Opening an excel file with partial name - vba

Is there a way to open an excel file without knowing the full path name?
For example:
TEST_03222018.csv is the file name located in C:\test\folder
the known part of the string\path is
is there a way to open this csv sheet without the rest of the path (preferably without using InStr() or any If, While loops

Function findFile(strFileStart as string) as string
findFile= Dir(strFileStart & "*", vbNormal)
End Function
Echo, #Ryan Wilson's comments about having more than one file with the same prefix though.

Use Dir with a wildcard to confirm the existence and if found, open it.
dim fp as string, fn as string
fp = "C:\test\folder\"
fn = "test_03"
fn = dir(fp & fn & "*.csv")
if cbool(len(fn)) then fp & fn, delimiter:=","
end if


VBA FileExists and Sharepoint

I'm running into issues trying to pull info from files stored in Sharepoint.
Namely, FileExists isn't working and Overwrite file doesn't seem to be working either.
There was a discussion here, but few answers -> posting this question again in hopes some things have changed
My code runs like this:
strFileExists = Dir(Filepath & Filename)
And returns: File path not found -> I checked the path and even opened a file and recorded the macro to make sure it was the same file path without issue, but it appears DIR() is the issue.
The business dept I'm working with is entirely switching over to Sharepoint so hoping there's a straightforward solution without setting up network shares or doing C/personal/OneDrive things
You can navigate and look for files on OneDrive like this
Sub check_File_Exists()
Dim path As String
Dim strType As String
Dim file As Variant
Dim yourFile As String
'replace uname with your user name
path = "C:\Users\uname\OneDrive\"
strType = "*txt"
yourFile = "test.txt"
file = Dir(path & strType)
Do While (file <> "")
If file = yourFile Then
Debug.Print ("File: " & file & " found!")
Exit Do
End If
file = Dir
End Sub
Hope it helps

Search and Match Partial Folder Name in Access VBA

I've looked at the top results when typing in the Title of this question, and I hit a dead end...
I have a list of customers, and each customer gets a Job Number [Job_Ref__]. In conjunction with this, each customer gets a folder in SharePoint for all of their documents. The naming convention is Job Number - Last Name, First Name. I want to be able to click a button on my Access form that opens the customer's specific folder, but it keeps opening "My Documents" on my local disk instead.
I've tried the below code without the customer's folder details, and it opens the root of the SharePoint 'drive' with no issue...
Below is what works when I click my OPEN FOLDER button on the form:
Private Sub Command232_Click()
Dim folderName As String
Dim folderfullPath As String
folderName = Me.FilePath
folderfullPath = "C:\Users\" & Environ("Username") & "\SharePoint Site\Customers 2020\"
Call Shell("explorer.exe " & folderfullPath, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
When I use folderName is when I hit the issue; I've tried to wildcard the folder name, but to no avail:
Private Sub Command232_Click()
Dim folderName As String
Dim folderfullPath As String
folderName = Me.FilePath
folderfullPath = "C:\Users\" & Environ("Username") & "\SharePoint Site\Customers 2020\"
Call Shell("explorer.exe " & folderfullPath & folderName & "*", vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, as I've hit a pretty big brick wall.
Of note: I tried to define folderName = Job_Ref__, but I figured that was too vague, so I added a FilePath field with macros in the Access Form that builds the customer's folder name Job_Ref__ - Last Name, First Name
None of this has worked - am I doing too much with this? XD
Windows allows comma in file name but Shell() function does not like. Options:
don't use comma in file name and use Replace() function in VBA to eliminate comma from field value to match file name
use FollowHyperlink to open folder - it does accept comma
FollowHyperlink(folderfullPath & folderName)

VBA open a csv file with unknow file name

I have got a rather simple question as i think but i couldnt find out it myself.
I want to open a csv File in a defined binder but with an unknow filename. I would asume that it should work with simply "path/*.csv" however it is not :( The errormessage says "Wrong Filename". Do i need to use something else in VBA.
path = ActiveWorkbook.path & "\input\"
Open path & "*.csv" For Binary As #1
The above code does not work for me :( The CSV is called xyz.csv
path = ActiveWorkbook.path & "\input\"
Open path & "xyz.csv" For Binary As #1
The code above is working however i have fix added the csv filename, which in this case is xyz.
Somebudy knows how to get that thing to work?
Cheers and thx for your time
Dim path As String
Dim csvFiles As String
path = ActiveWorkbook.path & "\input\"
csvFiles = Dir(path & "*.csv")
Do While Len(csvFiles) > 0
Debug.Print csvFiles
csvFiles = Dir
You can use the Dir() Function to check the files in your folder if you don't know the filename.

Get and edit a file name

I'm looking to retreive a txt file and then edit the file name (adding "converted" to the file name) and extension (from .r01 to .txt).
The purpose for this is so I can know if the txt file has been converted
Here's my code so far;
Dim infilename As Variant
infilename = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text & r01 Files (*.r01;*.txt),*.r01;*.txt", , "Open Neutral File", "OPEN")
InStrRev will allow you to find the last . and remove it and everything following from the string
FileNameWithoutExt = Left(Filename, InStrRev(Filename, ".") - 1)
An example with the workbooks FullName:
Z:\Individual Folders\Sean\transfers2.xlsx
?Left(activeworkbook.FullName, InStrRev(activeworkbook.FullName, ".") - 1)
Z:\Individual Folders\Sean\transfers2
You can wrap these in a function to make them easier to use. I've also added a function that will give the filename only instead of the one with the full path
Function FileNameOnly(fName)
'Changes "C:\Path\Filename.ext" to "Filename.ext"
End Function
Function DelExt(fName)
'Changes "C:\Path\Filename.ext" to "C:\Path\Filename"
End Function
You can then use these in your program, with a line like NewFileName=DelExt(infilename) & "CONVERTED.txt"
I managed to get what I was looking for using part of Sean Cheshire's code.
Dim newFileName As Variant
newFileName = Left(inFileName, (InStrRev(inFileName, ".") - 1)) & "CONVERTED.txt"

replace file name have multiple extensions in

I have an issue while uploading documents have multiple periods. For example if I upload a file having an extension of ammu.gopu.docx. I would like to replace that as ammu_gopu.docx, means to preserve the extension and replace the file name with undescore.
This should do what your asking. Beware - If your file name also appears in the path it will also be updated.
Dim fullPath As String = "C:\Test\My.File.Name.txt"
Dim fileName As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath)
fullPath = fullPath.Replace(fileName, fileName.Replace("."c, "-"))
Use the System.IO.Path.GetExtension method.
Try this:
filePath = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath) & _
IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath).Replace("."c, "_"c) & _
"." & IO.Path.GetExtension(filePath)