Gogs error - Public key content has been used - gogs

I'm unable to add the public key in my gogs account. only one user of my team could add the key and for him all functionalities are working fine. Anyone else is unable to add key, we have tried to add many putty key pairs but but each time we're getting same error - " Public key content has been used". After spending almost 1 day, i couldn't find the solution. We've tried everything that we could find in internet but we're still facing same issue. I've access of gogs server and database, we're using mssql as database for gogs. Can anyone suggest any solution?

Here is a SQL Hack we are using:
Change the SHA256 and the ssh-rsa. Select 99 is your owner_id.
select * from public_key
select DATEDIFF(SECOND,{d '1970-01-01'}, GETDATE())
insert into public_key
(owner_id, [name], fingerprint, content, mode, [type], created_unix, updated_unix)
select 99, 'Umbraco Fyin.com', 'SHA256:NlTXCqPAfBq5VJcZsqpt0kvAFCcjmCs36oE88nhRT64', 'ssh-rsa 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 youremail#fyin.com', 2, 1, 1524623418, 0`


unable to connect to default instance using it's full name

I am developing an app that needs to get from a user a server name or address and a db name and build a folder structure based on that. The problem is that in order to have the same folder for all the different ways there are to get the path to the instance (localhost, ip address, etc.) i'm running the following Query:
select cast(SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName')as varchar)+'\'+##servicename
on the target server and set my folder structure based on that, and in that format saves the connection that the user gave (doesn't matter if i got ip or a server name, there is one connection string for all).
My problem is that when the instance is the default instance on the target machine, I cant seem to connect using MACHINE_NAME\MSSQLSERVER. I can only log in using the machine without instance name. So I need to either find a way to connect to the instance using its full name (preferred) or to find a way figure out if the targeted instance is the default one.
Any help would be very appreciated.
'MSSQLSERVER' is reserved for default instance, so you can

CTL + SHIFT + ] not working when connected to Azure SQL

According the the official MS documentation, the shortcut key for "Move the cursor to the next brace, extending the selection" is CTL+SHIFT+]
But the shortcut key is not working. Does any one know why? Does it require any settings to be changed to activate this key? or any place from where we can over ride this? I have cross checked the keyboard settings options which looks good to me.
I am using SSMS 2014.
EDIT: Few minutes after posting this I found the options shown in the SS and added added a new Global context ("Use new shortcut in:" option) and then the shortcut key was working. But again after closing and reopening SSMS it was not working despite the shortcut key was still there. Today morning what I found weird is that the same query was working something and sometimes it doesn't work and after 15-20 minutes I found the difference in the connection I was using. The same query when connected to Azure SQL won't work but when connection to SQL Server 2014 will work.
Sample query:
SELECT sqltext.TEXT,
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS sqltext

