React Native IOS Build CFBundleIdentifier Does not Exist - react-native

I have create sample React Native project and following the tutorial as per react native website.
I have try to run the application IOS simulator, its throwing error as below ,
The following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution Install\ Third\ Party /Users/Test/Documents/REACTJS/SampleReactNative/ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
(1 failure)
Installing build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=2):
Failed to install the requested application
An application bundle was not found at the provided path.
Provide a valid path to the desired application bundle.
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
Command failed: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:CFBundleIdentifier build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
my environment setup information,
node version v9.8.0 npm version 5.6.0 react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.54.2 xcode 9.2
Please help us to resolve the issues.

I have the same problem right after init:
react-native init myapp
cd myapp
react-native run-ios
..although run-android was fine.
Not a solution but a workaround for the moment, maybe be to init using a lower version of RN:
react-native init myapp --version react-native#0.51.0
That builds okay.
Similar in an existing project, install an older version of RN.
Other versions before 0.54.2 might work but I haven't tried.
(edited 2018/4/2)
Found my solution from this link:
RN 0.54 requires types available since iOS 11. So you have to upgrade your xcode and set minimum iOS version in your app to 11
In short, upgraded OSX & Xcode to the latest. (As of today, OSX 10.13.4 Xcode & 9.3)

This may happen because of some library files not found.You need to follow some steps That I have done and it is worked perfectly for me.
1.) go to Xcode project -> Target -> select build Phase -> Go to target dependies -> Click on + -> add "react" and press add.
2.) Xcode > Product -> scheme > manage sceme -> click on + button -> targetName(React) -> Okay -> make shared of this by select checkbox under shared column.
3.) Clean your project and try to build, If it is getting some error like "glog/logging.h file not found" or "cofig.h file not found" in Xcode and "CFBundleIdentifier not exist" then do not worry. You are just one step far. This is may occurs if you are missing config.h file, For this you need to update config.h file. For this
4.) follow below steps
a.) close your Xcode
b.) Open terminal with the project (Or you can directly left click your project and drag your folder to closed terminal, [It will automatically take the path from your that corresponding folder])
c.) write command
cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4/
d.) Run the configure scripted file by the command
e.) now close terminal and go to terminal with your project root path. now try final run your iOS project by
react-native run-ios

For XCODE 10.0,
I did two things
1) check out this answer
which basically says
Go to File -> Project settings
Click the Advanced button
Select "Custom" and select "Relative to Workspace" in the pull down
Change "Build/Products" to "build/Build/Products"
2) If (1) doesn't work for you then open your project from xcode
go to project navigator and select your project name --> go to info --> use debug for command-lines builds.
do this
3) go to terminal and react-native run-ios

Run the command:
react-native upgrade
react-native run-ios
react-native run-android

Try to add CFBundleIdentifier in the Info.plist as:

I experienced this issue due to the xcode 12 upgrade, and I solved my problem by upgrading my rn by using this command:
react-native upgrade
then go to podfile change your:
pod 'ReactCommon/callinvoker', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon"
pod 'React-callinvoker', :path => "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/callinvoker"

Do you have CFBundleIdentifier in your Info.plist?
If not than add it for eg. com.ios.learning

Usually, this error comes up due to inconsistent versions (either of react-native, OS or XCode). I had the same issue with react-native v0.57.0 on MacOS Sierra and XCode v9.x.
All I had to do was to upgrade to High Sierra and then XCode to v10.0.
Otherwise, you'd have to use an older version of react-native either by downgrading it
or by initialising a project with an older version
react-native init test --version react-native#0.x.x

In my case, just delete the build directory, Pods directory, node_modules directory and running yarn install, pod install and npx react-native run-ios solves the issue.

React Native is trying to install your app on a different app name for some reason. What you can do is in Xcode --> build settings --> packaging --> change the product name to the one given in the path which the simulator is trying to install.
Look at this:

npm uninstall react-native
delete ios and android folder
then run :
npm install react-native
react-native upgrade


framework version upgrade causing problem to my project

I was building a react native project and got an upgrade message when I run "yarn run ios":
simctl[5640:1381079] CoreSimulator detected version change. Framework version (857.14) does not match existing job version (857.13). Attempting to remove the stale service in order to add the expected version. error Could not get the simulator list from Xcode. Please open Xcode and try running project directly from there to resolve the remaining issues. SyntaxError: Unexpected token I in JSON at position 0、
However, after this upgrade, there is something wrong with my project. Any suggestion how to back to the old version?
I tried to use other version of ios simulator and tried to clean the xcode build, but its not help.
I ran into a similar issue. The trick was
Quit all iOS simulators
Let Xcode install the newest iOS simulators
Run the project from the Xcode workspace.
After that I was able to start the simulator again from npx react-native run-ios --simulator='iPhone 14' or yarn run iOS

Integrate viro-react into react-native project

Anyone here managed to integrate viro-react into react-native project? I followed the instruction in
the documentation
After that, I executed the project but not able to run.
This is the error that I got
Even though I run with gradlew installOvrDebug, still it failed.
If your configurations are correct then try running with any of these variants
ArDebug, GvrDebug or OvrDebug
Example running apllication with Augmented Reality:
react-native run-android --variant=ArDebug
react-native run-ios --variant=ArDebug
I solved this problem with the following method:
Go to the Navigate to the node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runAndroid/runAndroid.js file and edit the lines that include installDebug change it to installArDebug
Go to the terminal and npm start
Open another terminal and react-native run-android
*Make sure that your device is plugged in and that you have android studio sdk paths in your environment variables. This should do the trick!

