We use Glass Mapper as an ORM for our MVC Sitecore solution. Sample code used to render an image is below.
RenderImage(item, x => x.Image, new { la = "", #class = "img-circle", alt = item.Image.Alt }, isEditable: true)
Image renders fine, however using this code, I'm unable to edit that image in the Experience Editor. Did anyone face a similar issue? Does anybody have a solution for it?
I would like to add the custom IntelliCode prediction/inline suggestion in Visual Studio with extension. In VSCode, I can use vscode.InlineCompletionProvider/InlineCompletionItem to do that. What's the class/method that would do the same things in Visual Studio extension?
I had the same requirement but I did not find any API for that.
However, what you can do is use adornments to draw a text that looks like code.
Define the adornment:
[Order(After = PredefinedAdornmentLayers.Text)]
private AdornmentLayerDefinition editorAdornmentLayer;
Get the layer and add a TextBlock:
_layer = view.GetAdornmentLayer("TextAdornment1");
// triggeringLine is your current line
var geometry = _view.TextViewLines.GetMarkerGeometry(triggeringLine.Extent);
var textBlock = new TextBlock
Width = 600,
Foreground = _textBrush,
Height = geometry.Bounds.Height,
FontFamily = new FontFamily(_settings.FontFamily),
FontSize = _fontSize,
Text = $"Your completion text"
// put the box at the end of your current line
Canvas.SetLeft(textBlock, geometry.Bounds.Right);
Canvas.SetTop(textBlock, geometry.Bounds.Top);
_layer.AddAdornment(AdornmentPositioningBehavior.TextRelative, triggeringLine.Extent, "your tag", textBlock, (tag, ui) => { });
You can get the current editor settings as follows:
// Get TextEditor properties
var propertiesList = dte.get_Properties("FontsAndColors", "TextEditor");
// Get the items that are shown in the dialog in VS
var itemsList = (FontsAndColorsItems)propertiesList.Item("FontsAndColorsItems").Object;
// Get color for comments
var commentItem = itemsList.Cast<ColorableItems>().Single(i => i.Name=="Comment");
var colorBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(commentItem.Foreground);
var commentColor = Color.FromRgb(colorBytes[2], colorBytes[1], colorBytes[0]);
// Get editor BG
var textItem = itemsList.Cast<ColorableItems>().Single(i => i.Name == "Plain Text");
var bgColorBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(textItem.Background);
var bbgColor = Color.FromRgb(bgColorBytes[2], bgColorBytes[1], bgColorBytes[0]);
// Get font size in points
var fontSize = (short)propertiesList.Item("FontSize").Value;
// Get current font family
var fontFamily = (string)propertiesList.Item("FontFamily").Value;
The issue with this approach is that the styling and font size slightly differs from the editor. Even if you use the editor setting.
However I think that IntelliCode and GitHub Copilot use another technique. As you can see here:
GitHub Coilot
It seems as the whole code is already inserted to the editor but has a special styling/behaviour. So it is possible somehow, but I don't how to achieve that.
For more information on adornments look here for example:
Visual Studio Text Adornment VSIX using Roslyn
You can implement your custom language-based statement completion. Please take a look at:
Walkthrough: Displaying Statement Completion
Implementing Custom XAML Intellisense VS2017 Extension
Visual-studio – Custom Intellisense Extension
Custom Intellisense Extension
Another different option is using GitHub Copilot extension for Visual Studio, it predicts code using AI
I am drawing stencils using Dojo and I need to make some of the stencils "unmovable" - that is, when a user clicks on the stencil, it is not able to be dragged around the screen.
I guess there's not a lot of code to post here as I'm struggling with the Dojo docs to see if this is possible. I'm adding my stencil using the following line of code:
dojoDrawing.addStencil("rect", {
x : someXVal,
y : someYVal,
width : someWidth,
height : someHeight
Any guidance is much appreciated.
Although it doesn't seem ideal, I was able to accomplish what I wanted by making the stencil disabled:
var stencil = dojoDrawing.addStencil("rect", {
x : someXVal,
y : someYVal,
width : someWidth,
height : someHeight
This changes the stencil colors to the disabled state and makes it not selectable and therefore not movable.
I'm trying to generate a PDF following the instructions given in http://railscasts.com/episodes/153-pdfs-with-prawn-revised
I'm able to put a background image on a specific page by doing this:
image "#{Rails.root.to_s}/public/document_assets/1_cover.png", :at => [bounds.left - 30, bounds.top + 50], :fit => [#width, #height]
I also got an image to render on the background of multiple pages at once using:
repeat(2..3) { canvas { image("#{Rails.root.to_s}/public/document_assets/1_bg.png", :at => bounds.top_left, :fit => [#width, #height]) } }
but that renders the image on top of everything else on the page, so no text or other content is visible.
I can't seem to figure out how to set the background image property as described in the Prawn documentation. Does anyone know how to do this?
I figured out the problem. You can set the background option in the PDF class where the margins get set in the railscast example. My issue was that the image I was using was not the right size. When I sized it to 8.5x11" and 72px per inch, it worked.
I am using monotouch dialog to generate a view. I managed to change the background color by subclassing DialogViewController, but the contrast with the section caption makes the text hard to read. How do I change the section caption color?
I am also using a StyledStringElement as a button in the same view. I cant seem to figure out how to shrink this element so that it looks more like a button. Please provide examples. Your help is appreciated.
To solve this issue I used a glassbutton with the it's HandleTapped handler as below.
var butt = new GlassButton(new RectangleF(80,150,150,50))
Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(22),
NormalColor = UIColor.Red,
void HandleTapped (GlassButton obj)
as for the colors, I used miguel's solution here. Hope this helps someone down the road.
In my project, I want to re-open a new tab using ruby code. When user clicks at attachment link, then that pdf should be open in new tab of same window. I tried a lot but I am not getting the way to solve it. Please guide me.
I am not sure if this is possible using Ruby since it deals with the UI part. It is indeed very much possible using HTML and Jquery.
You could simply set the target attribute as blank in the hyperlink redirecting to the PDF and it will open the file in a new tab. Something similar to this :
<a href="http://www.mysite.com/files/xyz.pdf" target="_blank">
If you want to use JQuery for this, you can try something like this :
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a").click(function() {
link_host = this.href.split("/")[2];
document_host = document.location.href.split("/")[2];
if (link_host != document_host) {
return false;