Flatlist visible position - react-native

I'm trying to render an curved vertical list like this iOS component: https://github.com/makotokw/CocoaWZYCircularTableView
That component (written in Obj-c) iterates the visible cells when laying them out, and sets the frame (i.e. indent) using asin.
I know in React Native I can set the leftMargin style in the renderItem callback, but I can't figure out how to get the on-screen index of the item - all I have is the index into the source data. And also, at that point, I don't think I have access to the absolute position.
Any ideas?

The function you are looking for is
You can use it with viewabilityConfig which provides us with
which can be set accordingly
minimumViewTime: 3000,
viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold: 100,
waitForInteraction: true,
_onViewableItemsChanged = (info: {
changed: Array<{
key: string,
isViewable: boolean,
item: any,
index: ?number,
section?: any,
//here you can have the index which is visible to you

Thanks for both answers.
What I have ended up doing is deriving the visible items using the scroll offset of the list. This is simple because the list items all have the same height.
I do this in the onScroll handler, and at that point I calculate the horizontal offset for each item (and I use leftMargin / rightMargin to render this). It's not perfect, but it does give me an elliptical list.
_handleScroll = (event) => {
const topItemIndex = Math.floor(event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y / LIST_ITEM_HEIGHT);
const topItemSpare = LIST_ITEM_HEIGHT-(event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y % LIST_ITEM_HEIGHT);
const positionFromEllipseTop = (forIndex-topItemIndex)*LIST_ITEM_HEIGHT+topItemSpare;
const positionFromOrigin = Math.floor(Math.abs(yRadius - positionFromEllipseTop));
const angle = Math.asin(positionFromOrigin / yRadius);
if (orientation === 'Left') {
marginLeft = 0;
marginRight = ((xRadius * Math.cos(angle)))-LIST_ITEM_HEIGHT;
alignSelf = 'flex-end';
else if (orientation === 'Right') {
marginLeft = (xRadius * Math.cos(angle))-LIST_ITEM_HEIGHT;
marginRight = 0;
alignSelf = 'flex-start';

React-native's FlatList component has a prop called onLayout. You can get the position of the component on screen with this prop.
Invoked on mount and layout changes with:
{nativeEvent: { layout: {x, y, width, height}}}
This event is fired immediately once the layout has been calculated,
but the new layout may not yet be reflected on the screen at the time
the event is received, especially if a layout animation is in


React native dynamic flatlist height

I have a FlatList that has 2 potential heights on a screen depending on what is being shown. There are top and bottom bars that show by default and when the FlatList is scrolled down, the bars are hidden and the FlatList expands to take up the full screen.
The problem is when the FlatList shifts between the 2 different heights, the content inside will shift slightly. I have already figured out that I need to apply a scroll offset of the height of the top bar (54), however i'm having issues doing that.
const [scrollOffset, setScrollOffset] = useState(0);
const [scrollDir, setScrollDir] = useState("neutral");
<FlatList ...
onScroll={(event) => {
const screenHeight = Dimensions.get('window').height - SAFE_AREA_INSETS.top - SAFE_AREA_INSETS.bottom;
const currentOffset = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y;
const diff = currentOffset - (scrollOffset || 0);
if (Math.abs(diff) < 3 || currentOffset < 0 || currentOffset > (event.nativeEvent.contentSize.height - screenHeight)) {
else if (diff < 0 && currentOffset <= (event.nativeEvent.contentSize.height - screenHeight)) {
// Top and bottom bars are shown and flatlist height is adjusted ...
if(scrollDir !== 'up') {
flatlistRef.current.scrollToOffset({ animated:false, offset:currentOffset + 54 }); // Not working as intended
else {
// Top and bottom bars are hidden and flatlist height is adjusted ...
if(scrollDir !== 'down') {
flatlistRef.current.scrollToOffset({ animated:false, offset:currentOffset - 54 }); // Not working as intended
The scrollToOffset method seems to trigger onScroll to think its going in the opposite direction which causes oscillations, which from the code makes sense. Any ideas to make this work correctly?
Here is a link to a video of this happening
When I scroll up/down to unhide/hide the top and bottom bar, you'll see the content in the center jump up/down. It makes sense why this is happening, the height of the center content changes which causes the jump. I want the content to stay scrolled in the same position when changing the height.

