YADCF custom_func not calling custom function - yadcf

I have a database field that contains either integer 1 (representing the value 'document') or integer 2 (representing the value 'email') and I use datatables to format/display these integers as the words 'document' or 'email' within the table column. I would therefore like to use YADCF to be able to select 'document' or 'email' and have datatables filter the resultset accordingly.
Link to screen shot of table column.
I have used the custom_func feature as follows (code stripped down for brevity), but regardless of all other aspects of the datatable looking and working correctly, with a filter selector looking as expected and holding the selected value, and no console errors, my custom function is not being called. I have tried manually calling the custom function immediately before initialising YADCF, to check the scope, and it is being called just fine. Can anyone see anything obviously wrong please?
$(document).ready(function() {
function customFilterDocEmail(filterVal, columnVal) {
alert('customFilterDocEmail called');
var found;
if (columnVal === '') {
return true;
switch (filterVal) {
case 'doc':
found = columnVal === '1';
case 'email':
found = columnVal === '2';
found = 1;
if (found !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
var table = $('#table').DataTable({
serverSide: true,
processing: true,
ajax: {
url: '/api/datatables/getJson/doctext/doctexts',
type: 'POST',
data: function(d) {d.CSRFToken = '****';}
stateSave: true,
responsive: true,
pageLength: 25,
order: [[0, 'asc']],
columns: [
{ data: 'txt_type', width: '10%' },
{ data: 'txt_title' },
{ data: 'txt_name', width: '20%' },
{ data: 'link', orderable: false, width: '5%' },
yadcf.init(table, [
{ column_number: 0, filter_type: 'custom_func', custom_func: customFilterDocEmail,
data: [{ value: 'doc', label: 'Document' }, { value: 'email', label: 'Email' }] },
{ column_number: 1, column_data_type: 'text', filter_type: 'text', filter_delay: 500, filter_default_label: '', },
{ column_number: 2, column_data_type: 'text', filter_type: 'text', filter_delay: 500, filter_default_label: '', },
], 'footer');
YADCF Version: 0.9.3.beta.11
DataTables Version: 1.10.16
UPDATE: I haven't a clue what I'm doing wrong above, but I have come up with a little hack that saves having to use 'custom_func' and a custom filter. I've used the standard 'select' filter type but intercepted the filter string within the filter() method of my DatatablesSSP script thus:
$str = $requestColumn['search']['value'];
// returned search values for doctext 'txt_type' are Document/Email, so we need to map these to 1/2.
if ($column['db'] == 'txt_type') {
if ($str == 'Document') { $str = '1'; }
if ($str == 'Email') { $str = '2'; }
This works a treat :)

You have to place the customFilterDocEmail function outside of the $(document).ready block so it will be global and yadcf will see it


SOLVED How to display datatables by using id as the keyword data that is displayed (filter data from controller)

So I have Table A which has ['id', 'data', 'data']
Table B has ['id', 'id_A', 'data', 'data']
I want to display it in the datatable with the source of table B where the data displayed is based on id_A
data id send from controller Table A
public function dataTable()
$data = Kabupaten::query();
return DataTables::of($data)
->addColumn('action', function ($data) {
return view('layouts._action', [
'data' => $data,
->addColumn('kabkota', function ($data) {
return ''.$data->kabkota.'';
my route
Route::resource('/kabupaten', 'KabupatenController');
Route::get('/data/kabupaten', 'KabupatenController#dataTable')->name('data.kabupaten');
Route::post('/kabupaten/import_excel', 'KabupatenController#import_excel');
Route::resource('/satuan', 'SatuanController');
Route::get('data/satuan', 'SatuanController#dataTable')->name('data.satuan');
Route::post('/satuan/import_excel', 'SatuanController#import_excel');
Route::get('/kab', 'HomeController#kabupaten');
Route::get('/sat/{id}', 'HomeController#satuanTable');
Route::get('/home/kab', 'HomeController#dataTable')->name('home.kab');
Route::get('/home/satuan/', 'HomeController#satuanTable')->name('home.satuan');
var table = $('#dataTable').DataTable( {
columnDefs: [
{ width: 20, targets: [0]},
{ width: 90, targets: [6]},
{ width: 75, targets: [3,1]},
{ width: 125, targets: [2,5] },
responsive: true,
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
searching: true,
ordering: false,
"ajax": "{{ route('home.satuan') }}",
"columns": [
{data: 'DT_RowIndex', name: 'id'},
{data: 'npsn', name: 'npsn'},
{data: 'nama', name: 'nama'},
{data: 'jenis', name: 'jenis'},
{data: 'alamat', name: 'alamat'},
{data: 'kabkota', name: 'kabkota'},
{data: 'capaian', name: 'capaian'},
trying to get id
public function satuanTable(Request $request)
$id = $request();
$data = Satuan::query()->where('id_kabkota', '=', $id);
return DataTables::of($data)
I hope someone can help me to solve this,, thankyou and im sorry for the language,
i want displaying all data from table B , where id_fruit like id in TABLE A.
Like this
the table
Send id to controller view
->addColumn('link', function ($data) {
return ''.$data->data.'';
passing id to view
return view('guest.view')->with(['id_' => $id]);
Send back using ajax
"ajax":"{{ url('guest/data') }}" + '/' + "{{ $id }}",

