Setting validators in Angular on multiple fields - angular5

I am trying to find simple way to update the form fields with Validators. For now I do the below:
ngOnInit() {
this.form.get('licenseType').valueChanges.subscribe(value => {
licenseChange(licenseValue: any) {
if (licenseValue === 2) {
//......others follows here
else {
this.form.get('price').clearValidators(); this.form.get('price').updateValueAndValidity();
this.form.get('noOfLicenses').clearValidators(); this.form.get('noOfLicenses').updateValueAndValidity();
this.form.get('licenseKey').clearValidators(); this.form.get('licenseKey').updateValueAndValidity();
this.form.get('supportNo').clearValidators(); this.form.get('supportNo').updateValueAndValidity();
this.form.get('purchasedFrom').clearValidators(); this.form.get('purchasedFrom').updateValueAndValidity();
//......others follows here
Is this the only way to add and update validators or is there any other way to achieve this. For now I am calling the updateValueAndValidity() after setting/clearing each field.
Something like
licenseChange(licenseValue: any) {
if (licenseValue === 2) {
//......others follows here
this.form.updateValueAndValidity();///only one line at the bottom setting the entire fields.

I done something similar like this
licenseChange(licenseValue: any) {
if (licenseValue === 2) {
//......others follows here
else {
//......others follows here
//TODO:To update formgroup validation
updateValidation(value, control: AbstractControl) {
if (value) {
If you want to do this for all the controlls inside your form
licenseChange(licenseValue: any) {
for (const field in this.form.controls) { // 'field' is a string
const control = this.form.get(field); // 'control' is a FormControl
(licenseValue === 2) ? this.updateValidation(true,
control):this.updateValidation(fasle, control);

I did it like below:
this.form.get('licenseType').valueChanges.subscribe(value => {
this.licenseChange(value, this.form.get('price'));
licenseChange(licenseValue: any, control: AbstractControl) {
licenseValue === 2 ? control.setValidators([Validators.required]) : control.clearValidators();


How call action in action VueX

I try to call an action in action in Vue.js
I spare you the logic, which is to manage the number of days in a month and leap years
actions : {
incrementDay : ({dispatch},context) => {
if(context.state.month === 1){
if ( < 31) {
} else {
context.dispatch(incrementMonth) // 2nd action i try to call
incrementMonth: (context) =>{
// here my logic
Thanks for your help !
Just pass the action as string. Docs
actions : {
incrementDay : ({dispatch},context) => {
if(context.state.month === 1){
if ( < 31) {
} else {
incrementMonth: (context) =>{
// here my logic
I dont know why u pass the context as argument to increment day. U can access the state in the first argument. Like:
actions : {
incrementDay : ({dispatch, commit, state}) => {
if(state.month === 1){
if ( < 31) {
} else {
incrementMonth: (context) =>{
// here my logic

Custom directive to check list length for input types

I tried my best to write a custom directive in apollo server express to validate if an input type field of type [Int] does not have more than max length but do not know if its the right way to do. Appreciate if somebody could help me correct any mistakes in the code below.
// schema.js
directive #listLength(max: Int) on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION
input FiltersInput {
filters: Filters
input Filters {
keys: [Int] #listLength(max: 10000)
// Custom directive
const { SchemaDirectiveVisitor } = require('apollo-server-express');
import {
} from "graphql";
export class ListLengthDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
static getDirectiveDeclaration(directiveName) {
return new GraphQLDirective({
name: directiveName,
locations: [DirectiveLocation.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION],
args: {
max: { type: GraphQLInt },
// Replace field.type with a custom GraphQLScalarType that enforces the
// length restriction.
wrapType(field) {
const fieldName =;
const { type } = field;
if (field.type instanceof GraphQLList) {
field.type = new LimitedLengthType(fieldName, type, this.args.max);
} else {
throw new Error(`Not a scalar type: ${field.type}`);
visitInputFieldDefinition(field) {
class LimitedLengthType extends GraphQLScalarType {
constructor(name, type, maxLength) {
serialize(value) {
return type.serialize(value);
parseValue(value) {
value = type.serialize(value);
return type.parseValue(value);
parseLiteral(ast) {
switch (ast.kind) {
case Kind.LIST:
if (ast.values.length > maxLength) {
throw {
code: 400,
message: `'${name}' parameter cannot extend ${maxLength} values`,
const arrayOfInts = => parseInt(valueObj['value']));
return arrayOfInts;
throw new Error('ast kind should be Int of ListValue')
Does this look right?

