Api Auto Discovery error in mule logs - mule

Api Auto discovery Error 400... when i deploy my api in cloud(anypoint through runtime manager) it got deployed. but, when i tried to get a response from postman, it says "service not available",i am not able to get a response back from postman.

Is it error 503? In that case the explanation is that the API is not correctly paired to the API in API Manager with client credentials and Autodiscovery. See https://support.mulesoft.com/s/article/API-returns-503-Service-Unavailable-error-to-clients


Bad Twitter streaming request: 403

I'm trying to access twitter's api v1.1 filtered streaming endpoint but it gives me 403 error. I don't understand why. I can access other endpoints but not filtered stream for some reason.
It gives me this error-
Problem accessing '/1.1/statuses/filter.json
Reason: Please use V2 filtered and sample volume stream as alternatives
Is this a brand new developer account and app? v1.1 streams are deprecated and new client apps cannot access statuses/filter as of the end of April 2022, in preparation for future removal of the endpoint. The error message directs you to use the replacement v2 filtered stream API instead.

Amazon Connect API didn't response correctly in Postman

I am trying to test Amazon Connect Rest API in Postman. The API name is GetMetricData. In Postman, I have provided all the required information that is mentioned in the documentation. I have provided the JSON body, URL, and Header, although API is responding 200 OK status but in the response, it is throwing the following errors that you can see in the following screenshots.
I have set AWS signature with proper credentials such as access key and secret key
In the second error it is suggesting me to enable Javascript in the browser which is already enabled in my browser.
Can someone please help me here, I don't know where I am doing wrong. As I am totally new in this field, any help would be appreciated.
You are submitting the POST request to the UI distribution endpoint for your Amazon Connect instance, not an API endpoint. You are getting HTML and javascript response body back from the UI distribution because this is meant to be consumed by a browser.
Your API request should be sent to a URL that looks like https://connect.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/metrics/historical/<instanceId>. In this example, my Amazon Connect instance is located in the us-west-2 region so I'm using the connect.us-west-2.amazonaws.com endpoint. You can find all available Amazon Connect API endpoints in the documentation here

Mulesoft error message propagation through deployed application

General explanation of the problem:
how can i get/log inside an application B, the error/exception message produced by an application A (error description and code are generated with a OnErrorPropagate). Application A is a Process API and B is an Experience Api both deployed on cloudHub.
More Details:
i have a Process API App. and a Experience API APP. deployed on CloudHub that retrieve client data from a DB.
When inside the request the client_id params is not provided the below error message (generated inside an OnErrorPropagate) is shown
"message" : "bad request"
When a client call the Exp.API APP /getClient without the parameter, the PROCESS API APP (invoked by a flow inside the Exp.API implementation) respond with the above error message.... how can i retrieve this message in my Experience API Application?
If i try lo log the payload response (that should contain the error message) from an Experience API APP log, i always get an empty message.
So, is possible to pass an error message generated inside an OnErrorPropagate from an application (PROCESS API APP) to another app (EXPERIENCE API APP)?
All these applications are on cloudhub. Mulesoft 4
You can capture the the error response payload from the process API which will be present in the error object and set it as response for your experience API using this DW expression
#[output application/json --- error.exception.errorMessage.typedValue]
You should capture the payload response in the Experience API when you make the HTTP request to the Process API.

Google FCM Request

I'm working on the Google FCM message service. I deploy my API with my server it's working fine. But when I do the same within Client Production Service it gives me 401 error.
I'm running Window Service and hitting Restful API. I validate each and everything within Google account also but not able to rectify the same.
I've recently the same problem. I implemented everything right with all parameters. Finally I found the solution. I used the API Key from Google developer console and not from firebase. So go to the following url: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/YOUR_PROJECT_ID/settings/cloudmessaging/
There you can see two API keys. Choose the longer top server key.
After I replaced the key in the header Authorization: key=YOUR_KEY, it finally works.

Invoking wso2greg Artifcat Rest API via wso2api manager is not working - any ideas to fix

UPDATED QUESTION to clarify more.
I have two servers : wso2greg containing custom artefacts and wso2am (api manager).
The gouvernance register is intended to be used internally (intranet) and some of it's feature are intended to be exposed externally and acceded via it's rest API.
In order to manage wso2greg API accesss, we used an wso2am (api manager) server, where we did define an API that act as a proxy for the wso2greg API.
In our experiments, we found the strange behaviour described below :
Successfully direct calling wso2greg artefact rest api (the exact url is
https://localhost:9443/resource/1.0.0/artifact/_system/governance/myartifact/art1 and i'm following the documentation of this REST API from here https://docs.wso2.com/display/Governance520/Resources+with+REST+API ) using postman. The API reacts as described in the documentation.
Error 500, reported on wso2greg server, when calling the same REST API, but via API manager (using publisher application).
So as a summary :
Directly calling wso2greg rest API woks fine and a got results back
Adding this working API, in wso2am and than calling it gives always error 500.
As extra information:
Tested with other wso2greg REST API , such as "rating" or "comments" and I was able to call it successfully either directly or throw Api manager.
Tried to get information related to default wso2greg artifacts such as restservice, but i got exactly the same pb when (error 500) interagting with API manager.
Working with the last version of both products : wso2greg version 5.2.0 and wso2am version 1.10.0
Please advice, or clarify how could i debug this internal error in wso2greg.
I hope your not using G-Reg + APIM feature installed version. I presume your using separate G-reg 5.2.0 and APIM x.x.x. Since your using the second option you can't use G-Reg REST API with APIM, therefore you have to use APIM REST API instead.
Get an API
Description: Get details of a specific API.
URI: http://localhost:9763/publisher/site/blocks/listing/ajax/item-list.jag
URI Parameters: action=getAPI&name=xxx&version=xxx&provider=xxx
HTTP Methods: POST
curl -X POST -b cookies http://localhost:9763/publisher/site/blocks/listing/ajax/item-list.jag -d "action=getAPI&name=PhoneVerification&version=1.0.0&provider=admin"
Please follow this link to see all the api usage.
Thanks #thusharaK for providing help.
The solution was to add Message Mediation Policies which forces json header on output.
Now i got my correct response from API manager (in fact, i got a binary response in test console and a json response in postman) .