showing error when accessing private property of ActivatedRoute in angular 5? - angular5

I am trying to store url paths into an array using 'activatedRoute.snapshot.url',it works nicely by storing the url paths into an array based on the '/' delimitor.But when I change my route into lazy loading it returns an empty array,after going through the properties of 'activatedRoute.snapshot' it returns the same results of 'activatedRoute.snapshot.url'(when using eager loading) in 'activatedRoute.snapshot._urlSegment.segments'
when I am using this property following error is shown in my terminal,but it also displays in my browser
ERROR in src/app/rcyc-components/rcyc-channels/rcyc-channels.component.ts(53,44): error TS2339: Property '_urlSegment' does not exist on type 'ActivatedRouteSnapshot'.
how can I solve this issue?Is there any other better way to get the current url paths into an array based on '/' seperator?

Try to use Location or Router services to extract URL from them.


Softlayer API: filter image by OS referenceCode

I am trying to filter out my list of images by OS reference code. Here is the url I am trying:[flexImageFlag]&objectFilter={'children': {'blockDevices': {'diskImage': {'softwareReferences': {'softwareDescription': {'referenceCode': {'operation': 'REDHAT_6_64'}}}}}}}
But I am kept getting the following error msg:
{"error":"Unable to parse object filter.","code":"SoftLayer_Exception_Public"}
Can anyone help me see what is wrong? Thanks in advance!
The filter is wrong, but in my tests the filter is not working with the "referenceCode" property; you need to use another property such as name, version or both. See below the examples:
using name and version property[flexImageFlag]&objectFilter={"blockDeviceTemplateGroups": {"children":{"blockDevices":{"diskImage":{"softwareReferences":{"softwareDescription":{"name":{"operation":"CentOS"}, "version":{"operation":"6.3-32"}}}}}}}}
Using only a property (name in this case)[flexImageFlag]&objectFilter={"blockDeviceTemplateGroups": {"children":{"blockDevices":{"diskImage":{"softwareReferences":{"softwareDescription":{"name":{"operation":"CentOS"}}}}}}}}
Looks like you are using the REST api. The example in the
API reference, suggests that this parameter should be in JSON format:[id,hostname]&objectFilter={"datacenter":{"name":{"operation":"dal05"}}}
Your error says "Unable to parse object filter.", so the error is probably just be that your parameter is invalid JSON: The JSON standard only accepts double quotes.
Try replacing
{'children': {'blockDevices': {'diskImage': {'softwareReferences': {'softwareDescription': {'referenceCode': {'operation': 'REDHAT_6_64'}}}}}}}
with the corresponding valid json:
{"children": {"blockDevices": {"diskImage": {"softwareReferences": {"softwareDescription": {"referenceCode": {"operation": "REDHAT_6_64"}}}}}}}

Recursive/Exploded uri variable with restlet

Does Restlet support exploded path variable (reference to URI Template RFC)?
An example would be /documents{/path*} where path can be for example "a/b/c/d/e".
This syntax doesn't seem to work with Restlet.
I'm creating a folder navigation api and I can have variable path depth, but I'm trying to have only one resource on the server side to handle all the calls. Is this something I can do with Restlet? I suppose I could create a custom router but if there is another way to do this I would like to know.
It is possible to support this using matching modes.
For example:
Hope this helps!
I'm doing the following
myRouter.attach("/documents/{path}", MyResource.class).setMatchingMode(Template.START_WITH);
Now I do get inside the resource GET method, but if I request the value of the path variable, I only get the first part (for example, /documents/a/b/c, path returns "a".) I use getRequest().getAttributes().get("path") to retrieve the value. Am I doing something wrong ?

In Yii, is there a way to have urlFormat => path but still pass query params with an ampersand?

Currently (in Yii 1.1.13) all createUrl methods put extra params in the 'path style', which means I cannot then override them by submitting a form, because they take precedence over those that come in a query string. Is there a way to always pass extra parameters in query string but still have the url look normal and not butt-ugly like with the get urlFormat?
You can set appendParams to false in your urlManager component configuration.

How to enable access struts2's action to retrieve data? I mean how to configure 'target' or others

I tend to use as my grid's store, but I am always failed to access struts2 action, I am unfamiliar in REST, is it only can be used in servlet rather than struts2, etc.
Currently, My project is using struts2 + spring as backend skill and dojo as front-side skill, have you any ways for me to make access a structs2 action class?
Thanks in advance.
to get the data, all you need is an HTTP GET that returns an array of JSON objects. The return value from the action must be a string with something like:
"penUser":"Micha Roon",
"submitTime":"12.03 13:20",
"penUser":"Micha Roon",
"submitTime":"12.03 13:20",
If you want to be able to update objects you have to have a method that reacts to PUT with the same URL as the one you used for GET and if you need to delete, DELETE will be used. The important part is that it must be the same URL.
In order to have JsonRestStore pass the ID in a GET parameter instead of appending it to the URL, you could specify the URL like so:
When you call yourStore.get("123") the request will try to get http://yourserver:port/AppContext/services/jsonrest/formstore?formId=123
REST is nothing more than a convention.
You can use a RESTFull API like in order to make your life easier and your URL more RESTFull.

Trying to place avatar on every page in PHPbb Forum. Only showing up in index page... any ideas?

The website that im trying to make it work on is
The way I get it to show up on the index page is adding this code to the core index.php page right below this:
// Assign index specific vars
'S_AVATAR' => get_user_avatar(
Then I can use {S_AVATAR} in my template but it ONLY shows up in the index file... So another phpbb guy suggested that I take that same code from above and place it in the includes/functions.php file right below this:
// The following assigns all _common_ variables that may be used at any point in a template.
I did that, and though it seemed to "try" and work I clicked on a few pages outside the index page and got a fatal error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_user_avatar() in /home/content/04/6534704/html/phone7forum/includes/functions.php on line 4385
Does anyone have any ideas?
IIRC get_user_avatar() is a function from functions_display. If you want to use it in the functions file, you have to include it.
Put it into an if condition to have it only load if you're on a page where function_display isn't already included:
if(!function_exists('get_user_avatar')){ include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx); }