Adding 1 everytime i use button -

Basically, I need 2 make a student number and after every new entry I put the student number should +1 so 20182(or 3 if male)001 will be 20182(or 3 if male)002 after I push the button and it must keep +1 but once it reaches the 10th registered student the format changes to 20182(3 if male)010.
I have done everything but make the number +1 every time I use the button
so basically the answer must be:
Student Number is 20182001
Surname , Name
contact details
but, I done everything besides the 001, 002,003 till 010 part so if anybody could help I would be thankful
Public Class Form1
Public Number As Integer = 2018000
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim strSurname As String
Dim strFullName As String
Dim strContact As String
Dim strGender As String
Dim x As Integer
'IF statement'
If Me.cboGender.SelectedItem = "Female" Then
Number = 2018300
End If
If Me.cboGender.SelectedItem = "Male" Then
Number = 2018200
End If
'Finding The Student Number'
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do While (i < 1)
i = i + 1
If i = 201820010 Then
Number = 201800
If i = 201830010 Then
Number = 201800
End if
End If
'Add Items To ListBox'
ListBox1.Items.Add("Student number: " & Number & i)
ListBox1.Items.Add(txtSurname.Text & " , " & txtFullName.Text)
End Sub
End Class

Not sure what your code was doing, but based on your requirements:
Public baseFemale As Integer = 20182000
Public baseMale As Integer = 20183000
Public autoNumber As Integer = 0
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Number as Integer;
autoNumber = autoNumber + 1
If Me.cboGender.SelectedItem = "Female" Then
Number = baseFemale + autoNumber
Number = baseMale + autoNumber
'Add Items To ListBox'
ListBox1.Items.Add("Student number: " & Number & i)
ListBox1.Items.Add(txtSurname.Text & " , " & txtFullName.Text)
End Sub
Additionally you may want to check for autoNumber exceeding 999 - but I leave that as an exercise for you.


Lottery Program - Visual Basic

Have to create a lottery program, getting the random numbers and such easily enough. However I'm stumped. Essentially I have 2 buttons. One to display a checked list box with numbers 1-100, along with the 5 lotto numbers. I have a 2nd button that checks 2 things, to make sure that more than 5 numbers are not checked matching numbers. I'm lost on how to check for a match between the selected numbers between the RNG numbers.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub displayBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles displayBtn.Click
Dim lottoNumbers(5) As Integer
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim number As Integer
Dim randomGenerator As New Random(Now.Millisecond)
'This will randomly select 5 unique numbers'
Do While counter < 5
number = randomGenerator.Next(0, 98)
If Array.IndexOf(lottoNumbers, number) = -1 Then
lottoNumbers(counter) = number
counter += 1
End If
'Display the lottery numbers in the label.'
Label1.Text = String.Empty
For Each num As Integer In lottoNumbers
Label2.Text = "Lottery Numbers"
Label1.Text &= CStr(num) & " "
Next num
For x = 0 To 98
CheckedListBox1.Items.Add(x + 1)
End Sub
Private Sub checkBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles checkBtn.Click
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim x As Integer
'Checks to see if user checked more than 5'
For x = 0 To CheckedListBox1.Items.Count - 1
If (CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count > 5) Then
MessageBox.Show("You cannot select more than 5 numbers.")
If (CheckedListBox1.GetItemChecked(x) = True) Then
count = count + 1
End If
End If
End Sub

