Is this database in third normal form/3NF? - sql

I know this is probably a stupid question to some but I'm required to have this database in 3NF but know very little about normalisation as our teacher has not covered it. Could someone give me a simple yes or no answer as to whether it is in 3NF and if it is not, suggest any changes. Thanks.

Simple answer No. Google transitive dependencies, or even just Google 3NF?
Why is this the case? Because you have some columns that are dependant on other columns in the same table, where those columns aren't part of the primary key.
For example, in your Customer Table you have Postcode and Town, but there is a relationship between the two, i.e. you couldn't have a Postcode for Paris without also having a Town of Paris. This is very weak transitive dependence, and most databases would have this without considering it bad practice, but I think this is enough to break 3NF.
There's another place where it's a little less clear, but I am pretty sure you break 3NF. In your Payment Table you have Deposit Paid, Total Price, Amount Still To Pay, and Fully Paid. There's an argument that given Total Price and Deposit Paid you could determine Amount Still to Pay. There's a very strong argument that you could always determine Fully Paid from the other three "paid" columns.

You can create Person table with id,title,firstname,lastname
You can add person_id to customerTable and employeeTable. And remove title,firstname,lastname fields from that table.
You can create TownTable with columns id,name and then add town_id to customerTable and emloyeeTable. Remove column town ftom that tables
Create contactInfoTable with columns id, contact_type_id, contact_info
Add contact_info_id column to employeeTable and customerTable. Delete another columns about contact info (phoneNo,email) from that tables.
Create contactType table woth columns id,name. Fill two rows to that table with names phone and email
Create personAddress table with columns id, address, town_id
Add personAddress_id to customerTable, employeeTable tables. Remove address,town from that tables
Create TownTable woth columns id,name
You can create userTable with columns id,employee_id,username
You can create passwordTable with id and user_id
Create user_role table with id, user_id, role_id
Create role_table and add id,name
Also add create_date,end_date (Date ), active(nvarchar2(1) or integer) to all your tables. And in your selects use active=1 condition.


SQL database structure with two changing properties

Let's assume I am building the backend of a university management software.
I have a users table with the following columns:
profs table columns:
I'd like to have a third table with which I can determine all professors teaching a student.
So I'd like to assign multiple teachers to each student.
Those Professors may change any time.
New students may be added any time too.
What's the best way to achieve this?
The canonical way to do this would be to introduce a third junction table, which exists mainly to relate users to professors:
users_profs (
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, prof_id)
The primary key of this junction table is the combination of a user and professor ID. Note that this table is fairly lean, and avoids the problem of repeating metadata for a given user or professor. Rather, user/professor information remains in your two original tables, and does not get repeated.

Assign unique ID to duplicates in Access

I had a very big excel spreadsheet that I moved into Access to try to deal with it easier. I'm very much a novice. I'm trying to use SQL via Access.
I need to assign a unique identifier to duplicates. I've seen people use DENSE_RANK in SQL but I can't get it to work in Access.
Here's what I'm trying to do: I have a large amount of patient and sample data (20k rows). My columns are called FULL_NAME, SAMPLE_NUM, and DATE_REC. Some patients have come in more than once and have multiple samples. I want to give each patient a unique ID that I want to call PATIENT_ID.
I can't figure out how to do this, aside from typing it out on each row. I would greatly appreciate help as I really don't know what I'm doing and there is no one at my work who can help.
To illustrate the previous answers' textual explanation, consider the following SQL action queries which can be run in an Access query window one by one or as VBA string queries with DAO's CurrentDb.Execute or DoCmd.RunSQL. The ALTER statements can be done in MSAcecss.exe.
Create a Patients table (make-table query)
FROM mySamplesTable s
Add an autonumber field to new Patients table as a Primary Key
Add a blank Patient_ID column to Samples table
Update Patient_ID Column in Samples table using FULL_NAME field
UPDATE mySamplesTable s
INNER JOIN myPatientsTable p
Maintain third-norm principles of relational databases and remove FULL_NAME field from Samples table
Then in a separate query, add a foreign key constraint on PATIENT_ID
ALTER TABLE mySamplesTable
ADD CONSTRAINT PatientRelationship
Sounds like FULL_NAME is currently the unique identifier. However, names make very poor unique identifiers and name parts should be in separate fields. Are you sure you don't have multiple patients with same name, e.g. John Smith?
You need a PatientInfo table and then the SampleData table. Do a query that pulls DISTINCT patient info (apparently this is only one field - FULL_NAME) and create a table that generates unique ID with autonumber field. Then build a query that joins tables on the two FULL_Name fields and updates a new field in SampleData called PatientID. Delete the FULL_Name field from SampleData.
The command to number rows in your table is [1]
Anyway as June7 pointed out it might not be a good idea to combine records just based on patient name as there might be duplicates. Better way will be treat each record as unique patient for now and have a way to fix patient ID when patient comes back. I would suggest to go this way:
create two new columns in your samples table
ID with autoincrement as per query above
patientID where you will copy values from ID column - for now they will be same. But in future they will diverge
copy columns patientID and patientName into separate table patients
now you can delete patientName column from samples table
add column imported to patients table to indicate, that there might be some other records that belong to this patient.
when patients come back you open his record, update all other info like address, phone, ... and look for all possible samples record that belong to him. If so, then fix patient id in those records.
Now you can switch imported indicator because this patient data are up to date.
After fixing patientID for samples records. You will end up with patients with no record in samples table. So you can go and delete them.
Unless you already have a natural key you will be corrupting this data when you run the distinct query and build a key from it. From your posting I would guess a natural key would be SAMPLE_NUM. Another problem is that if you roll up by last name you will almost certainly be combining different patients into one.

