How can a webhook identify USER_IDs? - hangouts-chat

I'm developing a webhook, and I want it to be able to #mention specific users. The simple message format specifies using the format of <users/123456789012345> to #mention a specific users. Since this is not a bot, it is not processing an incoming message and cannot pull the from the sender field, as suggested in the note on the developer site linked above.
How can I get the USER_ID of a user on my domain?

I am in the same boat as you. Trying to use a Webhook to mention a user.
If you inspect the HTML on, using web/dev tools, you can actually see user ID under tag data-member-id="user/bot/123456789012345"
Using the above I tried to form a webhook that mentioned the user (in my case another bot).
Unfortunately it didn't work. Passing in the string <users/123456789012345> please test came through to chat as a string literal.
It's strange because the html links and markup DO get interpreted. As mentioned here. Edit: so does <users/all>.
I'm leaving this here since your question asks for how to elicit the ID. While it may not be pretty, or much automatable, it helped me get the user ID at least.
Edit 2: It works, just not to mention my other bot for some reason. But using this method I was able to mention a human user :)

I use this for find the USER_ID but if you have another way let me know
Right click on the user and select inspect
Search for data-member-id this is your USER_ID

A webhook will not be able to pull the USER_ID of a user. As a workaround for this, you can create a service account and a bot that has access to the room and use the REST API spaces.members.list() and spaces.members.get() method.
Note: The bot will need to be added to the room.

Okay, so in order to get the UserID without having to do all of the things that you're trying to do here you need to use the Admin SDK API in google app script. Basically what you'll want to do is use your google app script as an intermediary for what you're trying to do. So you'll post something to google app script via their web exec functions on a deployed app and then have that app communicate to the google chat API via something like this:
var googlewebhookurl = '';
var options = {
'method': 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload' : JSON.stringify({ text: "<users/000000000001> I see you!" })
UrlFetchApp.fetch(googlewebhookurl, options);
To start, you'll need to add the Admin SDK API to the services in your google app script services area. So click the plus next to "Services" and then select the Admin SDK API and click add to add it to the services, it winds up showing up in the list as "AdminDirectory" once it has been added to the services.
This is an image showing what it looks like once you've added it to the services.
Here is a link to the documentation for the Admin SDK API getting user information:
You should be able to copy and paste that example function to get the information you're looking for regarding the user. I'm pasting the example code below in case something happens to this link:
* Get a user by their email address and logs all of their data as a JSON string.
function getUser() {
var userEmail = '';
var user = AdminDirectory.Users.get(userEmail);
Logger.log('User data:\n %s', JSON.stringify(user, null, 2));
In order to get the user id, take the user variable that comes back and access and voila! You have the ID you're looking for. From there just plaster it into a text message in google chat and you should be in business. I haven't gotten it to work with cards at all yet. I'm not seeing any documentation saying that it's supported in cards at all. For more information regarding chat messages and cards take a look at these:


Firebase auth email verification message

I'm using Firebase auth to control access to my app and it's been working great and was easy to implement. Now that I'm bringing real testers on, I've got a question.
When a user registers, I'm forcing email verification and that all works fine. I've even found how to somewhat customize the email that user receives asking them to verify their address. However, when the user clicks that link, they get a very generic message:
Your email has been verified
You can now sign in with your new account
Is there any way to customize this? I don't want to do anything particularly fancy - just a more helpful message and maybe a link to return to the app.
If you mean the web page that they get to when they click the link, there is no way to customize the existing page. But you can create your own page, and host it (for example on Firebase Hosting). For full documentation on this process, see the documentation on creating a custom email action handler.

How to fetch userID, tenantID and serviceURL from MSTeams?

