Criteria in SQL/ms-access is only considering day of the month, not full date - sql

NB: this is a follow up question from Syntax of MS Access/SQL sub-query including aggregate functions.
I am trying to produce a database to manage maintenance of equipment. I have two tables:
One (Inventory) containing details of each piece of equipment, including Purchase Date and Service Period,
One containing details of work done (WorkDone), including the date the work was carried out (Work Date).
I would like a query that displays the date that it should be next serviced. So far I have:
SELECT Max(NZ(DateAdd('m', i.[Service Period], w.[Work Date]),
DateAdd('m', i.[Service Period], i.[Purchase Date]))
) AS NextServiceDate, i.Equipement
FROM Inventory i LEFT JOIN WorkDone w ON i.ID = w.Equipment
GROUP BY i.Equipement
I would now like to order by NextServiceDate and only show entries where NextServiceDate is in the next week. However adding
HAVING (((Max(Nz(DateAdd('m',i.[Service Period],w.[Work Date]),DateAdd('m',i.[Service Period],i.[Purchase Date]))))<DateAdd('ww',1,Date()))
ORDER BY Max(Nz(DateAdd('m',i.[Service Period],w.[Work Date]),DateAdd('m',i.[Service Period],i.[Purchase Date])));
only shows when the day of the month is less than one week from now (e.g. if it is the 1st today it will show all entries where NextServiceDate occurs in the first 7 days of any month of any year, past or future). For some reason it is only considering the day of the month and not the full date. I don't understand why...
NB: I have a British system so date format is dd-mm-yyyy.

After a cursory review of your code, I'm unsure whether the instances of i.Equipement is a typo (since your JOIN clause refers to a similar field w.Equipment), or whether these two fields are intentionally named differently?
I can't see anything else immediately wrong with your code, but it may be clearer and easier to debug if you were to restructure the code to the following:
Max(sub.dat) as NextServiceDate, sub.eqp
DateAdd('m',i.[Service Period],Nz(w.[Work Date],i[Purchase Date])) as dat, i.Equipement as eqp
Inventory i LEFT JOIN WorkDone w ON i.ID = w.Equipment
) AS sub
Max(sub.dat) < DateAdd('ww',1,Date())
Note that the difference in regional date formats will only have an effect when you are specifying literal dates (for example, as criteria), in which case you would need to adhere to the format #mm/dd/yyyy#.


SQL query to count number of checkins per month

To put a long story short, I am working on a database using PostgreSQL that is managing yelp checkins. The checkintable has the attributes business_id(string), date(string in form yyyy-mm-dd), and time(string in form 00:00:00).
What I simply need to do is, given a business_id, I need to return a list of the total number of checkins based on just the mm (month) value.
So for instance, I need to retrieve the total checkins that were in Jan, Feb, March, April, etc, not based upon the year.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I've already considered group by clauses but I didn't know how to factor in '%mm%'.
Reiterating Gordon, class or not, storing dates and times as strings makes things harder, slower, and more likely to break. It's harder to take advantage of Postgres's powerful date math functions. Storing dates and times separately makes things even harder; you have to concatenate them together to get the full timestamp which means it will not be indexed. Determining the time between two events becomes unnecessarily difficult.
It should be a single timestamp column. Hopefully your class will introduce that shortly.
What I simply need to do is, given a business_id, I need to return a list of the total number of checkins based on just the mm (month) value.
This is deceptively straightforward. Cast your strings to dates, fortunately they're in ISO 8601 format so no reformatting is required. Then use extract to extract just the month part.
extract('month' from checkin_date::date) as month,
from yelp_checkins
where business_id = ?
group by month
order by month
But there's a catch. What if there are no checkins for a business on a given month? We'll get no entry for that month. This is a pretty common problem.
If we want a row for every month, we need to generate a table with our desired months with generate_series, then left join with our checkin table. A left join ensures all the months (the "left" table) will be there even if there is no corresponding month in the join table (the "right" table).
from generate_series(1,12) as months(month)
left join yelp_checkins
on months.month = extract('month' from checkin_date::date)
and business_id = ?
group by months.month
order by months.month
Now that we have a table of months, we can group by that. We can't use a where business_id = ? clause or that will filter out empty months after the left join has happened. Instead we must put that as part of the left join.
Try it.
Why would you store the date as a string? That is a broken data model. You should fix the data.
That said, I recommend converting a date and truncating to the first day of the month:
select date_trunc('day', datestr::date) as yyyymm, count(*)
from t
group by yyyymm
order by yyyymm;
If you don't want these based on the year, then use extract():
select extract(month from datestr::date) as mm, count(*)
from t
group by mm
order by mm;

Is there a simple line (or two) of code that will pull records before a minimum date in another table?

