Not asking camera and photo library permissions in ios 11 - camera

I am facing an issue in camera and photo library permission in iOS 11.0.
I have entered permissions in Info.plist given below :
if I open image picker it is not asking for permissions but it is working in iOS 10.
I have checked lot of questions but didn't find any solution.
checked Questions given below :
Question 2
Question 3


How to add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription, NSCameraUsageDescription, and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription to info.plist for react-native-image-picker

I'm new to xcode and react-native. I'm trying to use react-native-image-picker to add a user profile (uploaded to s3). react-native-image-picker's getting started assumes you have knowledge of info.plist. I'm not 100% sure how to proceed given:
For iOS 10+, Add the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription,
NSCameraUsageDescription, and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription (if
allowing video) keys to your Info.plist with strings describing why
your app needs these permissions
I know the info.plists are found in the ios folder, but
which info.plist do these permissions need to get added to (there's multiple inside ios folder: build, RNapp, RNapp-tvOS, RNapp.xcodeproj, etc)?
how does the XML look?
Should this be happening in xcode instead of my text editor?
if you don't providing the privacy key in Info.plist, then your app is crash. You can see its log why crashed.
You will find these code below in the info.plist of your xcode , open in text editor.
adding these will grant the permission for using camera, PhotoLibrary, Video
<string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Camera Usage</string>
<string>${PRODUCT_NAME} PhotoLibrary Usage</string>
<string>${PRODUCT_NAME} Video Subscribe Usage</string>
add ti info.plist
<string>Photo Library Access Warning</string>
You want to edit the plist that you need the permissions for. If you are making a mobile app that would be: RNapp.
You could do this in a text editor but the easiest way to do it is in Xcode.
Open the plist, on the last item (making sure it is not expanded_ hit the + button to create a new row to provide a key to define a value for. Xcode should autocomplete on the keys you provided above and set the value to the appropriate type.
Hope this helps.

App name appears as Xcode project when downloaded but is different on app store

I recently released a new build of an app to the app store a bit ago. On iTunes connect I set the name which is displayed on the dashboard and in the app store, but when downloaded on a device, the name is the same as the original Xcode project on my computer. What is up with that? Is there something in the plist I need to change?
Many thanks.
AFAIK, you have to change the bundle name in info.plist. It's default is $(PRODUCT_NAME). And this product name is the one you put while creating the app in XCode at the beginning.
The App Store data is taken from the info you uploaded in iTunesConnect.
Also, if this varies widely then your app might got rejected. Check the guideline 3.4. About 2% of apps get rejected for this, check here.
The name that should be displayed on the device itself is defined on the plist in XCode in the Bundle Display Name field. The name that's displayed on the App Store is defined on iTunesConnect in the App Name field.
The two fields don't affect one another but they should be similar enough so that Apple's review team won't reject the app.

How to upload iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus screenshots using iTMSTransport?

I've tried many times to upload iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus screenshots without success.
I've managed to get it working and without errors. The Terminal logs even show that the screenshots were in fact uploaded, but I couldn't see them for the languages I updated it.
Anyone having the same issue?
Right now you cannot unfortunately. I've contacted apple support, so keep fingers crossed that they'll update the tool soon.

iOS Game Center simple leaderboard

I have an iOS app using Sprite Kit that I would like to add a simple leaderboard. I have tried several tutorials, but all are for an older version of Xcode and iTunes connect. As of now I have successfully authenticated the user (ie. when I open the app it says welcome back, or asks to log in if I am not logged in).
Could someone please point me in the direction of a tutorial that encompasses a simple leaderboard (such as in Flappy Bird) that will explain the iTunesConnect side and coding within my app that is up to date with iOS 7 and Xcode 5? Thank you!
The apple documentation for leaderboards is quite good. It explains how to do the iTunes connection portion and another page has the Xcode implementation with code examples.
You can find the iTunes connect info here:
The code examples are here:
Outside of that the app coda link that Iraklii mentioned is a great one.

Image not showing up with other hashtagged images and Gramblr

I am not a developer but I am a university researcher studying informal education through social media.
Recently I just had my account disabled when I tested the application gramblr for uploading photos to Instagram. As I have a few members of my learning community who wanted to participate but could not afford a smartphone I wanted to find them alternate options.
Presently anything I upload and tag does not show up amidst other images with the same tag.
This is a big problem as I am the lead researcher and the community organizer, and I lead through example, as well as create various educational avenues through the use of tags.
Please help me to resolve this issue as soon as is possible.
Thank you
I was having the same problem. Gramblr actually broke my Instagram account. I had to delete it and start with a new account. Here is how I figured out how to upload photos from my PC with no smart phone:
1 - Download and install BlueStacks: When running, this program will produce an environment in which you can run popular apps on your computer.
2 - Search for the Instagram app within the BlueStacks App Player & install it. Also search for the Roots Browser app and install it as well (you'll use this app to upload photos from your computer.)
3 - Open Instagram inside BlueStacks & either register a new account or sign in with an existing one.
4 - Open the Roots Browser app and navigate to the desired folder where you will be storing images copied from your computer. I chose SD Card > Pictures. Pull the image(s) into the folder & drop it. It will ask you where you want to send it - choose Instagram.
5 - Open the Instagram app. To upload photos from your computer you must go into the Instagram settings (maybe under Advanced Settings) and disable/uncheck the Instagram camera. In the lastest updates the placement of this checkbox option has changed, so it may take some looking around to find it.
6 - In the Instagram app, click on the camera icon to upload a photo. Choose gallery & then navigate through your Root Browser to the folder where you dragged in your chosen image(s). Choose an image.
7 - Post as you would normally by following the prompts/icons to progress.
I ran into 1 more issue. It turns out that my BlueStacks Instagram app would get stuck after choosing the photo & trying to continue with posting. The screen would turn black & nothing happened for a very long time. I ended up having to update my graphics card drivers & that fixed the problem. If you need help updating your graphics card driver(s) see the website. It will help you to figure out what drivers can be updated. You'll have to download the proper version for your computer operating system & install it on your computer. Double click the icon on your desktop after installation to run it & then hit the refresh button in the browser on the ma-config website. Follow prompts to download drivers needed.
This is the method that worked for me. There are several other methods if you search YouTube with combinations of words including BlueStack & Instagram.
Blue stacks has tons of adware/malware etc. according to my security software, the better work around is dropbox. Put the image in drop box on your computer, then on your phone select your photo from dropbox. A bit long winded but it works.