Manual renewal of let's encrypt certificate - ssl

When creating my certificate initially I had to do it manually by running the following command.
sudo certbot certonly --manual -d
What is the correct process of renewing the certificate now? Do I simply rerun the same command? I've researched this a bit and the it seems that the automatic renewal is not possible as I had created this certificate manually.
Will renewing the certificate by running the same command create new fullchain.pem, cert.pem, chain.pem and private.pem files. I am asking this because this would require me to update the information on my Compute Engine that is using the certificate I'm trying to renew.

I'm not using certbot, but I used acme-tiny: (I found it on Let's Encrypt page)
In the README you can read about renew: Step 6: Setup an auto-renew cronjob
And the conclusion is that renew is only execute again the program with the same files (account key, domain key and csr).
So I supose that if you did a manual request with certbot (I supose that you provide some info like keys) you only need to execute again the command and get your new cert.


AWS Linux 2 - Lets Encrypt Multi Domain

I have already successfully installed certbot and have a working digital certificate. I was wondering how do I go about adding domain names to the certificate or do I need to recreate the certificate again?
I don't want to mess up the existing certificate. I haven't tried running this code yet I want to verify the process before I continue. I tried searching this and Google and my results were kind of confusing.
sudo certbot –apache -d -d -d
SSL certificates cannot be modified once issued. They can be replaced with new certificates.
If you run the identical or modified certbot command, your existing certificate will not be modified or deleted. The certbot command will create a new certificate and store the certificate under a different name. Certbot stores certificates and additional files under the directory tree /etc/letsencrypt. You can archive/backup those files. Look at the archive and live folders.
Typically, your webserver will use symbolic links to point to the Let's Encrypt folder instead of copying the certificate to an Apache/Nginx folder.

NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID after manual renewal with certbot

My website keeps getting "NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID" error.
I have renewed the certificate using:
sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/html -d
and have restarted nginx.
It used to work fine before, my other websites work fine as well.
How do I figure out what went wrong?
This tool shows me that certificate expired 21 days ago.
Letsencrypt tells me:
Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ Your cert
will expire on 2019-05-22. To obtain a new or tweaked version of
this certificate in the future, simply run certbot again. To
non-interactively renew all of your certificates, run "certbot
Edit 2:
Aha! My snippet points to
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
but certbot has put it into
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
Does anybody know why this happens? What should I do to fix this and avoid it in the future?
Edit 3:
Just renaming the folder into fixed the issue. But why did this happen to begin with? How do I make sure it never happens again? I'd appreciate any advice!
For your edit 3, from emphasis added:
An alternative form that provides for more fine-grained control over the renewal process (while renewing specified certificates one at a time), is certbot certonly with the complete set of subject domains of a specific certificate specified via -d flags. ...
All of the domains covered by the certificate must be specified in this case in order to renew and replace the old certificate rather than obtaining a new one; don’t forget any www. domains! Specifying a subset of the domains creates a new, separate certificate containing only those domains, rather than replacing the original certificate. When run with a set of domains corresponding to an existing certificate, the certonly command attempts to renew that specific certificate.
Your old cert was for AND -- not only the former.

let's encrypt certificate renew after expiration

I'm having issues trying to renew a recently expired certificate issued with let's encrypt.
I tried launching the following commands:
./letsencrypt-auto renew
sudo ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --text --agree-tos --email --renew-by-default --webroot --webroot-path /home/lovegistics -d
which was the code I used to issue the certificate. Both of the command said that the certificate was succesfully renewed/issued, but it still gives me unsecure connection.
Since I was on WHM, I took a look on the manage SSL page, and it says that the certificate has actually expired yesterday.
The output for the second command:
- Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at
/etc/letsencrypt/live/ Your cert will
expire on 2016-11-20. To obtain a new or tweaked version of this
certificate in the future, simply run letsencrypt-auto again. To
non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run
"letsencrypt-auto renew"
I'm sorry, but I lost the output for the first one. Strangely, when I try to relaunch the renew command, it says that the certificates are not due for renewal yet.
How can I renew this certificate?
Thank you all in advance for your help.
EDIT: I restarted the web server (Apache) after each of these commands
Finally I managed to solve my problem. The certificates were created successfully, but since I was on a CPanel server, they must be installed. In the following link there is an explanation directly from the cpanel team with a pearl code to copy-paste and execute when you have generated the certificate.
cpanel forum explanation
Happy coding!
Check certificate:
certbot certificates
Renew command:
certbot renew --force-renewal --cert-name --deploy-hook "sudo service nginx restart"
have to go through a minimum number of measures to [instal Let's Encrypt SSL certificates][1].
First, by accessing active domains such as http:/ or http:/, go to cPanel.
When you proceed to the protection tab, the Let's Encrypt SSL icon is visible to you.
Click on the + Issue button as soon as you proceed to the Issuing a New Certificate arena.
You've got to click on your domain name then. Email the server when you're done with it. Then pick, and confirm, HTTP-01.
Click the problem button once you finish it.

