Downloading/Fetching Client session metadata from tokbox Inspector - tokbox

Given a session ID or for the last 10 sessions the Inspector tool provides interesting metrics regarding bitrate, packetloss and latency. Is there an existing API or a way in which we can download this information for each session ID?
Also would it be possible to fetch information of the sessions which are not the recent 10 via an API? If there's no API, is there a way I can log this information from each of the ClientEvent or ClientQos network requests to a database?

I am still learning Tokbox API.
Currently, inspector is limited to 10 last sessions, and I never came across a method to call inspector using Tokbox API. Therefore, the best thing is to log the information by yourself.
In GitHub example [], Tokbox has mentioned that using network stat API information regarding the packet drops and audio/ video framerates can be fetched if you are using Tokbox media router.
Tokbox js developer reference has the same information, which I copy pasted below.
Returns the details on the subscriber
stream quality, including the following:
• Total audio and video packets lost
• Total audio and video packets received
• Total audio and video bytes received
• Current video frame rate
You should be able to save periodically the stats received by calling getStats() method to a database.
I will publish an example, based on my free time.


"Invalid state transition" response when switching from test to live

I have a problem with the YouTube Livestreaming API, and it is only causing a problem on one single account.
The CMS I support has a live to YouTube function that automatically schedules and delivers a livestream from our studios to YouTube as a parallel channel to our website. We support multiple teams who all authenticate their accounts against our application to do this.
About 6 weeks ago we had a single group report that they are no longer seeing their content streaming live to YouTube. All the other accounts, as well as our test channels, are working fine.
With the account in question we can see the livestream get created, the broadcast is created, and they are bound together. Once the encoders are started we are able to successfully transition the stream to "TESTING" without problem approximately 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Where we are seeing the problem is in the final step where we transition the stream from "TESTING" to "LIVE" at the starting time of the broadcast. We get a response with "(#100) Status transition not allowed" when we attempt to transition to live. Prior to this step we retrieve the lifeCycleStatus value, and it shows as "TESTING".
If a user logs into YouTube Studio at this point, they are able to manually transition the stream to live.
The fact that this is working with multiple other accounts, and all are using a common code base and app, I am concerned that there is something about the account itself that is causing this issue. I have not been able to see any significant differences in the account settings when comparing with our test account.
Is there any way I can get further information about why the transition is failing, or something I should be specifically looking for as a potential problem?

Generate composition for p2p video recording on Twilio

I am using twilio to in my app for a peer to peer video chat (using Small Group Room with max 2 participants). I have enabled video recording in my backend so I am able to record and save the videos but the problem occurs when I try to use the compositions API.
Composition API requires video_sources which is an array of video sources that will be used in the composition. Nowhere on the documentation it says how I can set the video source value. I can grab the PARTICIPANT SID and use that but it would be much much easier if I can use a value that is stored in my database. Users are also able to disconnect from the room and connect again so I need to keep track of video sources of a user.
Has anyone came across this issue?
This is a perfect example of what I mean by custom video_source
Link to Twilio Documentation
The compositions API is only supported for Group Rooms.
Comparing Room Types

OpenTok/TokBox: is there a way to limit the number of published streams allowed in a session?

I'm using OpenTok Web Client SDK and OpenTok .NET Server SDK to generate TokBox sessions that are always going to be multiparty conferences with video being published by many.
I'd like to limit the number of streams that can be published and somehow set that as a session property. Right now I know this value - the number of current publishers - in the client side, and I can of course prevent a new user to publish, but I'm running into this scenario where two users try to publish at the same time, and both are accepted. Ideally the user who published the very first of the two should be accepted, so I'm wondering if there is a way to set this property in the TokBox "server side", as a session property, so the server would reject a new publisher if max. reached.
Please notice that I don't have any server state on my own that keeps track of the created sessions nor how many publishers they have, etc.
Adam here from the OpenTok team.
There is no server-side setting available in OpenTok to limit the number of streams allowed. You could do something like I suggest in this answer though. Where you keep track of streamCreated Events and look at the creationTime property and if your stream is the n-th then you unpublish. Or you can forceUnpublish the n-th stream.

