Lodash : Regex pattern stored in a variable - lodash

var s="Fred";
_.replace('Hi Fred', s, 'Barney');
Result : "Hi Barney"
I want to know how to use replace function when regex pattern is stored in a variable.
var s="Fred";
_.replace('Hi Fred', /s/, 'Barney');
Result : "Hi Fred"

This question isn't specific to lodash, really. You just need to create the regex with the RegExp constructor instead of the literal syntax:
var s="Fred";
var r=new RegExp(s);
var result = _.replace('Hi Fred', r, 'Barney');
// "Hi Barney"
Check here for more help:
How do you use a variable in a regular expression?


How to replace string characters that are not in a reference list in kotlin

I have a reference string on which the allowed characters are listed. Then I also have input strings, from which not allowed characters should be replaced with a fixed character, in this example "0".
I can use filter but it removes the characters altogether, does not offer a replacement. Please note that it is not about being alphanumerical, there are ALLOWED non-alphanumerical characters and there are not allowed alphanumerical characters, referenceStr happens to be arbitrary.
var referenceStr = "abcdefg"
var inputStr = "abcqwyzt"
inputStr = inputStr.filter{it in referenceStr}
This yields:
But I need:
I also considered replace but it looks more like when you have a complete reference list of characters that are NOT allowed. My case is the other way around.
val referenceStr = "abcd][efg"
val replacementChar = '0'
val inputStr = "abcqwyzt[]"
You can do this with a regex [^<referenceStr>], where <referenceStr> should be replaced with referenceStr:
val result = inputStr.replace("[^${Regex.escape(referenceStr)}]".toRegex(), replacementChar.toString())
Note that Regex.escape is used to make sure that the characters in referenceStr are all interpreted literally.
Alternatively, use map:
val result = inputStr.map {
if (it !in referenceStr) replacementChar else it
}.joinToString(separator = "")
In the lambda decide whether the current char "it" should be transformed to replacementChar, or itself. map creates a List<Char>, so you need to use joinToString to make the result a String again.

BigQuery UDF to remove accents/diacritics in a string

Using this javascript code we can remove accents/diacritics in a string.
var originalText = "éàçèñ"
var result = originalText.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "")
console.log(result) // eacen
If we create a BigQuery UDF it does not (even with double \).
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION project.remove_accent(x STRING)
return x.normalize("NFD").replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "");
SELECT project.remove_accent("éàçèñ") --"éàçèñ"
Any thoughts on that?
Consider below approach
select originalText,
regexp_replace(normalize(originalText, NFD), r"\pM", '') output
if applied to sample data in your question - output is
You can easily wrap it with SQL UDF if you wish

Getting the name of the variable as a string in GD Script

I have been looking for a solution everywhere on the internet but nowhere I can see a single script which lets me read the name of a variable as a string in Godot 3.1
What I want to do:
Save path names as variables.
Compare the name of the path variable as a string to the value of another string and print the path value.
Eg -
var Apple = "mypath/folder/apple.png"
var myArray = ["Apple", "Pear"]
Function that compares the Variable name as String to the String -
if (myArray[myposition] == **the required function that outputs variable name as String**(Apple) :
print (Apple) #this prints out the path.
Thanks in advance!
I think your approach here might be a little oversimplified for what you're trying to accomplish. It basically seems to work out to if (array[apple]) == apple then apple, which doesn't really solve a programmatic problem. More complexity seems required.
First, you might have a function to return all of your icon names, something like this.
func get_avatar_names():
var avatar_names = []
var folder_path = "res://my/path"
var avatar_dir = Directory.new()
avatar_dir.list_dir_begin(true, true)
while true:
var avatar_file = avatar_dir.get_next()
if avatar_file == "":
var avatar_name = avatar_file.trim_suffix(".png")
return avatar_names
Then something like this back in the main function, where you have your list of names you care about at the moment, and for each name, check the list of avatar names, and if you have a match, reconstruct the path and do other work:
var some_names = ["Jim","Apple","Sally"]
var avatar_names = get_avatar_names()
for name in some_names:
if avatar_names.has(name):
var img_path = "res://my/path/" + name + ".png"
# load images, additional work, etc...
That's the approach I would take here, hope this makes sense and helps.
I think the current answer is best for the approach you desire, but the performance is pretty bad with string comparisons.
I would suggest adding an enumeration for efficient comparisons. unfortunately Godot does enums differently then this, it seems like your position is an int so we can define a dictionary like this to search for the index and print it out with the int value.
var fruits = {0:"Apple",1:"Pear"}
func myfunc():
var myposition = 0
if fruits.has(myposition):
output: Apple
If your position was string based then an enum could be used with slightly less typing and different considerations.
reference: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_basics.html#enums
Can't you just use the str() function to convert any data type to stirng?
var = str(var)

