IndexMissingException after building model predictionIO - apache-spark-ml

I'm trying to update a parameter, build, train, and deploy an ALS model with pio (predictionIO). I'm very new to pio.

I updated the alpha paramenter in engine.json

then ran the build command:

/data/apps/PredictionIO-0.11.0-incubating/bin/pio build --verbose
I got back a bunch of messages, the last few were:

[INFO] [Engine$] Compilation finished successfully.
[INFO] [Engine$] Looking for an engine...
[INFO] [Engine$] Found pros-als_2.10-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] [Engine$] Found pros-als-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT-deps.jar
[INFO] [Engine$] Build finished successfully.
[INFO] [Pio$] Your engine is ready for training.
Then I tried running:

curl -X "DELETE" http://localhost:9200/pio-als3
and got back the error message:

[user123#mm122 pio-als]$ curl -X "DELETE" http://localhost:9200/pio-als3
{"error":"IndexMissingException[[pio-als3] missing]","status":404}[user123#mm122 [[[user123#mm122 pio-al[user[use[use[[user123#mm122[u[u[user123#mdc2pr[use[[user123#m[us[u[user123#mdc2[user123#mm122 pio-als]$ Connection to mm122 closed by remote host.
Connection to mm122 closed.
l4902745:~ me$ 

Does anyone have an idea what the issue might be?  Do I need to change the port from 9200 after I build a new model? If so, how would I find the new port?

I was trying to delete the wrong index. Once I found the correct index and deleted it, everything worked fine.


ActiveMQ Artemis - ha/replicated-failback example - is this working?

I'm trying to run example "ha/replicated-failback" on ApacheMQ Artemis. When I run "mvn verify", it shows the following output, making me think it's working:
However, the are a bunch of error messages before and after, such as:
ReplicatedFailbackStaticExample0-out:java.lang.IllegalStateException: AMQ229230: Failed to bind acceptor netty-acceptor to localhost:61616
caused by:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.example.ReplicatedFailbackStaticExample.main (
And finally:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 31.059 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-12-12T11:30:57-05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.activemq:artemis-maven-plugin:2.27.1:runClient (runClient) on project replicated-failback-static: null: MojoFailureException -> [Help 1]
My question: is this a successful test? FYI, I've changed the default admin password, I don't know if that would have anything to do with it.
A result of BUILD FAILURE indicates an unsuccessful test. The NullPointerException and the AMQ229230 message also indicate a problem.
When I run mvn verify from the replicated-failback example of ActiveMQ Artemis 2.27.1 (i.e. the latest release) I don't see any of those kinds of errors.

Internal server error when trying to build and deploy to AEM

My local AEM instance suddenly stopped working when I switched branches in git and installed the package with
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage.
The build failed with [ERROR] Request to http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service.jsp failed, response=Internal Server Error
My error log shows the following errors:
25.10.2018 11:52:33.607 *ERROR* [ [1540504353564] POST /crx/packmgr/service.jsp HTTP/1.1] No IDP found with name 0654f74c177ec80b60f7922a9a6195cf. Will not be used for login.
25.10.2018 11:52:33.607 *ERROR* [ [1540504353564] POST /crx/packmgr/service.jsp HTTP/1.1] No IDP found with name a9dea3b044e912071cbffd4839016d2e. Will not be used for login.
25.10.2018 12:00:30.005 *INFO* [sling-default-2-Registered Service.1079] com.adobe.granite.taskmanagement.impl.jcr.TaskArchiveService archiving tasks at: 'Thu Oct 25 12:00:30 HST 2018'
25.10.2018 12:00:58.610 *ERROR* [ [1540504858546] POST /crx/packmgr/service.jsp HTTP/1.1] service: Uncaught SlingException Unable to get component of class 'interface' with type 'htmlparser'.
I've tried adding <useProxy>false</useProxy> to my parent POM file as suggested on a similar thread posted here but that also did not work. I've tried recloning the repo and starting over but since it's a server error that did nothing.
Additional Info:
Running on Windows 10
AEM 6.4
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help. The issue actually happened when I switched branches and installed and deployed the package over the existing package in AEM. By removing the quickstart folder and restarting the JAR file, thus creating a new AEM directory, I was able to install and deploy the correct branch without error.

