Handling ExecuteFilesInUse with Retry and resolving used files - wix

I'm having a custom Managed Bootstrapper Application for my installer and I am hooking into the ExecuteFilesInUse event to show a UI to the user. In this UI I list the processes provided in the event and 2 buttons: Retry and Cancel. Everything seems to work fine. When I lock some of my files and I press retry, it checks again for files in use. If I press cancel the installation aborts. When I resolve the files in use by closing all applications the installation/uninstallation continues when pressing retry.
But then the problem starts: The msiexec.exe process gets stuck. It utilizes 1 CPU core at 100%. Almost as if it is in an endless loop doing nothing. The logfiles do not contain any details that something is done and nothing happens.
My code looks like this:
// bootstrapper.ExecuteFilesInUse += Bootstrapper_ExecuteFilesInUse;
private void Bootstrapper_ExecuteFilesInUse(object sender, ExecuteFilesInUseEventArgs e)
if (!Application.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new EventHandler<ExecuteFilesInUseEventArgs>(Bootstrapper_ExecuteFilesInUse), sender, e);
IList<string> files = e.Files;
if (files == null || files.Count == 0)
e.Result = Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Bootstrapper.Result.Ignore;
var hasEmptyRecords = e.Files.Any(string.IsNullOrEmpty);
if (hasEmptyRecords)
e.Result = Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Bootstrapper.Result.Retry;
var window = new FilesInUseWindow();
window.DataContext = new FilesInUseViewModel(e.Files);
var result = window.ShowDialog();
if (result == true)
e.Result = Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Bootstrapper.Result.Retry;
Cancelled = true;
e.Result = Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Bootstrapper.Result.Cancel;
The default WiX bootstrapper by default only provides the options to close them automatically or to schedule a reboot afterwards. But I want the user to manually close everything clean and then continue with the installation. I also attached the debugger ot my MBA to check if ti might be still firing the event
Is this workflow not supported or am I simply doing something wrong here?
Update: I decided also to file an issue on the Wix project page as I was able to reproduce this hang also on a fresh project.


What is the right way to close a frame in wxWidgets

I have created an application that has a ShellFromFBFrame inheriting from wxFrame window.
The App object is defined as follows:
bool ShellFromFBApp::OnInit()
bool wxsOK = true;
if ( wxsOK )
ShellFromFBFrame* Frame = new ShellFromFBFrame(0);
return wxsOK;
The ShellFromFBFrame is as follows:
ShellFromFBFrame::ShellFromFBFrame(wxWindow* parent,wxWindowID id)
wxBoxSizer* MainSizer;
wxBoxSizer* mainContentSizer;
wxMenu* createContact;
the ShellFromFBFrame opens a new CreateContactFrame:
void ShellFromFBFrame::OnCreateContact(wxCommandEvent& event)
CreateContactFrame* createContactFrame = new CreateContactFrame(NULL,wxID_ANY);
The CreateContactFrame is as follows:
CreateContactFrame::CreateContactFrame(wxWindow* parent,wxWindowID id)
Create(parent, id, wxT("Create Contact"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(1100,700), wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, _T("id"));
// int num;
// num = wxAtoi(row);
//this->rowToFetch = row;
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CreateContactFrame, wxFrame)
EVT_BUTTON(ID_CREATEBTN, CreateContactFrame::CreateContact)
But when I close the CreateContactFrame window by close button or cancel button. My App crashes and I get the following process terminated error message in build logs:
Process terminated with status -1073740940 (0 minute(s), 12 second(s))
What am I doing wrong?
You're running into a stack overflow (how thematic!) due to an infinite recursion: your wxEVT_CLOSE handler calls Close() resulting in another wxEVT_CLOSE being generated and so on. Simply remove the handler completely if you have nothing to do in it to fix the problem.
Also, when encountering a reproducible crash, the first thing to do is to build your program with debug information, run it under debugger and look at the stack at the moment of the crash -- in 90% cases this will provide you with the answer, and this would definitely have been the case here when you would have seen the endlessly repeating calls to your OnClose() in the stack.
It was not a coding issue but rather a build of wxwidgets library. Works fine with MSVC 2019.