Accounting for SVG viewBox in react native using PanResponder

I'm trying to make an SVG element draggable inside but PanResponder doesn't account for the SVG viewBox causing the dragged element to not follow the touch around the screen.
I've tried utilizing the X and Y values of the touch event to affect the X and Y value of the SVG element, but get a worse effect than when I use the PanResponder. When I switched to using just the X and Y values of the touch event I tried to convert the touch event X and Y to the SVG coordinates by using an equation I found on svgwg.org.
viewBox: "0 0 960.1 1856.51"
Code used when I was converting X Y values to SVG cordinates
svgXYConvert = (eX, eY) =>{
let eW = this.props.width;
let eH = this.props.height;
let [vbX, vbY, vbW, vbH] = this.props.viewBox.split(" ");
// Calculate the scale of elements and vb
let scaleX = eW/vbW;
let scaleY = eH/vbH;
// translation points
let translateX = eX - (vbX * scaleX);
let translateY = eY - (vbY * scaleY);
return [translateX, translateY];
PanResponder component
import React from 'react';
import {PanResponder, Animated} from 'react-native';
import {Image, G, Rect} from 'react-native-svg';
const AnimatedG = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(G);
class DragImg extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
pan: new Animated.ValueXY({x: this.props.x, y: this.props.y}),
x: this.props.x,
y: this.props.y,
componentWillMount() {
this._panResponder = PanResponder.create({
onPanResponderTerminationRequest: () => false,
onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (e, gesture) => true,
onPanResponderGrant: (e, gesture) => {
onPanResponderMove: Animated.event([
null, { dx: this.state.pan.x, dy: this.state.pan.y}
onPanResponderRelease: (e) => {
let imgStyle = {transform: this.state.pan.getTranslateTransform()};
return <AnimatedG style={imgStyle} {...this._panResponder.panHandlers} x={this.state.x} y={this.state.y}>
<Image href={this.props.href} height={this.props.height} width={this.props.width} />
<Rect fill="transparent" height={this.props.height} width={this.props.width}/>
export default DragImg;
When this is rendered inside of an SVG that is 100% height of the device, I am forcing landscape on an iPad, I allow them to zoom the SVG that is being used to see the details clearer. If they zoom in where the SVG takes up the entire screen the element moves at the right speed with the PanResponder and follows the touch perfectly almost, but if they are zoomed out or at the default screen we show them where the entire SVG is visible the dragged element moves slowly and doesn't track well.
I'm not sure what I should be doing differently to get the SVG element to track well regardless of if they are zoomed in or out on the SVG.
I made some similar code. I added an Animated.View with position: absolute so I move it and in the same time the SVG Circleis moved inside of the SVG area. To do it, I scaled the SVG size to have a perfect size with the maxWidth and minWidth. Also, the SVG must have this property: preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin"its because it need to start in (0,0) as start point.
You can see it working here: https://snack.expo.io/#albertcito/svg-pan-responder

"Sticky" center element of horizontal React Native ListView

My complete source code for this issue is posted as an Expo app: https://exp.host/#kevinoldlifeway/swipe-scrollview-of-webviews as well as on Github https://github.com/kevinold/swipe-scrollview-of-webviews
I am building a book view in React Native. Using a ScrollView, I would like to swipe left and right to navigate through the pages of a title that could have several hundred to several thousand.
Since that is the case, my goal is to only the minimal amount of data so that the user is able to swipe between pages, seeing the immediately previous and next pages.
I am loading a 3 element array like so:
[Previous, Current, Next]
That would be updated in the state by Redux (not used here to keep simple) and would re-render and refocus the list.
My goal is that my ScrollView is always "centered" on the "Current" page.
Page scrolls to the previous and next page are handled by a handleScroll method which loads the appropriate precomputed array so that the current page stays in focus, but the previous and next pages (offscreen) are updated appropriately.
handleScroll (event) {
//const x = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.x;
const { activeIndex, scrollTimes } = this.state;
const windowWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width;
const eventWidth = event.nativeEvent.contentSize.width;
const offset = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.x;
console.log('event width: ', eventWidth);
console.log('event offset: ', offset);
console.log('scrollTimes: ', scrollTimes);
//if (scrollTimes <= 1 ) return;
if (windowWidth + offset >= eventWidth) {
//ScrollEnd, do sth...
console.log('scrollEnd right (nextPage)', offset);
const nextIndex = activeIndex + 1;
console.log('nextIndex: ', nextIndex);
// Load next page
} else if (windowWidth - offset <= eventWidth) {
//ScrollEnd, do sth...
console.log('scrollEnd left (prevPage)', offset);
// Load prev page
this.setState({ scrollTimes: scrollTimes + 1 });
I have tried to balance the "current" page using a combination of:
contentOffset={{ x: width, y: 0 }} on ScrollView
componentDidMount() {
// Attempt to keep "center" element in array as focused "screen" in the horizontal list view
this.scrollView.scrollTo({ x: width, y: 0, animated: false });
I've also tried to scrollTo in the callback after this.setState, but have not had any luck.
I'm wondering if this "centering" could be accomplished by using Animated.
I gave this a shot but I'm not entirely sure I understood the problem, and I'm not sure how well this would hold up.
Basically I just simplified the handleScroll function significantly. First checking if we were on a scroll completion and if so determining if when we landed on that screen it was the "previous" screen or "next" - do nothing if it's already the middle screen.
I think in your code the issue was that it would fire and load data if it was the middle screen, not just the first or last. Therefore it would fire twice for each transition.
Here's the handleScroll that I think will work for you.
handleScroll (event) {
const offset = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.x;
const mod = offset % width;
if (mod === 0) { // only transition on scroll complete
if (offset === width * 2) { // last screen
console.log('load more')
this.scrollView.scrollTo({ x: width, y: 0, animated: false });
} else if (offset !== width) { // first screen
console.log('load prev')
this.scrollView.scrollTo({ x: width, y: 0, animated: false });
And a Snack demoing it.

