Apache Isis Conditional Rendering of UI elements - isis

I am brand new to Apache Isis but was curious to know one thing. My work depends alot on filling forms but the forms should be able to handle conditional rendering of UI elements. For example a form can ask the question 'how old are you?', and if the response is above 18 years the following question is 'did you vote in the last election?' whereas if the response is below 18 years the following question is then 'are you working or studying?'. So elements rendered depend on previously answered questions, is this possible in Apache Isis?

The short answer is no, not particularly easily.
If you use an action prompt then you can easily tab through multiple fields (these being the argument values of the action) but the framework currently does not support the hiding of argument fields based on preceding fields. We have an idea of how to implement this, but it has never got particularly close to the top of the "to-do" list.
Alternatively, you could use a view model to represent the form being filled in. Here a view model does support optional hiding of fields - this time they are properties of the view model. The caveat here though is that each property is entered individually from the next (similar to how JIRA works); the user cannot just tab through multiple properties.


JSF best strategy to populate datatable

I'm fairly new to JSF, and to coding itself. I'm working with JSF for 9 months now, and I noticed two ways of populating data tables:
-when pagination link is clicked, then new query is executed with given first and last record to show from results
-when user loads page query is executed and records are store in bean, so when pagination link is clicked, there is no query only giving records from stored result list (primefaces)
And here is my question :
Witch way is better?
I assume that second way need more memory, but it's used by primefaces, so I'm not sure that this is 'the right way'
First way need less memory - it gets only records needed to show, but isn't it to slow?
PS - BalusC - I hope you will take part in this discussion, since I see your answers very helpful, and explanatory:)
Personally when it comes to populating and managing a datatable. I feel the lazy-loading is the best practice. This is not a JSF specific way of loading the data, however; a few component libraries make it easy to implement (Primefaces, Icefaces, etc...).
Lazy-loading will help maintain large amounts of data, making sure the your page doesn't hang up and will keep a smooth user experience.
Primefaces LazyDataModel
Icefaces datatable(Already implemented)
Rich-faces Lazy Loading

Best practice when using multiple forms - vb.net

What is the best practice for having many different menus/screens/forms in a visual basic program? Would it be to just make a new form for each menu or screen that I want? Or are there other better options?
I am not trying to make this overly complicated, I have a group project to work on and we all have different skill levels. That said it has peaked my curiosity so I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask before I got started.
I can see this question being closed pretty quickly as being too open ended so allow me to get in my key gripe on this before that happens... no .Visible property for TabControl pages? Seriously, Microsoft??
Which brings me to the key point. If the forms are in some way related but not necessarily identical I prefer to use a single form with different tabs, despite that glaring shortcoming in the control. (Which you don't have to look far to find workarounds for on SO, but a workaround is still a workaround.) Dynamically manipulating controls at run time is another side of this coin, though one that I tend to use more rarely... but that's just a personal thing.
In a recent application, for instance, I had lists of several types of objects. They were related, but performed quite different functions and the user wouldn't really need to look at more than one list at once. As a result I used one form with a tab for each object list to keep the users' display less cluttered.
Similarly when doing a GL app recently I had the journal header and journal line entries (which go to different tables in the back-end database) in separate parts of the one form. On the other hand asset creation was sufficiently different that I created a different form, despite the creation process sharing some of the underlying data. (That is, journal line data.)
I don't believe in the concept of "best practice" because what's a good practice in one situation may be a very bad one in another. However the "rules of thumb" that I use are:
- Keep the number of forms to a minimum to keep overhead low and reduce maintenance BUT
- If there is no logical "tie" between two functions, don't be afraid to make a new form because trying to maintain one form which performs 7 different roles is a guaranteed path to madness and frustration, especially if you break something inadvertently.
Yes, the two rules conflict, but in a way I see this aspect of design as being akin to database normalisation; there's a sweet spot between over-normalising (a separate form for each and every display) and under-normalising (trying to shoe-horn too many unrelated functions into one form). At the very least the rules always give me pause to think "do I need this form, or does it relate to something that I've already done?"
And the third rule of thumb is, obviously... always look at it from the point of view of your user. Are they going to feel like you're bouncing them around too much? Do all of the forms share a look and feel and, more importantly, control layout so that they always know where to find something?
All of these things will vary from app to app, and there's never one size that will fit all IMHO.
In my case, when I am dealing with multiple forms, I use MDI Parent Form to avoid multiple items in the windows task bar.
Another unusual solution is to set each forms ShowInTaskbar property to false.