WiX Custom Bootstrapper - Single Instance Check

I use the following code to check if a Single Instance of the CustomBA is already running in the Run block of the CustomBA.
When the user starts the "setup.exe" (CustomBA) by double clicking it the code below returns true which is the expected behaviour.
However when the user right clicks and starts it as administrator the code returns false. Why is that?
private bool IsSingleInstanceOfSetupRunning()
bool result = true;
Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
if (Process.GetProcessesByName(currentProcess.ProcessName).Length > 1)
result = false;
return result;
It appears that the WiX Engine detects that the process is running as admin and spins up the secondary process used for actually installing the MSIs. So there really are two processes running with the same name.
You can see the same behavior with the non-admin process once your CustomBA code calls Engine.Apply(). This is typically when the user sees a UAC prompt as the Engine spins up the second, elevated process to handle the actual MSI installs.
Since the main process is already running as admin, and no UAC prompting will occur by spinning up the second process, the Engine goes ahead and starts it immediately instead of waiting for the call to Engine.Apply().
Also note: if you're performing a Major Upgrade, the uninstall of the prior version will be run (in silent mode) during the upgrade, which would result in additional processes. You need to make sure you allow the uninstall process to run even if there is another process already running (your upgrade process).
One approach would be to use a mutex to do the checking, but only when running in DisplayMode Display.Full:
if (DisplayMode == Display.Full)
bool mutexCreated = false;
mutex = new Mutex(true, #"My Installer F1096BB9-CFDF-4AD1-91D8-9AA8805784A8", out mutexCreated);
if (!mutexCreated)
MessageBox.Show("Another instance of the installer is already running. You may only run one at a time.",
"Installer already running", MessageBoxButton.OK,
Log("Installer already running");
public void Exit(ActionResult actionResult)
if (mutex != null)
mutex = null;
Log(string.Format("Exiting with code {0}", actionResult));
Engine.Quit((int) actionResult);

Unsubscribe from IObservableElementEnumerable.EnumerableChanged doesn't work?

Parts of our UI uses IObservableElementEnumerable.EnumerableChanged in order to update if the user e.g. deletes a domain object from a folder.
When the UI is disposed, we unsubscribe from the event... or so we thought. It turns out that the unsubscribe doesn't have any effect, and our event handler is still called. This caused a number of odd bugs, but also leads to memory leaks.
The only time unsubscription works, is if we store the IObservableElementEnumerable reference instead of calling IObservableElementEnumerableFactory.GetEnumerable(obj) again. But this, in turn, is likely to keep a live reference to the folder object, which will break if the folder itself is deleted by the user.
This is particularly puzzling as the GetEnumerable() documentation clearly states: "It is expected that subsequent calls with the same domain object will yield the same instance of IObservableElementEnumerable." Is this not to be interpreted as a guarantee?
Should there be any reason for unsubscription not working?
The following code replicates the issue on Petrel 2011 (add to a simple plugin with a menu extension, or get the full solution here (DropBox)):
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Slb.Ocean.Core;
using Slb.Ocean.Petrel;
using Slb.Ocean.Petrel.Basics;
using Slb.Ocean.Petrel.UI;
namespace ObservableElementEnumerable
public class OEEForm : Form
private Droid _droid;
private bool _disposed;
public OEEForm()
IInput input = PetrelProject.Inputs;
IIdentifiable selected = input.GetSelected<object>().FirstOrDefault() as IIdentifiable;
if (selected == null)
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("Select a folder first");
_droid = selected.Droid;
GetEnumerable().EnumerableChanged += enumerable_EnumerableChanged;
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("Enumerable subscribed");
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && !_disposed)
GetEnumerable().EnumerableChanged -= enumerable_EnumerableChanged;
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("Enumerable unsubscribed (?)");
_droid = null;
_disposed = true;
IObservableElementEnumerable GetEnumerable()
if (_disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("OEEForm");
object obj = DataManager.Resolve(_droid);
IObservableElementEnumerableFactory factory = CoreSystem.GetService<IObservableElementEnumerableFactory>(obj);
IObservableElementEnumerable enumerable = factory.GetEnumerable(obj);
return enumerable;
void enumerable_EnumerableChanged(object sender, ElementEnumerableChangeEventArgs e)
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("Enumerable changed");
if (_disposed)
PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("... but I am disposed and unsubscribed!");
public static class Menu1
public static void OEEBegin1_ToolClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
OEEForm f = new OEEForm();
To replicate:
Run Petrel with the plugin
Load a project with a folder with objects
Select the folder
Activate the plugin menu item
With the popup open, delete an object in the folder
Close the Form popping up
Delete an object in the folder
The message log should clearly show that the event handler is still called after the form is disposed.
You already keep a reference to the underlying enumerable by connecting the event. Events are references as well. Just keep a reference to the enumerable and unsubscribe from the same instance as the one you subscribe to.
To deal with the issue of objects that are deleted by the user you need to listen to the delete event.

