Web scraping with another browser - vba

So I'm new to vba and i am try to get price which site is Steam. But i cant use steam because internet explorer doesnt open steam. (its opening but drawmenü not working, i cant sign in my account, the site isn't responding my clicks.) 2 days ago it was working well. but google chrome and edge works well they dont have problem.
Not loading well:
When i click the sign in button its doing nothing.
Some pages not loading
Draw menüs not opening, so i cant change language sorry for that its not english
i reinstall my internet explorer, i did format but its same. So i dont want to use internet explorer. What should i do, i cant use IE for scraping data.
There is my getting price code:
Sub SPrice1()
Dim objIE As InternetExplorer
Dim itemEle As Object
Dim Des1 As String
Dim y As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Set objIE = New InternetExplorer
y = 1
For x = 1 To 21
objIE.navigate "http://steamcommunity.com/market/search?appid=578080#p" & x & "x_name_asc"
Do While objIE.Busy = True Or objIE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
MsgBox "Checking"
For Each itemEle In objIE.document.getElementsByClassName("market_listing_row_link")
Prc1 = itemEle.getElementsByClassName("market_listing_right_cell market_listing_their_price")(0).getElementsByTagName("span")(1).textContent
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E" & y).Value = Prc1
y = y + 1
Next x
End Sub

Here is an example of scraping one link,using Selenium Basic, which you can easily adapt into a loop. After installing you need to add a reference to Selenium Type Library.
CSS Selectors:
I use the CSS "." - className selector.
So, .market_listing_game_name means get all the elements who className matches the string after the ".". Same principle applies for the others. The last selector is a chained selector of className normal_price within elements with a className of market_table_value.
Example CSS selector (Sample of results):
Example from page:
Examples from code output:
Note: These numbers are constantly fluctuating.
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Public Sub GetInfoSel()
Dim d As WebDriver
Set d = New ChromeDriver
Const url = "https://steamcommunity.com/market/search?appid=578080#p1_name_asc"
With d
.Start "Chrome"
.Get url
Dim gameNames As Object, itemNames As Object, quantities As Object, normalPrices As Object
Set gameNames = .findElementsbyCSS(".market_listing_game_name")
Set itemNames = .findElementsbyCSS(".market_listing_item_name")
Set quantities = .findElementsbyCSS(".market_listing_num_listings_qty")
Set normalPrices = .findElementsbyCSS(".market_table_value .normal_price")
Dim currentItem As Long
For currentItem = 1 To gameNames.Count
Debug.Print "Game: " & gameNames(currentItem).Text
Debug.Print "Item: " & itemNames(currentItem).Text
Debug.Print "Qty: " & quantities(currentItem).Text
Debug.Print "Normal Price - " & normalPrices(currentItem).Text
Next currentItem
End With
End Sub

this task can be done very easily by using python beautifulsoup https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/


