Combining current date code with stored procedure ti use in PowerBi - sql

To get the required table I have to input the value "201801" into the stored procedure query. I want to place the following code:
SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(6), GETDATE(), 112)
In the following Sp:
USE [MDAmanager]
DECLARE #return_value int
EXEC #return_value = [dbo].[sqSupplierBalances]
#Period = 201801,
#SupplierString = 'select SupplierID from Suppliers ',
#SelectionString = 'select * from vSupplierBalances order by
ControlOfficeName, PortfolioName, OwnerEntityName, RegionName,
PropertyName, PropertyManagerName, Custom1Name, Custom2Name,
ServiceTypeDescription, AnalysisCode, SupplierName',
#WithCommitments = NULL,
#UserID = NULL,
#ExcludeInDispute = NULL,
#IncludeSupplierPropertyReference = NULL
SELECT 'Return Value' = #return_value
Is it possible to assign a value to the first code example and replace the "201801" in the second code example with that variable. I have been trying this but not getting it right.
Update: So I realize M query functions and SQL server functions are different. I don't how to go about answering my own question but I figured I'd give the answer here anyway.
I replaced the initial date code with:
Perdiod0 = (Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()) * 100) +
And then just replaced the 201801 with:
'" & Text.From(Period0) & "'
Seems to work now


SQL HTML email showing blank when one table has no results

The following code sends 2 diferent tables based on an sql query through the function sp_send_dbmail , the catch is , if both tables return results , the email shows up without any problem , perfectly. If one of the tables has NO results, the email comes up completly blank.
How can i fix this?
declare #tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX);
set #tableHTML = N'Este foi o resultado de Faturas Emitidas: <br><br><table border ="1">' +
N'<tr><th>Documento</th></tr>' +
cast (( select td = cc.tx
from cc
for xml path ('tr'),type) as nvarchar(max)) +
N' </table><table border ="1"><tr><th>Valor Total Vencido</th></tr>'
cast (( select td =
from fx
for xml path ('tr'),type) as nvarchar(max)) +
EXEC sp_send_dbmail
#profile_name ='xx_SqlMail',
#recipients ='',
#subject ='Resumo',
#body =#tableHTML,
I would suspect that part of your query is returning a NULL value. Concatenating any value with a NULL will always result in NULL.
SELECT 'A' + NULL + 'B' will return NULL.
As you are doing multiple concatenations it would mean that if any value is NULL then #tableHTML will be NULL. Try wrapping your selects in an ISNULL().
select ISNULL(td, '') = cc.tx ...
Any table in your concatenation that returns a NULL will make the entire concatenation NULL.
To resolve this, just wrap each section that could potentially be NULL with an ISNULL().
I had a similar issue where I was running two separate queries and building two tables that I wanted to include in the body of the email. One would occasionally return no values and the email would come back blank. Using ISNULL fixed it for me.
See the code below for an example of what I did:
set #tablesHTML = **ISNULL**(#tableOneHTML,'NO RESULTS')
+ **ISNULL**(#tableTwoHTML,'NO RESULTS')
exec XXXXXX.[XXX].[sp_send_dbmail]
,#recipients = #EmailRecipients
,#copy_recipients= #EmailCopyRecipients
,#subject = 'Email Subject Here'
,#body = #tablesHTML
,#body_format = 'HTML'

Mathematical Function within Sql Case Statement

I am trying to come up with a sql statement which converts the odometer if stored in km to miles. If the odometer is stored in miles, it leaves as it is.
After the conversion, it then needs to check for Search paramters i.e Mileage.
The steps I have taken is using the Case Statement.
Here is my snippet of the select statement that I am using currently:
#Mileage NVARCHAR(75) = NULL,
#IsMiles BIT = 1,
#Converted NVARCHAR(75) = NULL
SELECT [Id],Odometer,IsMiles,
CASE IsMiles when 0 THEN OdometerValue * 0.62137
else Odometer end
FROM [dbo].[Vehicle]
where IsMiles = 0
Is there anyway to pass the Result of the case statement to ConvertedOdometer. I want to use that value to evaluate against the search Mileage parameters.
Something like this with this condition:
(ConvertedOdometer >=0 AND ConvertedOdometer <= #Mileage)
I am new to Case statement so have used these guides:
Sql School
Some Blog
Perhaps something like this ...
#Mileage NVARCHAR(75) = NULL,
#IsMiles BIT = 1,
#Converted NVARCHAR(75) = NULL
select a.* from
(SELECT [Id],Odometer,IsMiles,
CASE when IsMiles=0 THEN OdometerValue * 0.62137 else Odometer end as ConvertedOdometer
FROM [dbo].[Vehicle]
where IsMiles = 0)a
where a.ConvertedOdometer >=0 AND
a.ConvertedOdometer <= #Mileage

