Social tables authorization and authentication flow - social-tables

As per the documents received writing down the flow of authorization for version 4.0:
1. call authorize service to get the authorization code back.
2. read the 'code' value for the authorization_code.
3. use this authorization_code to get 'access_token' using '4.0/oauth/token'.
4. for the subsequent calls use 'access_token'.
Please confirm if my understanding above is correct.
My question:
- What will happen when access_token expires? Do we need to go to above flow again?
- the URLs are https does it need certificates?
- what will be the redirect_uri if i want to test in my dev?

I suggest reading a bit about OAuth 2.0 flow. Here's a decent article/example that I would start with from Digital Ocean:
But to answer your specific questions:
when the access_token expires you need to make an additional request to Social Tables with the refresh_token -- here's an example: click here. In short, yes you need to use the refresh token to get a new access token which you'll use for subsequent requests
No, you do not need to configure any certificates on your end. These are done via SSL+HTTPS and are ready to go.
The redirect_url for local development can be set to your local running server. You can set it to http://localhost:<port> and that will work just fine.


Adding JWT to cookie at login using flask security

Description: I'm trying to set the jwt token at login using
flask_jwt_extended.set_access_cookies and flask_jwt_extended.set_refresh_cookies but the issue is that I cannot set this at the /login endpoint because that is auto created by flask-security. What would be the best way to do this? Would the best way to do this be overriding the /login endpoint and set them there? Or can this be done in the validate method of ExtendedLoginForm even though I would need to add it to a request and not the True or False value that validate requires be returned?
End Result: Use regular cookies (to authenticate) to interact with flask related endpoints. Use JWT tokens (encoded in a cookie) to interact with a react-native compiled code.
My first thought would be to step back - cookies (session) are an easy and secure way to manage all this - why have a JWT that is part of a cookie?
If you really want an Authentication-Token sent with every request - Flask-Security already offers that.
Now - to actually answer your question - You can attach to the "user-authenticated" signal and create your token and cookie there.

Authentication using Azure AD, failing at last step accessing Skype for Business

I am following this guide ( in order to access Skype for Business. Everything goes fine till the last part but let's do step by step. I am building my .net console application to do this but in order to explain you properly the problem I am having I will show you directly the http calls through Insomnia (software used to make http calls).
Step 1:
GET request towards
I hit 200 and as answer I receive this:
Step 2:
I use the user link.
So I send an http request to and I get a 401 Unauthorized (everything still correct).
In the header of the answer it points me to the Identity Provider to ask for authorization (authorization_uri)
Step 3: I use that link to authorize my app, which has its own client_Id (that I hide in the following screenshot).
This is how I compose the call:
If I send this http request I get redirected to the page where it asks my personal login and by inserting my credentials I succesfully login and hit 404, where in the answer I receive back my access token.
Step 5: I use the access token towards the same AutodiscoverService link of step 1. This is to register my application. I hit 200 and I receive back the link to access Skype for Business.
Finally (and this is where things go wrong) I send a POST request towards the applications link with the Bearer token, and I receive a 403 Forbidden. I think I am following correctly the guide but I can't figure out why I can access the resource at the last step.
The permissions are granted. I hide the name since it contains the name of my company. But it is the same of the domain of my login.
So the token you generated authorizes you to access resources at which you've done to fetch a new set of resources including the "application" resouce which is on a DIFFERENT host:
You actually have to get another OAuth token now which authorizes you for the application resource and then you can POST to that to generate your session in UCWA.
As a side note... If you've defined your own single-tenant application in Azure that has been granted rights to SkypeForBusinessOnline then I think you should be targeting authorization and authentication endpoints of the form:{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Also I should add, if you're trying to write a trusted secure client that users in your company will use I would suggest looking up the Resource Owner Password Credentials auth flow. It allows you to directly hit the token endpoint I mentioned above and exchange username/password credentials for an access token. Then you can manage auto-discovery and application creation easily under the hood without getting re-directed back and forth to Azure.

Exact online REST API: POST call not working

I am trying to make a post call in Exact Online REST API. I'm trying to create a SalesInvoiceLine. I can perfectly do a GET call via my browser. I am logged in in Exact Online so I don't need authentication since this should be passed via a cookie. I tried POST via a browser. The browser prompts me to login, when I do nothing happens. I've also tried this in Postman:
I am 100% certain these initials are correct, I can login with them in Exact Online. What am I doing wrong?
If this is not the way, how can I post data to Exact Online? There are not that many concrete examples to find online.
You can't log on to the Exact Online REST API with Basic authentication, the mode you are using now.
The web service uses OAuth as authentication mechanism, meaning you have to acquire a token first. The steps to do so are outlined in the official documentation.
It will need some work on your end to register an app, get the flow up and running. Depending on your business needs, you might be helped with one of the apps for Exact Online by the company I work for.
You need to retrieve the CurrentDivision through GET Request https://{Base Uri}/api/v1/current/Me only from OAuth then you need to assign
CurrentDivision to whatever may be the API call .../api/v1/{CurrentDivision}/../....
Without authorization by Auth 2.0, neither is impossible.
To authorize the ExactOnline API calls you have to do the following:
Register the app in the developer portal. Bear in mind that you have to do a separate registration for French, UK or Dutch version of ExactOnline (this is indeed a pain).
In case you want your application to be used by other accounts than yours, you have to submit the app for validation, this usually takes 2-3 weeks.
EO uses standard OAuth 2.0 schema (very similar to what Google is using with their services). You have to use endpoint GET /api/oauth2/auth for building an authorization link and endpoint POST /api/oauth2/token for obtaining both access and refresh tokens.
Please bear in mind that many Auth 2.0 services are proving long-lasting refresh token. This is not the case of EO. The refresh token is invalidated every time when the access token is requested (endpoint POST /api/oauth2/token). With access token new refresh token is supplied, so make sure you update you refresh token as well.
The access token is placed in HTTP header as "Authorization: Bearer {{ACCESS_TOKEN}}"
In case you want to automate the EO API calls and do not want to code anything on your own, you can try one of the pre-build Exact Online API connectors, created by the company I work for.