Linked SQL table in Access 2003 (!) not updatable

I'm working in a legacy app for the moment, upgrading Access 2003 to link to SQL Server tables (2008 R2 or later). With tables linked by code, I can insert, but not update or delete. I've tried everything on the web, no dice. Details below.
Being terse so not tl;dr.
Tables first created using upsizing wizard. In use, app has to connect to different ones in same schema, so can't just set and forget. Can't do local DSN's, many installs, though DSN file is possible. But problems there too, DSN not found. Details later.
Before the rest: Soon I'm further updating this app to Access 2016 or so. If this is different enough / easier there, I'll wait a few days. Maybe someone could suggest the best refsite for that.
* problem details follow *
Using a DSN and the UI to link a table, I get an editable table. Hurray.
But when I use the code below (found on every refsite), link is made but only selecting and inserting work. Everything else fails fails fails, no matter what.
Public Function LinkToSqlTable(sqlInstance As String, sqlDb As String,
sqlTableName As String, localTableName As String)
Dim linked As New TableDef
' ***factored-out functionality, known to work: reader can ignore*** '
DeleteTable localTableName
' connection-string steps, placeholders replaced by args '
Dim sCnx As String
sCnx = "ODBC;Driver=SQL Server;Server=_instance_;" & _
"Database=_db_;Integrated Security=SSPI"
sCnx = Replace(sCnx, "_instance_", sqlInstance)
sCnx = Replace(sCnx, "_db_", sqlDb)
' linked-table steps '
Set linked = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(localTableName)
linked.Connect = sCnx
linked.SourceTableName = sqlTableName
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append linked
' ui '
End Function
* ID column or permissions? *
I thought the problem was lack of identity column originally, I added one, but no change. At least now I have a PK field like I should. ;-)
When I manually link table, UI demands to know the ID column. So could it still be it? Fine, but how do I set that in code? Searches revealed nothing.
I assume then it's permissions as sites etc. say. I also took all the steps I could think of to fix that. No dice.
* things I've tried *
Aside from the ID-column stuff I said before, these things (not in order):
Since DSN saved as a file, tried using it as exampled, in cnx string. Fail.
Used DSN contents, carefully winnowed & translated, in cnx string. Fail.
Used connection string from the table that I had connected manually with DSN. Fail.
Changed driver in cnx string across all major options, even omitted it. Fail.
Changed security in cnx to Integrated Security=SSPI and other options, and omitted entirely. Fail.
I added my actual local user as exampled, with and without password. Fail.
(Previous few options tried across earlier options, though not 100% coverage.)
In SQL Server, using SSMS, I tried security power:
Added SQS-authentication login to the instance
Matching user to the default db seen here
Gave that login-user read and write permissions in db here (plus others, sometimes)
Added matching id & pw to the cnx string. Fail.
I tried setting up this db in SQS to have let-everyone-do-everything "security" temporarily. Fail.
This, that, and the other thing. Everything fail!!
So a permissions issue? Some way to use DSN file after all? Mismatched permission settings in my cnx string? Boneheaded oversight? Something else that I've missed? I'm pretty good at both SQL Server and Access, but only at a basic level in their security stuff and connection strings are the devil.
* retrieved table properties *
Just in case they help, I retrieved these (after objects added to TableDefs collection).
** This one, done in UI and with DSN and this-is-ID-field, worked with editing: **
Name = dbo_tblSendTo
Updatable = False
DateCreated = 4/19/2016 11:11:40 AM
LastUpdated = 4/19/2016 11:11:42 AM
Connect = ODBC;Description=SQL Server tables for TeleSales 5;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 10.0;SERVER=(local)\sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft Office 2003;WSID=CMSERVER;DATABASE=TS5_General;
Attributes = 536870912
SourceTableName = dbo.tblSendTo
RecordCount = -1
ValidationRule =
ValidationText =
ConflictTable =
ReplicaFilter =
** And this one, from table linked via code, didn't: **
Name = tblSendTo
Updatable = False
DateCreated = 4/19/2016 11:17:51 AM
LastUpdated = 4/19/2016 11:17:51 AM
Connect = ODBC;Description=SQL Server tables for TeleSales 5;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client
> 10.0;SERVER=(local)\sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft Office 2003;WSID=CMSERVER;DATABASE=TS5_General;
Attributes = 536870912
SourceTableName = dbo.tblSendTo
RecordCount = -1
ValidationRule =
ValidationText =
ConflictTable =
ReplicaFilter =
* my plea *
So..... Please someone help me out. I don't like feeling stupid like this, and regrettably I need to do this instead of replacing it with .NET code or similar.
Thanks, anyone who can...
Alas, I am able to answer my own question.
edited a little since first posted in reply to HansUp's comments
I had added an identity column to the table that I couldn't edit. However, I had not set it up as a primary key. It turns out that using identity doesn't make something a primary key automatically.
But the latter, making it primary key using either of the 2 possible DDL syntaxes, is crucial. Since I thought I had dealt with the no edits without unique key problem, I focused on permissions.
All of the permissions things here, then, are just a sideshow.
The upshot of this is to be sure to add an identity column and make it a primary key if for some reason your original table schema didn't have that.
If I have the time, I will be trimming the question to reflect what I've discovered.

ApacheDS - cannot verify the quality of the non-cleartext passwords

I'm getting cannot verify the quality of the non-cleartext passwords error while trying to add an entry into my organizationalUnit. I use MD5 hashing method while storing password. (with userPassword attribute)
A blog post says the solution is adding ads-pwdcheckquality attribute with value of 0; but it didn't work for me. And also while trying to add this attribute; it gives a warning like this:
You don't need to add a new attribute, you need to edit the server configuration and restart:
1-Open config.ldif in the server folder, search for the string:
ads-pwdcheckquality: 2
and change it to:
ads-pwdcheckquality: 0
2-After that, restart the server and try again. The solution worked for me.

Not able to connect to OpenOffice Base - User lacks privilege or object not found Exception

I am trying to connect to an OpenOffice Base database from Java and execute a query, and have not been able to.
These are the steps I followed:
1) Created a Database 'TestDB.odb' in OpenOffice, and a table 'Movies' with columns (ID, Name, Director)
2) Downloaded hsqldb jar file and inclued in project build path
3) Used the following code to connect to it:
String file_name_prefix = "C:/Documents and Settings/327701/My Documents/TestDB.odb";
Connection con = null;
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:" + file_name_prefix, "sa","");
Statement statement = con.createStatement();
String query1 = "SELECT * FROM \"Movies\"";
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query1);
Althoug I'm able to connect to the Database, it throws the following exception on trying to execute the query:
org.hsqldb.HsqlException: user lacks privilege or object not found: Movies
Tried googling, but have not been able to resolve my problem. I'm stuck and it would be great if someone could guide me on how to fix this issue?
You cannot connect to an .odb database. The database you have connected to is in fact a separeate set of files with names such as TestDB.odb.script, etc.
Check http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=17567 on how to use an HSQLDB database externally from OOo in server mode. You can connect to such databases with the HSQLDB jar.
OLD thread.
I lost 2 days of my life until I changed the property:
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.globally_quoted_identifiers = false
I was using mysql before and then I changed to hsqldb in order to run some tests. I kinda copied and pasted this property without looking and then you know - Murphy's law ...
I hope it helps.