wkhtmltopdf + ActionCable (error during websocket handshake) - ruby-on-rails-5

My rails application has a page that tooks a considerable amount of time to load. In order to increase our users' experience we decided to (firstly) only show a loader with an indication of how much of processing has been completed (instead of let them waiting blindly the response from server). That indication is shown with the helping of rails 5 ActionCable tool and once processing is completed the content is shown.
Obviously, in order to make it possible, a subscription to a channel is made as soon as page loads so that server can report the processing status and the final result.
Generate a PDF from that page so that we can email users with that file attached.
wkhtmltopdf is being used to generated the PDF but when accessing the page it isn't being able to handshake with ActionCable's websocket.
The following message is raised:
Warning: http://localhost:3000:0 Error during WebSocket handshake: protocol mismatch: actioncable-v1-json,actioncable-unsupported !=
The above message intrigued me because it's like the protocol it'd accept for handshaking should be... blank?!! :O (notice the right hand of the operator != - there is nothing there!).
Under the hood I know wkhtmltopdf uses qt webkit browser. I suppose the solution for this problem would be related to some configuration within webkit (but I don't know how - neither where - to set it from wkhtmltopdf).
System Stack
Linux (Ubuntu) 16.04
rails 5 + ActionCable
wkhtmltopdf 0.12.3 (with patched qt)


log4shell POC : no HTTP redirect

I am trying to understand/reproduce Log4shell vulnerability, using this poc and also information from Marshalsec.
To do that, I've downloaded Ghidra v10.0.4, which is said (on Ghidra download page) to be vulnerable to log4shell. Installed it on an ubuntu VM, along with java 1.8 (as stated in POC), and loaded the Poc + marshalsec snapshot.
Tried to start Ghidra, it said java 11 was needed, so although I've installed java 1.8 I still downloaded java 11 and, when you start ghidra, it says the installed version is not good enough and ask for the path to a java11 version; so I just gave him path to the jdk11 directory and it seems happy with it. Ghidra starts alright.
Then set up my listener and launched the poc, got the payload string to copy/paste in ghidra, and got a response in the ldap listener saying it'll send it to HTTP. But nothing more. The end.
Since the HTTP server is set up by the same POC, I thought maybe I just couldn't see the redirection, so I started the http server myself, started the ldap server myself with marshalsec, and retried (see pics below for exact commands/outputs).
Setting http server:
Set listener:
Setting LDAP server:
Send payload string in Ghidra (in the help/search part, as shown in kozmer POC); immediately got an answer:
I still receive a response on the LDAP listener (two, in fact, which seems weird), but nothing on the HTTP. The the Exploit class is never loaded in ghidra (it directly sends me a pop-up saying search not found, I think it is supposed to wait for the server answer to do that?), and I get nothing back in my listener.
Note that I don't really understand this Marshalsec/LDAP thing so I'm not sure what's happening here. If anyone have time to explain it will be nice. I've read lot of stuff about the vuln but it rarely goes deeply into details (most is like: the payload string send a request to LDAP server, which redirect to HTTP server, which will upload the Exploit class on the vulnerable app and gives you a shell).
Note: I've checked, the http server is up and accessible, the Exploit.class file is here and can be downloaded.
Solved it.
Turned out for log4shell to work you need a vulnerable app and a vulnerable version of Java; which I thought I had, but nope. I had Java 11.0.15, and needed Java 11 (Ghidra need Java 11 minimum, only vulnerable version of Java 11 is the first one).
Downloaded and installed Java 11, POC working perfectly.

ColdFusion 2018 - Requests Multiply Executed

with a new project we encountered some strange behaviour on our ColdFusion application.
Whenever a single request is initiated from the browser, the code of the cfml-templates is
executed multiple times. Upon viewing the corresponding log-files we found out, that indeed
for some reason the same request fires the evaluation in our application multiple times. One request
generates several entries. This is especially the case for long-running requests, such as database imports.
The ColdFusion application implements a REST-service, but even on manually requesting a resource,
such as a certain cfml page, on the same application - the code gets executed an unknown amount of times(variable initializations, database write-operations etc. take place), and if the request runs too long (cap at around ~4-6 seconds) there is no response to the browser.
About the infrastructure:
The application is Coldfusion18 with Tomcat Standard Edition
The webserver is an Apache (2.4.6).
Everything runs on a Linux machine with Cent OS 7.7
The corresponding Java version is 11.0.4
Our best guess is that there might be some misscommunication between the coldfusion connector with
the apache webserver. We actually searched for some configuration parameters that could cause the
problem, without success. Upon an installation on a windows machine we did not encounter that error.
Anyone got any idea?
we just found our answer in the following post:
Link to Solution

mod_perl2 with apache 2.22 Apache2::RequestIO::print: (103) Software caused connection abort