I want to pull Emergency room visits before a members first treatment date. Everyone as a different first treatment date and none occur before Jan 01 2012.
So if a member has a first treatment date of Feb 24 2013, I want to know how many times they visited the ER one year prior to that date.
These min dates are located in another table and I can not use the Min date in my DATEADD function. Thoughts?
One possible solution is to use a CTE to capture the visits between the dates your interested in and then join to that with your select.
Here is an example:
I just completely updated my answer. Sorry for the confusion.
So you have at least two tables:
Emergency room visits
Treatment information
Let's call these two tables [ERVisits] and [Treatments].
I suppose both tables have some id-field for the patient/member. Let's call it [MemberId].
How about this conceptual query:
WITH [FirstTreatments] AS
SELECT [MemberId], MIN([TreatmentDate]) AS [FirstTreatmentDate]
FROM [Treatments]
GROUP BY [MemberId]
SELECT V.[MemberId], T.[FirstTreatmentDate], COUNT(*) AS [ERVisitCount]
FROM [ERVisits] AS V INNER JOIN [FirstTreatments] AS T ON T.[MemberId] = V.[MemberId]
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, V.[VisitDate], T.[FirstTreatmentDate]) BETWEEN 0 AND 365
GROUP BY V.[MemberId], T.[FirstTreatmentDate]
This query should show the number of times a patient/member has visited the ER in the year before his/her first treatment date.
Here is a tester:

How to use the current date format in a SQL Query

I am trying to do a query that calculates the days of past due library books in days. I also want to display the Patron's Last Name ( the person who borrowed the book), Book Title, the Due Date of the book.
I ran a simple query to understand what I am looking for. The code I ran is as follows:
I need to calculate the days that the book is overdue from the date that it was due. I want to use the current date to calculate the days that the book is overdue, although I am not sure how to do that. I know there is a SYSDATE function that gives the current date. I do not know how to use the SYSDATE function.
I think the marker for a past due book is that the current date is greater than the due date. So you can just compare the due date against SYSDATE to determine which books are overdue and by how many days.
SYSDATE - c.CHECK_DUE_DATE AS num_days_due
In Oracle we can just subtract two dates to get the difference in days. Note also that I replaced your implicit inner joins with explicit joins. This is the preferred way of writing a join query.

SQL Select Items and link field to another table in same select

Currently I am retrieving a list of Purchase Orders Lines (POL) and each has a Due Date. For each line where the POL.Due Date is a future date i.e. >= Current Date, I need to determine the Period Name and Financial Week the POL.Due Date falls into.
The SQL Database has a table for the Financial Period and one for the Financial Week. Each table is driven by a date.
Against each report line along with the Due Date I am trying to link to each of the above tables to determine the PERIOD_NAME and WEEK for the POL.Due Date.
Where the POL.Due Date has elapsed i.e. < Current Date, I need to retrieve the PERIOD_NAME and WEEK for the Current Date.
I would like to try and do this in an SQL select as my only other option is to write a VBA report which initially retrieves all the Purchase Order Lines and then serially reads through each and links to the other tables to determine the Financial Period Name and Week Number.
I am looking for an end result something on the lines of:
I would appreciate any assistance on this as my SQL knowledge does not extend to what to me appears to be a complex selection.
Do you mean something like this (SQL Server syntax)?
select pol.po_number,
pw.week as week_no,
from purchaseOrderLines pol
left join period_week pw on pol.DueDate > GetDate()
and pw.start_date <= pol.due_date
and dateAdd(d, 7, pw.start_date) >= pol.due_date
left join periodPer pp on pol.DueDate > GetDate()
and pp.period_date = pol.DueDate
Thanks for your response.
I tried your logic which gave me what I was looking for but upon further investigation I located another table which detailed every date up to 2025, including the week and month. I'm simply now creating a JOIN to this new table using my Due Date value.
I would just like to thank you for your time and effort in answering my query. Although I am not using your suggestion for the stated example, I am however looking at what you've presented, and it certainly gives me a few ideas for some other SELECT statements I'm currently working on.

Access SQL Query: Comparing Date In Select Statement

I have a problem that I simply cannot seem to figure out. I have a list of employees with different travel dates and I want to display all of them in a cascading list format. The problem is that I only want to see employees once, and only the date closest to today.
For example I could have 'Smith' in there multiple times with dates before and after today, as we also keep historical records. This means I can't just do min, as it will try and display a date before today, and max is too far forward.
The code example below ALMOST works. The problem is in the select statement. I want to show the minimum date after today, but instead it gives me 0's and -1's where the dates should be. There might just be another way to do this all together, but this is the only configuration that seems to allow the other information such as Site, Position, and Comments to be displayed correctly alongside it.
SELECT A.`Last Name` AS [Last Name], Min(A.`Date In`) > Now() AS [Date In], Max(B.Site) AS Site, Max(B.Position), Max(B.Comments) AS Comments
FROM Deployments AS A
INNER JOIN Deployments AS B ON A.ID = B.ID
HAVING (((Max(A.`Actual TEP IN`))>Now()));
I did a group by Name because I only want to see each individual once. If I don't add the table to itself with a join it gives a self reference error. This is my first time posting so I hope this makes sense! All help will be greatly appreciated!
Not sure what DB you're on, but in general, you need to return MIN(date) instead of the result of the comparison "Min(Date) > Now()" - I'm guessing this is where you're seeing 0's and -1's, since that would be the result of the comparison, when you want the minimum date value itself.
Also, if you are just wanting people who have a trip date in the future, just restrict your query with a WHERE clause, do a GROUP BY, and you get rid of the self-join. Also note that the example below aligns some discrepancies in your OP like where you're selecting based on "Last Name" but grouping on "FSR Name" - these things must be consistent, whichever field you're concerned about.
SELECT A.[FSR Name] AS [FSR Name],
Min(A.[Date In]) AS [Date In],
Max(A.Site) AS Site,
Max(A.Position) AS Position,
Max(A.Comments) AS Comments
FROM Deployments AS A
WHERE A.[Date In] > Now()
EDIT: If you need to make sure that Site,Position,Comments all came from the same row, you have to do something like one of these options:
If you have a Primary Key:
select * from Deployments A3 where A3.pk_value =
(select max(A2.pk_value) from Deployments A2
where A2.[Date In] =
(select Max([Date In]) from Deployments A where A.[FSR Name] = A2.[FSR Name])
and A2.[FSR Name] = A3.[FSR Name]
This guarantees you to get 1 row per FSR Name, even if there are multiple rows for that FSR with the same "latest" date.
Otherwise, you can leave out the secondary query dealing with the pk_value, but you run a risk of getting multiple rows for an FSR that has multiple records with the same "latest" date.
Note: when you get to queries this complex, running on a full-featured database (SQL Server, Oracle, anything but Access) allows you to use much more sophistication. For this example, "Windowing Functions" would give you the answer without as much wrangling. Not sure if you're stuck with Access for now, but consider this for the future, anyway.
Try something like this
Select A.LastName, A.DateIn, A.Site, A.Position, A.Comments
From deployments a
Where not exists (Select *
From deployments b
Where <>
and (abs(datediff(d, getdate(), a.datein))) > abs(datediff(d, getdate(), b.datein))
or abs(datediff(d, getdate(), a.datein)) = abs(datediff(d, getdate(), b.datein) and >
Instead of the funny mins and maxes that you are using to try to get the row with the datein that is closest to today, try using datediff. With this function, you can specify what type of date or time value you are looking to compare (day, month, year, minute) and then find the difference between two different datetimes. In this case, I used getdate() to find the current date and time. Then, we want the datein with the least value for datediff, the datein that is closest to today. Datediff will return positive or negative values, so I used abs to get the absolute value of the result. I did this because it doesn't matter if the date is before today or after today.
Then we are looking in the deployment table. The subquery says that we should look at all the values which are not the current value. Then, find all the rows that have a smaller datediff than the current record. Also, find all the records that have the same datediff as the current record and a smaller id. We will only include the current record if there isn't anything that fits this criteria. It is a little weird to think about, but this type of query should help you find what you are looking for a lot easier. The only thing is that you will need to add criteria in the where clause of the subquery to determine which entries to compare. As it stands, this query will look at all of the entries in your deployments table and pull back the one row that has a datein closest to today. Since you want one row for each person, this will need few more specifications.