Manipulate a web-page control with VBA

Thanks in advance for your answers.
I have a little Excel document that is made so that the naïve user can enter web pages in an Excel sheet, hit a button, and play the videos from that page in their browser, in full screen, and automatically loop the videos without any further user interaction. It basically creates a slide show of videos.
I originally made it for YouTube and it works fine there. I'm now trying to expand it to use another site. It works as planned but needs an extra step.
Whereas YouTube was made with a Full Screen mode that I can access programatically, this website has embedded videos. (An example: https://www.sharecare.com/video/health-topics-a-z/copd/what-can-i-do-to-prevent-my-copd-from-getting-worse).
You can see in the code that I open IE in full screen mode (which it does) but that's the full web page (header, side banner etc.). I want the video from that page to be the only element, full screen.
If I physically go into the page I can select for the video to play full screen. I've tried searching for various ways to do this, but most of the posts are for something else or how to get a video to play inside Excel rather than what I'm doing.
Sub StartLooping()
Dim IEapp As Object
Dim VidAddr1, VidAddr2 As String
Dim AddrStrStart, AddrStrEnd As Long
Dim AddrFudge1, AddrFudge2 As Integer
Dim TimeStart, DurMin, DurSec, DurTot As Single
Dim LRAll, LRVid, LRMin, LRSec, LRVidB, LRMinB, LRSecB As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
'Review Sheet
LRVid = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
LRMin = Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
LRSec = Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
LRVidB = Cells(Rows.Count, "I").End(xlUp).Row
LRMinB = Cells(Rows.Count, "J").End(xlUp).Row
LRSecB = Cells(Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row
LRAll = Cells(Rows.Count, "S").End(xlUp).Row
If LRVid <> LRMin Then
MsgBox "You have to include video address and how long (the minutes and the seconds - use 0 if needed)"
Exit Sub
End If
If LRVid <> LRSec Then
MsgBox "You have to include video address and how long (the minutes and the seconds - use 0 if needed)"
Exit Sub
End If
If LRVidB <> LRMinB Then
MsgBox "You have to include video address and how long (the minutes and the seconds - use 0 if needed)"
Exit Sub
End If
If LRVidB <> LRSecB Then
MsgBox "You have to include video address and how long (the minutes and the seconds - use 0 if needed)"
Exit Sub
End If
'Start of For-Next Loop
For I = 20 To LRAll
'Set Addr
If Len(Range("S" & I).Text) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
VidAddr1 = Range("S" & I).Text
End If
VidAddr2 = VidAddr1
'Set Timer
TimeStart = Timer 'Start time
DurMin = Range("T" & I).Value
DurSec = Range("U" & I).Value
DurTot = (DurMin * 60) + DurSec
'Open the web page
Set IEapp = CreateObject("Internetexplorer.Application") 'Set IEapp = InternetExplorer
With IEapp
.Silent = True 'No Pop-ups
.Visible = True
.FullScreen = True
.Navigate VidAddr2 'Load web page
'Keep it open for the duration
Do While Timer < (TimeStart + DurTot)
'Check for Esc - refers to a public function
If KeyDown(vbKeyEscape) Then
Set IEapp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Close the page
Set IEapp = Nothing
End With
If I = LRAll Then I = 19
Next I
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Exit Sub
End Sub
I copied the code. It works fine. It's just that extra bit of "Oh, I did that, here's how to go about it" that I need.
The browser used is IE so I can keep it simple, but if this were possible in another common browser that would be good to know.
Here's the second set that I tried today (9/12)
Dim IEapp As Object
Dim IEAppColl As HTMLButtonElement
'Open doc
Set IEapp = CreateObject("Internetexplorer.Application") 'Set IEapp = InternetExplorer
With IEapp
.Silent = True 'No Pop-ups
.Visible = True
'.FullScreen = True
.navigate "https://www.sharecare.com/video/health-topics-a-z/copd/got-copd-ask-your-doctor-about-vitamin-d"
Do While .readyState < 4 Or .Busy
Set IEAppColl = IEapp.Document.getElementsByTagName("BUTTON")
If IEAppColl.Name = "Fullscreen" Then
End If
End With
For the example COPD page given this works with Selenium basic. You install from here and then go VBE > Tools > References > and add a reference to Selenium Type Library. You can also use an IEDriver to work with InternetExplorer rather than Chrome (which uses ChromeDriver).
Option Explicit
Public Sub PlayFullScreen()
Dim d As WebDriver, t As Date, ele As Object
Const MAX_WAIT_SEC As Long = 10
Set d = New ChromeDriver
Const URL = "https://www.sharecare.com/video/health-topics-a-z/copd/what-can-i-do-to-prevent-my-copd-from-getting-worse"
With d
.Start "Chrome"
.get URL
On Error Resume Next
Set ele = .FindElementByCss("[title='Accept Cookies']")
If Timer - t > MAX_WAIT_SEC Then Exit Do
On Error GoTo 0
Loop While ele Is Nothing
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
If Not ele Is Nothing Then ele.Click
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
.FindElementByCss("[Title=Fullscreen]", timeout:=7000).Click
Stop '<==Delete me later
End With
End Sub
My suggestion is to, instead of using a browser to play video, use a video player.
Under "More Controls" you should have a "Windows Media Player", and likely others, depending on what you have installed.
For example, I've used the VLC control on Access forms. When you install VLC it automatically adds the control to Office (so I assume Office has to be installed first.)
Here's a tutorial I found online:
Link: How to Play Video on Access Form
Random Tip Time:
It can be tricky to Google about a website because, for example, using the search term *YouTube* in a Google search results in a list of YouTube content (videos).
Exclude results from a specific site with Google's site: and - operators like:
"microsoft access" form play youtube video -site:youtube.com
...which is how I found the tutorial above, and several others.
Using the search term access can also be tricky to search for since it's such a common word, which is why I'll often enclose it in quotes like "MS Access" or "Microsoft Access" (like above), which makes Google search for those words in that order.
(More Google tips)

