Linux batch rename - batch-processing

I am trying to batch rename multiple files and so far I am pretty close to what I am trying to achieve. I have some files called "website.txt", "website1.txt", "website2.txt", "website3.txt" and I am trying to rename only the files that have a number associated with them (so excluding "website.txt"). My first attempt is as follows (I'm using -n for testing):
rename -n 's/website/website_edit/' *txt
rename(website1.txt, website_edit1.txt)
rename(website2.txt, website_edit2.txt)
rename(website3.txt, website_edit3.txt)
rename(website.txt, website_edit.txt)
As you can see this almost works but it is renaming the "website.txt" file as well which I don't want. So to try and remove it I did this:
rename -n 's/website\w/website_edit/' *txt
rename(website1.txt, website_edit.txt)
rename(website2.txt, website_edit.txt)
rename(website3.txt, website_edit.txt)
This time it did remove "website.txt" from the list but it also removed the the numbers from the end on the new names. I have also tried messing around with some regular expressions as well but to no avail.

Try this :
rename -n 's/website(\d+)/website_edit$1/' *txt
____ __
^ ^
| |
capturing at least one digit captured group


How to replace strings in text with id from second text?

I've got two CSV files. The first file contains organism family names and connection weight information but I need to change the format of the file to load it into different programs like Gephi. I have created a second file where each family has an ID value. I haven't found a good example on this site on how to change the family names in the first file to the ids from the second file. Example of my files:
$ cat edge_file.csv
$ cat id_file.csv
I basically want the edge_file.csv output to turn into the output below, where Source and Target have changed from family names to ids instead.
I haven't been able to figure it out with awk since I'm new to it, but I tried some variations from other examples here such as (just testing it out for the "Source" column):
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$1;next}{$1=a[$1];}1' edge_file.csv id_file.csv
Everything just prints out blank. My understanding is that I should create an array for the Source and Target columns in the edge_file.csv, and then replace it with the first column from the id_file.csv, which is the Id column. Can't get the syntax to work even for just one column.
You're close. This oneliner should help:
awk -F, -v OFS=',' 'NR==FNR{a[$2]=$1;next}{$1=a[$1];$2=a[$2]}1' id_file.csv edge_file.csv

Appending the datetime to the end of every line in a 600 million row file

I have a 680 million rows (19gig) file that I need the datetime appended onto every line. I get this file every night and I have to add the time that I processed it to the end of each line. I have tried many ways to do this including sed/awk and loading it into a SQL database with the last column being defaulted to the current timestamp.
I was wondering if there is a fast way to do this? My fastest way so far takes two hours and that is just not fast enough given the urgency of the information in this file. It is a flat CSV file.
Here's what I've done so far:
awk -v date="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %r")" '{ print $0","date}' > testoutput.txt
Time = 117 minutes
perl -ne 'chomp; printf "%s.pdf\n", $_' EXPORT.txt > testoutput.txt
Time = 135 minutes
mysql load data local infile '/tmp/input.txt' into table testoutput
Time = 211 minutes
You don't specify if the timestamps have to be different for each of the lines. Would a "start of processing" time be enough?
If so, a simple solution is to use the paste command, with a pre-generated file of timestamps, exactly the same length as the file you're processing. Then just paste the whole thing together. Also, if the whole process is I/O bound, as others are speculating, then maybe running this on a box with an SSD drive would help speed up the process.
I just tried it locally on a 6 million row file (roughly 1% of yours), and it's actually able to do it in less than one second, on Macbook Pro, with an SSD drive.
~> date; time paste file1.txt timestamps.txt > final.txt; date
Mon Jun 5 10:57:49 MDT 2017
real 0m0.944s
user 0m0.680s
sys 0m0.222s
Mon Jun 5 10:57:49 MDT 2017
I'm going to now try a ~500 million row file, and see how that fares.
Ok, the results are in. Paste is blazing fast compared to your solution, it took just over 90 seconds total to process the whole thing, 600M rows of simple data.
~> wc -l huge.txt
600000000 huge.txt
~> wc -l hugetimestamps.txt
600000000 hugetimestamps.txt
~> date; time paste huge.txt hugetimestamps.txt > final.txt; date
Mon Jun 5 11:09:11 MDT 2017
real 1m35.652s
user 1m8.352s
sys 0m22.643s
Mon Jun 5 11:10:47 MDT 2017
You still need to prepare the timestamps file ahead of time, but that's a trivial bash loop. I created mine in less than one minute.
A solution that simplifies mjuarez' helpful approach:
yes "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %r")" | paste -d',' file - | head -n "$(wc -l < file)" > out-file
Note that, as with the approach in the linked answer, you must know the number of input lines in advance - here I'm using wc -l to count them, but if the number is fixed, simply use that fixed number.
yes keeps repeating its argument indefinitely, each on its own output line, until it is terminated.
paste -d',' file - pastes a corresponding pair of lines from file and stdin (-) on a single output line, separated with ,
Since yes produces "endless" output, head -n "$(wc -l < file)" ensures that processing stops once all input lines have been processed.
The use of a pipeline acts as a memory throttle, so running out of memory shouldn't be a concern.
Another alternative to test is
$ date +"%Y-%m-%d %r" > timestamp
$ join -t, -j9999 file timestamp | cut -d, -f2-
or time stamp can be generated in place as well <(date +"%Y-%m-%d %r")
join creates a cross product of the first file and second file using the non-existing field (9999), and since second file is only one line, practically appending it to the first file. Need the cut to get rid of the empty key field generated by join
If you want to add the same (current) datetime to each row in the file, you might as well leave the file as it is, and put the datetime in the filename instead. Depending on the use later, the software that processes the file could then first get the datetime from the filename.
To put the same datetime at the end of each row, some simple code could be written:
Make a string containing a separator and the datetime.
Read the lines from the file, append the above string and write back to a new file.
This way a conversion from datetime to string is only done once, and converting the file should not take much longer than copying the file on disk.