Parse SQL Column into separate columns

I'm looking to parse a sql column result into separate columns. Here is an example of the column...
Detail - Column name
'TaxID changed from "111" to "333". Address1 changed from "542 Test St." to "333 Test St". State changed from "FL" to "DF". Zip changed from "11111" to "22222". Country changed from "US" to "MX". CurrencyCode changed from "usd" to "mxn". RFC Number changed from "" to "test". WarehouseID changed from "6" to "1". '
I need to take the old TAXID, new TAXID, old country, and new country and put them in separate columns.
The Detail column will always have TAXID and Country, however the challenging part is that they don't always have the rest of data that I listed above. Sometimes it will contain city and other times it won't. This means the order is always different.
I would create a tsql proc, use a case statement.
Do a count of the double quotes. If there are 8 oairs, you know that you old and new values, only 4 pairs you only have new values.
Then using the double quotes as indexes for your substring, you can put the vales into the table.
Good luck!
I was able to come up with something that worked.
In case anyone else gets a situation like this again perhaps posting my code will help.
DECLARE #document varchar(350);
set #document = 'TaxID changed from "111" to "222"'
declare #FIRSTQUOTE int
declare #SECONDQUOTE int
declare #OLDTAXID nvarchar(40)
declare #firstlength int
declare #ThirdQuote int
declare #FourthQuote int
declare #secondlength int
declare #NewTAXID nvarchar(40)
declare #oneplussecondquote int
declare #oneplusthirdquote int
select #FirstQuote = CHARINDEX('"',#document)
set #firstlength = #SECONDQUOTE - #FIRSTQUOTE
select #OLDTAXID = SUBSTRING(#document,#FIRSTQUOTE,#firstlength)
set #oneplussecondquote = #SECONDQUOTE + 1
select #ThirdQuote = CHARINDEX('"',#document,#oneplussecondquote)
set #oneplusthirdquote = #ThirdQuote + 1
select #FourthQuote = CHARINDEX('"',#document,#oneplusthirdquote)
select #secondlength = #FourthQuote - #oneplusthirdquote
select #NewTAXID = SUBSTRING(#document,#oneplusthirdquote,#secondlength)
You can switch out the string for this: 'Country changed from "US" to "MX"'
And it would grab the old country and new country

visual studio query, with a control parameter

I'm trying to get the following query to work however im not sure exactly how to declare the variable control in the query. The Cause is the control parameter
FROM dist_reason
WHERE (cause_group_cd = '%'Cause'%')
If you are using C# (since it seems you want to call this from code), you would do so as follows:
string sqlStatement;
sqlStatement = string.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dist_reason WHERE (cause_group_cd = '%{0}%')", Cause);
If you were doing this in SQL only, you would declare a variable and it would look like #Cause. For example:
SET #Test = 'Test'
FROM dist_reason
WHERE (cause_group_cd = '%' + #Cause + '%')