Trying to get VBA to pull in data from Zillow

I am new to coding and have been trying to figure out how to extract specific data from zillow and import it into excel. To be honest I am pretty lost trying to figure this out and I have been looking throughout the form and other online videos, but I haven't had any luck.
Here is the link to the website I am using https://www.zillow.com/new-york-ny/home-values/
I am looking to pull all the numbers into excel so I can run some calculations. If someone could help me just pull in the Zillow Home Value Index of $660,000 into excel, I feel that I can figure out the rest.
This is the code from the website
<ul class="value-info-list" id="yui_3_18_1_1_1529698944920_2626">
<li id="yui_3_18_1_1_1529698944920_2625">
<!-- TODO: need zillow logo icon here -->
<!-- <span class="zss-logo-color"><span class="zss-font-icon"></span></span> -->
<span class="value" id="yui_3_18_1_1_1529698944920_2624">
<span class="info zsg-fineprint"> ZHVI
I tried getElementsByTagName getElementById and getElemenByClass The id is confusing me since I want to be able to enter any town into excel and it will search on zillow for the data on the web page. All the id tags are different so if I search by id in this code it will not work for other towns. I used the Class tag and was able to get some of the data I was looking for.
This is the code I came up with It pulls into the text box the $660,000. The Range function is working and putting the text box data into excel. This is pulling a bunch of strings which I was able to pull out the $660,000, but the way the sting is set up Im not sure how to pull the remaining data, such as the 1 year forecast "yr_forcast" is the cell range I want to pull the data into excel.
Sub SearchBot1()
'dimension (declare or set aside memory for) our variables
Dim objIE As InternetExplorer 'special object variable representing the IE browser
Dim aEle As HTMLLinkElement 'special object variable for an <a> (link) element
Dim y As Integer 'integer variable we'll use as a counter
Dim result As String 'string variable that will hold our result link
Dim Doc As HTMLDocument 'holds document object for internet explorer
'initiating a new instance of Internet Explorer and asigning it to objIE
Set objIE = New InternetExplorer
'make IE browser visible (False would allow IE to run in the background)
objIE.Visible = True
'navigate IE to this web page (a pretty neat search engine really)
objIE.navigate "https://www.zillow.com/new-york-ny/home-values/"
'wait here a few seconds while the browser is busy
Do While objIE.Busy = True Or objIE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
'in the search box put cell "A2" value, the word "in" and cell "C1" value
objIE.document.getElementById("local-search").Value = _
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B3").Value & ", " & Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B4").Value
'click the 'go' button
Set the_input_elements = objIE.document.getElementsByTagName("button")
For Each input_element In the_input_elements
If input_element.getAttribute("name") = "SubmitButton" Then
Exit For
End If
Next input_element
'wait again for the browser
Do While objIE.Busy = True Or objIE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
'price for home
Set Doc = objIE.document
Dim cclass As String
cclass = Trim(Doc.getElementsByClassName("value-info-list")(0).innerText)
MsgBox cclass
Dim aclass As Variant
aclass = Split(cclass, " ")
Range("Market_Price").Value = aclass(0)
Range("yr_forecast").Value = aclass(5)
'close the browser
End Sub
If you need anymore information please let me know.
The value you want is the first element with className value. You can use querySelector to apply a CSS selector of .value, where "." is the selector for class, to get this value.
Option Explicit
Public Sub GetInfo()
Dim html As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Const URL As String = "https://www.zillow.com/new-york-ny/home-values/"
html.body.innerHTML = GetHTML(URL)
Debug.Print html.querySelector(".value").innerText
End Sub
Public Function GetHTML(ByVal URL As String) As String
Dim sResponse As String
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", URL, False
sResponse = StrConv(.responseBody, vbUnicode)
End With
GetHTML = Mid$(sResponse, InStr(1, sResponse, "<!DOCTYPE "))
End Function
You could also use:
Debug.Print html.getElementsByClassName("value")(0).innerText
Current webpage value:
Code output:

Extract list of all input boxes on webpage vba

I want to create a list on Excel of all the labels of input boxes on a webpage- so I imagine the code would be something like:
Sub IEInteract()
Dim i As Long
Dim URL As String
Dim IE As Object
Dim objCollection As Object
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
URL = "mywebsite.com"
IE.Navigate URL
Do While IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
Do Until IE.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
objCollection = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("input")
For Each el In objCollection
label = el.label 'or something like that????'
Debug.Print label
Next el
End Sub
Where am I going wrong? Thanks
BTW My VBA is OK, but my HTML is non-existent.
For learning purposes maybe choose a website that has more obvious inputboxes, rather than dropdowns.
Many inputboxes won't be pre-populated so maybe consider reading other properties of the retrieved elements. Or even writing to them and then retrieving those values.
Selecting by tag name can bring back a host of items that you might not have expected.
Bearing all of the above in mind. Try running the following, which generates a collection of <input> tag elements.
Option Explicit
Public Sub PrintTagInfo()
'Tools > references > Microsoft XML and HTML Object library
Dim http As New XMLHTTP60 '<== this will be specific to your excel version
Dim html As New HTMLDocument
With http
.Open "GET", "https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/register.php", False
html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With
Dim inputBoxes As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection, iBox As MSHTML.IHTMLElement, i As Long
Set inputBoxes = html.getElementsByTagName("input") '<== the collection of input tags on the page
'<== These are input boxes i.e. you are putting info into them so perhaps populate and then try to read what is in the entry box?
For Each iBox In inputBoxes
Debug.Print "Result #" & i + 1
Debug.Print vbNewLine
Debug.Print "ID: " & iBox.ID '<== select a sample of properties to print out as some maybe empty
Debug.Print "ClassName: " & iBox.className,
Debug.Print "Title: " & iBox.Title
Debug.Print String$(20, Chr$(61))
Debug.Print vbNewLine
i = i + 1
Next iBox
End Sub
Sample output:
From the above, it looks like class name might be in some ways more informative if you are looking to target boxes to input information into.
An initial inspection of the page source, selecting an inputbox and right-click > inspect... will help you refine your choices.
I noticed that a lot of the boxes of interest had the Input tag and then type = "text"
This means you can target elements matching this pattern using CSS selectors. In this case using the selector input[type=""text""].
Adjusting the former code to factor this in gives a smaller set of more targeted results. Note, using .querySelectorAll, to apply the CSS selector, returns a NodeList object which requires a different method of iterating over. A For Each Loop will cause Excel to crash as described here.
Option Explicit
Public Sub PrintTagInfo()
'Tools > references > Microsoft XML and HTML Object library
Dim http As New XMLHTTP60 '<== this will be specific to your excel version
Dim html As New HTMLDocument
With http
.Open "GET", "https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/register.php", False
html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With
Dim inputBoxes As Object, i As Long
Set inputBoxes = html.querySelectorAll("input[type=""text""]") '<== the collection of text input boxes on page. Returned as a NodeList
'<== These are input boxes i.e. you are putting info into them so perhaps populate and then try to read what is in the entry box?
For i = 0 To inputBoxes.Length - 1
Debug.Print "Result #" & i + 1
Debug.Print vbNewLine
Debug.Print "ID: " & inputBoxes.Item(i).ID '<== select a sample of properties to print out as some maybe empty
Debug.Print "ClassName: " & inputBoxes.Item(i).className,
Debug.Print "Title: " & inputBoxes.Item(i).Title
Debug.Print String$(20, Chr$(61))
Debug.Print vbNewLine
Next i
End Sub
Sample results:
Note: I have edited the spacing to fit more into the image.
References added via VBE > Tools > References
Last two are those of interest. The bottom one will be version specific and you will need to re-write XMLHTTP60 which is for XML 6.0 to target your version of Excel if not using Excel 2016.