How to debug a cast execption in

I am getting a cast exception and I have re-written this code a large number of times. I am getting the exception on the following line:
If (CInt(hHurricaneYear) < CInt(_strYears(hAverage))) Then
And I am only getting results in the lblNumberOfHurricans. the other two labels are not showing any results. I thought I was getting it when the cast exception showed up.
Can anyone suggest how to get the results and stop the exception?
Here is what I have so far (well at least the last try).
Option Strict On
Public Class frmHurricaneStatistics
' Class level Private variables.
Public Shared _intSizeOfArray As Integer = 20
Private _strYears(_intSizeOfArray) As String
Private _intNumberOfHurricans(_intSizeOfArray) As Integer
Private Sub frmHurricaneStatistics_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs
) Handles MyBase.Load
' This load event reads the inventory text file and fills
' the ComboBox object with the Hurricane Statistics.
' Initialize an instace of the streamreader object and declare variables.
Dim objReader As IO.StreamReader
Dim strHurricaneStatistics As String = "Hurricanes.txt"
Dim intCount As Integer = 0
Dim intFill As Integer
Dim strFileError As String = "The file is not available. Please restart the
application when the file is available."
' Verify the Hurricane.txt file exists.
If IO.File.Exists(strHurricaneStatistics) Then
objReader = IO.File.OpenText(strHurricaneStatistics)
' Read the file line by line until the file is completed.
Do While objReader.Peek <> -1
_strYears(intCount) = objReader.ReadLine()
_intNumberOfHurricans(intCount) = Convert.ToInt32(objReader.ReadLine())
intCount += 1
' The ComboBox objext is filled with the Years for Hurricanes.
For intFill = 0 To (_strYears.Length - 1)
MsgBox(strFileError, , "Error")
' If ComboBox is filled then enable the Display Statistics button.
'btnDisplayStatistics.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnDisplayStatistics_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs
) Handles btnDisplayStatistics.Click
' This click event calls the sub procedures for the selected years and
' the number of hurricans in that year.
Dim intSelectedYear As Integer
Dim strMissingSelection As String = "Missing Selection"
Dim strSelectAYearError As String = "Please Select a Year"
' If the ComboBox object has a selection, Display Statistics.
If cmbYears.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then
intSelectedYear = cmbYears.SelectedIndex
MsgBox(strSelectAYearError, , strMissingSelection)
End If
Private Sub btnDisplayStatistics_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs
) Handles btnDisplayStatistics.Click
' This click event calls the sub procedures for the selected years and
' the number of hurricans in that year.
Dim intSelectedYear As Integer
Dim strMissingSelection As String = "Missing Selection"
Dim strSelectAYearError As String = "Please Select a Year"
' If the ComboBox object has a selection, call the Display Statistics procedure.
If cmbYears.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then
intSelectedYear = cmbYears.SelectedIndex
MsgBox(strSelectAYearError, , strMissingSelection)
End If
' This procedure MakeLabelsVisible Is called to display the labels
' And the results.
Dim hHurricaneAverage As Integer
Dim hHurricaneYear As Integer = 0
For hAverage As Integer = 0 To _strYears.Length - 1
If (CInt(hHurricaneYear) < CInt(_strYears(hAverage))) Then
hHurricaneYear = CInt(CType(CInt(_strYears(hAverage)), String))
End If
hHurricaneAverage = hHurricaneAverage + CInt((_strYears.ToString))
hHurricaneAverage = CInt(hHurricaneAverage / _strYears.Length)
' Display the statistics for the Storm Average in the selected Year
' and the most active year within the range of year.
lblNumberOfHurricanes.Text = "The Number of Hurricanes in the Year " &
_strYears(intSelectedYear) & " is " & _intNumberOfHurricans(intSelectedYear).ToString() & "."
lblAvergeNumberHurricanes.Text = "The Average Number of Storms was " &
hHurricaneAverage & " Hurricanes."
Dim intSizeOfArray As Integer = Nothing
lblMostStorms.Text = "The Year "(CInt(_strYears(CInt(hHurricaneYear.ToString())) & "
Had The Most Storms Between " & (_strYears(0) & _strYears(20).ToString)))
End Sub
Option strict on
Your error lies in that you are trying to convert an entire string array into an integer:
hHurricaneAverage = hHurricaneAverage + CInt((_strYears.ToString))
You will need to call the index of _strYears:
hHurricaneAverage = hHurricaneAverage + CInt((_strYears(hAverage).ToString))
This will also explain why the other labels do not update, because hHurricanAverage never gets calculated.