Need help joining 3rd table to Stored Proc

I have a stored Procedure that works fine joining 2 tables together. I needed to add a new field from a new table that was not included in the original SP. What I am trying to do is sum a field from the new table for each record that is a child record of the Parent table which is in the original SP.
I tested the Sum based on th parent table in a test query and it works fine:
select totaldollars from TTS_EmpTime where emptimedaytotal_id='32878'
so then the next step would be to integrate into the SP. I did so and have set the new portions of the SP to be bold so you can see what was added. IF the bold portions are removed the SP works fine if not I get this error:
*Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Procedure TTS_RptTest2, Line 11
Column 'TTS_EmpTimeDayTotal.EmployeeID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause*.
Here is my Stored Proc:
USE [TTSTimeClock]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[TTS_RptTest2] Script Date: 03/04/2011 12:29:59 ******/
ALTER procedure [dbo].[TTS_RptTest2]
#BureauID nvarchar(36),
#CompanyID nvarchar(36),
#DivisionID nvarchar(10) ,
#punchDate smalldatetime,
#PeriodDays integer,
#EmployeeID nvarchar(20) = null
--with DayTotals as(
EmpData.EmployeeFirstName AS First,
EmpData.EmployeeLastName AS Last,
EmpData.employeetypeid AS EmpId,
DayTotal.ID as DayTotalID,
-- Format the Date as MM/DD DOW or 2Digit Month & 2Digit Day and the 3Char Day of the week Uppercase
convert(varchar(5),DayTotal.PunchDate,101) + ' ' + upper(left(datename(dw,DayTotal.Punchdate),3))as PunchDate,
-- Format the in and out time as non military time with AM or PM No Dates
substring(convert(varchar(20), DayTotal.FirstDayPunch, 9), 13, 5) + ' ' + substring(convert(varchar(30), DayTotal.FirstDayPunch, 9), 25, 2)as TimeIn,
substring(convert(varchar(20), DayTotal.LastDayPunch, 9), 13, 5) + ' ' + substring(convert(varchar(30), DayTotal.LastDayPunch, 9), 25, 2) as TimeOut,
**sum(cast(EmpTime.TotalDollars as float)) as TotalDayDollars**
from TTS_EmpTimeDayTotal as DayTotal
INNER JOIN TTS_PayrollEmployees AS EmpData
ON DayTotal.EmployeeID = EmpData.EmployeeID
**inner JOIN TTS_Emptime as EmpTime
ON = emptime.emptimedaytotal_id**
DayTotal.BureauID = #BureauID
AND DayTotal.CompanyID = #CompanyID
AND (DayTotal.DivisionID = #DivisionID)
AND daytotal.periodstart =
-- Period start date
FROM TTS_EmpTimeDayTotal
WHERE(BureauID = #BureauID) AND (CompanyID = #CompanyID) AND ( (DivisionID = #DivisionID))
AND (PunchDate = #punchDate)and periodend = dateadd(d,(#PeriodDays - 1),(periodstart)))
AND daytotal.periodend =
-- Period End Date
FROM TTS_EmpTimeDayTotal
WHERE(BureauID = #BureauID) AND (CompanyID = #CompanyID) AND ( (DivisionID = #DivisionID))
AND (PunchDate = #punchDate)and periodend = dateadd(d,(#PeriodDays-1),(periodstart)))
-- Optional all employees or just one
AND (( #EmployeeID is Null) or (DayTotal.EmployeeID = #EmployeeID))
order by Empdata.employeetypeid,DayTotal.punchdate
I am not grouping at all so this must be caused by something else?
Any Help will be appreciated
Is this SQL Server? Looks like it. You're using SUM, an aggregate function, which I don't believe you can use without a GROUP BY clause. Did you always have the SUM in there, or did you add it alongside the new table?
If the latter, that may well be your problem.
Based on OP's comment:
Wow that could be a pain would I do
somehing like groupby field1,field2,
and so on? as in a coma delimited
list. Is there another way to include
this one field that would be better?
Yes, in SQL Server you must be explicit with groupings when using an aggregate function. One alternative in your case would be to do the grouping as a subquery, and join on that, i.e.:
FROM TTS_EmpTimeDayTotal AS DayTotal
INNER JOIN TTS_PayrollEmployees AS EmpData ON DayTotal.EmployeeID = EmpData.EmployeeID
INNER JOIN (SELECT EmpTimeDayTotal_id, SUM(CAST(TotalDollars AS FLOAT)) AS TotalDayDollars
FROM TTS_Emptime
GROUP BY EmpTimeDayTotal_id) AS EmpTime ON = EmpTime.EmpTimeDayTotal_id
And then simply reference EmpTime.TotalDayDollars in the SELECT list, instead of performing the SUM there.