Mongoose Methods not stored in Session? - express

I'd like to use a Method defined in the Mongoose Model after saving the retrieved Object to a Session. Its not working though. Is it normal that these methods get lost after storing it to the session?
Calling Method from Mongoose Model works fine:
Puppies.findOne({_id:123}).then(puppy => puppy.bark()) // WOOF WOOF
Storing Model in Session and calling method fails:
// First Request
Puppies.findOne({_id:123}).then(puppy => {
req.session.puppy = puppy
// Second Request somewhere else in the app
req.session.puppy.bark() // req.session.puppy.bark is not a function

I've got the exact issue, but I believe what happens is that when you're storing the variable in session, it's being toObject()'d, causing it to become a simple JavaScript object, instead of remaining as an instance of Model. I've used Model.hydrate as a means of recreating this Model instance.
let puppyModel = mongoose.model("puppy");
let puppy = puppyModel.hydrate(req.session.puppy);
puppy.bark() // Awooo
This essentially is creating a new Model and then filling it with all the relevant information so it acts a clone.
Because it is needing all the relevant information to make an update (including _id if you have it), I believe you may need to extend the toObject function to return getters/virtuals:
puppySchema.set('toObject', { getters: true, virtuals: true });
Else, when it attempts to save, and it's missing the _id field, it won't be able to save it.
I do hope someone else can provide a nicer method of doing this and/or explain why when storing it it has to be converted to an object and can't remain as an instance of Model.

I think what Ciaran Blewitt said was correct. Finally worked around it by just using mongoose statics:
schema.statics.bark(puppy) {
Storing Model in Session and getting desired effect via static:
// First Request, storing Puppy in Session
Puppy.findOne({_id:123}).then(puppy => {
req.session.puppy = puppy
// Second Request somewhere else in the app
Puppy.bark(req.session.puppy) // WOOF WOOF


vuex-persistedstate not saving class methods

I'd like to preference this by saying my backgrounds in in C# so I like declaring methods within my classes. I've created a user class that contains properties and methods and I've added this to my vuex-persistedstate. One of the methods is a logout() method which clears out the properties. When I tried to invoke this method I got the following error:
TypeError: this.$data.user.logout is not a function
I then reviewed local storage and noted the user did not have reference to the class method. So I went ahead and copied the logic from the method into my vue component and it worked so I'm assuming the issue is vuex-persistedstate does not save references to methods which is why the method call did not work.
I'd like to declare the logout method in one location rather than spreading it out across vue components, what is the best practice for accomplishing this? Is it possible to do this in the class declaration or do I need a user helper file?
Sure Berco! My code is also up on GitHub so you can review it there too, but basically it seems to me that vuex does not store methods. The first file you should review is my user.js file:
In this file I have a method called shallow clone which takes the info received from the API and assigns it to the user:
shallowClone(data) {
if (data !== undefined) { =;
this.userName = data.userName;
this.firstName = data.firstName;
this.lastName = data.lastName;
this.nickName = data.nickName;
this.fullName = data.fullName; =;
this.isActive = data.isActive;
this.isAdmin = data.isAdmin
this.isSuperUser = data.isSuperUser;
this.dateCreated = data.dateCreated;
this.dateUpdated = data.dateUpdated;
this.isLoggedIn = data.isLoggedIn;
You of course don't need to abstract this away but I've found it makes the code easier to maintain.
Then in the mounted() lifecycle hook I assign the user received from the API to the component user via the shallowClone method. Please bear in mind I've done additional work on this project and the login form is now it's own component which receives the user as a prop from the app:
mounted() {
let self = this;
window.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
this.$data.user = new User();
The full code can be reviewed here:
I found a solution... I'm working on improving it. Basically I use the values pulled from localstorage into vuex to create a new user object in the vue component that has reference to the methods located in my user class declaration. I recalled recommendations that we should create clones of objects pulled from vuex for use within the vue component. I'm still refining the code but that's basic idea.