Getting wrong output in label

I have code that I have written, that has 3 labels for number of hurricanes, average hurricanes, and the year with the most hurricanes from a txt file. The code is working and the first 2 labels are displaying the correct results. However the last label is displaying the number of the year with the most hurricanes instead of the year.
Here is what I have:
Option Strict On
Public Class frmHurricaneStatistics
' Class level Private variables.
Public Shared _intSizeOfArray As Integer = 20
Private _strYears(_intSizeOfArray) As String
Private _intNumberOfHurricans(_intSizeOfArray) As Integer
Private Sub frmHurricaneStatistics_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs
) Handles MyBase.Load
' This load event reads the inventory text file and fills
' the ComboBox object with the Hurricane Statistics.
' Initialize an instace of the streamreader object and declare variables.
Dim objReader As IO.StreamReader
Dim strHurricaneStatistics As String = "Hurricanes.txt"
Dim intCount As Integer = 0
Dim intFill As Integer
Dim strFileError As String = "The file is not available. Please restart the
application when the file is available."
' Verify the Hurricane.txt file exists.
If IO.File.Exists(strHurricaneStatistics) Then
objReader = IO.File.OpenText(strHurricaneStatistics)
' Read the file line by line until the file is completed.
Do While objReader.Peek <> -1
_strYears(intCount) = objReader.ReadLine()
_intNumberOfHurricans(intCount) = Convert.ToInt32(objReader.ReadLine())
intCount += 1
' The ComboBox objext is filled with the Years for Hurricanes.
For intFill = 0 To (_strYears.Length - 1)
MsgBox(strFileError, , "Error")
' If ComboBox is filled then enable the Display Statistics button.
' btnDisplayStatistics.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnDisplayStatistics_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs
) Handles btnDisplayStatistics.Click
' This click event calls the sub procedures for the selected years and
' the number of hurricans in that year.
Dim intSelectedYear As Integer
Dim strMissingSelection As String = "Missing Selection"
Dim strSelectAYearError As String = "Please Select a Year"
' If the ComboBox object has a selection, Display Statistics.
If cmbYears.SelectedIndex >= 0 Then
intSelectedYear = cmbYears.SelectedIndex
MsgBox(strSelectAYearError, , strMissingSelection)
End If
' The procedure MakeLabelsVisible Is called to display the labels
' And the results.
Dim intAverage As Double
Dim intYear As Integer
For intIndex As Integer = 0 To _intNumberOfHurricans.Length - 1
If intYear < _intNumberOfHurricans(intIndex) Then
intYear = _intNumberOfHurricans(intIndex)
End If
intAverage = intAverage + _intNumberOfHurricans(intIndex)
intAverage = intAverage / _intNumberOfHurricans.Length
' Display the statistics for the Storm Average in the selected Year
' and the most active year within the range of year.
lblNumberOfHurricanes.Text = "The Number of Hurricanes in the Year " &
_strYears(intSelectedYear) & " is " & _intNumberOfHurricans(intSelectedYear).ToString() & "."
lblAvergeNumberHurricanes.Text = "The Average Number of Storms was " & FormatNumber(intAverage, 0) & " Hurricanes."
lblMostStorms.Text = "The Year " & intYear & " Had The Most Storms Between " & (
_strYears(20) & " And " & (_strYears(0).ToString))
End Sub
Private Sub MakeLabelsVisible()
' This procedure displays the labels with the calculated results
lblNumberOfHurricanes.Visible = True
lblAvergeNumberHurricanes.Visible = True
lblMostStorms.Visible = True
End Sub
Updated code.
Looks like you're just populating intYear with the number of hurricanes?
intYear = _intNumberOfHurricans(intIndex)
I can't see where you're wanting to get a year value from. Does one even exist? Please post the rest of the code
From what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong), you want the year that had the highest number of hurricanes? If so
For intIndex As Integer = 0 To _intNumberOfHurricans.Length - 1
If _intNumberOfHurricans(intIndex) = _intNumberOfHurricans.Max Then
intYear = Integer.Parse(_strYears(intIndex))
End If
intAverage = intAverage + _intNumberOfHurricans(intIndex)
What I'm doing here is looking for the highest value in _intNumberOfHurricans and comparing it to the number of hurricanes in the current iteration. If they're the same, then we are at the year with the highest number of hurricanes, so we populate intYear with _strYears(but as an Integer).
This code isn't perfect. For example, if the highest amount of hurricanes is 100, but there are 2 years where there are 100 hurricanes, it will only give the latest year, not the first year there were 100 hurricanes.
Because you set;
intYear = _intNumberOfHurricans(intIndex)
Not the year, number of hurricans. That should have point to a Year property.
intYear = _intNumberOfHurricans(intIndex).Year
Hope helps.