I was looking into Microsoft Graph Postman Collections but could not locate the tenantID, serviceURL or userID?
Is there a way to fetch userID, tenantID and serviceURL from MSTeams?
As the other answer mentions, you can get this via the "context" object, which in turn means you need to create a Teams application, and it must include a Tab. There is another similar option, which is to create a Bot for Teams, and when the user installs the bot, either 1-1, or into a channel or group chat, you get the chance to retrieve that information. You can see more about that here, including some options based on the type of bot and when you want to retrieve the information.
If it's ok to have an app, then simply go ahead with this approach. If you really don't -want the user to interact with an app, then you could consider the following:
create the application (e.g. a bot) in order to get the context you need
Auto-install the bot, as per this Graph call
Retrieve and save the information in the conversationUpdate, which is fired when you bot is installed by the user / team / chat
Auto uninstall the app using this Graph call
However, you haven't explained why you need those bits of information. That set is often used to send a proactive message from a bot, and if that's what you're trying to do, you'll need the bot anyway.
Please take a look at Get context using Microsoft Teams javascript library.
// Call the initialize API first
// Check the initial theme user chose and respect it
microsoftTeams.getContext(function (context) {
if (context) {

How to get posts from google+ stream

I need to take google+ posts from stream and publish them on my site. I know that google doesn't have api to do that. But some services like suck can do that. Does anybody know how?
First, you should go to google apis and enable Google Plus services. Here it comes;
Go to API Console.
Select Services
Enable Google+ API services.
Select API Access
Simple API Access > grab your API Key.
And you can use following code for read stream posts;
$google_plus_id = '106670447018211124292';
$appKey = 'app_key_here';
$streams = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $google_plus_id . '/activities/public?key='. $appKey));
foreach ($streams->items as $item) {
echo $item->title .
date('F jS Y # H:i:s',strtotime($item->published)) .
$item->object->content .
'<br />';
You can also test this code's job on google api console.
1.) Go to API Console and select Google+ API
2.) Select APIs menu on left menu
3.) Click on public.activities.list on that page
4.) Enter your profile id in userId section and type "public" on collection section then click Execute. You can see below;
Depending on your exact needs, the Google+ API documented at may do what you need. It can show you the public posts from a specific user. You can also see some sample code to illustrate this at
What it can't do, however, is show you the private posts from that user that are permitted to you, or show you all of the posts (public or private) that you may have seen.

Using Gdata authorization by removing hardcoded gmail credentials to get google contacts

The idea is to login through gmail and get all contacts details and also add a contact from PHP code to google contact list.
The whole flow is working well and i am getting contact list and also adding contacts with fields.
The problem is that the code has hardcoded variables where i need to set google email and password.I want to have a link to authoriZe and then get all response..
So i just need to bypass the credentials on first attempt using an API or token method and get the contact details
Please suggest if someone has gone through this issue or share examples or resourced that might help toward the solution.
Here is the code snippet...
$user = "";
$pass = "XXX";
// Need to remove above 2 lines and combine the login on the fly API using some with further working stuff
try {
// perform login and set protocol version to 3.0
$client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient(
$user, $pass, 'cp');
$gdata = new Zend_Gdata($client);
// perform query and get feed of all results
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Query(
$query->maxResults = 1000;
$query->setParam('orderby', 'lastmodified');
$query->setParam('sortorder', 'descending');
$feed = $gdata->getFeed($query);
//display data in loop below....
Basically I want to remove the user and pwd variables and do it on the fly to get data.
Right now I am getting all contacts and also able to add a contact but the way of setting credentials is to be changed to be more secure using a token or other way..
Insead of using the username and password directly, you need to use the Google OAuth. You need to first create a project in the Google OAuth and specify correct details. Using the app created there, you can ask for permission of a user and get his contact details in the response.
How to get Google Contacts information using Google OAuth?

Rally: Seeing information about the current user from a web client

I'm writing a Rally app using REST service calls and JQuery. I'd like to customize app behavior to the current user, i.e., show their default project. Is there a way to get a username or ID for the current auth session? The closest I've found is this website url, which redirects to the userid (if you request it while logged in).
But is there a real way to do it? A REST call would be nice, but I guess that's not RESTful?
You can make a request to and it will return results for the currently logged in user.
Include UserProfile and DefaultProject in your fetch and any other fields on Project, Workspace, WorkspaceConfiguration and UserProfile objects and you should be able to get most of the info you're looking for.
If you're using SDK 2 some of this information is already available in the current context: