ResNet34 - Pretrained model on imagenet using tensorflow - tensorflow

Can someone point me to the Resnet34 pre-trained model on image-net using tensorflow? I am not sure but TF-slim trained model are same or would there be difference?

You can use Keras ResNet(18,34,50,101,152) pre-trained models


How to train YOLOv3 detector on a custom dataset using MS COCO pre-trained weights?

I want to train YOLOv3 Darknet on a custom dataset using MS COCO pre-trained weights. Specifically, i want to fine-tune the MS COCO pre-trained weights of the YOLOv3 on a custom dataset.
I followed the instructions of data preparation and detector configuration in the AlexeyAB/darknet Github repository, but in pre-trained weights part, only the use of ImageNet pre-trained convolutional weights was explained. I googled about fine-tuning MS COCO pre-trained weights of the YOLOv3 on a custom dataset, but couldn't found any explanation.

What is a lite model in Deep Learning?

I wanted to know what is a lite model?
I know that a model that is easier to train and has fewer neurons is a lite model but how to say how much are these "fewer neurons"??
If I use a pre-trained model and add two Dense layers to it (where I freeze those pre-trained model layers and train only the Final two layers) can I call these a lite model as it is faster to train and inference results are also fast???

How to Load a pre-trained model into Keras without the Weight and bias?

I need to Load a pre-trained model into Keras without the Weight and bias. I
also just want to use the Architecture of the model alone for my training.
I want to load coco_mobilenet model pre-trained without Weights and bias.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
view keras mobilenet api for detail

How to use a pre trained model on Image net in tensorflow object detection api

I am trying to use the Inception SSD model in tensorflow object detection API. To initialize the weights i want to use pretrained Inception V2 On image net as the feature extractor. I see the model config file lets you use a pretrained model on COCO but if I want to use an Image net model how should I go about it?
To train on Imagenet classification models, do the following:
1) Download a pre-trained model from the "Pre-trained models" section on the Slim page
2) Point the fine_tune_checkpoint at that directory
3) Set from_detection_checkpoint to be false (as you will now be fine-tuning from a classification checkpoint)
Note that training from an Imagenet classification checkpoint will require significantly more time.

How to load a pretrained vgg model in distributed tensorflow model training scene like faster-rcnn?

I want to implements a faster-rcnn model using distributed tensorflow, But I have difficult to load a pretrained vgg model,How to do it? thanks
The TensorFlow tutorial on retraining inception is a good start to read. Then try to reproduce what it does starting from an already trained vgg model.