static filter data is cleared after a search is performed - yadcf plugin

i am trying to setup a true/false filter with the yadcf plugin. As far as i can tell, it works fine and the filtering works fine, until after you have performed a search. At which point the select list is no longer rendered (Even clearing the filter doesn't bring it back) and a page refresh is needed to bring it back.
Here are some screenshots that should help demonstrate the problem.
This is before a search has been performed
This is after a search has been performed
Here is the datatable/yadcf init (I've removed some code for brevity).
loadingMessage: 'Loading...',
src: _connectionsTable,
dataTable: {
ajax: {
url: _connectionsTable.data('url')
columns: [
data: 'IsAssigned',
sortable: false,
"render": function (data, type, full, meta) {
return (data === false
? '<span class="label label-sm label-danger"> No </span>'
: '<span class="label label-sm label-success"> Yes </span>');
"<'row'<'col-md-8 col-sm-12'pli><'col-md-4 col-sm-12'<'table-group-actions pull-right'>>r>t<'row'<'col-md-8 col-sm-12'pli><'col-md-4 col-sm-12'>>",
initComplete: function (settings, json) {
var _table = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(settings);
// search options
yadcf.init(_table, [
column_number: 11,
data: [{ value: 'true', label: 'Yes' }, { value: 'false', label: 'No' }],
filter_container_id: 'IsAssignedFilter',
filter_reset_button_text: false,
style_class: 'form-control form-filter input-sm'
order: [
[1, 'desc']
responsive: true,
stateSave: true
The other types of searches seem to be working ok, but this is the first one i have provided static data for. Also Chrome dev tools doesn't show any errors when this happens.
Any help is appreciated!
You should not init yadcf in initComplete , instead do it after you init datatables, like this:
var oTable = $('#example').DataTable({...});
yadcf.init(oTable, [{column_number: 0}]);

yadcf not searching the Value with render Colums

am using yadcf with Datatable
$(document).ready(function () {
url: 'data.asmx/getData',
method: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
var t = $('#studentDataTable').DataTable({
data: data,
'columns': [
data: null
render: function (data, type, row)
return data['fname']+' '+data['mname']+' '+ data['lname'];
column_number: 0,
filter_type: "auto_complete",
cumulative_filtering: true,
but When i type any data in the text box its not searching it.
I also tried Select filtering type that also not working,select box stays empty apart from default label.
anyone knows whats the Problem ?
Grab the 0.9.0.beta.12 and use column_data_type: rendered_html for the filter, see docs
column_number: 0,
column_data_type: rendered_html,
filter_type: "auto_complete",
As to your range slider - the following setup should be used (notice the ignore_char / filter_plugin_options
column_number: 2,
filter_type: "range_number_slider",
ignore_char: "%",
filter_plugin_options: {step:0.01}
see working jsfiddle
If that won't help, provide a jsbin sample with your issue