If method returns data then load in module(view) - Aurelia

Forgive me for my ignorance but I've just started out with Aurelia/ES6 and a lot baffles me at the moment. I'm completely new to client side frameworks, so hopefully what I'm trying to achieve is possible within the framework.
So as the title indicates I'm fetching data within a class:
import {inject} from "aurelia-framework";
import {HttpClient} from "aurelia-http-client";
let baseUrl = "/FormDesigner/";
export class FormData{
this.http = httpClient;
return this.http.get(`${baseUrl}/GetFormById/${formId}`)
.then(resp => resp.content);
Now I can see/receive the data which is great but after digging into the docs I cannot seem to figure out:
Load a separate related module/view by Id into the main view (app.html)
If no data, error and no Id passed then redirect to no-form view
User A navigates to "FormDesigner/#/form/3E7689F1-64F8-A5DA0099D992" at that point "A" lands on the form page, now if successful and data has been returned pass the formId into a different method elsewhere and then load in a module/view - Pages, possibly using <compose></compose>
This is probably really simple but the documentation (in my opinion) seems rather limited to someone that's new.
Really appreciate any guidance/high level concepts, as always, always much appreciated!
Sounds like you might want to just partake in the routing lifecycle
If you are navigating to a module you can create an activate method on the view model which will be called when routing starts.
In this method you can return a promise (while you fetch data) and redirect if the fetch fails
In fact if the promise is rejected, the routing will be cancelled
If successful you can use whatever method you need to load in your module (assuming it can't just be part of the module that is being loaded since routing won't be cancelled)
Something like
activate(args, config) {
this.http.get(URL).then(resp => {
if (resp.isOk) {
// Do stuff
} else {
// Redirect

AngularJS/Ionic How to correctly get data from database to display in view?

What is the correct/best approach to get data from a database for something like calendar and its events.
I think there are two possible ways:
1) Should I get all data from the database and save it in a $scope object, so that I access the SQLite db only once and work with the object later on
2) Should I only get the data for the currently selected day of the calendar, and if I want to display another day, I do another sql query.
EDIT: the database is local, so network perfomance is no matter
I think it depends on what is more important for you and how big the data is.
If you are working with a local database you have keep in mind that you always have to do async operations to get data from your database. So you always have a little time (depending on the device performance) where the promises have to get resolved even if its on local db.
My ionic application follows the concept 2 of your options without using any cache. The trick to render correct data is to resolve relevant data before entering the view.
My stateprovider looks like this:
.state('app.messages', {
url: "/messages",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "pathToTemplate.html",
controller: 'ExampleMessageListCtrl'
resolve: {
messages: function($q,DatabaseService) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
//All db functions are async operations
DatabaseService.getMessageList().then(function (messageList) {
}, function (err) {
return deferred.promise;
//Disable cache to always get the values from db
In the controller you can access the messages variable via injection:
.controller('ExampleMessageListCtrl', function ($scope,messages) {
var loadMessages = function() {
$scope.messages = messages;
The benefits of this concept with resolving the data before entering the state is that you always get the data which is inside the db without rendering frames with empty data inside, which comes from default data inside the scope variables.
I think options 1 is the right option if you want to display data very quickly. The challenge in this case is to hold your cached data synchronized with the data in the database without loosing much performance, which I think is not very easy.

