How to send new line character in url? - vuejs2

I'm using Vuejs for frontend and I have blade template displayed using iframe. I want to send data into blade such that Whatever i type inside text field it should be displayed on the laravel blade template.
<iframe :src="template" #load="onTemplateLoad()"></iframe>
and template is defined as
this.template = '/templates/email_templates/' + + '?footer_message=' + this.footer_message;
If there is any new line character in footer_message it should be displayed. Now it is ignoring the new line. Is there any way to solve it.

Anyway friends I got it, before appending the value just replace all new line character with '%0A'.
In my code I added this message.replace(/\n/g, '%0A');. Which Works fine.


chronoforms v5 multi file upload...cannot choose multiple files

I am trying to configure this in v5 and cannot find any documentation. This is what I have so far...
followed the V4 documentation as close as possible, but cannot get the form to allow me to choose multiple files!
Under HTML Render I have Form Tag Attachment = enctype="multipart/form-data"
Under the designer tab I have file field element on the form. Under this I have
Field Name = file1[]
Field ID = file1
Under the settings tab I have the files upload action in the on submit event. In the files upload action I have
Files config = file1:jpg-png-gif-txt
Array fields = file1
is there anything else I need to do?
Turns out this is a bug and will be fixed in the next update. Workaround by creating a custom file upload element with the word multiple as a parameter.

how to set meta tag dynamic from database in mvc

ViewData["ChildPageMetaConent"] = lstPageMetaContentChilds; // from this line i get data from database and set to ViewData .
Example : in ViewData["ChildPageMetaConent"] have list class. You can check in Image.
And on Master.cshtml I am accessing ViewData["ChildPageMetaConent"] variable and gointo to write on
page but its print on page like a text .
And on HTMl its look like this :
I got the Answer.
Need to Use #Html.Raw(string)
so it print exact html tag on page.

web2py SQLFORM accepting too fast

I have a web2py SQLFORM that gets generated and returned by an AJAX call and the form is put in a DIV I defined.. I want that SQLFORM to be an update form, not an insert form. The problem is the form immediately runs it's accept function once it is written to that DIV. This doesn't happen if the form is for inserting, only updating. That initial accept fails and hitting the submit button does not allow for a second accept.
I don't know why the accept fails or why it happens immediately.
heres the JavaScript function that makes the AJAX call
function displayForm(currID){
//Remove everything from the DIV we want to use
//Call the ajax to bring down the form to update the series
[], 'window');
And here is the newForm controller
def newSerForm():
record = db.myTable(request.args[0])
form = SQLFORM(db.myTable, record, fields=['series_name','image_thumbnail'])
if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
print 'Series update successful!'
print 'Series update Failed...'
return form
displayForm is fired by clicking a button and once you do the form accepts and fails and the submit button doesn't work again. Is there a way to make an SQLFORM do this? The weird thing is if I change this to make inserts into myTable, it works fine. It behaves exactly as it should. But doing it this way doesn't work.
Ok now this is where it gets weird.
I tried to achieve the same functionality here with a totally different approach, an iFrame. I made new functions in my controllers that create the form based on request.args[0]. looks like this
def editEntry():
print request.args[0]
record = db.myTable(request.args[0])
form = SQLFORM(db.CC_user_submission, record, fields=['series_name', 'image_thumbnail']).process()
return dict(form=form)
And then a corresponding HTML page that just displays form. What could be simpler right? I go to that page based on a link that gives the correct argument. Take me to a page with a form for updating. Updating works perfect. Great, now lets put it in an iFrame instead of linking to it. I put it in an iFrame on the original page. Open up the iFrame. Doesn't work. I have no idea what is going is there any part of an explanation to this?
By using the iFrame method I actually got this one to work. Since it required an iFrame to be appended with jQuery which needs quotes and the iFrame URL which also needs quotes, the notation got pretty confusing but it's doable. Looked like this:
var myURL = "{{=URL('editEntry')}}/"+idArg.toString();
$('#window').append("<iframe src = " + myURL + " width='450' height='400'> </iframe>");
It's not pretty but it works.

Tags getting appended to dojo editor content

I have a dojo editor on a jsp page. The dojo editor is one of the required fields and i have a validation in place for it. There is a scenario in which some tags are getting appended. I cannot find a particular pattern when it gets appended but most of the times it occurs after one selects and copies all the content and pastes on the editor. So the editor content in this case was
<div id="dijitEditorBody">content which user entered</div>
Issue: When the user deletes all content which was entered the tags are still there and get submitted. In this case atleast visually editor has no content but the field holds the following value:
<div id="dijitEditorBody"></div>
<div id="dijitEditorBody"><br /></div>
So it skips validation and displays an empty editor when data is retrieved from DB?
I am confused about why these tags are getting appended?
In RichText.js, this snippet :
if(dojo.isIE || dojo.isWebKit || (!this.height && !dojo.isMoz)){
// In auto-expand mode, need a wrapper div for AlwaysShowToolbar plugin to correctly
// expand/contract the editor as the content changes.
html = "<div id='dijitEditorBody'></div>";
setBodyId = false;
}else if(dojo.isMoz){
// workaround bug where can't select then delete text (until user types something
// into the editor)... and/or issue where typing doesn't erase selected text
this._cursorToStart = true;
html = " ";
Explains the reason why that tag is added...
Although you see it in your alertbox, I believe it's not present in the posted contents... right ?
The editor should take care of removing the extra-tags => not tested but pretty sure...

VB.NET hates </script> tag in string literal

I am trying to update some of my projects old login code, which is a bunch of aspx files with inline VB.NET (no codebehind).
The page in question uses a master page layout. I am trying to expose the header of this master page to the slave pages, which I did by adding a placeholder in the header and exposing it as a property of the master page.
The problem comes in when I try to add a script tag to the header, like this:
Master.Header.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>"))
Then i get the error "Only Content controls are allowed directly in a content page that contains Content controls."
I think the aspx parser is seeing the </script> in the string literal and thinking that it is then end of the tag, and giving me that error because it thinks the content following that end tag are not in an block. I can add other tags to the header perfectly fine.
What do you think?
You can escape the / in </script> to prevent this.
Master.Header.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<script type='text/javascript' src=''><\/script>"))
Alternatively, you can try
Dim gc As New HtmlGenericControl
gc.TagNane = "script"
gc.Attributes.Add("type", "javascript")
gc.Attributes.Add("src", "")