Visual Basic Confusion

I have been required to create a program that asks me to find the maximum value of one particular array. I am using multiple forms in this project and have used a user-defined data type and created multiple array under it. There is a first form that is related to this, which defines my defined data type is gStudentRecord and the arrays that define it are last name, Id, and GPA. This second form is where I write all of the code to display what I want. My question is how to get the Max GPA out of that array. I'm sorry if this isn't in very good format, this is the first time I've used Stackoverflow
Public Class frmSecond
Private Sub frmSecond_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Ctr As Integer
Dim Line As String
lstDisplay.Items.Add("Name".PadRight(25) & "ID".PadRight(16) & "GPA".PadRight(20) & "Out of state".PadRight(10))
For Ctr = 0 To gIndex Step 1
Line = gCourseRoster(Ctr).LastName.PadRight(20) & gCourseRoster(Ctr).ID.PadRight(15) & gCourseRoster(Ctr).GPA.ToString.PadRight(15) & gCourseRoster(Ctr).OutOfState.ToString().PadLeft(5)
End Sub
Private Sub btnStats_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStats.Click
Dim Ctr As Integer = 0
Dim Average As Double
Dim Sum As Double
Dim Found As Boolean = False
Dim Pass As Integer
Dim Index As Integer
**For Ctr = 0 To gIndex Step 1
If gCourseRoster(Ctr).GPA > gCourseRoster(Ctr).GPA Then
End If
Average = gComputeAverage(Sum)
lstDisplay.Items.Add("Number of Students: " & gNumberOfStudents)
lstDisplay.Items.Add("Average: " & Average)
End Sub
Private Function gComputeAverage(Sum As Double) As Double
Dim Ctr As Integer
Dim Average As Double
For Ctr = 0 To gIndex Step 1
Sum = Sum + gCourseRoster(Ctr).GPA
Average = Sum / gNumberOfStudents
Return Average
End Function
End Class
You can use a Lambda expression to tease it out. The Cast part is converting from the gCourseRoster to a collection of Double by supplying the GPA to the Select statement.
Dim gList As New List(Of gCourseRoster)
gList.Add(New gCourseRoster With {.id = 1, .name = "Bob", .GPA = 3.9})
gList.Add(New gCourseRoster With {.id = 2, .name = "Sarah", .GPA = 3.2})
gList.Add(New gCourseRoster With {.id = 3, .name = "Frank", .GPA = 3.1})
Dim maxGPA = gList.Cast(Of gCourseRoster).Select(Function(c) c.GPA).ToList.Max
Output: 3.9

VB program to calculate grades

So I am working on a program that will ask for the number of assignments, say 20, then run through a loop that many times asking for the total points earned on each assignment as well as the total points possible to get the final grade. For example if the user put in 2 assignments with assignment 1 earning 48 points out of 50 and assignment 2 earning 35 points out of 40 the program would display the grade as 92.
So far here is what I have:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim amountAssignments As Integer
Dim pointsEarned As Integer = 0
Dim pointsEarnedTotal As Integer = 0
Dim pointsPossible As Integer = 0
Dim pointsPossibleTotal As Integer = 0
Dim Assignment As Integer = 1
Integer.TryParse(txtAmount.Text, amountAssignments)
Do Until Assignment > amountAssignments
txtAmount.Text = String.Empty
lblAmount.Text = "Enter Points Given on Assignment " & Assignment & ":"
Integer.TryParse(txtAmount.Text, pointsEarned)
pointsEarnedTotal = pointsEarnedTotal + pointsEarned
lblAmount.Text = "Enter Points Possible on Assignment " & Assignment & ":"
Integer.TryParse(txtAmount.Text, pointsPossible)
pointsPossibleTotal = pointsPossibleTotal + pointsPossible
Assignment = Assignment + 1
lblAmount.Text = "Enter the amount of Assignments: "
lblGrade.Text = (pointsEarnedTotal / pointsPossibleTotal)
End Sub
End Class
syntax is correct but when the program is run and the number of assignments put in and calculate entered the program displays the grade as NaN with no other input requested.
Could use another set of eye(s) to look over this and tell me where i screwed up logically.
Thank you in advance!
This program seems to not have some sort of user intervention when the loop starts. What I would do is surely have the user enter the amount of assignments on the textbox and then from there would ask the user to enter marks from an input box separated by a slash e.g I enter 45/50 so after input the program finds the index of "/",all characters before the '/' are the pointsEarned and can be added to the pointsEarnedTotal while all the characters after the '/' are placed in the pointsPossible and added to the pointsPossibleTotal
Try this and tell me how it goes...give me points if it works
` Private Sub butGetMarks_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles butGetMarks.Click
Dim assignments As Integer = 0
Dim totalAssignments As Integer
Integer.TryParse(txtAssignments.Text, totalAssignments)
Dim pointsEarned As Double = 0
Dim pointsEarnedTotal As Double = 0
Dim possibleEarned As Double = 0
Dim possibleEarnedTotal As Double = 0
Dim temp As String
For i As Integer = 1 To totalAssignments
temp = InputBox("Enter marks per assignment separated by /")
Dim i1 As Integer
i1 = temp.IndexOf("/") 'read index of /
pointsEarned = temp.Substring(0, i1) 'read from start until / character
possibleEarned = temp.Substring(i1 + 1) 'read from after / character onwards
'add to totals
possibleEarnedTotal += possibleEarned
pointsEarnedTotal += pointsEarned
Next i
MessageBox.Show(pointsEarnedTotal & "/" & possibleEarnedTotal)
End Sub`