Not able to execute scripts from Jenkins although working fine locally & via command line

I am Not able to run scripts from Jenkins. How ever working fine from Command line & Local. I am within office network. Getting Below Error. I don't understand why Jenkins is trying to download Maven plugin? I am new to Jenkins. Any suggestion will be appretiated.
[INFO] ------------------------< Test:Junit-Demo >-------------------------
[INFO] Building Junit-Demo 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
Downloading from central:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 21.695 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-04-11T14:29:52-07:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:jar:2.5: Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:pom:2.5 from/to central ( Connect to [] failed: Connection timed out: connect -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding="UTF-8"
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
Maven, triggered by Jenkins, downloads the maven-clean-plugin as part of its normal execution. This happened on your location machine in the first run and was then cached in ~/.m2/.
Your Jenkins build agent, however, cannot connect to the server from which maven downloads artifacts:
Connect to [] failed: Connection timed out: connect
Make sure that there is no firewall involved blocking these connections or configure Jenkins to use a local artifact repository (like Nexus or Artifactory).
Missing some info to fully know what's wrong.
To use maven in Jenkins you have to install the jenkins maven plugin and call the binary in your Jenkins file.
Did you have to do any maven configuration for your local set up?
ie inside ~/.m2 is usually where you would set up your account for nexus credentials inside settings.xml.
You would have to do this same config on your jenkins machine, either in the Jenkins user account's ~/.m2 or inside the maven plugin folder.

Error running akka-http-microservice Activator template

Error running akka-http-microservice Activator template
Unable to run example template: akka-http-microservice from the Activator
Project builds, but on running, unable to access URL,
'Internal Server Error'
Error on running service: [ERROR] [04/21/2016 12:06:35.506]
Error in stage [One2OneBidi]: Inner stream finished before inputs
completed. Outputs might have been truncated.
This is just with code taken directly from downloaded template *.zip file.
Running on Mac OSx, El Capitan. Running Scala v2.10.3.
Activator v1.3.9
(update) still a problem after attempted fix from tutorials support team:
[DEBUG] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.749] [] [akka://default/system/IO-TCP/selectors/$a/2] Connection established to []
[ERROR] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.832] [] [akka://default/user/StreamSupervisor-0/flow-2-0-unknown-operation] Error in stage [One2OneBidi]: Inner stream finished before inputs completed. Outputs might have been truncated. (akka.http.impl.util.One2OneBidiFlow$OutputTruncationException$)
[ERROR] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.851] [] [] Error during processing of request HttpRequest(HttpMethod(GET),http://localhost:9000/ip/,List(Host: localhost:9000, C
Most responsive help forums related to this issue are:
1) Activator templates
2) Akka Mailing List!forum/akka-user
I got a response from the company supporting the Activator template tutorials here; and they have fixed the transient issue:
HOWEVER -- I tried running the Service again, and it looks like there's still a problem:
[DEBUG] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.749] [] [akka://default/system/IO-TCP/selectors/$a/2] Connection established to []
[ERROR] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.832] [] [akka://default/user/StreamSupervisor-0/flow-2-0-unknown-operation] Error in stage [One2OneBidi]: Inner stream finished before inputs completed. Outputs might have been truncated. (akka.http.impl.util.One2OneBidiFlow$OutputTruncationException$)
[ERROR] [04/22/2016 11:58:47.851] [] [] Error during processing of request HttpRequest(HttpMethod(GET),http://localhost:9000/ip/,List(Host: localhost:9000, C
Tried instead to download LATEST tutorial template; and overwrite the one I'd downloaded yesterday. Then rebuilt, rerun that.
NOW the microservice comes up; and it appears to be working! Problem resolved!

transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug FAILED issue with Gradle

I am fairly new at Android development and have been struggling to get a working build of an app I am working on.
I receive the following error after a build with Gradle:
:app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'. duplicate entry:
I (think) I narrowed the issue down to multiple libraries using the same 'support-v4' module, but I'm not sure. I can provide more details. Thank you.
I fixed this by deleting .jar files that were duplicates.