Plink. Error: No people remaining after --keep

I'm trying to subset individuals from the ACB population from the file named allconcat39.vcf , using Plink 1.9. For that, I created a text file (tab delimited) in R called indACB, which looks like this:
head indACB.txt
684_HG01879 684_HG01879
685_HG01880 685_HG01880
686_HG01882 686_HG01882
687_HG01883 687_HG01883
688_HG01885 688_HG01885
689_HG01886 689_HG01886
690_HG01889 690_HG01889
691_HG01890 691_HG01890
694_HG01894 694_HG01894
695_HG01896 695_HG01896
when I run the following code:
./plink --vcf allconcat39.vcf --keep indACB.txt --recode --out allconcat39ACB
the following error occurs:
Error: No people remaining after --keep.
I made sure than the vcf and the indACB.txt file had compatible individual IDs and sample IDs. I don't know where else the problem can be. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance !
It was solved in another forum by Christopher Chang: Add --double-id to your command line; otherwise plink treats '_' as a delimiter between the FID and IID.

How can I delete a specific line (e.g. line 102,206,973) from a 30gb csv file?

What method can I use to delete a specific line from a csv/txt file that is too big too load into memory and edit manually?
My question is actually an indirect solution to a problem related with importing csv into sql databases.
I have a series of 10-30gb csv files I want to import and populate an sqlite table from within R (Since they are too large to import as data frames as a whole into R). I am using the 'RSQlite' package for this.
A couple fail because of an error related to one of the lines being badly formatted. The populating process is then cancelled. R returns the line number which caused the process to fail.
The error given is:
./csvfilename line 102206973 expected 9 columns of data but found 3)
So I know exactly the line which causes the error.
I see 2 potential 'indirect' solutions which I was hoping someone could help me with.
(i) Deleting the line causing the error in 20+gb files. e.g. line 102,206,973 in the example above.
I am not concerned with 'losing' the data in line 102,206,973 by just skipping or deleting it. However I have tried and failed to somehow access the csv file and to remove the line.
(ii) Using sqlite directly (or anything else?) to import an csv which does allow you to skip lines or an error.
Although not likely to be related directly to the solution, here is the R code used.
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=name_of_table)
dbWriteTable(conn = db, name ="currentdata", value = csvfilename, row.names = FALSE, header = TRUE)
To delete a specific line you can use sed:
sed -e '102206973d' your_file
If you want the replacement to be done in-place, do
sed -i.bak -e '102206973d' your_file
This will create a backup names your_file.bak and your_file will have the specified line removed.
$ cat a
$ sed -i.bak -e '3d' a
$ cat a
$ cat a.bak

How to pipe visually selected text to a UNIX command and append output to current buffer in Vim

Using Vim, I'm trying to pipe text selected in visual mode to a UNIX command and have the output appended to the end of the current file. For example, say we have a SQL command such as:
SELECT * FROM mytable;
I want to do something like the following:
V " select text
:'<,'>!mysql -uuser -ppass mydb
But instead of having the output overwrite the currently selected text, I would like to have the output appended to the end of the file. You probably see where this is going. I'm working on using Vim as a simple SQL editor. That way, I don't have to leave Vim to edit, tweak, test SQL code.
How about copying the selected text to the end of the file, select the copy and run the command? If you do not want to repeat the same commands over and over again, you can record the sequence by using q or add a new command. I have tried the latter as follows:
:com -range C <line1>,<line2>yank | $ | put | .,$ !rev
With it you can select some lines and then type :C. This will first yank the selection, then go to the end of the file, paste the yanked text and run the command (rev in this case) over the new text.
If you prefer more programmatic approach, you can have
:call append(line("$"), system("command", GetSelectedText()))
where GetSelectedText is the reusable function:
func! GetSelectedText()
normal gv"xy
let result = getreg("x")
normal gv
return result
:r | YourCommand
For example:
:r ! echo foo
adds foo to your buffer.