Whats kind of relationship should I create ? One-To-One or One-To-Many?

I am using MS-Access database.
I am trying to make relationship with two tables, Old Customer table having data and Newly added coupon table.
As my client want to introduce new concept of coupon, where customer come with coupon instead of giving cash.
I have inserted Coupon code in coupon table in bulk.
Now, I am confused about what kind of relationship I should create with these two tables ?
I have to consider the below things...
customer can give either cash or coupon.
IF customer show the coupon, there will be an entry in CouponID column
as well in cash column (to know the value of that coupon.)
The CouponID should be unique in the customer table, Coupon Code should
not be repeated.
I am confused whether it should be one-To-One or One-To-Many ?
This image will help you to understand the problem.
I would not include "CouponID" in the customer table at all (nor "Cash" for that matter). The customer table models a customer, the coupon table models a coupon.
You need another table to model the transaction:
Every type of independent "thing" should be modeled by a discrete table. and "things" should be related to each other by other tables that create the 1:N relationship.
The relationship of customer to coupon is an optional (ie nullable) one-to-one; your data model looks good.
Some other comments:
The table would be better named sale rather than customer, since if the same customer comes back again, there will be a new row (but with the same name)
You could create a unique index on couponID that ignores nulls
You could rename Cash to Amount; the amount is either "cash" or coupon - the couponID column tells you the type of the amount
To create a unique index that ignores nulls:

How to use SQL Server views with distinct clause to Link to a detail table?