Durandal KO binding when data is fetched in activate

A parameter governs what data is to be displayed. The parameter is retrieved from activationData in the activate method of the view model and used in a call to a Web Api method. Data is returned, and added to the view model like this
define(['durandal/app', 'knockout', 'moment'],
function (app, config, ko, moment) {
var vm = {
app: app
vm.activate = function (activationData) {
vm.ChecklistInstanceId = activationData.ChecklistInstanceId;
url: "api/ChecklistInstance/" + vm.ChecklistInstanceId,
headers: { Authorization: "Session " + app.SessionToken() }
}).done(function (data) {
$.extend(vm, ko.mapping.fromJS(data));
return vm;
Inspecting the viewmodel immediately after it is extended reveals that it is decorated with observables exactly as expected. For example, vm.Caption() exists and returns the string I expect, and vm.Section() is an appropriately populated observable array, and so on down a fairly elaborate object graph.
The problem is the binding phase has already occurred, and at that time the view model lacks all the observables to which I'm trying to bind.
Two possible strategies suggest themselves:
obtain the parameter earlier
I don't know how to do either of those things. Can anyone tell me how to re-organise my code to allow binding to parametrically fetched data?
A third possibility occurred to me:
define(['durandal/app', 'knockout', 'moment'],
function (app, config, ko, moment) {
var vm = {
app: app,
Caption: ko.observable(),
Section: ko.observableArray()
vm.activate = function (activationData) {
vm.ChecklistInstanceId = activationData.ChecklistInstanceId;
url: "api/ChecklistInstance/" + vm.ChecklistInstanceId,
headers: { Authorization: "Session " + app.SessionToken() }
}).done(function (data) {
var foo = ko.mapping.fromJS(data);
return vm;
This works because all the observables exist in the binding phase. This might seem surprising given that I describe only the root of a potentially deep object graph, but the fact that the observable array is empty causes the binding phase to exit without a hitch.
Later in the activate handler, values are added to the observable array after ko.mapping has its way with the data, and binding succeeds.
I have a sense of dèja vu from this: it is eerily reminiscent of problems solved using forward declarations in TurboPascal back in the eighties. La plus ça change...
In order to work on a fully-constructed view, you will need to move your logic to either the attached handler or the compositionComplete handler. As you said, at the activate stage, the DOM isn't yet fully constructed. You can read about these lifecycle callbacks here.
Typically, what we do is pass the activationData in through the activate handler, store the activationData locally (if your viewModel is instance-based, then on a property in the constructor), and then reference that activationData in the attached or the compositionComplete handler.
You can fetch the data in the activate handler, and then store the data locally. But that's all you should do there. Reserve view-related logic for later in the cycle. In this case, you may need to return a promise from activate, and then resolve upon receiving your data. You can read about it here.
Take a look at this post, and the conversation there.

Variable in controller is lost when passing between views

I am currently stuck with an issue in my MVC 4 application. I have private variable in controller, that holds instance of a simple class:
private InstallationStatus status = null;
When data get submitted on a view, it gets filled like this:
InstallationStatus installStatus = Install();
if (installStatus != null)
status = installStatus;
TempData["installPercent"] = 0;
return View("InstallationProgress", status);
This part works as intended, variable is set to the instance as it should be.
After that view periodically checks another variable (using ajax):
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var progress = 0;
$("div.status-message").text("Progress: " + progress + "%");
var statusUpdate = setInterval(function () {
type: 'GET',
url: "/AppStart/GetInstallProgress",
datatype: "application/html; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
progress = parseInt(data);
if (progress >= 100) {
var data = $(this).serialize();
type: 'POST',
url: "#Url.Action("CompletedStatus", "AppStart")",
success: function () {
window.location = "/Login/Login"
$("div.status-message").text("Progress: " + progress + "%");
}, 2000);
When it calls "CompletedStatus" action on the controller, variable "status" on the controller is null (the instance set previously is not there?
How do I ensure that its value will persist? It seems to me like whole instance of controller gets lost, but that doesnt really matter to me - the source for "status" is webservice and once I get the instance of InstallationStatus, I cant get it again - I need to keep it.
I tried using TempData to store it but since there can be more than one step between storing it and retrieving it TempData proved unreliable.
The final process is:
Request installation status and navigate to view for installation progress (status will be received when progress will finish).
navigate to view where I will by updating installation progress
using javascript whenever I get callback from server with info about
when installation finishes (status is returned) pass that status to
another view
In the example above I have some dummy code-behind, so the status is returned immediately, but that has no impact on the problem I have.
Currently I can do 1 and 2 and I can call the final view, but I cant pass the status in there because I dont have it on controller anymore and TempData are not reliable for this (sometimes it is still there, sometimes it is not).
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
When it calls "CompletedStatus" action on the controller, variable
"status" on the controller is null (the instance set previously is not
How do I ensure that its value will persist?
private InstallationStatus status = null;
It won't unless it's a static value and that would be a very bad thing to do. Remember that variable values (private members' values) are only scoped within the http request. If you do another request then that's a totally whole new scope for your private variables.
I tried using TempData to store it but since there can be more than
one step between storing it and retrieving it TempData proved
That's because TempData will not have the value you expect it to have once you do another request. One good example of using this TempData is when you want to pass/move some values between a POST and GET, that is when you do a POST and do a redirect. TempData does not fit your case.
Now for a possible solution to your scenario, a good question is: is the installation process called once? Is it unique per user? If it is, which I highly suspect it is, then you need to uniquely identify each request. You can simply use a GUID to identify each request. Save that into your database (better than saving in a session) along with some other information like the status of the installation. Pass that guid back to your client and let them pass it back to the controller and retrieve an update on the status of the installation.