in multiple windows with different projects. Or, you can just make a project and add the projects in it.
IntelliJ can indeed only open one project at a time - but you can easily open (and alt-tab) between projects.
If you have 2 projects that are dependent or closely related, you can look at a form of project modularisation.
A popular framework is maven, based on the project object model (pom.xml) specification.
When you have a multi-module maven project in intellij, you can view all modules in the project view (tree based configuration).

Is possible open the same project on two instances of Intellij IDE

I have a distributed project and I need debug two nodes of my app on the same time. For this I wish open two instances of Intellij, it is possible ?
just open each one from different folder level.
For example: Project A has 2 folders (one inside another) and inside the 2nd folder there is code. Then open one instance from folder 1 and another instance from folder 2.
Open each instance by choosing open in new window..simple.
There is this topic about starting two instances of IntelliJ Start two instances of IntelliJ IDE
It is not possible with one instance from my experience
Just for new people who navigate here. You could just drag & drop the code you want outside android studio.
I found this really helpfull:
You can split the editor view vertically/horizontally, this will
display the same file in both splits, then you can drag one of the
tabs outside of the IDE to create a float editor window.
Another way to open multiple editors for the same file is to select
the file in the Project view and press Shift+Enter.
Source: Serge Baranov response in this thread
I don't think so. One easy thing you can do is open two different major versions at the same time (e.g. 2015 and 2016) or if you have Ultimate edition, you can also install community edition and have both of those open at the same time. Or if you're using community edition, you could install a trail of ultimate just this one time :)
Of course the downside to the second approach is that you may not have some plugins you need for your project.

Open other file in the same package [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Tracking file in Netbeans IDE Projects window
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I've recently started using Netbeans for a java project and there are some things that I relly miss from Eclipse.
The thing that annoys me most, causing a great deal of frustration and loss of focus, is file navigation.
A very common task is to open another file in the same directory/package as the file I am currently editing. In Eclipse I use the little "Link with Editor" button in the project explorer so that the explorer is always focused on the current file, hence allowing easy access to other files in the same folder.
In Netbeans I constantly scroll up and down the project list, opening and closing folders, looking for the right place.
Is there a simple way to synchronize the project explorer with the editor in Netbeans?
I want to be able to choose the file from a list, because in many cases I don't know the file name by heart.
The easiest way for me is to use the Select in Projects feature, which takes the file explorer to the current file within the Project:
PS: I don't know eclipse very well, so let me know if i'm on track or not

How to display all projects in the Project View in PHPStorm?

In eclipse / Zend Studio the project manager displays per default all projects of the workspace (or of one of its Working Sets, if selected):
Now I'm looking for the according configuration in PHPStorm, that shows only one project per window:
How can I see all my projects in the project view of the same window?
PhpStorm does not support multiple independent projects in one window / frame:
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-15187 -- star/vote/comment to get notified on progress.
But ... you can list files from another project there (in Project View panel). If that is good enough, then just go to Settings | Directories and add desired folder as an Additional Content Root. P.S. This also means that the setting from current project will be applied to all content roots.

How to delete projects in IntelliJ 12?

I created some dummy projects. Now I don't see any way to delete the projects that I don't want. Per this suggestion I can delete files, the project is going away but there is traces of it still available. For example, on the Recent Projects you can still see the name of the project you just deleted. So I am thinking there should be another (and really easy way) to delete a project.
Press the Del (or fn and delete) key to delete a project from the Recent Projects list.
Vote for this issue to make it more obvious and user friendly.
close project first, or until this dialog appear, then hover your mouse on project you want to delete from history, then press Del
you'll be asked for confirmation
On occasion, even with deletion of the project, some tidbits are left behind in the following Windows paths:
This has been proven to be problematic - for example, if a new project is created using a previously deleted project name, it will create the project with data stored in the above paths, at least, this has been my experience.
The only way to TRULY delete the project is to get rid of all the garbage left behind in the aforementioned folders. I would suggest using Search Everything to find more tidbits left in the users temp folders.
In case your project is imported as a module, you can also go to File --> Project Structure and click 'Modules' in the left section. Now you can hit the minus button to remote the module from the project.
You can also click File -> Open project ...
When a file menu appears, you can right click the unwanted project folder and select Delete.
Just figured, I am using Idea Community edition 13.1.1 and the cleanest and easiest way is to go to File > Reopen project > Clear List. I just stumbled upon this menu today. I always thought that is just to clear the latest projects from the view inside the IDE and just realized it is clearing the projects from the main Dialog too.
Also, in IDEA 13.x.x you can go File-> Close Project and you'll land in the window with Recent Projects tab. There pressing Del of Fn + Del on selected project helps .
On OSX Mountain Lion and IDEA 14, with the project open and focused, you can go to file -> close project, then delete the project from your filesystem. This removed all references to the project.
Note that if the project you are deleting is the only project open, closing it will show the welcome dialog, which will still show the project. Deleting the project manually from within your operating system is the next step, and the project will still appear in the welcome dialog until it is closed and shown again, usually by opening another project from the list, or quitting and restarting IDEA.
In my case, I had to delete home/.IntelliJIdea2017.2/config/options/recentProjects.xml
. In my file system (Ubuntu) this file appeared for some weird reason not writable and hold a list of projects I couldn't get rid of. Deleting this file and restarting will force Intellij IDEA to create a new one with an empty list of projects.
All you have to do is go to file - close project - to avoid seeing them again in the menu list and then you delete them from the projects directory.