Datatables custom filtering with server side

I'm using DataTables and also using server side processing (Django).
I have a seperate textfield in which I use it to custom filter data in the DataTable after the table has been rendered already.
The following works just fine (I want to custom filter columns):
var table = $('#problem_history').DataTable( {
"bJQueryUI": true,
"aaSorting": [[ 1, "desc" ]],
"aoColumns": [
// various columns here
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": {
"url": "/getdata",
"data": {
"friend_name": 'Robert'
} );
So on the page load (initial load of the DataTable) it filters for 'Robert' just fine. But now I want to programmatically change the data to filter for "friend_name" == "Sara"
I already tried the following, the filteredData has a correct filtered object but the table itself does not redraw with the new filter.
var filteredData = table.column( 4 ).data().filter(
function ( value, index ) {
return value == 'Sara' ? true : false;
I also tried this but no luck:
How can I achieve this?
Thank you for your help.
Here is a very nice explanation on how to do it:
I am currently using this code:
"ajax": {"url":"/someURL/Backend",
"data": function ( d ) {
return $.extend( {}, d, {
"parameterName": $('#fieldIDName').val(),
"parameterName2": $('#fieldIDName2').val()
} );
You call it by doing the following:
$('#myselectid').change(function (e) {
If you want to submit by clicking on the button, change the .change to .click and make sure that ID is pointing to button's id in a HTML
You've almost got it. You just need to assign the filter var to
the data parameter that's passed in the datatables request:
"ajax": {
"url": "/getdata",
"data": {
"friend_name": $('#myselectid').val();
And to filter the data, just call draw() on the select change event
$('#myselectid').change(function (e) {
For Basic searches, you should use the search() API:
// Invoke basic search for 'a'
dt.search('a', false)
For more complex queries, you can utilize searchBuilder backend by intercepting the ajax call through an open API. Here are some searchBuilder examples:
// Basic example:
// . (searchable_fields contains 'a'
// AND (office = Tokyo AND Salary > 100000)
// )
$('#problem_history').on('preXhr.dt', function(e, settings, data){
data['searchBuilder'] = {
'criteria': [
{'data': 'Office', 'origData': 'office', 'type': 'string'
,'condition': '='
,'value': ["Tokyo"], 'value1': "Tokyo"
,{'data': 'Salary', 'origData': 'salary', 'type': 'num'
,'condition': '>'
,'value': [100000], 'value1': 100000
,'logic': 'AND'
// Complex example:
// . (searchable_fields contains 'a'
// AND (
// (office = Tokyo AND Salary > 100000)
// OR (office = London AND Salary > 200000)
// )
// )
$('#problem_history').on('preXhr.dt', function(e, settings, data){
data['searchBuilder'] = {
'criteria': [
{'criteria': [
{'data': 'Office', 'origData': 'office', 'type': 'string'
,'condition': '='
,'value': ["Tokyo"], 'value1': "Tokyo"
,{'data': 'Salary', 'origData': 'salary', 'type': 'num'
,'condition': '>'
,'value': [100000], 'value1': 100000
,'logic': 'AND'
,{'criteria': [
{'data': 'Office', 'origData': 'office', 'type': 'string'
,'condition': '='
,'value': ["London"], 'value1': "London"
,{'data': 'Salary', 'origData': 'salary', 'type': 'num'
,'condition': '>'
,'value': [200000], 'value1': 200000
,'logic': 'AND'
,'logic': 'OR'
SearchBuilder Logic Types:
SearchBuilder data value blocks:
value: [<val>] seems to always equal value1
value2: For upper bounds of 'between' logic where value1 would be lower bounds

Kendo UI BarChart Data Grouping

Not sure if this is possible. In my example I am using json as the source but this could be any size. In my example on fiddle I would use this data in a shared fashion by only binding two columns ProductFamily (xAxis) and Value (yAxis) but I would like to be able to group the columns by using an aggregate.
In this example without the grouping it shows multiple columns for FamilyA. Can this be grouped into ONE column and the values aggregated regardless of the amount of data?
So the result will show one column for FamilyA of Value 4850 + 4860 = 9710 etc.?
A problem with all examples online is that there is always the correct amount of data for each category. Not sure if this makes sense?
//Sample data (see fiddle for complete sample)
"ProductName":"CABLE USB",
var productDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: dr,
//group: {
// field: "ProductFamily",
sort: {
field: "ProductFamily",
dir: "asc"
//aggregate: [
// { field: "Value", aggregate: "sum" }
//schema: {
// model: {
// fields: {
// ProductFamily: { type: "string" },
// Value: { type: "number" },
// }
// }
dataSource: productDataSource,
//autoBind: false,
title: {
text: "Product Family (past 12 months)"
seriesDefaults: {
overlay: {
gradient: "none"
markers: {
visible: false
majorTickSize: 0,
opacity: .8
series: [{
type: "column",
field: "Value"
valueAxis: {
line: {
visible: false
labels: {
format: "${0}",
skip: 2,
step: 2,
color: "#727f8e"
categoryAxis: {
field: "ProductFamily"
legend: {
visible: false
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "Value: ${0:N0}"
The Kendo UI Chart does not support binding to group aggregates. At least not yet.
My suggestion is to:
Move the aggregate definition, so it's calculated per group:
group: {
field: "ProductFamily",
aggregates: [ {
field: "Value",
aggregate: "sum"
Extract the aggregated values in the change handler:
var view = products.view();
var families = $.map(view, function(v) {
return v.value;
var values = $.map(view, function(v) {
return v.aggregates.Value.sum;
Bind the groups and categories manually:
series: [ {
type: "column",
data: values
categoryAxis: {
categories: families
Working demo can be found here: http://jsbin.com/ofuduy/5/edit
I hope this helps.