I'm using python 2.7.13 with matplotlib 2.0.0 on Debian. I want to change the decimal marker to a comma in my matplotlib plot on both axes and annotations. However the solution posted here does not work for me. The locale option changes successfully the decimal point but does not imply it in the plot. How can I fix it? I would like to use the locale option in combination with the rcParams setup. Thank you for your help.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
#Locale settings
import locale
# Set to German locale to get comma decimal separater
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'de_DE.UTF-8')
print locale.localeconv()
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Tell matplotlib to use the locale we set above
plt.rcParams['axes.formatter.use_locale'] = True
# make the figure and axes
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1)
# Some example data
# plot the data
Here is the produced output: plot with point as decimal separator
I think that the answer lies in using Python's formatted print, see Format Specification Mini-Language. I quote:
Type: 'n'
Meaning: Number. This is the same as 'g', except that it uses the current locale setting to insert the appropriate number separator characters.
For example
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE')
Gives '1,1'.
This can be applied to your example using matplotlib.ticker. It allows you to specify the print format for the ticks along the axis. Your example then becomes:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import locale
# apply German locale settings
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE')
# make the figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# some example data
x = np.arange(0,10,0.1)
y = np.sin(x)
# plot the data
ax.plot(x, y, 'b-')
# plot annotation
# reformat y-axis entries
# save
Which results in
Note that there is one thing that is a bit disappointing. Apparently the precision cannot be set with the n format. See this answer.
I am a beginner to Python and experimenting with a plot. the script runs fine but plot does not show up.
the matplotlib and numpy libraries are installed.
import numpy as np
f= h5py.File('3DIMG_05JUN2021_0000_L3B_HEM_DLY.h5','r')
#Studying the structure of the file by printing what HDF5 groups are present
for key in f.keys():
print(key) #Names of the groups in HDF5 file.
# will print the variables in the file
#Get the HDF5 group
tsurf = f['HEM_DLY'][:]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
im= plt.plot(tsurf1)
Python version is 3 running on Ubuntu
Difficult to give you the exact answer without the dataset (please update the question with the dataset), but for sure, plt.plot does not return an object that can be plotted with plt.imshow
Try instead:
ax = plt.plot(tsurf1)
Probably the error was on the final plot.Try this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f= h5py.File('/path','r')
tsurf = f['your_key_str'][:]
im= plt.plot(tsurf1)
plt.show(im) # <-- plt.show() NOT plt.imshow()
I'm trying to transform the scales on y-axis to the log values. For example, if one of the numbers on y is 0.01, I want to get -2 (which is log(0.01)). How should I do this in matplotlib (or any other library)?!
Without plt.yscale('log') there will be few y-ticks visible that have a nice number as log. You can change the "formatter" to a function that only shows the exponent. Also note that in the latest seaborn version distplot has been replaced by histplot(..., kde=True) or kdeplot(...).
Here is an example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import LogFormatterExponent
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
x = np.random.randn(10, 1000).cumsum(axis=1).ravel()
ax = sns.histplot(x, kde=True, stat='density', color='purple')
ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(LogFormatterExponent(base=10.0, labelOnlyBase=True))
ax.set_ylabel(ax.get_ylabel() + ' (exponent)')
The plot below shows the correlation for one column. The problem is that the numbers are not readable, because there are many columns in it.
How is it possible to show only 5 or 6 most important columns and not all of them with very low importance?
sns.heatmap(df.corr()[['price']].sort_values('price', ascending=False).iloc[1:].T, annot=True,
cmap='Spectral_r', vmax=0.9, vmin=-0.31)
You can limit the cells shown via .iloc[1:7]. If you also want to show the highest negative values, you could create a second plot with .iloc[-6:]. To have both together, you could use numpy's slicing function and write .iloc[np.r_[1:4, -3:0]].
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(7, 27), columns=['price'] + [*'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'])
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 3))
sns.heatmap(df.corr()[['price']].sort_values('price', ascending=False).iloc[1:7].T,
annot=True, annot_kws={'rotation':90, 'size': 20},
cmap='Spectral_r', vmax=0.9, vmin=-0.31)
annot can also be a list of labels. Using this, you can define a string matrix that you use to display the desired numbers and set the others to an empty string.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0)
import seaborn as sns; sns.set_theme()
import pandas as pd
from string import ascii_letters
# generate random data
rs = np.random.RandomState(33)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=rs.normal(size=(100, 26)),
importance_index = 5 # until which idx to hide values
data = df.corr()[['A']].sort_values('A', ascending=False).iloc[1:].T
labels = data.astype(str) # make a str-copy
labels.iloc[0,:importance_index] = ' ' # mask columns that you want to hide
sns.heatmap(data, annot=labels, cmap='Spectral_r', vmax=0.9, vmin=-0.31, fmt='', annot_kws={'rotation':90})
The output on some random data:
This works but it has its limits, particulary with setting fmt='' (can't use it to conveniently format decimals anymore, need to do it manually now). I would also question whether your approach is even the best one to take here. I think consistency in plots is quite important. I would rather evaluate if we can't rotate the heatmap labels (I've included it above) or leave them out completely since it is technically redundant due to the color-coding. Alternatively, you could only plot the cells with the "important" values.