How to render absoulute element inside ListView or FlatList?

Here's a fun one i've been poking at for while:
I have a FlatList (same issue with ListView) and I want to render an element INSIDE the internal scrolling container with the following characteristics:
Absolutely Positioned (thus having no effect on position of list elements)
Position XX distance from top (translateY or top)
zIndex (above list elements)
The use case is i'm rendering a day view calendar grid with a horizontal bar at the current time position fixed at X distance from the beginning of the internal scrollview so it appears as the user scrolls pass that position.
So far i've tried wrapping wrapping FlatList/ListView with another ScrollView... also tried rendering this element as the header element which only works while the header/footer are visible (trashed when out of view).
Any and all ideas welcomed. :)
Screenshot Below (red bar is what i'm trying to render):
Here's a working demo of what it sounds like you're trying to achieve: https://sketch.expo.io/BkreW1che. You can click "preview" to see it in your browser.
And here's the main code you need to measure the height of the ListView and place the indicator on top of it (visit the link above to see the full source):
handleLayout(event) {
const { y, height } = event.nativeEvent.layout;
// Now we know how tall the ListView is; let's put the indicator in the middle.
this.setState({ indicatorOffset: y + (height / 2) });
renderIndicator() {
const { indicatorOffset } = this.state;
// Once we know how tall the ListView is, put the indicator on top.
return indicatorOffset ? (
<View style={[{ position: 'absolute', left: 0, right: 0, top: indicatorOffset }]} />
) : null;
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
onLayout={(event) => this.handleLayout(event)}
Edit: I now understand that you want the indicator to scroll along with the list. That's a simple change from above, just add an onScroll listener to the ListView: https://sketch.expo.io/HkEjDy92e
handleScroll(event) {
const { y } = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset;
// Keep the indicator at the same position in the list using this offset.
this.setState({ scrollOffset: y });
With this change, the indicator actually seems to lag behind a bit because of the delay in the onScroll callback.
If you want better performance, you might consider rendering the indicator as part of your renderRow method instead. For example, if you know the indicator should appear at 10:30 am, then you would render it right in the middle of your 10am row.

ReactNative: How to measure height of Text Input after programatic change

React Native has documentation for AutoExpandingTextInput: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/textinput.html
The Problem: When the content of the AutoExpandingTextInput is changed programmatically the height never changes.
For example:
componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
richText: this._addHighlights(props.richText)
<AutoExpandingTextInput ref={component => this._text = component}>
Say, for example. the user hits a button that adds a link to the text that wraps to the next line; in this case, the AutoExpandingTextInput never expands, because the height only is measured & changed on the onChange event of the TextInput.
I need some work around to get the content height when no onChange is triggered --- or less ideally, a way to programmatically trigger an onChange to the TextInput.
Are there any solutions????
No need to use the AutoExpandingTextInput plugin any more. The functionality you need is supported (sort of) in react-native now and will resize with a programatic update. Try something like this:
_heightChange(event) {
let height = event.nativeEvent.contentSize.height;
if (height < _minHeight) {
height = _minHeight;
} else if (height > _maxHeight) {
height = _maxHeight;
if (height !== this.state.height) {
this.setState({height: height});
render() {
return (