How to keep a user signed in on an Electron app using Auth0?

There seem to be no complete explanations of how to do this, or even enough fragments for me to piece together what I have to do. After about 16 hours of studying, I am at wit's end.
It seems like I can't use SSO, and I also can't use PKCE because there is no working example anywhere on the web. There is a github repo with an example implementation, but it does not function and after 2 hours playing with it I cannot determine what I need to do to move forward this way.
Thanks for any help.
You can add offline_access to your scope (e.g. "scope": "offline_access openid something:else",) and this will yield you a refresh_token.
Auth0 currently supports unlimited refresh_token usage, so when your access_token expires (you either can track expiration time manually using "expires_in": 86400 value in respones or react on 401 response from api) - you can send your refresh token to OAuth2 api endpoint and receive new access token back. They have few descent articles about this matter and what you need to configure for your clients and API as well as what not to do (depending on your client security assumptions).
Take a note - you must secure refresh_token properly - store it in some reliable store and prevent any external scripts from accessing it. I assume with electron app you can do it more reliable than with a public website.

ASP.NET MVC DotNetOpenAuth authorization server how-to

I have this scenario: a corporate site (MVC 4) and a web shop; add OAuth 2 SSO functionality. Both sites have their own members, but the corp site (for which I'm responsible) must also work as an OAuth 2 authorization server and will store a web shop user id for each member. The shop requested the following endpoints:
Auth endpoint
• authorization:
• token
API endpoint
• getid (will return JSON with the shop id of the member):
I don't have experience with OAuth, so I was looking at the DotNetOpenAuth samples and have concluded that I need to implement an OAuthAuthorizationServer, but modifying the sample to fit my requirements is difficult as it seems to do more and is complex.
As researching DotNetOpenAuth seems to be so time consuming, I'd like to ask: is modifying the OAuthAuthorizationServer sample the right approach? Or should I try to make a native implementation or try a different OAuth library that may be easier to use in my situation?
Please comment on my overall plan:
-keep the corp site member login flow standard forms auth, straightforward LogOn controller
-add an OAuth controller that will implement the three required endpoints as actions
-when the authorization action is reached, I validate the client and redirect to LogOn passing on the redirect_uri; I think the Authorize ActionResult from OAuthController.cs from the sample is where I should start investigating this, and return an AccountAuthorizeModel. Is this correct?
-after the user logs in, and if the login page was reached from the authorization endpoint, I redirect to redirect_uri with the code attached; I don't know where to start with this one. PrepareApproveAuthorizationRequest then PrepareResponse? Where does the code come from? Where in the flow should I add a new ClientAuthorization in the database?
-the shop will then use the code to get or refresh the token, from the /token endpoint; simply return HandleTokenRequest?
-with the token the shop site will be able to get the member data JSON; have to find out how to validate the token
Now, besides adding a Clients table to store the client ids and secrets, and ClientAuthorization to keep track of who's authorized, I don't know if the other tables from the DotNetOpenAuth sample are used and when: Nonce, SymmetricCryptoKey, User.
Modifying OAuth2AuthorizationServer.cs seems straightforward, I only have to add real certificates and make sure the clients are pulled from my data context.
I think you are right in most of the points. Let's comment them:
OAuth server should have 2 endpoints (not 3), as requesting token and refreshing token goes to the same endpoint (TokenEndpoint).
It depends if your are going to implement a different authentication server (or controller), or you are going to implement the authentication responsibility inside the authorization server. In case they are separated, the authentication server should be the one responsible of displaying the logon, authenticate and communicate with authorization server using OpenID protocol (Also supported by DotNetOpenAuth).
Once the user is authenticated, the authorization server should store the data of the user identity somehow, and return the authorization code (if using this Oauth flow) using DotNetOpenAuth functions:
var response =
return this.AuthServer.Channel.PrepareResponse(response);
I don't think you need to save nothing about the authorization process in the database, and the code is generated by DotNetOpenAuth and sent to the client into the query string of the redirection.
Then, the client should get the code (ProcessUserAuthorization) and call the TokenEndpoint. This endpoint is just returning HandleTokenRequest, that internally is calling to some OAuthAuthorizationServer functions, such as CreateAccessToken.
Once the client has the access token, it should call the resources, sending the token into the HTTP Header 'Authorization'. The resource server is the responsible to validate the token.
var resourceServer = new ResourceServer(new
StandardAccessTokenAnalyzer(signing, encrypting));
AccessToken token = resourceServer.GetAccessToken(request, scopes);
A store provider for nonce and crytoKeys is needed using this flow. Have a look to class InMemoryCryptoKeyStore in:
Hope this helps!