Extracting website data with Excel and VBA [duplicate]

Im trying to scrape data from website: http://uk.investing.com/rates-bonds/financial-futures via vba, like real-time price, i.e. German 5 YR Bobl, US 30Y T-Bond, i have tried excel web query but it only scrapes the whole website, but I would like to scrape the rate only, is there a way of doing this?
There are several ways of doing this. This is an answer that I write hoping that all the basics of Internet Explorer automation will be found when browsing for the keywords "scraping data from website", but remember that nothing's worth as your own research (if you don't want to stick to pre-written codes that you're not able to customize).
Please note that this is one way, that I don't prefer in terms of performance (since it depends on the browser speed) but that is good to understand the rationale behind Internet automation.
1) If I need to browse the web, I need a browser! So I create an Internet Explorer browser:
Dim appIE As Object
Set appIE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
2) I ask the browser to browse the target webpage. Through the use of the property ".Visible", I decide if I want to see the browser doing its job or not. When building the code is nice to have Visible = True, but when the code is working for scraping data is nice not to see it everytime so Visible = False.
With appIE
.Navigate "http://uk.investing.com/rates-bonds/financial-futures"
.Visible = True
End With
3) The webpage will need some time to load. So, I will wait meanwhile it's busy...
Do While appIE.Busy
4) Well, now the page is loaded. Let's say that I want to scrape the change of the US30Y T-Bond:
What I will do is just clicking F12 on Internet Explorer to see the webpage's code, and hence using the pointer (in red circle) I will click on the element that I want to scrape to see how can I reach my purpose.
5) What I should do is straight-forward. First of all, I will get by the ID property the tr element which is containing the value:
Set allRowOfData = appIE.document.getElementById("pair_8907")
Here I will get a collection of td elements (specifically, tr is a row of data, and the td are its cells. We are looking for the 8th, so I will write:
Dim myValue As String: myValue = allRowOfData.Cells(7).innerHTML
Why did I write 7 instead of 8? Because the collections of cells starts from 0, so the index of the 8th element is 7 (8-1). Shortly analysing this line of code:
.Cells() makes me access the td elements;
innerHTML is the property of the cell containing the value we look for.
Once we have our value, which is now stored into the myValue variable, we can just close the IE browser and releasing the memory by setting it to Nothing:
Set appIE = Nothing
Well, now you have your value and you can do whatever you want with it: put it into a cell (Range("A1").Value = myValue), or into a label of a form (Me.label1.Text = myValue).
I'd just like to point you out that this is not how StackOverflow works: here you post questions about specific coding problems, but you should make your own search first. The reason why I'm answering a question which is not showing too much research effort is just that I see it asked several times and, back to the time when I learned how to do this, I remember that I would have liked having some better support to get started with. So I hope that this answer, which is just a "study input" and not at all the best/most complete solution, can be a support for next user having your same problem. Because I have learned how to program thanks to this community, and I like to think that you and other beginners might use my input to discover the beautiful world of programming.
Enjoy your practice ;)
Other methods were mentioned so let us please acknowledge that, at the time of writing, we are in the 21st century. Let's park the local bus browser opening, and fly with an XMLHTTP GET request (XHR GET for short).
Wiki moment:
XHR is an API in the form of an object whose methods transfer data
between a web browser and a web server. The object is provided by the
browser's JavaScript environment
It's a fast method for retrieving data that doesn't require opening a browser. The server response can be read into an HTMLDocument and the process of grabbing the table continued from there.
Note that javascript rendered/dynamically added content will not be retrieved as there is no javascript engine running (which there is in a browser).
In the below code, the table is grabbed by its id cr1.
In the helper sub, WriteTable, we loop the columns (td tags) and then the table rows (tr tags), and finally traverse the length of each table row, table cell by table cell. As we only want data from columns 1 and 8, a Select Case statement is used specify what is written out to the sheet.
Sample webpage view:
Sample code output:
Option Explicit
Public Sub GetRates()
Dim html As HTMLDocument, hTable As HTMLTable '<== Tools > References > Microsoft HTML Object Library
Set html = New HTMLDocument
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", "https://uk.investing.com/rates-bonds/financial-futures", False
.setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" 'to deal with potential caching
html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set hTable = html.getElementById("cr1")
WriteTable hTable, 1, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub WriteTable(ByVal hTable As HTMLTable, Optional ByVal startRow As Long = 1, Optional ByVal ws As Worksheet)
Dim tSection As Object, tRow As Object, tCell As Object, tr As Object, td As Object, r As Long, C As Long, tBody As Object
r = startRow: If ws Is Nothing Then Set ws = ActiveSheet
With ws
Dim headers As Object, header As Object, columnCounter As Long
Set headers = hTable.getElementsByTagName("th")
For Each header In headers
columnCounter = columnCounter + 1
Select Case columnCounter
Case 2
.Cells(startRow, 1) = header.innerText
Case 8
.Cells(startRow, 2) = header.innerText
End Select
Next header
startRow = startRow + 1
Set tBody = hTable.getElementsByTagName("tbody")
For Each tSection In tBody
Set tRow = tSection.getElementsByTagName("tr")
For Each tr In tRow
r = r + 1
Set tCell = tr.getElementsByTagName("td")
C = 1
For Each td In tCell
Select Case C
Case 2
.Cells(r, 1).Value = td.innerText
Case 8
.Cells(r, 2).Value = td.innerText
End Select
C = C + 1
Next td
Next tr
Next tSection
End With
End Sub
you can use winhttprequest object instead of internet explorer as it's good to load data excluding pictures n advertisement instead of downloading full webpage including advertisement n pictures those make internet explorer object heavy compare to winhttpRequest object.
This question asked long before. But I thought following information will useful for newbies. Actually you can easily get the values from class name like this.
Sub ExtractLastValue()
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.Top = 0
objIE.Left = 0
objIE.Width = 800
objIE.Height = 600
objIE.Visible = True
objIE.Navigate ("https://uk.investing.com/rates-bonds/financial-futures/")
Loop Until objIE.readystate = 4
MsgBox objIE.document.getElementsByClassName("pid-8907-last")(0).innerText
End Sub
And if you are new to web scraping please read this blog post.
Web Scraping - Basics
And also there are various techniques to extract data from web pages. This article explain few of them with examples.
Web Scraping - Collecting Data From a Webpage
I modified some thing that were poping up error for me and end up with this which worked great to extract the data as I needed:
Sub get_data_web()
Dim appIE As Object
Set appIE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
With appIE
.navigate "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/NQ%3DF/futures?p=NQ%3DF"
.Visible = True
End With
Do While appIE.Busy
Set allRowofData = appIE.document.getElementsByClassName("Ta(end) BdT Bdc($c-fuji-grey-c) H(36px)")
Dim i As Long
Dim myValue As String
Count = 1
For Each itm In allRowofData
For i = 0 To 4
myValue = itm.Cells(i).innerText
ActiveSheet.Cells(Count, i + 1).Value = myValue
Count = Count + 1
Set appIE = Nothing
End Sub

