Getting unwanted data in select statement of NChar column - sql

On running the below query:
LIKE 'Trademarks, logos, slogans, company names, copyrighted material or brands of any third party%'
I am getting the output as:
The column datatype is NCHAR(120) and the collation used is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
The data is inserted with an extra leading space in the end. But using RTRIM function also I am not able to trim the extra space. I am not sure which type of leading space(encoded) is inserted here.
Can you please suggest some other alternative except RTRIM to get rid of extra white space at the end as the Column is NCHAR.
Below are the things which I have already tried:
Update to Question
Please download the Database from here TestDB
Please use below query for your reference:
SELECT DISTINCT [RULE], LEN([RULE]) FROM [TestDB].[BI].[DimRejectionReasonData]
LIKE 'Trademarks, logos, slogans, company names, copyrighted material or brands of any third party%'

You may have a non-breaking space nchar(160) inside the string.
You can convert it to a simple space and then use the usual trim function
In case of unicode space

I guess this is what you are looking for ( Not sure ) . Make a try with this approach
Reference links : Link 1 & Link 2
Note: FYI refer those links for better understanding .

change the type nchar into varchar it will return the result without extra space


Removing white spaces and special characters from SQL

I have a table where I have a ColumnA which has data with white spaces and special characters. I want to generate ColumnB with the data from ColumnA with the removal of white spaces and special characters.
For example, ColumnA has values like:
White paper.
I want a new column with values:
I tried below SQL in SSMS, but it is not working completely. Could someone help me out?
SELECT code,
,'') ,' ','')
It is not working for the record with value: #sql#%
Added as a wiki answer in order to retain the comment made by #lptr. Query by #lptr explanation mine (#DaleK).
Your attempt was close, but only worked for single characters... the one that failed was because you had multiple characters that needed replacing and once you remove the white space they are all next to each other and don't match the original string anymore.
This answer cleverly replaces all the letter characters with a "*" using translate as step 1, then using translate again on the original column value, replaces all the non-letter characters with a "*" as step 2, then finally replaces all "*" characters with an empty string.
Note also the use of replication to avoid typing the same character in multiple times.
create table samp(code varchar(50));
insert into samp(code)
('White paper. ');
select s.code, n.nonletters, l.letters
from samp as s
cross apply (values(translate(s.code, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', replicate('*', 26)))) as n (nonletters)
cross apply (values(replace(translate(s.code, n.nonletters, replicate('*', len(n.nonletters+'.')-1)), '*', ''))) as l (letters);

Oracle regexp_replace - removing trailing spaces

I am looking for some help in regards to removing trailing spaces from my queue names. The following is an example of a table that I am using:
Queue A
Queue B
Queue C
The problem I have is that there is an extra space at the end of the queue name and when trying the following code:
the space is still there.
I was reading the searches from Google and came across the following code to remove special characters [] and this removed all the spaces including the one at the end. The code I wrote:
Only issue I have now is that my result is shown as the following:
I have never really used regexp_replace hence not sure what I need to change to the code to leave the spaces in between the queue names, so would really appreciate it if somebody could advise on how I could fix this.
Thanks in advance.
---- code edited as should not include [.!?]+
You may try to use trim only as in the following select statement :
with t(col0) as
select ' Queue A ' from dual union all
select ' Queue B ' from dual union all
select ' Queue C ' from dual
select trim(col0)
from t;
Queue A
Queue B
Queue C
you get no surrounding spaces around.
You want to remove space from the end of the string:
regexp_replace(queue_name, '[[:space:]]+$', '')
(The '$' in the pattern marks the end.)
If this still doesn't work, then you are dealing with some strange invisible character that is not considered space. Use
regexp_replace(queue_name, '[^0-9A-Za-z]+$', '')
instead, which, as you already know, removes all characters except for letters and digits. The '$' restricts this to the end of the string.
Columns of type CHAR (e.g. CHAR(8)) are always blank-padded on the right to the full width of the field. So if you store 'Queue A' in a CHAR(8) field the database helpfully adds a single space to the end of it - and there's no way to remove that extra space from the column. The solution is to change the field so it's defined as either VARCHAR2 (preferred in Oracle) or VARCHAR:
Then the database will only store the characters you give it, without blank-padding the field.
Best of luck.

White spaces in sql

that will sounds stupid, but I have a table with names, those names may finish with white space or may not. E.g. I have name ' dummy ', but even if in the query I write only ' dummy' it will find the record ' dummy '. Can I fix it somehow?
FROM MYTABLE where NAME=' dummy'
This is how SQL works (except Oracle), when you compare two strings the shorter one will be padded with blanks to the length of th 2nd string.
If you really need to consider trailings blanks you can switch to LIKE which doesn't follow that rule:
Of course, you better clean your data during load.
There's only one thing which is worse than trailing spaces, leading spaces (oh, wait a minute, you got them, too).

SQL Server 2000 - How to remove the hidden characters in the column?

I'm trying to remove a hidden characters from a varchar column, these hidden characters (i.e. period, space) was taken from a scanned bar code and it is not visible in the result set once query was executed. I have tried to use below script but it failed to remove the hidden characters(see attached screenshot for reference.)
Any help is highly appreciated.
SELECT Replace(Replace(LTrim(RTrim(mycolumn)), '.', ''), ' ', '')
FROM MyTable
WHERE serialno = '123456789'
One thing that has worked for me is to select the column with the special characters, then paste the data into notepad++ then turn on View>Show Symbol>Show All Characters. Then I could copy the special characters from Notepad++ into the second argument of the REPLACE() function in SQL.

SQL select from list where white space has been added to end

I'm trying to select some rows from an Oracle database like so:
select * from water_level where bore_id in ('85570', '112205','6011','SP068253');
This used to work fine but a recent update has meant that bore_id in water_level has had a bunch of whitespace added to the end for each row. So instead of '6011' it is now '6011 '. The number of space characters added to the end varies from 5 to 11.
Is there a way to edit my query to capture the bore_id in my list, taking account that trialling whitespace should be ignored?
I tried:
select * from water_level where bore_id in ('85570%', '112205%','6011%','SP068253%');
which returns more rows than I want, and
select * from water_level where bore_id in ('85570\s*', '112205\s*','6011\s*', 'SP068253\s*');
which didn't return anything?
You should RTRIM the WHERE clause
select * from water_level where RTRIM(bore_id) in ('85570', '112205','6011');
To add to that, RTRIM has an overload which you can pass a second parameter of what to trim, so if the trailing characters weren't spaces, you could remove them. For example if the data looked like 85570xxx, you could use:
select * from water_level where RTRIM(bore_id, 'x') IN ('85570','112205', '6011');
You could use the replace function to remove the spaces
select * from water_level where replace(bore_id, ' ', '') in ('85570', '112205', '6011', 'SP068253');
Although, a better option would be to remove the spaces from the data if they are not supposed to be there or create a view.
I'm guessing bore_id is VARCHAR or VARCHAR2. If it were CHAR, Oracle would use (SQL-standard) blank-padded comparison semantics, which regards 'foo' and 'foo ' as equivalent.
So, another approach is to force comparison as CHARs:
FROM water_level
WHERE CAST(bore_id AS CHAR(16)) IN ('85570', '112205', '6011', 'SP068253');