Azure Stream Analytics Pivoting Rows To Columns - azure-stream-analytics

I have a data like;
{"deviceid":"d1","parameter"="p1" value="1" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:33:00"},
{"deviceid":"d1","parameter"="p2" value="2" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:34:00"},
{"deviceid":"d1","parameter"="p2" value="3" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:35:00"},
{"deviceid":"d2","parameter"="p1" value="4" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:36:00"},
{"deviceid":"d2","parameter"="p2" value="5" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:37:00"},
{"deviceid":"d2","parameter"="p2" value="6" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:38:00"},
{"deviceid":"d2","parameter"="p1" value="7" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:43:00"},
{"deviceid":"d2","parameter"="p1" value="8" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:44:00"},
{"deviceid":"d2","parameter"="p2" value="9" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:45:00"},
{"deviceid":"d1","parameter"="p1" value="10" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:46:00"},
{"deviceid":"d1","parameter"="p1" value="11" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:47:00"},
{"deviceid":"d1","parameter"="p2" value="12" timestamp="2018-03-22T12:49:00"}
I want to pivot that parameter values(for every 10 minutes window) and display last recieved value of each parameter for each deviceid and like this edit*(Parameters will be dynamic not just p1 and p2);
| deviceid| windowtime | p1 | p2 |
| d1 | 2018-03-22 12:40 | 1 | 3 |
| d2 | 2018-03-22 12:40 | 4 | 6 |
| d2 | 2018-03-22 12:50 | 8 | 9 |
| d1 | 2018-03-22 12:50 | 11 | 12 |
Thank You.

Another more clear way is to use UDA :
deviceid, system.Timestamp as windowtime, uda.P1UDA(test) AS P1, uda.P2UDA(test) AS P2
test TIMESTAMP BY timestamp
TumblingWindow(minute, 10)
JavaScript UDA:
function P1UDA() {
this.init = function ()
this.state = 0;
this.accumulate = function (value, timestamp) {
if (value.parameter == 'p1') {
if (value.value > this.state) {
this.state = value.value;
this.computeResult = function () {
return this.state;
function P2UDA() {
this.init = function () {
this.state = 0;
this.accumulate = function (value, timestamp) {
if (value.parameter == 'p2') {
if (value.value > this.state) {
this.state = value.value;
this.computeResult = function () {
return this.state;

you can try like below script :
with tempone as (SELECT
deviceid, system.Timestamp as windowtime, max(value) AS P1
test TIMESTAMP BY timestamp
where parameter = 'p1'
TumblingWindow(minute, 10)),
temptwo AS ( SELECT
deviceid, system.Timestamp as windowtime, max(value) AS P2
test TIMESTAMP BY timestamp
where parameter = 'p2'
TumblingWindow(minute, 10))
select tempone.deviceid, tempone.windowtime, tempone.P1, temptwo.P2 from tempone
join temptwo on tempone.deviceid = temptwo.deviceid
and DATEDIFF(minute,tempone, temptwo) BETWEEN 0 AND 1


How to sort result by owner ID SQL, Seqelize?

Please note the below contents:
user table
where condition 1
id owneeId delete shop
1 12 1 1
2 13 1 1
3 7 1 1
4 7 1 1
2 Where condition 1 of sequelize :
const result = await findAllusers({
where: {
[Op.or]: [{
owner_id: {
}, {
owner_id: {
shop: 1
Desired Result :
I need result as :
result = [{id:1,ownerid:7,delete:1,shop:1},
the ownerid 7 peoples first ... then all other users.. but I am now getting result not sorted like that, and sometimes I am getting ownerid 7 perosna as last elements.

Laravel Eloquent - Return unique values only and ignore all that appear more than once

I have 2 database tables.
| Users | Matches |
| user_id | match_id |
| user_1 |
| user_2 |
with user_1 and user_2 being user_ids.
I am now trying to retrieve all matches with unique values only. As soon as a user ID is used twice, I don't want to retrieve ANY matches containing the id.
MATCHES (match_id, user_1, user_2):
1, 1, 2
2, 1, 3
3, 4, 5
4, 6, 7
5, 7, 8
The query should return 3, 4, 5 ONLY, because it's the only match containing only unique user_ids.
How should I go about this? I've been trying an approach using ->distinct() but that doesn't work since it only removes duplicates but I want to kick other entries containing the values as well.
Simple and crude, not a query based solution, but will get you what you want.
public function strictlyUniqueMatches()
$matches = Matches::distinct()->get();
$present = [];
foreach ($matches as $idx => $match) {
if (!isset($present[$match->user_1])) {
$present[$match->user_1] = 0;
if (!isset($present[$match->user_2])) {
$present[$match->user_2] = 0;
return $matches->filter(function ($match) use ($present) {
if ($present[$match->user_1] > 1) {
return false;
if ($present[$match->user_2] > 1) {
return false;
return true;