I have included the screenshot of the plot. Is there a way to prevent seaborn from skipping the xtick labels in timeseries data.
Most seaborn functions return a matplotlib object, so you can control the number of major ticks displayed via matplotlib. By default, matplotlib will auto-scale, which is why it hides some year labels, you can try to set the MaxNLocator.
Consider the following example:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# load data
df = sns.load_dataset('flights')
df.drop_duplicates('year', inplace=True)
df.year = df.year.astype('str')
# plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 2))
sns.lineplot(x='year', y='passengers', data=df, ax=ax)
This gives you:
will give you
Agree with answer of #steven, just want to say that methods for xticks like plt.xticks or ax.xaxis.set_ticks seem more natural to me. Full details can be found here.
I have an existing plot that was created with pandas like this:
The y axis is format as float and I want to change the y axis to percentages. All of the solutions I found use ax.xyz syntax and I can only place code below the line above that creates the plot (I cannot add ax=ax to the line above.)
How can I format the y axis as percentages without changing the line above?
Here is the solution I found but requires that I redefine the plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
data = [8,12,15,17,18,18.5]
perc = np.linspace(0,100,len(data))
fig = plt.figure(1, (7,4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(perc, data)
fmt = '%.0f%%' # Format you want the ticks, e.g. '40%'
xticks = mtick.FormatStrFormatter(fmt)
Link to the above solution: Pyplot: using percentage on x axis
This is a few months late, but I have created PR#6251 with matplotlib to add a new PercentFormatter class. With this class you just need one line to reformat your axis (two if you count the import of matplotlib.ticker):
import ...
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
ax = df['myvar'].plot(kind='bar')
PercentFormatter() accepts three arguments, xmax, decimals, symbol. xmax allows you to set the value that corresponds to 100% on the axis. This is nice if you have data from 0.0 to 1.0 and you want to display it from 0% to 100%. Just do PercentFormatter(1.0).
The other two parameters allow you to set the number of digits after the decimal point and the symbol. They default to None and '%', respectively. decimals=None will automatically set the number of decimal points based on how much of the axes you are showing.
PercentFormatter was introduced into Matplotlib proper in version 2.1.0.
pandas dataframe plot will return the ax for you, And then you can start to manipulate the axes whatever you want.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100,5))
# you get ax from here
ax = df.plot()
type(ax) # matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot
# manipulate
vals = ax.get_yticks()
ax.set_yticklabels(['{:,.2%}'.format(x) for x in vals])
Jianxun's solution did the job for me but broke the y value indicator at the bottom left of the window.
I ended up using FuncFormatterinstead (and also stripped the uneccessary trailing zeroes as suggested here):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100,5))
ax = df.plot()
ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: '{:.0%}'.format(y)))
Generally speaking I'd recommend using FuncFormatter for label formatting: it's reliable, and versatile.
For those who are looking for the quick one-liner:
plt.gca().set_yticklabels([f'{x:.0%}' for x in plt.gca().get_yticks()])
this assumes
import: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
Python >=3.6 for f-String formatting. For older versions, replace f'{x:.0%}' with '{:.0%}'.format(x)
I'm late to the game but I just realize this: ax can be replaced with plt.gca() for those who are not using axes and just subplots.
Echoing #Mad Physicist answer, using the package PercentFormatter it would be:
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
#if you already have ticks in the 0 to 1 range. Otherwise see their answer
I propose an alternative method using seaborn
Working code:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['A', 'B'])
ax= sns.lineplot(data=df, markers= True)
ax.set(xlabel='xlabel', ylabel='ylabel', title='title')
#changing ylables ticks
y_value=['{:,.2f}'.format(x) + '%' for x in ax.get_yticks()]
You can do this in one line without importing anything:
If you want integer percentages, you can do:
You can use either ax.yaxis or plt.gca().yaxis. FuncFormatter is still part of matplotlib.ticker, but you can also do plt.FuncFormatter as a shortcut.
Based on the answer of #erwanp, you can use the formatted string literals of Python 3,
x = '2'
percentage = f'{x}%' # 2%
inside the FuncFormatter() and combined with a lambda expression.
All wrapped:
ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: f'{y}%'))
Another one line solution if the yticks are between 0 and 1:
plt.yticks(plt.yticks()[0], ['{:,.0%}'.format(x) for x in plt.yticks()[0]])
add a line of code