Youtube API's maximum number of video uploads per day

We are building an app with a video upload functionality. We were wondering if we could use a Youtube account to upload all of our user videos. They should only be accessible via our app... we don't mind if ads show up while viewing them.
If the app grows, we're looking at potential thousands of uploads per day.
Does Youtube support this? If a few videos get flagged, will the "master" account be shut down?
Finally, if Youtube is the not right choice, do you have any recommendation? We would like to avoid hosting them as much as possible... Since streaming large amounts of videos is an enormous challenge for a start up.
Thank you!
Some information on the video uploads:
This method supports media upload. Uploaded files must conform to
these constraints: Maximum file size: 128GB Accepted Media MIME types:
video/*, application/octet-stream
You can get the qouta information here:
Projects that enable the YouTube Data API have a default quota
allocation of 1 million units per day, an amount sufficient for the
overwhelming majority of our API users.
Different types of operations have different quota costs.
A simple read operation that only retrieves the ID of each returned
resource has a cost of approximately 1 unit. A write operation has a
cost of approximately 50 units. A video upload has a cost of
approximately 1600 units.
Yes, youtube can block API access, not only on flagged videos, but at any time as described here:
24.2 Termination by YouTube. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, YouTube reserves the right to (i) suspend or terminate access to, or
use of, any aspects of the YouTube API Services by you, your API
Client(s) and those acting on your behalf), and (ii) terminate the
Agreement (or any portion thereof), as applied to any specific user or
API Client, category of users or API Clients, or all users or API
Clients at any time. For example, we may need to exercise such rights
in instances of your breach of this Agreement, court order, when we
believe there to have been misconduct or conduct which may create
potential liability for YouTube or its Affiliates. Although we will
try to give you reasonable notice, we have no obligation to do so.

Can you upload data to the Google Analytics API?

There are companies out there that claim to "integrate" data into GA. I know some phone call tracking companies in particular. Is there a way that they are uploading data to GA through the API or are they using some other method that doesn't require that?
There is no upload mechanism into Google Analytics besides manual __utm.gif calls like in the browser. Both Google Analytics APIs (Data Export and Management) are completely Read-Only.
There are a few ways these solutions work, but one of them is to generate a unique identifier for the person calling in to give the person on the other line. That code is linked to their referral information (grabbing from the cookies). Another solution is to have the customer manually input their phone number. That phone number is then dialed by the software and connected to the live person, and in the background the phone number is linked to the source information from the cookies.
Then, the person receiving the call either inputs the code it into the system, or automatically has the user's information, and at the completion of the call, depending on how it is resolved, can generate things like e-commerce transactions or particular pageviews for Goals, so it can generate __utm.gif calls with the relevant campaign and user data appended. As far as Google Analytics is concerned, the request formed is the same user. The only thing that will be different is the User Location (which is fairly inaccurate to begin with.)
ie, if I take the __utm.gif call from my computer, paste it to you, and you click it, Google will see that as an another pageview on this visit, and for most purposes ignore that the differing locations.
Well, Google Analytics works off the a tracking GIF with all kinds of data appended to it, so it can certainly be reproduced by these phone call tracking folks without a problem.
Phone call comes, request the 1x1.gif from google with tracking data suiting your needs, and the hit+data will soon register on GA.
There are several options to send tracking data to Google analytics.
Use a library which implements the ga.js script server-side
When you use Google Analytics in the way described by Google, you include a script on your website. This script sends data from the visitors browser to the Google Analytics server.
This script has been reverse engineered and implemented in server-side libraries. Now you can send the same data from the server to the Google Analytics server. You can use PHP-GA for PHP or pyga for Python.
Use the Google Analytics measurement protocol
The Google Analytics measurement protocol is a new API to send data to Google Analytics. You can send data by sending POST requests to the API.