Node Postgres insert multiple rows based on array and static variable

I am trying to insert multiple rows into a PostgresSQL server from my Nodejs server based on an array. I have a static variable, user_id, which would be the same for all entries but I want to change the filter_name based off an array. My goal is to not make multiple SQL insert calls.
arrayOfFilters = ["CM", "CBO", "SA", "EPS", "AD"]
await db.query(
"INSERT INTO filters(filter_name, requests_id)VALUES($1, $2)",
[arrayOfFiltersParams, user_id]);
I am hoping to have a row in the filters table for each one of the filters found in the arrayOfFilters with a matching user_id key for each entry (aka 5 rows for this example).
Thanks so much!
Write a helper function expand to build Parameterized query. Here is a solution:
import { pgclient } from '../../db';
function expand(rowCount, columnCount, startAt = 1) {
var index = startAt;
return Array(rowCount)
(v) =>
.map((v) => `$${index++}`)
.join(', ')})`,
.join(', ');
function flatten(arr) {
var newArr: any[] = [];
arr.forEach((v) => v.forEach((p) => newArr.push(p)));
return newArr;
(async function test() {
try {
await pgclient.connect();
// create table
await pgclient.query(`
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
filter_name VARCHAR(10),
requests_id INTEGER
// test
const arrayOfFilters = ['CM', 'CBO', 'SA', 'EPS', 'AD'];
const user_id = 1;
const arrayOfFiltersParams: any[] = => [el, user_id]);
await pgclient.query(
`INSERT INTO filters(filter_name, requests_id) VALUES ${expand(arrayOfFilters.length, 2)}`,
} catch (error) {
} finally {
After executed above code, check the database:
node-sequelize-examples=# select * from "filters";
id | filter_name | requests_id
1 | CM | 1
2 | CBO | 1
3 | SA | 1
4 | EPS | 1
5 | AD | 1
(5 rows)


I want to avoid having side effects in my code, but I don't know how to fix these, does some one can help?
computed: {
this.totalVerduras = 0;
for( const verdura of this.verduras){
this.totalVerduras = this.totalVerduras + verdura.cantidad
} return this.totalVerduras;
It work as I want but side effect is there
Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):
error: Unexpected side effect in "sumarVerduras" computed property (vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties) at src\App.vue:53:7:
51 | computed: {
52 | sumarVerduras(){
53 | this.totalVerduras = 0;
| ^
54 | for( const verdura of this.verduras){
55 | this.totalVerduras = this.totalVerduras + verdura.cantidad
56 | } return this.totalVerduras;
error: Unexpected side effect in "sumarVerduras" computed property (vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties) at src\App.vue:55:11:
53 | this.totalVerduras = 0;
54 | for( const verdura of this.verduras){
55 | this.totalVerduras = this.totalVerduras + verdura.cantidad
| ^
56 | } return this.totalVerduras;
57 | }
58 | }
You should not edit any Vue component's data in computed property. Here you modify this.totalVerduras, which is considered as Vue's component data.
You can change to:
computed: {
sumarVerduras() {
let totalVerduras = 0;
for (const verdura of this.verduras) {
totalVerduras = totalVerduras + verdura.cantidad
return totalVerduras;
You can do this as well:
computed: {
sumarVerduras() {
return verduras.reduce((a, x) => a + x.cantidad, 0);
This method gets rid of totalVerduras variable and the for loop.

How to return nested JSON?

I have 3 table in PostgreSQL database.
| id (int) | text (text) |
| 1 | What is your favorite color? |
| 2 | What is your favorite football club? |
OPTIONS table:
| id (int) | text (text) |
| 1 | red |
| 2 | blue |
| 3 | grey |
| 4 | green |
| 5 | brown |
| question_id (int) | option_id (int) |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 3 |
| 1 | 4 |
| 1 | 5 |
In Golang application I create such models:
type Option struct {
ID int `json:"option_id"`
Text string `json:"option_text"`
type Question struct {
ID int `json:"question_id"`
Text string `json:"question_text"`
Options []Option `json:"options"`
In controller I have such code:
var GetQuestions = func(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
rows, _ := database.DBSQL.Query("SELECT * FROM questions;")
defer rows.Close()
var questions []Question
for rows.Next() {
var question Question
var options []Option
queries, _ := database.DBSQL.Query(`select as option_id, options.text as option_text from questions_options inner join questions on questions_options.question_id = ` + &question.ID + ` inner join options on questions_options.option_id =`)
for queries.Next() {
var option Option
if err := queries.Scan(&option.ID, &option.Text); err != nil {
options = append(options, option)
if err := rows.Scan(&question.ID, &question.Text, options); err != nil { // service raise error in this line: sql: expected 2 destination arguments in Scan, not 3
questions = append(questions, question)
utils.Response(responseWriter, http.StatusOK, questions)
When I try to make GET request to take all questions with all there options service such incorrect result:
"question_id": 0,
"question_text": "",
"options": null
"question_id": 0,
"question_text": "",
"options": null
Where I make mistake?
You should move queries.Close() to the end of loop, like this:
var GetQuestions = func(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
rows, _ := database.DBSQL.Query("SELECT * FROM questions;")
defer rows.Close()
var questions []Question
for rows.Next() {
var question Question
if err := rows.Scan(&question.ID, &question.Text); err != nil {
queries, _ := database.DBSQL.Query(`select as option_id, options.text as option_text from questions_options inner join questions on questions_options.question_id = $1 inner join options on questions_options.option_id =`, question.ID)
for queries.Next() {
var option Option
if err := queries.Scan(&option.ID, &option.Text); err != nil {
question.Options = append(question.Options, option)
questions = append(questions, question)
utils.Response(responseWriter, http.StatusOK, questions)