Vba- retrieve value from multiple internet explorer websites to multiple cells

I would like to retrieve a particular value (Prev Close) from multiple internet explorer websites and copy them to multiple cells (Column C) automatically. I know how to retrieve value from a single internet explorer websites to a single cell. But i have no idea how to retrieve from multiple websites and copy them to multiple cells.
My computer info:
1.window 8.1
2.excel 2013
3.ie 11
My excel reference
Microsoft Object Library: yes
Microsoft Internet Controls: yes
Microsoft Form 2.0 Object library: yes
Microsoft Script Control 1.0: yes
Below is my VBA code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ie As Object
Dim Doc As HTMLDocument
Dim prevClose As String
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = 0
ie.navigate "http://finance.yahoo.com/q;_ylt=AsqtxVZ0vjCPfBnINCrCWlXJgfME?uhb=uhb2&fr=uh3_finance_vert_gs_ctrl1_e&type=2button&s=" & Range("b2").Value
Loop Until ie.readyState = 4
Set Doc = ie.document
prevClose = Trim(Doc.getElementById("table1").getElementsByTagName("td")(0).innerText)
Range("c2").Value = prevClose
End Sub
Don't use multiple tabs unless you really need to. It's an un-scalable solution that breaks quickly as the tabs add up.
It's far simpler and easier to just use one tab and deal with one webpage at a time using simple looping constructs. For this I am assuming that your URLs are the one your provided + some string contained in column B.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Const YAHOO_PARTIAL_URL As String = "http://finance.yahoo.com/q;_ylt=AsqtxVZ0vjCPfBnINCrCWlXJgfME?uhb=uhb2&fr=uh3_finance_vert_gs_ctrl1_e&type=2button&s="
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Visible = 0
For r = 2 To 10 ' Or whatever your row count is.
ie.navigate YAHOO_PARTIAL_URL & Cells(r, "B").Value
Loop Until ie.readyState = 4
Dim Doc As HTMLDocument
Set Doc = ie.document
Dim prevClose As String
prevClose = Trim(Doc.getElementById("table1").getElementsByTagName("td")(0).innerText)
Cells(r, "C").Value = prevClose
Next r
End Sub