MobX 4 `decorate` doesnt work with `computed` - mobx

EDIT: this is now solved and i no longer need help. see solution below. thank you
I am getting a weird error when trying the new decorate syntax with computed variables - any idea why it might sometimes invalidate the store? I'm pretty sure the computed is causing this as it works when I remove it.
sandbox here:
and screenshot here:

i should use decorate on the class, not the instance.
more info here.


How to install vue-router 4 in vue ^2.6.14 version

Hi i have a requirement to use vue-router4 on vue:^2.6.14 app because i want to use the latest api regarding dynamically registering a route.
Problem: i tried to move vue:^2.6.14 app to vue:3.*.* as there is a requirement of using new vue-router api which supports based on that i asked a question which is un-answered Dynamically registered route is not working when it is just pushed
Note: i tried for complete migration but facing so many errors
My Expection: i want to use vue-router#4 in vue:^2.6.14 only for addRoute('parent',{...Route Object}) method if overriding is possible to get this feature in vue-router3 for vue2 then it is most welcomed!
Note2: after overriding it should work as this example , Note: in main.js only 2 routes are defined.
Issue with vue-router3 for vue2:
Please help me thanks in advance !!
It's not possible to use vue-router#4 with vue#2. They're incompatible with each other.
And the question assumes that addRoute is only available in vue-router#4, but that's not true. addRoute() was introduced in vue-router#3.5.0, which is compatible with vue#2.
Based on your other question, I think the confusion might be caused by the answer you linked, which only applies to vue-router#2, which does not support addRoute. The workaround provided in that answer would not work properly with vue-router#3, as you had observed.
Here's a demo of your Codesandbox written in vue#2.6.14 with vue-router#3.5.4. Your original code to dynamically add routes was untouched.

Laravel - Model Truncation failing

I have a model that I'm trying to enable truncating for, but it doesn't seem to be working.
I set up a clean install of Laravel 9 and have attempted to use 3 different ways to truncate.
The first way uses the Foo::truncate() method, as suggested in the documentation, which works in Tinker but not from my FoosController. I then tried using the Foo::query()->truncate() method, which is similarly ineffective. Lastly, I also tried using DB::table('foos')->truncate() which also, frustratingly, doesn't seem to work.
Other model operations seem to work. Is there anything I'm missing here? Thank you in advance.
Try using:
\Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::statement("TRUNCATE TABLE foos");

How tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper can be replaced in TensorFlow 2.2

I am trying to run the project from GitHub but I have a trouble with TrainingHelper. Now, I am stuck with it, I dont know how to convert it to tf2. The console always returns the error like this:
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow_addons.seq2seq' has no attribute 'TrainingHelper'
Please help me!
Seems to be
The api is a bit different, though. Some parameters passed in the constructor in TrainingHelper, are passed in TrainingSampler.initialize() instead. Also there are minimal differences in some of the return values. So, you have to do some adaptation for code migration.

What reference do I need to make NonAdminHttp.EnsureCanListenToWhenInNonAdminContext() work?

The documentation says to use this call if you want to view the Management Studio with the embedded version, yet every tutorial seems to leave out how to make it work. I am already referencing Raven.Client.Embedded, but it does not recognize NonAdminHttp.EnsureCanListenToWhenInNonAdminContext()
Any help is much appreciated.
It is in Raven.Database.dll, you need to reference that.

WEPopoverController view init warning

I googled trying to find the answer, but failed.
It's actually a quick question, and i just don't have enough memory-management and objective-understanding to solve it properly by myself.
If someone ever user WEPopover library(great tool, thanks to developers, they remember that there is a warning in WEPopoverController.m:
//First force a load view for the contentViewController so the popoverContentSize is properly initialized
and the warning as follows:
Property access result unused - getters should not be used for side effects
I'm not pretty sure what are they trying to achieve, but i truly believe it's not a propoer way to initialize things, but i am not sure if i should use any methods, because i don't want to disturb the functionality.
Any advices and hints will be hihgly appreciated!
I just solved it, I had the same issue! :)
just replace contentViewController.view; with [contentViewController view];
That's all. You might solved it, as you've asked it a longtime before! But it would be helpful to other if they will find the same issue:)