cannot create iOS folder on my react native app

I am asking this question for the third time and I don't get it why no one even tries to help on this, is this question not well explained? If you can ask for more information I can give!
I am having trouble created iOS folder inside my react native app(detached) as when I created the app I created it from windows machine and iOS folder didn't come when I wrote: exp detach
Now that I have got a macOS, how can I get to create iOS folder so I can use that to build from xCode. I tried react-native upgrade, this is telling me that I have some version conflicts, so I don't want to upgrade it actually, I just want to have iOS folder on my react native.
What would be the best solution in here?
Interestingly I tried exp detach over my detached app and it created iOS, it's working! hopefully this will help anyone!
Please follow the below steps:
Step I: Ensure below installable are installed
Java Sdk Android Studio
Xcode (in case of OSX)
HomeBrew (in case of OSX to install node)
Node/NPM (Node runs Javascript outside the browser. NPM is used for installing and managing Dependencies. Node and NPM come
Those are some essential installs that you will need in your Project
**Step II: **
For windows/OSX you need to run the following commands in your command prompt/command line:
This is the important part for running a react native project:
**Step II: **
npm install -g react-native-cli
Then you can use this cli to start a new project like this:
**Step III: **
react-native init
Hope this helped you, please vote..

React-native Xcode build fails -> 'RCTAssert.h file not found'

I did exactly the steps which are described here in the React-native getting started guide:
When I open the Project and build it, the build fails:
RCTAssert.h file not found' in MyProjectNameTests.m .
What am I missing?
Here are the steps from the getting started guide:
OS X - This repo only contains the iOS (7+) implementation right now,
and Xcode only runs on Mac.
Xcode 6.3 or higher is recommended.
Homebrew is the recommended way to install io.js, watchman, and flow.
Install io.js 1.0 or newer. io.js is the modern version of Node.
Install nvm with its setup instructions here. Then run nvm install
iojs-v2 && nvm alias default iojs-v2, which installs the latest
compatible version of io.js and sets up your terminal so that typing
node runs io.js. With nvm you can install multiple versions of Node
and io.js and easily switch between them.
New to npm?
brew install watchman. We recommend installing watchman, otherwise
you might hit a node file watching bug.
brew install flow. If you want to use flow. We recommend
periodically running brew update && brew upgrade to keep your
programs up-to-date.
Quick Start
npm install -g react-native-cli
react-native init AwesomeProject
In the newly created folder AwesomeProject/
Open AwesomeProject. xcodeproj and hit run in Xcode. Open index.ios.js
in your text editor of choice and edit some lines. Hit cmd+R in your
iOS simulator to reload the app and see your change!
The test application can't find the header because it's not in the header search path.
In the left hand file list, hit the top left "folder" icon, then select your application at top left. In this case "AwesomeProject".
To the right of that, where the application icon appears, hold down to change to AwesomeProjectTests.
On the right side, click on the 'Build settings' tab.
Then scroll down to Header Search Paths and change "$(SRCROOT)/node_modules/react-native/React" to "$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native/React".
The app should now compile.
I got the same issue as daniel but I already have the right path in xcode ...
0.10.0 is my version
It's an issue in 0.10.0, and it has been fixed just now.
You need to re-generate your project. Refer to this PR:
seeing same issue here and it seems react-native is latest on 0.10.0, i was using 0.8.0 and was running fine. May be to disable the test target for now?
Before testing any option from the above mentioned solutions, just clean your xCode and build the app again. That helped me
I had the same issue (I just had changed my apple ID password). I needed to redo the code signing configuration.
This happened to me on a React Native project.
I rolled back my code to a version that I knew built successfully and still got this error. How is this even possible? There's two hours of my life I'll never get back. I write this here on the chance I save you from the same fate.
In my case when I jump from my IDE in which I code my react-native project over to Xcode I open it from Spotlight.
At this point it is so easy to click the wrong icon on the right hand side. I accidentally clicked on the Xcodeproj file instead of the Xcworkspace. Easy to do, once it loads everything looks exactly the same, I was none the wiser.
The only indication that something had gone wrong was the build errors. Worse this error looks like a dependency management issue sending you down completely the wrong path in a resolution attempt.
This is not just a React Native specific issue, but something all Cocoapod users need to remember.
ADD the React Path to Podfile
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'YourProject' do
pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native'
target 'RNFirebaseTests' do
pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native'

React native RTCRootView.h not found

I'm trying to use React native and I am getting an error in xcode that says "Lexical or preprocessor error 'RTCRootView.h' not found." I have checked and this file is in the framework folder and I have tried moving it into the project as well and still have not been able to eliminate the error and successfully build.
In the example directory, run npm install to install the dependencies.
Then, open swipeoutExample.xcodeproj and run.
edit (2015-10-12):
react-native-swipeout has been updated to use the latest react-native including ./ios and ./android directories.
iOS: Open the xcode project in the ./ios directory and run it.
Android: Start a simulator, then run react-native run-android in project root directory. (note: swipeout is currently incompatible with Android, but will be soon.)
Running npm install might work for some people, but it didn't work for me.
What worked for me was in XCode > Product > Clean
Sometimes it might be because the node_modules folder is missing in your project directory.
Move the node_modules folder to your project
run npm install in your project directory
Just faced with the same error. In my case it was because of typing error. I replaced RTCRootView.h with RCTRootView.h (RCT is an abbreviation of ReaCT).