I’m trying to get a mod_perl2 application ported to AWS. As part of the port I thought I’d move from Debian Squeeze to Wheezy with the latest stable mod_perl & Apache2 combination.
The application works right up to the point I try and write JSON responses to the client. At this point, each request is canceled on the client and on the server I get the error
Apache2::RequestIO::print: (103) Software caused connection abort
whenever I write to the client, i.e.:
I’ve tried tcpdumping the response to the client, and I can see it being written out, but no response is received on the client end and it just barfs chips. I can’t find any information on how to get around this.
I found quite a few people asking about this question on the net without many answers. The solution to my problem was very specific but I thought I’d post what I did anyway, it may help someone.
The client was canceling the request before the response was fully written, which was crapping out Apache::RequestIO (for reasons I still don’t know).
I couldn’t work out why I was seeing this behavior.
By using tcpdump I could see that data was being written out to the client – and it looked fine.
By inspecting the page in Chrome and looking at the network stack, I could see that my request for data was being canceled after no response was received (which was odd because the code worked fine on other servers and I could see the response was being written). Debugging was may harder because with Apache crashing out with an error in print IO I couldn’t check if the bytes written equaled the bytes of data. I wasn’t sure if something was getting stuck on the server side.
So, I changed the Content-Type of the response from application/json to text/html, so that I could query the page and just look at the actual response as text. Once I did that, I could see that the response was fine.
I started to look for other causes, and I found that in the migration to the new server, I’d missed altering some URLs in the DB to point to the new server, which meant my application was trying to get some data from the old DB.
This in turn was causing a load of timing issues, which was causing my problems. Once I fixed the config, the problems went away.

Fiddler https error: "because they do not possess a common algorithm"

I am trying to monitor https traffic with Fiddler, using current newest version:
I've successfully set up https, certificates and I can see the full https encrypted traffic for example browsing my bank's web site.
When I trying to monitor an other server I got this error message in the response window:
"Failed to secure existing connection for A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. InnerException: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm"
For full Fiddler window see:
The client is not a in this case browser, but a custom client program, which communicates with its own server.
My question: Is this exception misleading and in reality some other error prevents the secure channel to set up?
We have still chance to monitor this https communication?
Thx in advance
What is the client program?
This error typically indicates that that client application is only offering certain HTTPS ciphers, and those ciphers are not supported by Fiddler.
However, in this case, the specific problem here is almost certainly this: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2009/12/08/aes-is-not-a-valid-cipher-for-sslv3.aspx
The client is trying to use AES with SSLv3, but that isn't one of the valid ciphers for SSL3. As a consequence, the connection fails.
You might be able to workaround this by clicking Rules > Customize Rules. Scroll down to the Main() function and add the following line within the function:
CONFIG.oAcceptedServerHTTPSProtocols =
Please let me know if this works.
NOTE Current versions of Fiddler offer a UI link for this: Look at the lis of enabled protocols on the HTTPS tab.
Unbelievably this issue is still present some 6 years later.
Just installed the latest version of Fiddle (v5.0.20194.41348), and sure enough on Win7 using Chrome or IE it keeps failing with the dreaded error:
"fiddler.network.https> HTTPS handshake to google.com (for #1) failed. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm"
After some hours of testing, I found a middle ground solution which seems to work with virtually all websites. The aim was to get the highest possible security with no errors in the log. Without needing to add any code, simply changing this line under Tools > Options > HTTPS > Protocols is what worked for me (just copy and paste it):
Basically removed the ssl2 and tls1.0 protocols which leaves us with some pretty decent security and no errors so far. Having spent hours of frustration with this error, hope someone out there might find this useful, and a big thanks to EricLaw who discovered the root of the problem.
Yes I too have seen this error when working outside of fiddler and it was connected with AuthenticateAsServer but only went wrong when using IE10 and not Chrome as the browser.
Odd thing is that it did not break all the time for IE10 using SslProtocols.Tls for the protocol so I will add a bit of code to switch the protocol if one fails
The protocol that can be used also seems to change on if you are using a proxy server like Fiddler or using an invisible server by hijacking the DNS via the hosts file to divert traffic to the server

Sporadic invalid_request 400 errors connecting to Shopify /admin/oauth/access_token

I am using a java raw HTTP client to connect to Shopify API (specifically, using Play Framework with the non-defualt sync driver which is actually the JDK's default driver).
My application usually manages to connect successfully and convert the temporary access token into a permanent one by calling the /admin/oauth/access_token endpoint.
However, sometimes I get this error result from the API:
Generic Error(400)
I haven't been able to reproduce the issue with my test stores - I've tried installing a fresh store, reinstalling existing stores after uninstalling, I'm not sure why this call sometimes fail and how to debug it. The API call still continues to succeed for some stores using our application.
Some things that I am doing:
Even if the URL of the store is on a custom domain, I'm always using the https://foo.myshopfiy.com/admin/oauth/access_token URL and not the URL of the custom domain, to prevent a redirect.
I am always using an https URL and never an http one, again to prevent a redirect (we noticed a few issues with redirect with the Java HTTP client, so we aim to have zero redirects)
A thread I found about this error suggest possible problems with our SSL certificates, however I don't think this is my problem because some requests work for us, and the result of running openssl on our machine does't show any issues.
How should I proceed? Open a support ticket with Shopify?
FYI, I see that this specific problem only started yesterday on Feb 19 2013, so it might be a temporary issue.
FYI, the problem was caused by reusing a temporary access code.
Our fault - Shopify could have been more clear in their error message though.