How to start a windows service in Visual Studio 2008?

IN Visual Studio when I try to start a windows service project it tells me I cant because I have to use "NET Start" and so forth.
I remember in VS 2003 that when I pressed play it started the service and stop stopped it. Is there any way that when I press play or start for that windows service project I can have this same functionality.
What I currently do is install them using installutil and I put a pre-processor command with System.Diagnostics.Debug.Launch() when I have a compilation variable defined and when I use the service manager it shows me the window to select the debugger. Still this method is somewhat cumbersome.
For anyone else reading this, remember to try to debug ONE thread at a time.
I usually allow for a command line switch that I can pass to my service using the command line argument settings in the IDE. When this switch is on I can run my service as a regular app. The only issue here is that you need to remember that services usually run under accounts with restricted permissions, so debugging as an app in your user context may behave differently when accessing secured resources. Here is example code:
static void Main()
if (IsDebugMode())
MyService svc = new MyService();
bool bContinue = true;
MSG msg = new MSG();
// process the message loop so that any Windows messages related to
// COM or hidden windows get processed.
while (bContinue && GetMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0) > 0)
if (msg.message != WM_QUIT)
DispatchMessage(ref msg);
bContinue = false;
ServiceBase.Run(new MyService());
public void DebugStart()
static bool IsDebugMode()
return (System.Environment.CommandLine.IndexOf("debug") > -1);

Install ClickOnce without running

When you install a ClickOnce application, the program runs after the install. Is it possible to install without running?
I know I can use a setup and deployment project and create an installer, but I'd prefer to use ClickOnce.
I guess you could fake it. Introduce an "IsInstalled" boolean property, defaulted to false. Then in Program.cs, change your Main() method to look like this:
static void Main()
if (!Properties.Settings.Default.IsInstalled)
Properties.Settings.Default.IsInstalled = true;
MessageBox.Show("Install Complete");
Application.Run(new Form1());
So now when the app is first installed, it checks that property and simply displays a message to the user and then quits.
If you wanted to get tricky then you could look at parsing the Activation URI for the deployment and have a URI parameter which specifies whether the program should run when it's first installed or just close silently.
You can do this by editing the application manifest in Mage. There is a checkbox to stop the application running after installation.
If you are not comfortable editing a manifest manually or with Mage then you can use the built-in deployment class to check whether this is the first time the application has run.
using System.Deployment.Application
static void Main()
if (ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.IsFirstRun)
MessageBox.Show("Install Complete");
Application.Run(new Form1());
After trying all the suggested solutions and still running into the same problems, I fiddled with this for a while and combined several solutions to one that actually works.
The problem with just setting an "isInstalled" property is the value is retained after upgrades, so every time you install the new version, it runs the app again. But using an application manifest file and Mage is just too much work and too complicated just to solve this little problem.
So what I did was acquire the current build # of the running version of the app, save that to a property, then check the property against the running version each time. This works because each publish increments the version #.
1) Change your Assembly version to use wildcards in AssemblyInfo.cs:
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
2) If that throws a "Deterministic" error on Build, open your .csproj file and set Deterministic to false in the PropertyGroup section
3) Add this fool-proof function to acquire the running assembly version:
private Version GetRunningVersion()
return System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion;
return System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
4) In your project's properties, open the Settings tab, and add a setting named lastVersion (String, User). Leave the Value empty.
5) Add this property to use to determine whether this is the first time the application is running after installation.
private bool isFirstRun
get { return Properties.Settings.Default.lastVersion != GetRunningVersion().ToString(); }
6) Then in your code, add this after you check for isFirstRun:
if (isFirstRun)
Properties.Settings.Default.lastVersion = GetRunningVersion().ToString();