Edit a small SQL rowset using forms in Django

I'm interested in displaying 1-5 model instances using forms on a page using a grid similar to something one would find in a desktop database application. I understand I would need to use multiple forms or formsets but an additional requirement is that I'd prefer it to be in more of a grid format with each model's fields being display in columns with common field labels on the y-axis.
I should have the ability to edit multiple columns (so in effect, model instances) at the same time and then commit either the single column (model instance) or commit all. I'd also like to be able to highlight the changed cells that have changed to give visual feedback to the user that there are pending changes.
Sorry for the rather long list of requirements and I'm aware this probably requires a few different technologies/techniques to achieve. I'm throwing this out there because I'm asking this kind community for guidance on what components/technologies I should look at. If luck would have it, there would be some jQuery component that can handle this for me almost out of the box. If not, some guidance on achieving the editing of multiple model instances would be of help.
I will also need to build in versioning in case the data displayed on the view page is stale and to prevent overwriting a newer commit. I'd probably achieve the latter using a versioning field in the table that will perform the check and handle it accordingly.
Also, Flask and Django are both options for the engine and WTForms look to be promising at least at first look.
There is no such ready to use solution in Django. Just create your custom form that handles as many instances as you want and do anything that you want, or extend formset.

Are there VB.NET UI Templates for Managing a DataSet?

Is there a quick and easy way to make a VB.NET user interface for managing the data in a normalized DataSet?
I know that is a very subjective question, so let me explain. For a brief period early in my career, I used to create user interfaces in Microsoft Access. I developed a simple, but very effective approach to user interface design. Here are some details of that approach:
Create one form per table. Put on
each form all controls necessary to
completely manage one row in the
Use combo boxes for
foreign-key columns.
Give the user a
standard way to add rows and delete
Use Apply and Undo buttons.
the user navigate from one row to
another with a list box.
Provide a
search box and filter options for
more efficient navigation.
Let the
user double-click on controls
representing foreign-key columns to
quickly navigate from one form to
Make the state of each form
persistent (so the user always
returns to the last navigation point)
Simple, right? I found that Access encouraged this approach. It has many built-in features that make this kind of UI easy. For instance, creating a combo box to represent a foreign key relationship takes about 10 seconds.
Well, I haven't worked in Access for a while. A couple of years ago, however, I was hired to write an application in VB.NET on the NET 2.0 framework. To get a data management user interface up and running quickly, I used my Access experience to write a quick & easy prototype in Access -- that took me about one week. Then I hired a programmer to implement that same UI in VB.NET. What a nightmare! We've been working on that implementation for a year, and I'm still very unsatisfied with the results. Some of the problems we are having:
Apply and Undo buttons don't work quite right. We can't find an event that tells us when the form is "dirty" (thus making Apply and Undo relevant).
Navigation from row to row and from form to form requires surprisingly complicated code. I get the impression that we are fighting against NET's binding features, not working with them the way they were intended to be used.
The NET controls seem buggy. For instance, when the user types a value into a combo box (as opposed to choosing it from the drop down), it doesn't trigger the SelectedValueChanged event.
We seem to be repeating a lot of information. For instance, the DataSet knows there is a relationship between the columns in two tables, but we must nevertheless effectively repeat the details of that relationship when we program the combo boxes, binding, navigtation features, etc.
We still don't have good solutions for the filter and search features. There are lots of little details to work out. (For instance, what if you choose a filter that doesn't include the currently displayed row?)
We are writing many helper functions and classes to simplify the work, and I can't figure out why that effort hasn't already been done by others -- I'm certain we are reinventing the wheel.
By themselves, none of the above are a big deal -- there are effective solutions to each one. Taken together, however, these problems are making my UI development go much slower than expected.
In an ideal world, I should be able to create a small amount of code relevant to my specific data model (for instance, one user control per table establishing the layout and logic relevant to the rows in that table) then integrate that code into a template which interprets the data model and handles everything else -- navigation, adding and deleting, apply and undo, search and filter, etc.
Thus, my question: Is there anything out there which makes this type of UI development easier?
I've searched the web for various combinations of "generic forms", "UI templates", "data managment forms", etc., but I haven't found anything on topic. Perhaps I just don't know the buzzwords. Is there a specific name for this type of UI development task?
Create UCs for each table. Drop a grid control onto the UC and bind it to the tables dataset using VS's wizard. Select the options that allow for insert, update, delete. Each row on the grid will have those buttons/actions automatically added for you.

How to Auto-update the repeating table by selecting the checklist of information in Infopath2010?

using infopath 2010, sharepoint 2010
To do - I have 3 view forms and in first form i have checklist of information when i tick/select it should appear in third form which is repeating table.
what i did is create a set field rule if checklist A is true then repeating table equal 'A' it only work for one selection from checklist if more than one select the answer is still one selection in repeating table.
created the data connection of datalist in sharepoint connected with infopath repeating table but doesn't work
so how to autoupdate the repeating table by selecting the checklist of information, kindly guide me.
To do this it takes a little bit of coding - I don't believe there is any way directly in the interface (rules/conditions/etc). You found out the drawback pretty quickly - the rules only populate the first item. It isn't a huge pain but isn't exactly easy.
What you want to do is use the "changed" event for the checkbox list and have your code manually update the form XML (add nodes under the repeating section). They will automatically show up on your form as you manually change the XML.
It is a bit of work but comes out quite nicely. Only try to implement it if you really need the functionality and know a bit about infopath and coding. We used the technique to create a "summary" list of many separate checkbox lists.