awk: identify column by condition, change value, and finally print all columns - awk

I want to extract the value in each row of a file that comes after AA. I can do this like so:
awk -F'[;=|]' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i=="AA"){print toupper($(i+1));next}}'
This gives me the exact information I need and converts to uppercase, which is exactly what I want to do. How can I do this and then print the entire row with this altered value in its previous position? I am essentially trying to do a find and replace where the value is changed to uppercase.
Here is a sample input line:
11 128196 rs576393503 A G 100 PASS AC=453;AF=0.0904553;AN=5008;NS=2504;DP=5057;EAS_AF=0.0159;AMR_AF=0.0259;AFR_AF=0.3071;EUR_AF=0.006;SAS_AF=0.0072;AA=g|||;VT=SNP
and here is a how I would like the output to look:
11 128196 rs576393503 A G 100 PASS AC=453;AF=0.0904553;AN=5008;NS=2504;DP=5057;EAS_AF=0.0159;AMR_AF=0.0259;AFR_AF=0.3071;EUR_AF=0.006;SAS_AF=0.0072;AA=G|||;VT=SNP
All that has changed is the g after AA= is changed to uppercase.

Following awk may help you on same.
awk '
print substr($0,1,RSTART+2) toupper(substr($0,RSTART+3,RLENGTH-3)) substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
' Input_file

With GNU sed and perl, using word boundaries
$ echo 'SAS_AF=0.0072;AA=g|||;VT=SNP' | sed 's/\bAA=[^;=|]*\b/\U&/'
$ echo 'SAS_AF=0.0072;AA=g|||;VT=SNP' | perl -pe 's/\bAA=[^;=|]*\b/\U$&/'
\U will uppercase string following it until end or \E or another case-modifier
use g modifier if there can be more than one match per line


split based on the last dot and create a new column with the last part of the string

I have a file with 2 columns. In the first column, there are several strings (IDs) and in the second values. In the strings, there are a number of dots that can be variable. I would like to split these strings based on the last dot. I found in the forum how remove the last past after the last dot, but I don't want to remove it. I would like to create a new column with the last part of the strings, using bash command (e.g. awk)
Example of strings:
5_8S_A.3-C_1.A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1.A 20
H.YU-201.D 80
UI-LP.56.2011.A 10
Example of output:
5_8S_A.3-C_1 A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1 A 20
H.YU-201 D 80
UI-LP.56.2011 A 10
I tried to solve it by using the following command but it works if I have just 1 dot in the string:
awk -F' ' '{{split($1, arr, "."); print arr[1] "\t" arr[2] "\t" $2}}' file.txt
You may use this sed:
sed -E 's/^([[:blank:]]*[^[:blank:]]+)\.([^[:blank:]]+)/\1 \2/' file
5_8S_A.3-C_1 A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1 A 20
H.YU-201 D 80
UI-LP.56.2011 A 10
^: Start
([[:blank:]]*[^[:blank:]]+): Capture group #2 to match 0 or more whitespaces followed by 1+ non-whitespace characters.
\.: Match a dot. Since this regex pattern is greedy it will match until last dot
([^[:blank:]]+): Capture group #2 to match 1+ non-whitespace characters
\1 \2: Replacement to place a space between capture value #1 and capture value #2
each line consists of two (white) space delimited fields
first field contains at least one period (.)
Sticking with OP's desire (?) to use awk:
awk '
{ n=split($1,arr,".") # split first field on period (".")
for (i=1;i<n;i++) { # print all but the nth array entry
printf "%s%s",pfx,arr[i]
print "\t" arr[n] "\t" $2} # print last array entry and last field of line
' file.txt
Removing comments and reducing to a one-liner:
awk '{n=split($1,arr,"."); pfx=""; for (i=1;i<n;i++) {printf "%s%s",pfx,arr[i]; pfx="."}; print "\t" arr[n] "\t" $2}' file.txt
This generates:
5_8S_A.3-C_1 A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1 A 20
H.YU-201 D 80
UI-LP.56.2011 A 10
With your shown samples, here is one more variant of rev + awk solution.
rev Input_file | awk '{sub(/\./,OFS)} 1' | rev
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, using rev to print reverse order(from last character to first character) for each line, then sending its output as a standard input to awk program where substituting first dot(which is last dot as per OP's shown samples only) with spaces and printing all lines. Then sending this output as a standard input to rev again to print output into correct order(to remove effect of 1st rev command here).
$ sed 's/\.\([^.]*$\)/\t\1/' file
5_8S_A.3-C_1 A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1 A 20
H.YU-201 D 80
UI-LP.56.2011 A 10

awk seperate field based on length

I have a field containing rows similar to:
I want to output a file where $4 (which can be 5 or 6 digits) is split into two seperate fields, depending on the lenght
if 5 the split should be 3-2, if 6 the split should be 3-3
So the output should be
Does anyone have a good suggestion on how to make that seperation ?
I have been toying around with awk and gsub, and it works if I do it just for the field, but then the hazzle is to get it back aligned with the other fields, and I haven't managed to realize how I can embed the gsub function into an expression where it only touches one column of data ?
You can use the substr function.
first = substr($4,1,3)
second = substr($4,4)
$4 = $first ";" $second
You don't need a conditional, since the first part is always 3 digits long.
EDIT: More simpler approach.
awk -F";" '{sub(/^.../,"&" OFS,$4)} 1' OFS=";" Input_file
Not checking conditions like column's length is 5 or 6, in case you want to do it then we could add those too in above code.
Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.
awk -F";" -v s1=";" '
$4=length($4)==5?substr($4,1,3) s1 substr($4,4):length($4)==6?substr($4,1,4) s1 substr($4,5):$4
1' OFS=";" Input_file