I may be total standard here, but I have a table with duplicate values across the records i.e. People and HairColour. What I need to do is create another table which contains all the distinct HairColour values in the Group of Person records.
Name HairColour
Sam Ginger
Julie Brown
Peter Brown
Caroline Blond
Andrew Blond
My Person feature view needs to list out the distinct HairColours:
HairColour Ginger
HairColour Brown
HairColour Blond
Against each of these Person feature rows I record the Recommended Products.
It is a bit weird from a Relational perspective, but there are reasons. I could build up the Person Feature"View as I add Person records using say an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger on the View. But it gets messy. An alternative is just to have Person Feature as a View based on a SELECT DISTINCT of the Person table and then link Recommended Products to this. But I have no Primary Key on the Person Feature View since it is a SELECT DISTINCT View. I will not be updating this View. Also one would need to think about how to deal with the Person Recommendation records when a Person Feature record disappeared since since it is not based on a physical table.
Any thoughts on this please?
I have a table of People with duplicate values for HairColour across a number of records, e.g., more than one person has blond hair. I need to create a table or view that represents a distinct list of "HairColour" records as above. Against each of these "HairColour" records I need link another table called Product Recommendation. The main issue to start with is creating this distinct list of records. Should it be a table or could it be a View based on a SELECT DISTINCT query?
So Person >- HairColour (distinct Table or Distinct View) -< Product Recommendation.
If HairColour needs to be a table then I need to make sure it has the correct records in it every time a Person record is added. Obviously using a View would do this automatically, but I am unsure whether you can can hang another table off a View.
If I understand correctly, you need a table with a primary key that lists the distinct hair colors that are found in a different table.
CREATE TABLE Haircolour(
Then insert your records. If this is querying a table called "Person" it will look like this:
INSERT INTO Haircolour (Colour) SELECT DISTINCT HairColour FROM Person
Does this do what you are looking for?
Your most recent Edit shows that you are looking for a many-to-many relationship between the Person and ProductRecommendation tables, with the HairColour table functioning as a cross reference table.
As ErikE points out, this is a good opportunity to normalize your data.
Create the HairColour table as described above.
Populate it from whatever source you like, for example the insert statement above.
Modify both the Person and the ProductRecommendation tables to include a HairColourID field, which is an integer foreign key that points to the PK field of the HairColour table.
Update Person.HairColourID to point to the color mentioned in the Person.HairColour column.
Drop the Person.HairColour column.
This involves giving up the ability to put free form new color names into the Person table. Any new colors must now be added to the HairColour table; those are the only colors that are available.
The foreign key constraint enforces the list of available colors. This is a good thing. Referential integrity keeps your data clean and prevents a lot of unexpected errors.
You can now confidently build your ProductRecommendation table on a data structure that will carry some weight.
Are you simply looking for a View of distinct hair colors?
FROM YourTableName
You can query this view like a table:
SELECT 'HairColour: ' + HairColour
FROM YourViewName
If you are trying to create a new (temp) table, the syntax would look like:
SELECT Name, HairColour
INTO #Temp
FROM YourTableName
GROUP BY Name, HairColour
Here the GROUP BY is doing the same work that a DISTINCT keyword would do in the select list. This will create a temp table with unique combinations of "Name" and "HairColour".
You need to clear up a few things in your post (or in your mind) first:
1) What are the objectives? Forget about tables and views and whatever. Phrase your objectives as an ordinary person would. For example, from what I could gather from your post:
"My objective is to have a list of recommended products based on each person's hair colour."
2) Once you have that, check what data you have. I assume you have a "Persons" table, with the columns "Name" and "HairColour". You check your data and ask yourself: "Do I need any more data to reach my objective?" Based on your post I say yes: you also need a "matching" between hair colours and product ids. This must be provided, or programmed by you. There is no automatic method of saying for example "brown means products X,Y,Z.
3) After you have all the needed data, you can ask: Can I perform a query that will return a close approximation of my objective?
See for example this fiddle:!2/fda0d6/1
I have also defined your "Select distinct" view, but I fail to see where it will be used. Your objectives (as defined in your post) do not make this clear. If you provide a thorough list in Recommended_Products_HairColour you do not need a distinct view. The JOIN operation takes care of your "missing colors" (namely "Green" in my example)
4) When you have the query, you can follow up with: Do I need it in a different format? Is this a job for the query or the application? etc. But that's a different question I think.

Join performance

My situation is:
Table member
address data ( 5 fields )
contact data ( 2 fields )
Table member_profile
html ( something like <h2>firstname lastname</h2><h3>Company</h3><span>date_registration</span> )
Table news
member_id (fk to member_id in member_profile)
The idea is that the full profile of the member, when viewed is fetched from the member database, in for instance a news overview, the smaller table which holds the basis display info for a member is joined.
However, i have found the need for more often use for the member info that is not stored in the member_profile table, e.g. firstname, lastname and gender, are nescesary when someone has posted a news item (firstname has posted news titled title.
What would be better to do? Move the fields from the member_profile table to the member table, or move the member fields to the member_profile table and perhaps remove them from the member table? Keep in mind that the member_profile table is joined a lot, and also updated on each login, status update etc.
You have two tables named member so i have the feeling your question isn't formed correctly.
What is the relationship between these tables? It looks like you have 3 tables, all one-to-one. So all you need to do is change (fk to member_id in member_profile) to (fk to id in member).
Now you can join in data from either of the 2 extra tables as you wish, without always having to go through member_profile.
[Edit] Also I assume that member_profile.member_id is a fk to If not, I believe it should :)
Combine them into one table so you're normalizing the name data then create 2 views which replicate the original two tables would be the easy option
Separating the tables between mostly-static fields and frequently-updated fields will improve write performance. So I would stay with what you're doing. If you cache the information from both tables together in a member object, read performance (and thus joining) is less of an issue.