OpenShift with Comodo SSL

I am trying to upload the SSL certificates for my OpenShift gear's alias. I used the instructions here:
I am stuck however at the uploading part - I have already genereated the CSR, activated the certificate. Every time I try to upload the files it takes me back to the same page without so much as a notification.
Comodo SSL sent me 4 files:
How do I upload these? There are three fields to upload for Openshift... Which do I load into SSL Certificate? Certificate chain? I have my private key and I know the keypass.
Just wanted to post an update for this for users who run into this issue in the future... I'm not sure if it was because I had added a public SSH key via the RHC setup but nothing I did (no permutations of copy paste chaining, switching files around) would work via the file uploader.
In the end, before deciding to call Red Hat and QQ, I used the command line console to add the SSL files...
Here is the command I used:
rhc alias update-cert php --certificate myApp.crt --private-key myApp.key --passphrase mypass
This link includes more info:
TLDR: You don't need to combine any of the Comodo files, just use your file #4, your privatekey, and your passphrase (if you have one)
Thats right!
First combine public with bundle:
cat dom_com.crt >> dom_com.ALL.bundle
and upload both:
rhc alias update-cert app dom_com \
--certificate dom_com.ALL.bundle \
--private-key dom_com.key
And then you will obtain an A at
You need to combine 1,2, and 3 into one chain certificate (in the correct order) and upload them in the chain certificate field, the key goes in the key field, and the myApp.crt goes in the certificate field.
I had a similar problem, and after some back and forth emails with the Certificate issuer, what helped me was to combine my site certificate with the Certificate chain into one file, and uploading it into the "SSL Certificate" field in OpenShift. I left the "SSL Certificate Chain" field blank, but of course I uploaded my public key in the "Certificate Private Key" field.

How to use wget with ssl certificate

I am using wget in my program to get some file using HTTP protocol. Here i need to set security so we moved HTTP protocol to HTTPS.
After changing to HTTPS how to perform wget. I mean how to make trusted connection between two machines then perform wget.
I want to make sure that wget can be performed from certain system only.
Step 1: SSL Certificates
First things first, if this machine is on the internet and the SSL certificate is signed by a trusted source, there is no need to specify a certificate.
However, if there is a self signed certificate involved things get a little more interesting.
For example:
if this machine uses a self signed certificate, or
if you are on a network with a proxy that re-encrypts all https connections
Then you need to trust the public key of the self signed certificate. You will need to export the public key as a .CER file. How you got the SSL certificate will determine how you get the public key as a .CER
Once you have the .CER then...
Step 2: Trust the Certificate
I suggest two options:
option one
wget --ca-certificate={the_cert_file_path}
option two
set the option on ~/.wgetrc
Additional resources
Blog post about this wget and ssl certificates
wget manual
macOS users can use the cert.pem file:
wget --ca-certificate=/etc/ssl/cert.pem
or set in your ~/.wgetrc:
ca_certificate = /etc/ssl/cert.pem
On Linux (at least on my Debian and Ubuntu distributions), you can do the following to install your cert to be trusted system-wide.
Assuming your certificate is ~/tmp/foo.pem, do the following:
Install the ca-certificates package, if it is not already present, then do the following to install foo.pem:
$ cd ~/tmp
$ chmod 444 foo.pem
$ sudo cp foo.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/foo.crt
$ sudo update-ca-certificates
Once this is done, most apps (including wget, Python and others) should automatically use it when it is required by the remote site.
The only exception to this I've found has been the Firefox web browser. It has its own private store of certificates, so you need to manually install the cert via its Settings interface if you require it there.
At least this has always worked for me (to install a corporate certificate needed for Internet access into the Linux VMs I create).