Vue computed property: helper function returns undefined despite being defined

I am using a computed property diameter() to return either:
- a random number (randomise: true)
- a number returned from an object within an array (randomise: false).
I do have a working implementation (see bottom of post) but would like to know why the cleaner implementation doesn't work. With randomise: false, diameter() returns undefined. Why?
vars [
{varName: diameter, varValue: 25.8},
{varName: quantity, varValue: 68}
computed: {
diameter() {
if (randomise) {
return math.randomInt(100, 1000) //no problems
} else {
console.log(this.populateValue('diameter')) //undefined
return this.populateValue('diameter')
methods: {
populateValue(variableName) {
this.vars.forEach(element => {
if (element.varName === variableName) {
console.log(element.varValue) //25.8
return element.varValue
The following implementation works but why do I have to create an arbitrary property to do so?
diameter() {
if (!this.vars || !this.passVars) {
return math.randomInt(100, 1000) / (10 ** math.randomInt(0, 3))
} else {
return this.blah
populateValue(variableName) {
this.vars.forEach(element => {
if (element.varName === variableName) {
this.blah = element.varValue
The problem is that return element.varValue is returning from the forEach, not populateValue.
There are various ways to write this. e.g.
for (const element of this.vars) {
if (element.varName === variableName) {
return element.varValue
By using a for/of loop there is no inner function so the return returns from the function you're expecting.
Alternatives include:
let value = null
this.vars.forEach(element =>
if (element.varName === variableName) {
value = element.varValue
return value
const match = this.vars.find(element =>
return element.varName === variableName
if (match) {
return match.varValue

Use props inside method in vue.js

I have props like below
props: ['applicants',],
I would like to use props like below
methods : {
formated (item) {
var _self = this;
_self.values.length = 0;
if(item == "") {
console.log(this.applicants); //I am getting output here
_self.values = this.applicants
else {
console.log(this.applicants); //I am not getting output here
this.applicants.filter(applicant => { })
Why it is happening like this?
You don't need to create a reference to this. Assuming this.values is an array:
methods: {
formatted (item) {
this.values = item == "" ? this.applicants : this.applicants.filter(applicant => { })

Access an element's Binding

I have a custom attribute that processes authentication data and does some fun stuff based on the instructions.
<div auth="disabled: abc; show: xyz; highlight: 123">
There's a lot of complicated, delicate stuff happening in here and it makes sense to keep it separate from semantic bindings like disabled.bind. However, some elements will have application-logic level bindings as well.
<div auth="disabled.bind: canEdit" disabled.bind="!editing">
Under the covers, my auth attribute looks at the logged in user, determines if the user has the correct permissions, and takes the correct action based on the result.
disabledChanged(value) {
const isDisabled = this.checkPermissions(value);
if (isDisabled) {
this.element.disabled = true;
This result needs to override other bindings, which may or may not exist. Ideally, I'd like to look for an existing Binding and override it ala binding behaviors.
constructor(element) {
const bindings = this.getBindings(element); // What is the getBindings() function?
const method = bindings['disabled']
if (method) {
bindings['disabled'] = () => this.checkPermission(this.value) && method();
The question is what is this getBindings(element) function? How can I access arbitrary bindings on an element?
Edit: Gist here:
The disabled attribute is just an element attribute, so you can simply use the built in APIs to do this. Check out a runnable example here:
Using setAttribute and removeAttribute (since the disabled attribute does not really have a value, its mere existence causes the element to be disabled), is all that needs to happen:
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class AuthCustomAttribute {
constructor(element) {
this.el = element;
attached() {
let val = false;
setInterval(() => {
if(this.val) {
this.el.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
this.val = !this.val;
}, 1000);
You need to work directly with the binding engine. A runnable gist is located here:
Basically, you need to get the original binding expression, cache it, and then replace it (if auth === false) with a binding expression of true. Then you need to unbind and rebind the binding expression:
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Parser} from 'aurelia-binding';
#inject(Element, Parser)
export class AuthCustomAttribute {
constructor(element, parser) {
this.el = element;
this.parser = parser;
created(owningView) {
this.disabledBinding = owningView.bindings.find( b => === this.el && b.targetProperty === 'disabled');
if( this.disabledBinding ) {
this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression = this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression;
// this expression will always evaluate to true
this.expression = this.parser.parse('true');
bind() {
// for some reason if I don't do this, then valueChanged is getting called before created
unbind() {
if(this.disabledBinding) {
this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression = this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression;
this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression = null;
this.disabledBinding = null;
valueChanged() {
if(this.disabledBinding ) {
if( this.value === true ) {
this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression = this.disabledBinding.originalSourceExpression;
} else {
this.disabledBinding.sourceExpression = this.expression;
} else {
if( this.value === true ) {
} else {
this.el.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
rebind() {
const source = this.disabledBinding.source;
It is important that the attribute clean up after itself, as I do in the unbind callback. I'll be honest that I'm not sure that the call to rebind is actually necessary in the unbind, but it's there for completeness.