awk command or sed command

000Bxxxxx111118064085vxas - header
90000060883328364801913 - trailer
In the above file we have header and trailer and the records which start with 1 is the detail record
in the detail record,want to sum the values starting from position 28 till 44 including the sign using awk/sed command
Here is sed, with help from bc to do the arithmetic:
sed -rn '
/header|trailer/! {
$ {
' file | bc
I assume the +/- sign follows the number.
Using awk we can solve this problem making use of substr:
substr(s, m[, n ]):
Return the at most n-character substring of s that begins at position m, numbering from 1. If n is omitted, or if n specifies more characters than are left in the string, the length of the substring shall be limited by the length of the string s.
This allows us to take the string which represents the number. Here, I assumed that the sign before and after the number is same and thus the sign of the number :
$ echo "10000000001000000000053009-000000000053009-" \
| awk '{print length($0); print substr($0,27,43-27)}'
Since awk implicitly converts strings to numbers if you do numeric operations on them we can write the following awk-code to achieve the requested :
$ awk '/header|trailer/{next}
END{print s}' file.dat
Or in a single line:
$ awk '/header|trailer/{next}{s+=substr($0,27,43-27)} END{print s}' file.dat
The above examples just work on the example file given by the OP. However, if you have a file containing multiple blocks with header and trailer and you only want to use the text inside these blocks (exclude everything outside of the blocks), then you should handle it a bit differently :
$ awk '/header/{s=0;c=1;next}
END{print S}' file.dat
Here we do the following:
If a line with header is found, reset the block sum s to ZERO and set c=1 indicating that we take the next lines into account
If a line with trailer is found, add the block sum s to the overall sum S and set c=0 indicating to ignore the lines.
If c/=0 compute the block sum s
At the END, print the total sum S

How can I replace all middle characters with '*'?

I would like to replace middle of word with ****.
For example :
Should become :
So far I managed to replace all but the first 2 chars with:
sed -e 's/./*/g3'
Or do it the long way:
grep -o '^..' file > start
cat file | sed 's:^..\(.*\)..$:\1:' | awk -F. '{for (i=1;i<=length($1);i++) a=a"*";$1=a;a=""}1' > stars
grep -o '..$' file > end
paste -d "" start stars > temp
paste -d "" temp end > final
I would use Awk for this, if you have a GNU Awk to set the field separator to an empty string (How to set the field separator to an empty string?).
This way, you can loop through the chars and replace the desired ones with "*". In this case, replace from the 3rd to the 3rd last:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=""}{for (i=3; i<=NF-2; i++) $i="*"} 1' file
If perl is okay:
$ perl -pe 's/..\K.*(?=..)/"*" x length($&)/e' ip.txt
..\K.*(?=..) to match characters other than first/last two characters
See regex lookarounds section for details
e modifier allows to use Perl code in replacement section
"*" x length($&) use length function and string repetition operator to get desired replacement string
You can do it with a repetitive substitution, e.g.:
sed -E ':a; s/^(..)([*]*)[^*](.*..)$/\1\2*\3/; ta'
This works by repeating the substitution until no change happens, that is what the :a; ...; ta bit does. The substitution consists of 3 matched groups and a non-asterisk character:
(..) the start of the string.
([*]*) any already replaced characters.
[^*] the character to be replaced next.
(.*..) any remaining characters to replace and the end of the string.
Alternative GNU sed answer
You could also do this by using the hold space which might be simpler to read, e.g.:
h # save a copy to hold space
s/./*/g3 # replace all but 2 by *
G # append hold space to pattern space
s/^(..)([*]*)..\n.*(..)$/\1\2\3/ # reformat pattern space
Run it like this:
sed -Ef parse.sed input.txt
Output in both cases
Following awk may help you on same. It should work in any kind of awk versions.
awk '{len=length($0);for(i=3;i<=(len-2);i++){val=val "*"};print substr($0,1,2) val substr($0,len-1);val=""}' Input_file
Adding a non-one liner form of solution too now.
awk '
val=val "*"};
print substr($0,1,2) val substr($0,len-1);
' Input_file
Explanation: Adding explanation now for above code too.
awk '
len=length($0); ##Creating variable named len whose value is length of current line.
for(i=3;i<=(len-2);i++){ ##Starting for loop which starts from i=3 too till len-2 value and doing following:
val=val "*"}; ##Creating a variable val whose value is concatenating the value of it within itself.
print substr($0,1,2) val substr($0,len-1);##Printing substring first 2 chars and variable val and then last 2 chars of the current line.
val="" ##Nullifying the variable val here, so that old values should be nullified for this variable.
' Input_file ##Mentioning the Input_file name here.

Awk pattern matching on rows that have a value at specific column. No delimiter

I would like to search a file, using awk, to output rows that have a value commencing at a specific column number. e.g.
I looking for 979719 starting at column number 10:
As you can see, there are no delimiters. It is a raw data text file. I would like to output rows 1 and 4. Not row 3 which does contain the pattern but not at the desired column number.
awk '/979719$/' file
An simple sed approach.
$ cat file
Just search for a pattern, that end's up with 979719 and print the line:
$ sed -n '/^.*979719$/p' file
This code works:
awk 'length($1) == 9' FS="979719" raw-text-file
This code sets 979719 as the field separator, and checks whether the first field has a length of 9 characters. Then prints the line (as default action).
awk 'substr($0,10,6) == 979719' file
You can drop the ,6 if you want to search from the 10th char to the end of each line.