Kotlin String substitution not working when string is read from file

I have written a code that reads a text file. The text files contain placeholders which I would like to replace. The substitution does not work this way and the string is printed with the placeholders. Here is the code that I have written for this:
class TestSub(val sub: Sub) {
fun create() = template()
fun template() = Files.newBufferedReader(ClassPathResource(templateId.location).file.toPath()).readText()
data class Sub(val name: String, val age: Int)
Here is the main function that tries to print the final string:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val sub = Sub("Prashant", 32)
However, when, instead of reading a file, I use a String, the following code works (Replacing fun template())
fun template() = "<h1>Hello ${sub.name}. Your age is ${sub.age}</h1>"
Is there a way to make string Substitution work when reading the content of a file?
Kotlin does not support String templates from files. I.e. code like "some variable: $variable" gets compiled to "some variable: " + variable. String templates are handled at compile time, which means it does not work with text loaded from files, or if you do something else to get the String escaped into a raw form. Either way, it would, as danielspaniol mentioned, be a security threat.
That leaves three options:
Creating a custom engine
I don't know what your file contains, but if it's the String you used in the template function, change it to:
<h1>Hello {0}. Your age is {1,integer}</h1>
This is for MessageFormat, which is my personal preference. If you use String.format, use %s instead, and the other appropriate formats.
Now, use that in MessageFormat.format:
val result = MessageFormat.format(theString, name, age);
Note that if you use MessageFormat, you'll need to escape ' as ''. See this.
String substitution using ${...} is part of the string literals syntax and works roughly like this
val a = 1
val b = "abc ${a} def" // gets translated to something like val b = "abc " + a + " def"
So there is no way for this to work when you load from a text file. This would also be a huge security risk as it would allow for arbitrary code execution.
However I assume that Kotlin has something like a sprintf function where you can have placeholders like %s in your string and you can replace them with values
Take a look here. It looks like the easiest way is to use String.format
You are looking for something similar to Kotlin String templates for raw Strings, where placeholders like $var or ${var} are substituted by values, but this functionality needs to be available at runtime (for text read from files).
Methods like String.format(str) or MessageFormat.format(str) use other formats than the notation with the dollar prefix of Kotlin String templates. For "Kotlin-like" placeholder substitution you could use the function below (which I developed for similar reasons). It supports placeholders as $var or ${var} as well as dollar escaping by ${'$'}
* Returns a String in which placeholders (e.g. $var or ${var}) are replaced by the specified values.
* This function can be used for resolving templates at RUNTIME (e.g. for templates read from files).
* Example:
* "\$var1\${var2}".resolve(mapOf("var1" to "VAL1", "var2" to "VAL2"))
* returns VAL1VAL2
fun String.resolve(values: Map<String, String>): String {
val result = StringBuilder()
val matcherSimple = "\\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)" // simple placeholder e.g. $var
val matcherWithBraces = "\\$\\{([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)}" // placeholder within braces e.g. ${var}
// match a placeholder (like $var or ${var}) or ${'$'} (escaped dollar)
val allMatches = Regex("$matcherSimple|$matcherWithBraces|\\\$\\{'(\\\$)'}").findAll(this)
var position = 0
allMatches.forEach {
val range = it.range
val placeholder = this.substring(range)
val variableName = it.groups.filterNotNull()[1].value
val newText =
if ("\${'\$'}" == placeholder) "$"
else values[variableName] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Could not resolve placeholder $placeholder")
result.append(this.substring(position, range.start)).append(newText)
position = range.last + 1
return result.toString()
String templates only work for compile-time Sting literals, while what u read from a file is generated at runtime.
What u need is a template engine, which can render templates with variables or models at runtime.
For simple cases, String.format or MessageFormat.format in Java would work.
And for complex cases, check thymeleaf, velocity and so on.

Escape ${something} in a Kotlin String

What is the correct way of defining a Kotlin string that includes the characters for declaring a template substitution, but not have this evaluated as a template?
For example: "${something}" just treated as an ordinary string.
I would like to use the Spring value annotation:
#Value("${some.property}) lateinit var foobar : String?
This works for me:
val s = "\${foo}"
println("s = ${s}") // prints s = ${foo}
The documented way also works fine:
val s = "${'$'}{foo}"
println("s = ${s}") // prints s = ${foo}